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Hobby Weekender 25/10/18 – Bonus disc with 700 minutes of extras

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This topic contains 69 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  horati0nosebl0wer 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Cool, thanks @evilstu ! Love the progress on the wagons, 30 more rupees!


    Nice work @sundancer 35 ruppees


    50 rupees @rayzryr


    @tuffyears 15 rupees for Steppenwolf



    @tuffyears 50 rupees for the ork vehicle. Dragsta?



    Okay, I have totalled the points as well as adjusting them. I added extra points for hobby and quality I overlooked, pics I missed, music I did not award points for and the continuation of conversaton. The results are below, speak for themselves, feel accurate and I will not be doing a break down. Apologies if I missed anything or anyone feels hard done by: if so please let me know as I always appreciate feedback on my posting and hosting.


    135 @horati0nosebl0wer readjusted for post content, length, conversation and music

    130 @sundancer same reason

    75 @a27cromwell missed a pic of your shelf cabinet

    75 @evilstu

    70 @dawfydd readjusted for hobby

    65 @tuffyears

    65 @rayzryr readjusted for posts


    Also, music does make a difference. As does memes and puns.


    Onto the achievements!


    Also I am super prepared to get ultra competetive with you guys. To put it an Orky way, ‘Come at me you zoggin gits! Waaaaagh!!!!’



    Achievements for this thread:


    • MVP: @evilstu for progressing the conversation, being engaged, and helpful on this thread
    • Firestarter: @mage myself of  course
    • Hobby Champ: @dawfydd late to the table but the work on the nights were great
    • Brushlicker: @sundancer for his awesome Star Wars material  weapon teams are always cool
    • Armchair Commander: @torros for showing off the board game
    • Community Usher: @evilstu
    • Storyteller: @horati0nosebl0wer for his D&D tale


    For the music, nightmare theme, and humorous back and forth the following:



    I will graciously accept my crown for this thread and rule over a small plot of nerdlings until they have grown into a proper horde and unleash them upon the world (or just keep plugging along as the rest of you in hobbying). Thank you my fellow hobbyists, I will be fair and just… or as much as a benevolent gaming despot can be. Rejoice and paint minis! Build cool stuff and give thanks in my name that there are companies which run away with our money we gladly part with. Be well all you out there and I wish you the best in your pursuit of fun.



    Right, youll need plenty of doritos to fatten up them auld nerds.


    Cult of Games Member

    Damn you @horati0nosebl0wer ! Yet again you’ve beat me to the title of puntertainment… I’ll make sure that you’ll *puts on sunglasses* be pun-ished for this…. *YEAAAAAARGH* *music*



    @mage  Thanks!

    motivation was low ove true last week, I barely participated. Today I’m feeling much more invigorated.

    @horati0nosebl0wer by thou a benevolent king!



    I are benevolent god king! Prove loyalty by jumping into fire pit!


    @sundancer Hmm… The whole ‘Terminator’ vibe gave me a thought about that. You might say “I’ll be Bach”.

    @mage I’m not one for throwing myself much anywhere unless its bed so I’ll say “I’ll be Haydn”

    @rayzryr  I’m glad to inspire you. Have hope and just continue at it because it will come together with work. I too was playing about and not overly serious in investment with the things I just got done until they started looking like they were coming together. We all have basecoats before we get fine edge highlights.

    Now as a just ruler I will provide some musical enjoyment that we all chill out and see ourselves closer to that 700 minutes of extras. I estimate this is about 300. That reminds me of something that I might deign upon you my subjects… a task of almost Hurculean effort.

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