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Tagged: Hobby Weekender
This topic contains 148 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by sundancer 6 years, 4 months ago.
August 24, 2018 at 11:12 am #1256770
Obviously I’m off work today and missus gone to the gym. I’m distracting myself with hobby.
Some Death Guard progress pictures.
Hope you enjoy. Still a LOT to do, even just in number of models. And I can see my stormcast queuing politely behind them. Fine. One progress shot of the Dracolines then.
August 24, 2018 at 6:00 pm #1257048August 24, 2018 at 9:26 pm #1257109@evilstu happy to elaborate. Let’s take the Song of Ice and Fire Lannisters for example. There are 22 “Lannister Guards” in the box (plus some Banners but painting Gold drives me nuts so those will be left at home I think) but there’s really only three. There’s guy with helmet up (8 minis), guy with helmet down (8 minis) and guy with sword up (6 minis).
Rather than do them by section or try to do them all at once you combine the two. I divided them so each pose was in it’s own group then started painting the entire lot one colour at a time. That way I get in a habit of exactly where to put the paint.
Also if I ever get bored it’s a lot easier to say to yourself “Ok just two more then I’ll do something else” since you’re painting by Section rather than trying to do the whole thing at once but you’re still getting the whole thing done at the same time. Also painting one colour at a time means I don’t get ahead of myself and start missing things.
I might make a project to demonstrate this a bit better but the basics (for me at least) are
Divide your minis into sections by sculpt. Even Plastic kits only come with 5-6 different bodies, ignore weapons and heads. Start painting the entire force colour by colour finishing one before moving on to the next. Once you finish everything they have in common split them again into new sections either by weapons or heads. eg. british paras with Sten’s/Rifles or Helmets/Berets. Repeat until done.It might not be the best way to do things but I find I lose a lot of motivation to paint something if it’s only half done since it almost feels like re-doing the same old thing.
This works for non-uniforms as well. Sort the minis into sections then paint by colour but just put it in different places and don’t be afraid to leave it out entirely. Bashi-Bazouks from last week for example. Here’s a WIP shot where I’ve painted some of the colours but not all of them. These guys were cool since there were only two of each sculpt but I chose to split them into sections based on what type of jacket they were wearing instead.
Also a cool project to check out https://www.beastsofwar.com/project/1224831/
August 24, 2018 at 10:05 pm #1257116Always love me some Dio. I keep hearing good things about Sharp Practice but sadly hisotircals really arent my cup of tea. That sounds like a golden era of GW music in stores. Sadly, I missed out on that.
Batch painting works well. No doubt about it. Loving the Metallica and Guns and Roses.
Your Lannisters are looking good so far. I cant wait for my pledge to arrive.
Thanks lol. I read the blog. Interesting the DNA between GI Joe and Action Force. So, basically Baron Ironblood and his red dudes are like an alternative reality version of Cobra? That’s very cool. What grunge bands do you like?
Oh no, Im sorry to hear about your cat. The poor thing. I hope she pulls through.
Awesome possums?
Nice! More Star Wars coming!
Would be great to see pics of all the events.
Pirate X Wing better have a lot of scum and villainy in it! Or plenty of Arrrrghs.
It might be fun to do Troll Bridge with three other friends. Id use the Troll! Maybe get some other trolls to join in and kick some butt!
I did the 40k and WHFB tournament scene, local and elsewhere. Im tired of it. It stopped being fun a few years ago. Aside from spending a small fortune driving, staying over with accommodation, food, shopping money and entering an event there were other things that put me off and made it difficult and a simple choice of stopping. I mean, playing against min/maxed lists, forcing myself to be OCD level familiar with the rules and getting in practice games while my personal life went out the window… that whole culture is a fun leaching chore.
Club play I got sick of. Travelling in and out, limited cramped space. People bailing with no notice, struggling to get games in…
It all led me to the conclusion to play local and with close friends in the comfort of my home. No annoying smelly teens, social skill lacking idiots, and opinionated men in there late thirties to late fourties who complain about everything (loudly) and are still actively dating. No noise, discomfort, poor lighting, and travel time when you are done. No fuss no muss. No closing and opening times or worrying about tables freeing up.
Its fun to do LOTR stuff again. Working on my Firebelly at the moment though and he is almost finished. Then it will be back to the Mordor Troll. Lighting in my room isnt great and the room I normally paint in is scattered with toys over a playmat.
No, that sculpt is a plastic kit from a few years ago. Late 2000s. Maybe a little earlier or later. I have a few days off where I am house sitting next week. Gonna have some hobby, easy to cook food, dogs and couch time with the hobbit and lotr trilogies on in the background.
Another awesome little plog too:
Time for me to start taking some pics!
August 24, 2018 at 11:21 pm #1257154OK, soup started, coffee in hand and a weekend of hobby ahead – lets get to it! 🙂
@woldenspoons Death Guard look really good so far. Glad to heat that the Stormcast queue in a polite and orderly manner 🙂 While I did think that the Demigryph cavalry in 8th ed were beautiful sculpts, from a concept point of view I personally think that they were getting a little too ‘silly’ for the game world (Kislev bear cavalry would have been much more thematic…) I really do like the Stormcasts mounts in the AoS setting though – it’s like GW has given themselves permission to have fun and it just works. 30 points for sharing pics
@mage I’ll have to confess that I do like the idea of having political element to games. That level of lobbying however is probably not what I am seeking in an in-depth gaming experience ;-P 20 points
@elessar2590 Ah I see – I have been batch painting (usually about 2 dozen at a go) by unit and progressing through with each colour but had not thopught to break thing sup by pose. really does sound like a useful approach as once you are in a rhythm you will target each area without thinking. I usually have to go back and touch up bits I have missed alter on as it presently stands… Wow, @redvers Fallschirmjager look great! I’m always impressed when people can put that much detail into minis at 15mm. They would look perfectly presentable at 28mm 🙂 Thanks for sharing. have you considered just investing in a can of gold spray paint and targeting like that and then throwing a wash on and leaving? I’ll have to admit that gold is not my favourite – I can never get the paint to thin down properly… 50 points for the batch painting technique explanation.
