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Hobby Weekender 27/07 – I live by the river

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This topic contains 85 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  dawfydd 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    @evilstu using my scientific scale a knight stands the same height as Power of the primes Voyager-class Grimlock in his robot mode 🙂

    So I’ve been building some of the other weapon options for my Knights – I’, going for a Crusader and a Gallant, but between the rapid-fire battlecannon, Avenger gatling cannon, chainsword and Thunderstrike gauntlet they can also be played as Paladin and Warden chassis if i don;t glue the arms onto the shoulder joints (love the twist connector they used…)

    Also, had a few packages arrived- scored Kasym Beq for my Haqqislam plus a load of MAS resin bases for dirt cheap that came through, and the latest Asset Drop Heroines box, which  awesomely came with Andromeda for the Steel Phalanx, a model that I was considering to bump up to free shipping on the Operation Coldfront box 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears : that many special weapons guardsmen only make sense in a campaign, because only 3 can actually carry heavy weapons.

    Or are there any rules that allows killteam members to pickup weapons of fallen comrades during a battle ?
    It would make for a decent house rule for the Imperial Guard anyway …

    I can see it now :

    Kommissar : “Listen up you maggots !”
    “The Emperor has only blessed us with three of these mighty weapons”
    “So if you want to use one best be ready to grab it when one of your comrades has made the ultimate sacrifice … ”

    (guardsmen) : Sir, Yes … Sir!


    Cult of Games Member

    // Killteam quick look

    Models & terrain : it’s the usual GW standard of excellence.
    Just one minor annoyance : the assembly instructions don’t tell you which exact variants were used in both killteams.
    So you have to look at the unit cards first.

    The mechanicus get a small advantage in choice, because they’ve got two distinct teams listed as options.
    Hybrids do get some choice in armament and heads. You can’t build all heavy weapon teams, so choices need to be made while building.

    Faction lists are extremely inconsistent with regards to the background/name generators.
    Some have lots of names (Mechanicus have a table of two columns with 36 entries using 2D6) others have not even half of that (chaos and regular space marines get use 1D10 to generate a name).

    The tables for generating background, mission, squad quirk and specialist schtick are consistent.
    However the difference between factions is more a fluff/thematic style.
    Missed opportunity is the table used to generate character for the specialist in particular as some entries suggest that they ought to have an effect in-game. At least you can’t descibre a character as ‘murderous’ and then be totally cool staying at a distance sniping at an enemy …

    Maybe a feature meant to be expanded upon in future content ?

    btw : the space wolves (and a few other chapters) do have a name generator in the rules. As it remains to be seen how much ‘new’ content the squad expansion boxes are going to offer in the future.

    Rules wise it feels like it is 40k with special forces themed armies, because the only obvious difference is that only in the movement phase the entire army is moved. Every other phase has players alternating per model. It kind of makes me wonder if these are rules that could have been part of 8th edition. OTOH the system doesn’t scale towards bigger armies.

    As a system this could become very big. It has that small scale skirmish feel that IMHO is missing in 40k in this scale.
    While there is a clear path to upgrading towards a full army (even the stats appear similar) I doubt the kind of person getting into Killteam is going to want to do that. They’re more likely to focus on more killteams from different factions or upgrade their team as it gains experience in a campaign.


    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears The Meng Tanks look really cool. Methinks I shall have to look into getting one or two for my granddaughter to paint.


    Well as usuall its been a pretty busy week, so getting Bane’s Crew up and running proved to be a bit difficult but just managed it.


    I did manage to build most of the Joker Crew for Matty (Just waiting on Harley Quinn to arrive from Spain), so will probaably wait until the weekend to make a start on them.

    All those Clowns…. could be interesting as the daughter has Coulrophobia…. which we only found out when she ran screaming from the Big Top at the Circus…. which was annoying as we had already sold her…..


    Cult of Games Member

    Every ones posting pictures of cool stuff I know nothing about , but great paint jobs guys . Sorry , I was never bitten by the GW 40K bug , so I don’t know who most of the figures are  and my comic book days  ended sometime in the early 70s , Sargent Rock , Haunted Tank and Korak , Son of Tarzan . Yea I’m really that old  , lol . Biggabum , Meng has a pink Sherman with Hello Kitty type decals and a KV II in a teal green type color , sorry no idea of the decals on that one . Only the commanders hatches on these things is open and the size of the hole varies . The Tiger I could fit a 54mm figure and the Somua could probably take a 15mm crewman . The Sherman could take any of those cartoon type figures from Kinder Surprise Eggs or your cartoon miniture gum ball machine at the mall . I’ve got a couple put aside for my grand kids to build next time they visit


    Cult of Games Member

    @a27cromwell apologies mate, got you mixed up with @tuffyears.

