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This topic contains 85 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by dawfydd 6 years, 5 months ago.
July 27, 2018 at 2:53 pm #1240768
Hey guys,
Welcome to the hobby weekender, a place where anyone is welcome. This is a collaboartive, chatty thread. Not an exclusive thing or elitist. Please join in and enjoy a friendly welcome. Main rules are don’t be a dick, engage with others, and do not discuss religion or politics. Post your progress, answer questions, chat to people, post up some music, and enjoy the show. Points get awarded and we have a sort of winner at the end.
Thanks for reading!
(1) What is your favourite type of biscuit and why
(2) Favourite Ice Cream flavour (this can be regular old ice cream or a more exotic type thing like Haagen Daz or Ben and Jerrys) – yes, Im kind of hungry, ok?
(3) The last video game you played? Why did you play it and how did you find it?
(4) What have you felt nostalgic about in the last little while?
(5) Name a random awesome Christmas present you got once and tell us about it.
July 27, 2018 at 4:00 pm #1240820TGIF all.
I’ve written up some Achievements for the roles this week, see how you like them and if there’s any changes you fancy let us know. You’ll have 500 points to share between everyone, you’re welcome to allocate points in any way you fancy and to whoever also.
- Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)
- Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)
- Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)
- Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)
- Pun-Tertainment (best pun)
- Brush Licker (painting & terrain)
- Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)
- Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)
- Community Usher (helpful & engaged)
- Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)
All of the above can be either thrown out multiple times but maybe encouraged as one achievement a week. Perhaps some that can be multiple and others which cannot, such as MVP, Firestarter & Hobby Champ.
Let me know what you think and we can begin to work together on this.
July 27, 2018 at 4:20 pm #1240833This is a bit like the old pirate radio stations being absorbed into the BBC establishment ?
July 27, 2018 at 4:27 pm #1240847Ok straight to the questions
1. Custard Cream. Nice centre and holds together well for dunking
2. Plain high quality vanilla for me
3. Elite on the BBC micro. I’ve played video games since it was released but this is the most recent
4. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be,but apart from that old Scaletrix sets I had
5. I once got a radio controlled car which was fun
July 27, 2018 at 5:27 pm #1240870Ooo, how spiffy ?, thanks @lancorz ?
1) Bourbons. Like a custard cream but choccy. What’s not to love? (Especially dunked in hot chocolate)
2) Strawberry, especially the frozen yoghurt that has chunks of fruit in it ?
3) Last game I played was Battletech as I’m digging the mods folks are putting out, but this morning I did go into my Star Trek Online account and respecced my captain for the bazillionth time. I think I might have a muck about this weekend with Captain Kincaid and the crew of the USS Garm, see how the game has changed ( I was in heavily for the first year and then drifted away)
4) the awesome Snipe & Wib have been running a series of videos called Codex Compliant, delving into the classic tomes of GWs past, and I realise I own waaay to many of them ?
5) Powermaster Optimus Prime – he was my first version of the Boss Bot and my word. He might have been a brick but he had some style ?
July 27, 2018 at 5:35 pm #1240871Thanks for gracing us with your presence @lancorz 🙂 …. 20 points?
Awesome suggestions and ideas. I suggest one of each this weekend?
@torros funny observation <10 points>
@torros <35 points>
1. Custard Cream. Nice centre and holds together well for dunking – 5 points. Not my thing but a staple of biscuitry nonetheless
2. Plain high quality vanilla for me – 5 points. Bit of a plain answer lol. Word play anyone?
3. Elite on the BBC micro. I’ve played video games since it was released but this is the most recent – I have no idea what that is, please tell me more. Sounds like fun, whatever it is. Points dependant.
4. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be,but apart from that old Scaletrix sets I had – Scaletrix, 15 points! Awesome choice.
5. I once got a radio controlled car which was fun – 10 points
@dawfydd <45 points>
1) Bourbons. Like a custard cream but choccy. What’s not to love? (Especially dunked in hot chocolate) – 10 points.
2) Strawberry, especially the frozen yoghurt that has chunks of fruit in it ?- Bleh. 5 points.
3) Last game I played was Battletech as I’m digging the mods folks are putting out, but this morning I did go into my Star Trek Online account and respecced my captain for the bazillionth time. I think I might have a muck about this weekend with Captain Kincaid and the crew of the USS Garm, see how the game has changed ( I was in heavily for the first year and then drifted away) – Sounds cool 10 points.
4) the awesome Snipe & Wib have been running a series of videos called Codex Compliant, delving into the classic tomes of GWs past, and I realise I own waaay to many of them ?- Post a link. 10 points.
5) Powermaster Optimus Prime – he was my first version of the Boss Bot and my word. He might have been a brick but he had some style ?- LINK! 10 points.
@dawfydd <45 Points> @torros <45 points > – Hmmm…. odd. Didn’t do that intentionally. So I have 410 points left…
July 27, 2018 at 5:48 pm #1240879@mage BBC micro released in 1981 32k. See either tape or disclose drive and then came the awesomeness which was Elite in about 1985
You could collect pods off defeated enemies and trade in space stations and upgrade your ship. The highest level you could attain was Dangerous hence Elite and Dangerous that people play now
July 27, 2018 at 5:54 pm #1240884I shall check that out, thanks @torros.
