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Hobby Weekender 24/08/2018

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This topic contains 148 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    @mage Thankfully it is not attached, just a pop vinyl. Seems fitting though.

    Some good hobby managed all round but I know what you mean about it being quiet. I’m sure @evilstu will be here soon to catch up on happenings. Seems like a few others quiet this week too.



    Cult of Games Member

    It does seem a quiet weekend . Personally , I sometimes find it hard to be creative all the time . I work on various WW2 figures and kits most mornings for an hour or two before going to work . I work on stuff  for an hour or four most nights after work and I could reasonably hobby 12 hours a day , Sat &  Sun . So sometimes I  experience hobby burnout or lack of an idea for a color scheme or how to kit bash a figure or vehicle . Sometimes its a couple of weeks before I actually get stuck in to building again . Inspiration  can come from watching an old war movie , hanging out with my hobby buddies at the LHS or seeing what you guys have been up to . I also have a few plane kits , Star Wars figures and small scale kits cluttering up my shelves as quick , fun builds that calm the OCD tank builder that hides inside me .


    Cult of Games Member

    Really fighting with these LRDG figures, especially the vehicles. Progress is slow and steady, but really learning as I go here. Lots of problems, trying to tackle and fix them one at a time .


    Cult of Games Member

    Pink Panther Army? XD 😉




    @oriskany I feel the pain. Worth it when done but a royal pain in the SAS until then.

    @sundancer funny but cheeky. Good man.

    I’ve spent my morning adding nuln oil washes to all my walking dead stuff from yesterday. Trying to decide what base colour to use on the umm bases. Astrogranite afterwards. It’s a tough call. Any suggestions? @mage @biggabum what do you use for your BMG stuff?





    I will clarify your question with a question. When you ask how we base our BMG stuff do you mean what we put on top of the bases like sand/GW astrogranite/ironcrust? If so we dont. They come with pre-sculpted plastic bases in two different varities:





    @mage I’ll be using astrogranite afterwards on them but what colour underneath? Or round the rim.



    For Batman always black. I dont really use the textured GW paints myself to be honest. Im not sure how they crack. What kind of effect are you going for? Id be more than happy to help you come up with something.


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage ok a more detailed response re timed projects. Whether or not you go ahead is of course, completely your call but there are a few things that I would personally consider before committing:

    1. Will you have enough free time to get the project done to a standard that you are happy with? Just conscious that real life will always need to take priority and things have an awkward havit of expanding to eat into free/hobby time.

    2. Is there anything you need done in the near future or would like to get turned around quickly so that you can use it? As you are not hitting up tourneys I’m figuring these are all predominantly for social use, so the question might also be directed to those in your gaming circle?

    3. Is there anything that is going to be fun/enjoyable for you to do in a compressed time frame? While I certainly don’t doubt your ability to get stuff done in short order if it is feeling like a grind 1/3 of the way through then that’s probably not really what you want to be doing for a purportedly relaxing block of hobby time…

    4. Repetition vs interest. if you were doing a block of similar models in the same unit colours for AoS then you could get that turned around quicker due to the more limited colour pallette, but if you were doing a board game then you would have a greater variety of sculpts and colours to keep things interesting.

    Further, a bit of self reflection on why you would take on such an undertaking might help influence your decision. If it is “I’m just sick of having XX unpainted” or “I’d really like to play YY but don’t like board games with naked minis.” then that might guide your approach somewhat. If you think that this will just be mindless and crazy fun, then go towards a project that you will enjoy, stock up on junk food and caffeinated beverages, crank up the stereo and go nuts. If, however, your goal was to ‘win the internet’, then you might need to refine your approach a bit more. If you wanted to get as big an online/community response as possible then you probably want to grab the shiny new thing as soon as it’s on the shelf and get it painted up before anyone else. The obvious candidates if this was going to be your approach would be either the new Lord of the Rings box set or the GW reissue of Gorkamorka (can’t remember what they are calling it but I’m pretty sure it’s not ‘Promethioumlands’…). Downside is needing to drop cash on a new thing and the resale date may not align with your scheduling.

