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Hobby Weekender 26th of April – Yargh Mateys!

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This topic contains 93 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Varnish is drying. But is done


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage you did see Krennic and death troopers to the right, did you? 😉



    Sorry, can’t stop yet. Tourney was fun but I did terribly.

    Also, I got mail ?



    Woot! I got in my MicroMark catalog for spring. I also got in my Legend of Signum KS core box and the Queen Xenobia add-on … sooo much resin O_O . Even with the shipping it came out to less than $6 a piece for 28 figures. I believe I am done with buying any more minis for the rest the rest of the year with Brutality figures sitting as bare plastic in the box. I still have War for Chicken Island to look forward to and the Kingdom Death figures due next year. There is work to be done.


    @fogh I understand about trying to work with some smaller miniatures. The ones that have all sorts of fiddly bits have given me quite the irritation. Your project reminded me of playing through Empire Earth and the interesting back and forth between the Cuirassiers and sabre equipped cavalry. Then again a ton of foot soldiers and artillery did tend to punch them pretty hard before they hit my lines.

    @sundancer !?!Space Marines!?! *takes temperature, checks pulse, observes pupil dialtion I think we might have a Replicant here. We might need to administer a Voight-Kampf

    @tuffyears Sweet work on the sub. The music reminded me of playing Hunt for Red October on the Commodore64 as a kid (yes I’m dating myself).

    @mage Tetris 99? Go for Tetris Effect its trippy as anything and quite the eye candy

    That particular gameplay video reminded me of playing Chime which got the followup Chime Sharp

    As far as hobby I think its a start stop thing that just needs evidence of progress to push me along. That’s really where I find the site and everybody here helpful to give me motivation to keep going despite my want to sit back. I pulled up the article on Being Good and I’ll read it in a bit as I think it might be relevant.

    Paint-wise that sounds like I might need to look more at glazes. I’ve had my eyes on Warcolors sets as I’ve seen really good reviews and videos where they’re used. I’m not yet onboard with Secret Weapons’ quick washes but they might prove interesting if I see them in person.

    Model-wise I’d say that I know there’s only so much that I want to expend in time and energy so getting a custom set of work that is clean and repeated for a few figures is going to be the best bet for me. I am likely to buy into the game now with the cool factor of customization. I also know that Forgeworld is slow to do anything like this and would be a metric butt-ton more expensive than shelling out the money for the conversions that I might be able to get a say in creating. As I’ve seen there’s a Mastadon dreadnought kit that looks pretty badass but nothing for the Phantoms other than chapter insignia and a custom Rhino upper glacis.

    @woldenspoons I totally understand



    @fogh I use plastic shot glasses to hold my minis for painting.  Turn them upside down and use some smurf poo (blue tac) or hot glue to hold them in place.   They are also handy for mixing glue and the likes as well.

    @limburger I’m liking the goblins from Loonspire but not that fussed on the forest boys.  I’d need to find someone who wants the rulebook and the treehuggers!

    @sundancer Old school is the best school!  I’ve probably got one or two of those guys hidden in a box somewhere.

    @tuffyears Good work on the U-Boat

    @woldenspoons Nice shiney stuff!  Hope you are well!

    @horati0nosebl0wer Had a C64 myself.  Glazing is a good technique but in my experience, it is laborious as the more thin glazes you use, the better it looks.  Also used a Tamiya Surface Primer yesterday on my Griffon’s mortar.  It is a good product, probably similar to your Mr Hobby.  I’ve heard scale modellers rave about Mr Hobby surface primes due to their ability to smooth surfaces and fill small gaps.




    Just putting the finishing touch on two marines and doing work on a Lieutenant too. Off to town shortly to do bank stuff… yay. Then home for some more Star Trek Derp Space Nine and binge watching


    Done with binging on Game of Thrones from fellows on the high seas that cared to share the booty. I’m not sure if I can sleep now but I know I need to. I’m glad I have the overnight shifts for a couple nights now.



    My lieutenant just needs his basing material to dry. Last night he was far grimier and darker looking but I brought him up to the new standard I’ve applied to this reboot of the army


    now I’m onto two… Inceptors? I think. I’ll drybrush their bases, finish them and then try and pin them to their bases. This could take a day or two in total.




    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer Russian music can sound soo damned impressive at volume, doesn’t it ?

    And then there’s this :

    @tuffyears :

    All I can think of when I see that mini is this :

    or this for the modern crowd :



    Cult of Games Member

    Too far from home/models tonight. Research time. 7A981041-330B-4932-96A7-9143338CA53B


    Cult of Games Member



    Cult of Games Member

    And almost done!




    Well my night shift has been a long one, but just like in Castlevania 2 on the NES the sun is up and the monsters are gone. Ill be driving home soon. A tiny bit of hobby before bed and then painting with my buddy John tonight – he’s a more casual gamer but I got him a Shadespire warband for Christmas. Well, Warhammer Underworlds. Anyhoo, he has a Duardin (dwarf) warband to paint up.


    I’m kinda impressed as I encouraged him to google colour schemes for them and he actually went off, did it, picked a cool unique one that isn’t a stock colour and we have a clear view on what we will be doing tonight. So, yeah, awesome!


    Ill still be working away on my Minotaurs Space Marines though 😉



    @tuffyears Torpedoes and the ship are looking great!


    @sundancer I can see Krennic and the other stuff, but man it just seems weird your doing Ultramarines too.


    @fogh Im not much into history books (I think cramming for my last year in school with how the school system in the Republic of Ireland had a roll in putting off my interest as an adult due to the layout and length of final year  history exams*)


    *So basically at the time there were two sections: Irish history and World History from about 1890 ish onward, circa 2003. There were three questions in each section. Each question had multiple choice subjects. You then had to write a 3-6 page factual essay about each subject and got marked on relevance and facts. So basically (Yeah using that phrase too much) you were just memorising a lot of stuff, cramming it and then regurgitating it in the same way someone who drank 16 pints did before the inevitable taxi home. This, then, was on top of all the other subjects.



    @limburger That is a lot of links for me to click on!


    @horati0nosebl0wer Did you sleep? Legends of Signum looks good. Hm, you have a detailed response to me in among the links, I will get back to you later today after I have slept.


    @robert kudos for posts and responses to folks.

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