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Hobby Weekender 25/10/18 – Bonus disc with 700 minutes of extras

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 25/10/18 – Bonus disc with 700 minutes of extras

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This topic contains 69 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  horati0nosebl0wer 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Welcome one and all to the hobby weekender, a tad early.*

    To the uninitiated, this is a virtual hobby hangout here on the forum. It is something fun and silly with a little more ‘oomph’. Its not just show and tell with your models. Its chatting, getting to know one another, community building. Think of it as a sort of club like hobby session. Everyone is welcome, of course, and there are a few rules to abide by. Let it go as OT as you like with chatting with folks. BoW is a special, unique community, and this little weekly thread is a tradition on these forums. Though not for everyone, if you are still reading and keen, then it is for you. If not, best click out.

    We do a few things on this thread that usually lasts from Friday or Saturday til about Wednesday or Thursday. Hosting alternates between myself and @evilstu though on occasion others have hosted too. Our say is final in this silly little corner of the internet. Fear not, for this is your safe place against the outside world of flame wars, trolling and all that other crap.

    (1) Make a pledge for the weekend. It can be painting, assembly, priming, converting, background writing, terrain, you name it. Just gotta be relevant to hobbying or gaming.

    (2) Chat with people. Be friendly. Do get to know one another, be kind, provide positive reinforcement and constructive criticism. Do not post up your real name, credit card, bank details or home address info. 😉

    (3) I will list out questions. Answer them. Longer answers = more points. Also, points are being assigned to something else as it confused some folk for a while.

    (4) Awards will be given out at the end of the thread and you shall be awarded XP, added to your account profile by the wonderful @lancorz . Think of him as the ever vigilant Batman of the forums who keeps a careful eye on the status quo, but also acts in a way, like Alfred; with a calm disposition and the attentitive nature of a concierge.

    (5) Scottish Pub Law rules: no discussion of religion or politics**. Keep it clean. Behave. Be nice, be kind. Walk away if you get angry. Don’t be a dick.

    And now without further adieu here is some music.

    *I felt we were getting a tad complacent with the copy and pasting so I decided to spruce up the intro a bit. C&C welcome

    **Unless you wish to discuss mighty Thor, all-knowing Odin, the might God-Emperor of Mankind, the Glorious Dark gods of Chaos, Cthulhu, or our lord and saviour James Hetfield.



    Also there are bonuses for the following ‘Achievements’:
    · Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)
    · Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)
    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)
    · Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)
    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun)
    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain)
    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)
    · Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)
    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged)
    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)


    Now, lets try and get this mofo up to 150 posts!



    Cult of Games Member

    .Another weekend , another pledge to finish something , anything , I’ve started to build / paint in the last month . So far its not working out that well , too many distractions . Any way work continues on my Orc plane , still haven’t found a color scheme I like but I think I got the pilot sorted ( pictures forth coming soon , maybe ) .


    Cult of Games Member

    What? No questions? This is weird 😉

    My pledge: finishing my E-Web Heavy Blaster and the 1.4 FD Laser Cannon. Also I need to start planning an expansion for my Star Wars Legion transportation. With all the troop units that are to be released until the end of the year my current setup is completely full plus the E-Web and 1.4 have no place at the moment.

    Also I pledge not to be killed by the Spiel 2018 media massacre happening… there is nothing else in my timelines be it Facebook, BoW, Instagram, Mastodon, YouTube or Twitter. Only Diaspora seems not be involved 😉

    No for something different in music. WAKE UP EVERYBODY




    @a27cromwell (15 points… er, I said I would change this, 10 Rupees!*)


    Nice! Well, your ork plane… chose an Ork klan and go with it. Evil suns and Badmoons are my favourite. Google them 🙂 Blood Axes and Deathskulls are also good


    5 for the pledge and 10 for the first post.


    *A note on rupees:




    @sundancer (15 rupees)


    There will be questions! 😉


    You really are digging your SW:L aren’t you? 5 points for the pledge


    Media massacre?


    10 points for music.


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage You really are digging your SW:L aren’t you?

    I may or may not have a little Star Wars addiction…. but I could stop at any time… really… if I wanted…. I swear! Trust me…. ooooh shiny toys…



    Meh, thats for quitters!



    (1) Do you have any gaming traditions that coincide with real life holidays? For instance, I read in White Dwarf a few years ago that someone at Games Workshop always ran their own Inquisitor Campaign each Christmas. If not, are you planning to start said tradition of some sort, and what would that be?


    (2) What have been some of your favourite moments in tabletop gaming regarding released products?


    (3) What have been some of your favorite story moments in tabletop gaming? Be it a certain series of books, a particular comic, a change at a company, or something new added to a universe? The above examples are by no means the limit, just to give the gist of what I mean.


    I could think of more, but 3 will do.



    This looks like fun




    I pledge to work this weekend like all other weekends for people of the regular waking world. I also pledge that I will finish more than half of my commission pieces that I started Monday night (7 will be and there are another 4 to go).

    Having @lancorz skulking about all silent like sounds a little creepy. I’ll trust him as long as he keeps out of the candy bowl while we don’t look. By the by that reminds me of The Concierge Game.

    Imagine you were ostentatiously wealthy and in one of the fanciest hotels of New York (or most any other mega metropolitan city) and its 3AM. You have a hankering for nothing better than to mess with the concierge. What 3 items do you call down for that are not immediately questionable but might be so in combination?

    I will put forth my request for….. swimshorts, an oversized sombrero and 2 gallons (roughly 7.5 liters) of fresh guacamole

    @mage Rupees? We might as well be using gold pressed latinum or quatloo.

    As far as questions I’ll have to get back to that after work. I’m reminded of D&D campaign antics but I need to get sleep before a long shift.

    And One’s Panzermensch? YAAAA!!!!.. It’s time to wake some people up.. not me

    Good night … er.. day  everybody



    Cult of Games Member

    Hi all


    It the wife’s birthday this weekend so not sure how much I’ll get done

    At the moment I’m cleaning up some more 10mm Greeks to add to the few I’ve already got painted


    I’ve got an offer to go play the new Daniel Mersey game Battle Ravens tonight as a friend has had a copy sent to him to review but not sure if I’ll make it due to birthday duties



    @horati0nosebl0wer (5 Rupees)

    Sounds like you could use a cup of coffee or eight hour sleep, either is good.

    What are said commission pieces? 5 Rupees for the pledge.

    Hm. For me it would be a candlestick, a screwdriver, and a bowling ball full of gunpowder (yes, that counts as one).

    Latinum will be the next time I host! 8)

    @torros (5 Rupees)


    Enjoy the weekend celebrations. Cant wait to see pics of the greeks. 5 Rupees for the pledge.

    What is Battle Ravens all about?


    Cult of Games Member

    Hi I’m not 100% sure what it’s about but I think it’s about shield walls

    Here’s a link





    @torros (5 rupees)


    Thanks for posting the link. Looks fun. Whenever you do manage to get around to playing please post up pics of the box contents 🙂


    Cult of Games Member


    Friend took a few photos




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