    However, getting around to responding to the question that you actually asked, ie what ‘I’ would like to see, I personally do have a soft spot for Mordheim. having said that, any of the projects listed or suggested in your posts would be entertaining to see unfold. An Armageddon themed 40K project would also be great. Maybe we could commit to doing ‘Orktober’ and seeing if we could get the broader community involved/on board?

    Happy to discuss further but I’d definitely encourage a bit of planning (and likely assembling and priming 😉 ) before invoking a Ulysses pact by formally committing to something online. 20 points for contemplating such madness 🙂

    2v2 BMG? That does sound like insane fun. Please snap some pics if it won’t interrupt the flow of the game too greatly 🙂 yeah it does feel quiet – a few of the regulars have been otherwise indisposed apparently. or maybe it was something I said?… That firebelly is really coming along nicely. The fire looks really good and the detailing on the sword is a standout. Did the base come pre-carved or have you added those grooves yourself? 30 points for hobby progress, 30 more for responses and feedback. 80 points.

    @woldenspoons mins look great 🙂 Nice terrain too. Are you considering basing them in a particular manner? So difficult when the game can take place on a diverse range of terrain. And really nice freehand on the badges. 30 points for hobby progress and 20 more for the tunes. Ugh that SAS joke was terrible – has to be worth at least another 20 points 🙂

    @sundancer I had inferred you were from Germany when I saw the game box. Very cool. Many of my favorite bands are from Germany 🙂 And such diverse online record retailers too. It makes me laugh that living in Australia I have to go to a German online record store to buy albums by a band from Florida 🙂 Still it’s nice that the world is now a global community and we can do that. It looks like a mighty steed that that brave knight is riding 🙂 I hope the day was fun, the weather looks like it was a nice day. 30 points

    @a27cromwell oh no! hope you can replace your ride without too much hassle. It’s such an inconvenience (I don’t find car shopping remotely fun…). There is a colour scheme which I can’t remember the name of which is a sand yellow base with the green and red over the top and then the offsetting colour dots – have yo considered that one? The crew and riders look fantastic by the way 🙂

    Wow that is a lot of potential hobby time each week. I suppose I could do something similar but it’s usually dark by the time I get home – I could invest in a proper natural colour light I suppose… Sounds like a diverse range of projects you have in hand. Hopefully that helps when you get  a bit of a block on creativity. 30 points for hobby progress.

    @andre77 wow that hulk is massive! Glad to hear that the map has had some reuse since then. Thank you for posing the pic – helps to give an idea of the scale of the game and how much fun it must have been to play. 20 points.

    @oriskany sorry that your first foray into 28mm has been such an arm wrestle. I promise it’s not usually quite so trying. For what it’s worth they are coming along quite well (at least from what I can see in the photos). Are they going to be used as a playable force for the BA boot camp or are they for a narrative type scenario? I’m assuming at some point you will push some tables together and have a battle royale, right? 🙂 30 points for progress and perseverance 🙂

    @woldenspoons This may inspire you re bases:

    Quick and easy Kill Team bases

    Have I missed anyone?



    @evilstu @mage Thanks guys, some good advice there. I think I will be inspired by the blog project and use astrogranite as the base gray. For my very quick review of these paints in one word – brilliant. Then I can follow the other steps. Very good.

    Soon time for my 250pt game of Walking Dead. My opponent is a few stages behind in buying EVERYTHING hence I am taking Woodbury knowing that he won’t be.

    If he’s willing I’ll try to get some pictures of his spectacular models.


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu it was a good day…. I got a sunburn XD I shouldn’t leave the house at daytime XD


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons sounds great, please keep us posted on progress with the bases 🙂 Best of luck with the game!  0 points.

    @sundancer yes I am the same. I have Scottish ancestry so I can get sunburned from looking at a postcard of a beach 🙂 Not the best complexion to have under the Australian sun…  Glad the day was enjoyable, hope the sunburn clears soon. 10 points.