    The pink sherman sounds ideal. My granddaughter is five (and always wants to help granddad build his toy soldiers) do you think the tank builds are simple enough for a first timer? She can do push fit stuff  (well i assume so, she has no problem with the Kinder figures) but I’m not letting her loose with superglue (She’s already Scotch taped her brother to the dog)


    Cult of Games Member

    Meng_M4A1_Sherman_Pink_Ver_2_grandeYes , these things are for the most part , push fit . Its sometimes easier to do if you give the hole a little buff with a small round file ( or Grandad could use his xacto ) . I glue mine because I tend to add/ replace pieces but a build out of the box with no glue is possible . Just be sure to wash the plastic sprues and the track before building / painting  . I’ve had no trouble getting both my Vallejo acrylics and Humbrol enamels  to stick to both plastic and tracks  . Happy modelling


    Cult of Games Member

    @a27cromwell Cool, just found a place in the UK that stocks them and ordered her one.



    @a27cromwell <15 points>


    Thanks for the write-up. 15 points. It might be fun to model and paint one up with Mario popping out of the hatch with binoculars.


    @dawfydd <10 points>


    Grimlock = Imperial Knight, I like that observation. 10 points. What are: Asset Drop Heroines box, Andromeda for the Steel Phalanx?


    @limburger <20 points>


    I would assume it’s a case where it’s a kill team; an important mission where they just give out the equipment needed to get the job done where numbers need to be small and equipment need to be higher in number. The given situation, per se.


    20 points on your write-up, my rebuttal;


    One minor copmlaint, about GW for a product? How bad is that? 🙂


    I think the Mechanicus thing isn’t intended as a small advantage in choice, I believe. If you think about it, it is to be please fans and players as the kit included can build two different types of Skitarii squads. It would be silly if they didn’t include rules for both variants (Rangers and Vanguard). Then you’d have an incomplete choice or at worst robbing the player of an option.


    You could always make up your names right?


    The thematic generators being consistent is good.


    Do you intend on playing it much?


    Ill be picking up the Scion ones myself in about a month. Car woes, still.


    Regarding the rules and how it feels, Kill Team was always like that. It existed in one format or the other for a few years already so that makes sense. Fit for purpose.


    Sounds like a win, especially for people who cant collect a full games workshop army, or don’t want to.



    Morning all,

    @mage if you fancy dishing out the achievements for this week and we can allocate experience to those users.

    I can also make up a fancy banner and we can advertise the thread for next week on the homepage to see if we can get some more engagement this week.


    Cult of Games Member



    Paint ’em red Gov’ner!





    Ill try get it done before lunch time, thanks very much for all the support. It is sincerely appreciated.


    @sundancer <5 points>


    I like the enthusiasm. 5 points.





    Adorable tank. I think it might shoot stardust and cookie dough.


    Doesen’t matter if you are familiar with 40k or not. Hobby is more than that. Its great having a historical gamer on here posting too. Sounds like fun time ahead with the grandkids.


    I prefer to glue snap fits together too.



    Ok everyone,


    I have totalled all the points. I really hope they are correct. Correct me if they are not as I have not had my morning coffee, and I noticed and fixed a mimstake while I went through them (I gave @limburger points belonging to @biggabum by accident). Also some seem kind of low compared to others, as well as scores from a previous one, so apologies for mistakes in advance.


    Also note this is before adding in any of the suggestions by @lancorz on page 1. Still working on this so bear with me.


    @lancorz 20 points
    @torros 80points
    @dawfydd 70 points
    @limburger 80 points
    @evilstu 95 points
    @a27cromwell 150 points
    @biggabum 75 points
    @tuffyears 25 points

    @sundancer 5 points




    Q: Are the 500 broadly for the entire weekender for me to use as host, or an additional bonus thing for the bulleted points on page 1?


    Q: For the bulleted poinot suggestions (MVP, Fire Starter); would it be a good idea to have this done in thread with people’s votes for same? Or left to the thread host?


    S (for suggestion): Also, with the titles, or achievements, there are 10. I think MVP can be each week, and the other three rotate for a total of four each week


    So this week:

    ·         Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)

    ·         Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)

    ·         Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)

    ·         Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)


    The next week:

    ·         Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)

    ·         Pun-Tertainment (best pun)

    ·         Brush Licker (painting & terrain)

    ·         Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)


    And the following week:

    ·         Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)

    ·         Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)

    ·         Community Usher (helpful & engaged)

    ·         Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)



    S: What do people think of us trying to do all 10 achievements this thread and see how it turns out?



    Left to thread host, it encourages hosts to have control over the thread and have the opportunity to divvy out the achievements also.

    We thought to have the achievements available for every thread each week, with more engagement it should be possible to avoid giving duplicates each week to the same people.

    It’s not required to give them all out but a good guideline for the creator.

    Don’t worry about the points as we know it’s a pain in the ass to calculate, just focus on awarding the titles to users to fit the roles and we can give them tallied exp at the end of the week.

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