This has been my hobby today:
————————————–Here is my Pokemon Painting Log
Here is a discussion thread I have started on Pop Vinyls
Here is a Star Wars Lego Review
Here is my Pokemon Go Thread
Here is a review on the Easy Build Myrmourn Banshees
Here is another Age of Sigmar review:
All of these are being updated today and over the next few days so enjoy!
July 27, 2018 at 6:05 pm #1240905Im saving these dudes for a day I am both: working, have my son and am stressed out. They will be simple and quick, not to mention mindless. I did Imp type creatures for Arcworlde before Christmas and they are little fire creatures too.
When I am experiencing the above conditions I will be mindlessly dry brushing these in the evening when all is quiet, watching something on the laptop, getting some quiet time. They should be easy and fun to do also. I have 40 but I think not all of them are in the pic, which the light box could not encapsulate.
I finished these during the week, here are some better pictures.
July 27, 2018 at 6:26 pm #1240908LOL … those are some really punny achievements. Definitely fits the spirit of these weekly geeky threads.
All hail @mage ! Our glorious leader …
*eh* yeah back to questions and once I’m done browsing I’m unboxing my stuff.
Tomorrow Killteam which is flockin’ hefty box.Q and A time :
(1) What is your favourite type of biscuit and why
I do hope I picked the proper translation for biscuit 😉I’d go for a local one : ‘Lange Vingers’ (literally : ‘long fingers’)
It’s dirt cheap so you can eat tons of them without spending a lot.A quick google also revealed a recipe :
http://www.thedutchtable.com/2013/05/lange-vingers.htmlThere’s also the ‘Speculaas’ which is kind of linked to our Saint Nicolas tradition.
hmmm …(2) Favourite Ice Cream flavour (this can be regular old ice cream or a more exotic type thing like Haagen Daz or Ben and Jerrys) – yes, Im kind of hungry, ok?
I’d go for classic chocolate.
Although the Magnum Raspberry is hard to resist.
(3) The last video game you played? Why did you play it and how did you find it?
Currently : ‘On Rush’
It’s not a racing game, but a stampede.
You don’t win by finishing first, but by scoring points for your team.
It kind of feels like an endless wrecking fest.This video sums it up :
(4) What have you felt nostalgic about in the last little while?
Nothing much. Watching Knightrider only reminded me how bad that series was.
Especially after seeing how enjoyable the classic Doctor Who series was by comparison.
I do have to say that I only remember seeing bits of the classic series, so it was still new to me.
The odd effects were bad but the story and characters more than compensated IMHO.(5) Name a random awesome Christmas present you got once and tell us about it.
Christmas ? What’s that ? 😉
I must be getting old, because I don’t remember any present being that awesome.
Pessimists might say that I never got an awesome present, but I doub that.July 27, 2018 at 6:33 pm #1240909I’m going for a swim now. Here’s a joke.
if @limburger eats 20 long finger biscuits, and another 20 long finger biscuits, what does he have?
July 27, 2018 at 8:15 pm #1240933Errrm I think I’ve missed something. New format for the Weekender?? coool. Will have to try and keep up.
Ok so I lost Matty. He ate his evening meal and just vanished. I found him sitting outside with a thermos flask just staring up at the sky. Now usually I don’t like asking him what the heck he’s doing because the answer usually frazzles my brain, but this time I needed to know.
Apparently theres a blood moon tonight (wait for it) and he wants to be prepared for when it happens so that he can get to the shed and get my Axe (wife bought it me a few years ago to chop down a tree in our garden… needless to say it’s never been used) and defend us from the Zombie Horde….. should I tell him he’s actually facing the wrong way for the moon.
Anyhoo most of our Batman stuff arrived this morning so my pledge this weekend is to try and get Chris’s Bane Crew painted up.
On to the questions:
1) Chocolate Hob Nob. Because it combines two of my favourite things in one, a Hob Nob and Chocolate, and it doesnt go as soggy as other biscuits when dunked.
2) I’m boring, I like plain old Vanilla. Not just any Vanilla though it has to be Sidoli’s. Other than that I prefer frozen Yoghurt to Ice Cream.
3) Seven Days to Die. a base building survival horror game. Chris, Matty’s younger brother, bought it me so I could team up with him. Also playing Warmachine Tactics (bugs and all) and Blood Bowl 2.
4) TV programs. My daughter has started watching the updated version of SWAT (watchable but not great), and it got me thinking about all the old stuff I watched as a kid. Kojak (wouldnt Samuel Jackson be great as Kojak in a Movie), Canon, Ironside, the list goes on.
5) Pretty much everything I get is awesome. The wife and my Mother buy me stuff I need and everybody else buys me stuff I want. Matty bought me a load of Cygnar stuff when we started playing Warmachine and that was pretty awesome. It took me from the battlegroup box up to a full 75 point army… I think I bought him socks.
July 27, 2018 at 8:23 pm #1240935@mage liking the Imps, they already look fiery. Really liking the Sabre Tooth beasties the colours really compliment each other. Great work.
