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Hobby Weekender 27/07 – I live by the river

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This topic contains 85 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  dawfydd 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #1242066

    Cult of Games Member

    Example Guardsman list for kill team

    ++ Kill Team List (Astra Militarum) [100pts] ++

    + Configuration +

    List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team

    + Leader +Tempestor [11pts]: Bolt Pistol, Leader, Power Sword

    + Specialists +

    Special Weapons Gunner [8pts]: Heavy, Meltagun

    Special Weapons Gunner [6pts]: Sniper, Sniper Rifle

    + Non-specialists +

    Scion Gunner [10pts]: Hot-shot lasgun

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    Special Weapons Guardsman [5pts]

    ++ Total: [100pts] ++

    Created with]BattleScribe


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu ya can never have too much purple 😀 ….. unless….



    @tuffyears nice pics from the game. Looks like some fun was had.


    Well managed to finish Electrocutioner and did a bit on Deadshot just waiting for ink to dry and hopefully tomorrow finish him too.




    Cult of Games Member



    Cult of Games Member

    aaaaaand Deadshot.



    Now just got the Henchmen to do for Bane’s Crew and then I can make a start on Jokers Crew


    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears DG marines look great. I do quite like the colour scheme for that legion (Do they still get cal;ed a legion when they have fallen?…). Wow, didn’t expect IG to be quite so horde-y in Kill Team – even their squads have squads 😛 And I can’t remember the last time I laughed as hard as for that ‘Keep Scrolling’ pic – that was GOLD! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    @biggabum yeah… I guess you can have too much purple…


    Moving right along…

    BMG work looks great. Hope you are not clocking up too much penance 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu thanks.

    Actually, i’ve been good the last few days. All the chores the wife has asked me to do have been added to the “To do before 2020 list.” and none of the neighbours have complained about me (since Saturday at least). So no penance for me 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    I kind of loved Harlequins when they were first introduced in 40k / white dwarf.
    They don’t feel like a unit/army that would fit in ‘regular’ 40k battles, so they’re kind of perfect for Killteam.
    The only negative is that they don’t get as many unit variants as other lists do.
    OTOH … they are pretty much the elite close combat specialists as it already.

    I’d probably sneek in a Solitaire as their ‘leader’ model (and possibly a few other troop types from their 40k list) just to make it look more visually interesting.
    Or at least I would if I had the talent to do diamond patterns and delicate painting these troops demand.

    @evilstu : thanks for the nightmare fuel … *eep*

    what the heck was that first purple monstrosity ?

    I think all of them would make a perfect fit for the a campaign in “The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence” by Venger As’Nas Satanis (yes that’s the name the author uses).
    You’ll have to google it, because the contents of his RPG sourcebooks aren’t exactly safe for work.

    @tuffyears : nice terrain looking terrain in that Killteam box, isn’t it ?

    Did you follow the guide posted on BoW or your own scheme ?



    Cult of Games Member


    nope its the £70 Imperial Sector set , magma vent from renegade , TT combat bunker , Munitorum Armoured Containers set an old forge world sandbag emplacement and a few other random bits.

    i loosely follow the GW YouTube painting guides for the death guard, and the blood Angles i painted 15 + years ago


    Cult of Games Member

    As per usual . what I planned on getting  started / finished was pushed aside as I picked up the latest Meng Toon Tank , a Somua S-35 . Those French sure had some crazy cammo schemes on these things , this one is rather plain compared to some IMG_20180731_204309000IMG_20180731_204408769




    Me thinks its time for a coffee and to go back through posts. Super busy yesterday, as usual. Stupid car.


    I will post my own progress tonight on my Ogres, hopefully, and do some painting with @irredeemable after work. I will also draw this thread to a close tonight and do the totals tomorrow, before lunch time.



    Page 5:


    @a27cromwell <25 points>


    Thats a cool mini. And a cartoonified version of a real French tank design you say? Did it take long to paint? I really like it. Looks like something from a SNES or NES game.




    A friend said the same about the Death Watch with them feeling they aren’t right as a full army themselves. They were the original Kill Teams to be fair.




    A lack of penance is good




    That good sir, is too much purple



    @limburger <30 points>


    15 each for Electrocutioner and Deadshot




    The poor dog! Stoopid cat.




    For someone not versed in killteam, wha tis a special weapon guardsmen?


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage just a guardsman , that is special weapons trained



    Ah, so regular dudes.


    Cult of Games Member

    Meng , who make fantastic 1/35 kits also have a line of caricature tanks , ships and planes for kids and young at heart modellers .  The tanks are versions of vehicles from the World War Toons video game .  I picked up one as a fun kit to mess with while having a break from serious modelling . I’ve now got 8 , are they ever fun .  Lots of neat cartoon , scale and even conversions to use in GW 40K , ( its seems Orks just love to convert them) on the net .  The hardest part of the S-35 build was finding a paint scheme that I liked , the French had , what seems like a different scheme for each one of these things they built ( over 400 ).  Any way I just picked a simple one , meaning colors I had at hand .  Base green , stripes in off white and brown with a couple of thin black stripes . The only down side to the line of kits , IMO , is the lack of a complete decal set , although to be fair , they are supposed to be cartoony . Not having any other French decals , I had to search through my stash and thats why it has Bolt Action tank numbers and the unit insignia is from a Space Marine kit . Heres a sample of what Meng has in this line , picture from the big model show in Japan back in May ( IRC ) Meng (1)

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