    Ill have enough. Not sure I will speed paint or not, but defo try to get an awesome amount done in my own way for a thing over that time.


    (1)  I have training and other obligations but I do have a few days off of work. So, yes.  One cannot spend the entire day painting either non-stop.

    (2)  The only thing I can think that ‘needs’ doing might be a mish mash of some D&D minis (ones I use for d&d, not official ones) or a single specific mini for batman. I need nothing done per se for a specific time or thing. No tourneys nor events. Nothing any of the friends I my gaming circle are going to nor are we organising or doing.

    (3)  When one takes up a challenge like this, for me anyway, fun is a factor. Completing the feat, putting in the work, putting down the time and stressing out a tad to do something cool in a certain span of time all seem like more important elements than fun by the very nature of what one does. It’s a fun overall experience, but if all I did was painted for fun all I would do is drybrush models one colour all day and never finish an army. That’s just my take though. Neither will I choose something boring to do or that I hate.

    (4)  I could but I might not limit a pallet. Block painting doesn’t bother me, refer to my 40 Dark Elf Corsairs I batch painted a while back. A Board Game or Boxed Game (like a starter set for something) are also worthy options.


    Self reflection and why would I? Because; I can, its awesome, and it’s a challenge. Im sick of having a mountain of stuff unpainted but I do still pump out completed minis every week. I don’t like minis lacking paint either. Winning the internet also helps lol. But I do like the sound of coffee, treats, binge watching, snacks, and hobby.

    I cant for the life of me think of the shiniest new thing I own. Or what I have that is the newest retail release. Ill go with the ‘this is something awesome’ factor. I get what I like, not necessarily what is new.


    I have 90% of the new Pellenor Fields stuff already. Most of it is painted from back in the day. Some is not. Three of them are older versions of the newer models. This is one project, where I can spruce stuff up.


    This is fun discussing and was the kind of response I was looking for/needed.


    @evilstu ‘s picks:


    Ø  Mordheim:  I have all the core rulebook warbands [maybe not all the human ones] except for the Sisters. That said, it would be fun picking them up and redoing the Skaven Warband I have… I don’t have the terrain or the mats for it though. Yet…

    Ø  An Orktober Community Event would be very cool. Maybe we should start a think-tank thread? Waaaagh!!!! I do have Ironjawz, Greenskinz, Bayourks, Grotz and Space Orks to paint. As well as theming Armgaddeon Space Mainre/Imperial Armies.

    Ø  Either way I shall need to plan. What is a Ulysses pact?





    I shall send pics of when we get some BMG done. Hopefully in the next week. @irredeemable has the table and terrain for it, along with a Red Hood left Organised Crime gang (Suicide Squad with Red Hood, basically). Naomi will be teaming up with them with her Gotham City Sirens crew. I shall be using a Court of Owls crew along with the Gotham butcher while John joins me with his League of Assassins (Liam Nieson film version) crew along with Captain Boomerang (the model I need to paint).


    I guess the threads cant always have the same people each weekend. Nothing you said at all, don’t be daft.


    Thanks re the Firebelly. Just gotta touch up the basecoat, highlight it and done. Might do a glase on the mask… I did those grooves. It was for another model and I scavenged the base. Gonna put sand over it.



    No competition on me @sundancer and @evilstu


    Pale Irish redhead, also with some Scottish ancestry on a great grandparent. If you turn up the artificial light at work too hard I get a tan.





    For painting an urban, stoney, tarmac or burned slag type of ruin/scape I would recommend:


    Stormvermin Fur over chaos black (two coats as it is not as thick as Chardon Granite paint which is oop)

    Army painter dark tone dropper bottole wash, liberal.

    Stormvermin Fur hilight/drybrush

    Stormvermin Fur mixed with Rakarth Flesh hilight/drybrush

    The slightest dusting of Rakarth Flesh hilighted


    Thats my recommendation. Might work well to for rockfaces, rhino/elephant/monster skin or plain ish looking trousers. YMMV

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