Q. if @limburger eats 20 long finger biscuits, and another 20 long finger biscuits, what does he have?
A. A huge Mug to dunk them in…
July 27, 2018 at 8:31 pm #1240936@mage thanks for hosting last week and for stepping up again this week 🙂
Up stupidly early and it’s a really cold, clear night so probably going to stick my head outside now and then and watch the moon and Mars do their things tonight. You know, because astronomical stuff and all…
Will kick off with the questions this time around, responses once coffee has activated…
(1) What is your favourite type of biscuit and why
Regrettably I’m on too much of a health kick to eat biscuits at the moment (please ignore the caffeine dependency alluded to above…). I do remember when I was a lid one of my childhood frined’s mothers used to make these amazing homemade biscuits. They were really simple but I thought they were brilliant. On reflection I quietly suspect they were made with a lot more butter than any of us realised…
(2) Favourite Ice Cream flavour (this can be regular old ice cream or a more exotic type thing like Haagen Daz or Ben and Jerrys) – yes, Im kind of hungry, ok?
Again, don’t eat ice cream anymore but I used to really like this one in the Belgian Chocolate flavour: http://www.connoisseuricecream.com.au/tubs/
Especially when it had just started to melt a little. Mmm… simultaneous high fat and sugar rush 🙂
(3) The last video game you played? Why did you play it and how did you find it?
DDO. Dungeons and Dragons Online. Friend of mine told me about it years ago. USed to play heaps. your characters can hit max level and then reincarnate – coming back at level 1 with a slight increment in power. so eventually with enough past lives under your belt you sort of become unkillable. I mainly just play nowadays due to force of habit than anything else. There are better games out there but I can run on autopilot and grind through stuff without thinking so it’s a good way to tune out I guess.
(4) What have you felt nostalgic about in the last little while?
Broadly, my childhood I guess. Specifically, probably just riding my bike around the neighborhood and catching up with friends after school when I was a kid. Good times.
(5) Name a random awesome Christmas present you got once and tell us about it.
Best present ever. Lego castle set for Christmas in 1984. Actually, my modern day obsession with small plastic soldiers can probably be traced to this gift…
OK, off to howl at the moon…
July 27, 2018 at 9:29 pm #1240993@limburger <40 points>
Ill have to try and keep up too, but I love the ideas and input by the BoW staff, its top notch.
I heard about the blood moon. I wouldn’t blaim him for going out the back and chilling after eating with a flask, looks like a nice set up. Well, it’s a sound plan. If ever there were a zombie attack or some sort of lovecraftian apocalypse or some other mystical/sorcerous happenings it would be now. Or rather, later.
5 points for the pic.
Great the Batman stuff arrived. Pic!!!
1) Chocolate Hob Nob. Because it combines two of my favourite things in one, a Hob Nob and Chocolate, and it doesnt go as soggy as other biscuits when dunked. – 10 points. Scientific theory right there.
2) I’m boring, I like plain old Vanilla. Not just any Vanilla though it has to be Sidoli’s. Other than that I prefer frozen Yoghurt to Ice Cream. – Another Vanilla? It kills me, but only 5 points. Do you say yo-gurt or yock-urt?
3) Seven Days to Die. a base building survival horror game. Chris, Matty’s younger brother, bought it me so I could team up with him. Also playing Warmachine Tactics (bugs and all) and Blood Bowl 2. – Seven Days to Die? Tell me more. 5 points.
4) TV programs. My daughter has started watching the updated version of SWAT (watchable but not great), and it got me thinking about all the old stuff I watched as a kid. Kojak (wouldnt Samuel Jackson be great as Kojak in a Movie), Canon, Ironside, the list goes on. – Shemar Moore from Criminal Minds is in that right? Sounds not great. They did to a remake of cojack, oddly enough with an African American actor I believe. Canon I do not know, Ironside… why is that name familiar. Am I getting mixed up with the actor of that surname? 5 points.
5) Pretty much everything I get is awesome. The wife and my Mother buy me stuff I need and everybody else buys me stuff I want. Matty bought me a load of Cygnar stuff when we started playing Warmachine and that was pretty awesome. It took me from the battlegroup box up to a full 75 point army… I think I bought him socks. – Awesome, 10 points.
@biggabum Imps were the Arcworlde models, these are actually Brimstone Horrors (mini fire daemons) for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. I love the minis. Need to get more. Metal ones, specficially.
A: @limburger gets… DIABETES!!!!
@evilstu <50 points>>
You are welcome. No points for flattery, but it helps, hahaha.
I might go on a poke hunt and see if the moon appears.
(1) 5 points for being healthy. Home made biscuits sound insanely good. 5 points.
(2) 10 points, how fancy! 8)
(3) Force of habit is good. Sometimes a little fun can improve your day, some old mindless action. 10 points.
(4) That sounds awesome. Whats your home town neighbourhood like? 10 points.
10 points. Me too. Which one? Wanna post a link? Oh wait you did. Oh man I remember the old Viking helmety ones. Those were SO COOL!!!!! -
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