@mage house sitting sounds nice and relaxed 🙂 Loving the worn down colours that @d2painterth is getting on those Sepulchral Guard – it’s quite reminiscent of the bone work on the original conformation miis artwork (and that artwork was exceptional.) Yeah I hear you on the tourney scene – game should be fun not stressful – I’m glad that I am old enough to have worked that one out now 🙂 Was thinking last night about your 4 player game – if you have the minis assembled you could probably just do a ‘test deployment’ on top of the board and se how much room there was left for terrain? A full practice game as I had earlier suggested is probably way too much overkill 😛 Hope the firebelly is coming along well, looking forward to photos. 40 points for feedback and replies.
August 24, 2018 at 11:22 pm #1257155Saw this one doing the rounds on social media. For the benefit of our non-Australian friends, this is what a magpie looks like the moment before it swoops you:
August 24, 2018 at 11:34 pm #1257156Ok, going to list my plans for the weekend, mainly so I am accountable and get stuff done. Priorities are as follows:
– Stop getting distracted by other things and get my terrain challenge project finished this weekend.
– Almost immediately get distracted by historicals (keep painting the next batch of French, matt varnish all the minis that have had an Army Painter varnish, start baseing if I have time).
– While I am varnishing, varnish the Sharp Practice counters and some Bretonnian archers I have kicking about.
– Finish my trap markers (this is a fancy way of saying – put stickers on primed poker chips…)
– Paint base edges on the orcs
– Work on my foot knights
– Progress Skaven
– Paint terrain
If I get through all that then I have just received a box of Warlord Landsknechts with Zweihanders which I will do up to pull double duty as either historicals or Empire Greatswords. I also have a box of Landsknechts Pikemen (again, Warlord) set aside which have a command sprue so combining the two will give me a reasonable degree of flexibility for heavy foot options on the tabletop. Will need to get some other stuff cleared before any of that can get started though…
August 25, 2018 at 12:31 am #1257157Also, this is probably worth keeping an eye on this weekend. @bothi is painting up a Karskin Astra Miliatrum force in a weekend as a speed painting challenge. I am firmly of the opinion that this sort of insanity should be actively encouraged whenever possible 🙂
40k-Speedpainting-Challenge: A Battalion of Kasrkin in one Weekend ***NOW LIVE***
August 25, 2018 at 12:56 am #1257162A quick reply before bed. My arcworlde painting night fell through sadly. Worked on the firebelly mainly. I did some more work since and all that’s left are the browns, teeth, skin and bases. Also I’m not sure what colour, if any, I should do the beads on his neck.
More detailed feedback and conversational posts tomorrow. Also my Arcworlde arrived. Well, one of the orders
August 25, 2018 at 12:59 am #1257163Hmmmm
photo quality isn’t great. Good thing I’ll be taking more pics as I make progress
August 25, 2018 at 6:53 am #1257184Okay – why did no one tell me building 28mm models could be so hard!
So after 4 years in miniature wargaming, I’m finally dipping my toe into 28mm. Definitely a new experience from 15mm and 20mm.
Building a Warlord / Bolt Action 28mm LRDG / SAS force for the Allies in Bolt Action. American Chevrolet 30cwt trucks, New Zealand / British / Rhodesian troops, British SAS. I hope to get some priming on them tomorrow.
August 25, 2018 at 8:59 am #1257205@mage like where things are going with the firebelly. Once again a more demonic take on the ogres as far as your colour palette is concerned, looks really good. shading on the sword blade is nice too. I can’t quite make out what is happening with the sculpting of his left hand – is it enveloped by the conjuration or is he transmogrifying into the spell?
Sorry to hear the arcworlde night fell through – looks like you put the sudden free time to good effect though. A nice start on the troll and orcs too. What Arcworlde shinies did you score? 40 points for pics and progress.
@oriskany nah, ‘poser’ scale is all simple, right 😉 Seriously, my personal gripe with 28mm is when you have multiple arm pieces to both hold a weapon (itself being a third piece). Trying to simultaneously hold and glue three pieces plus the figures torso with four ‘fluid’ connections is just maddening. no wonder so many of my warriors are sporting what would on face value to be dislocated shoulders and/or broken collarbones. Anyhow…
A great start on the force! Love the stowage in particular. It’s still nice to see that there is room on the back of the trucks to place minis as well. What colour were you looking at? Sorry, not sure if they were pink at this stage?… Actually, not sure which stage you are aiming for ere either now that I think of it… 40 points for hobby progress.
August 25, 2018 at 9:19 am #1257229So as far as my own hobby progress goes today:
– Stop getting distracted by other things and get my terrain challenge project finished this weekend.
Yep, made some progress. Might be a bit sketchy with regard to hitting the end of August timeframe but it’s probably still doable… Need to finish painting 5 cultists (speedpainting, so not too much of an issue), paint the portals (herein will lie the time sink) and then just glue everything together thereafter. then a write-up and we’re done. Sounds simple in theory…
– Almost immediately get distracted by historicals (keep painting the next batch of French, matt varnish all the minis that have had an Army Painter varnish, start baseing if I have time).
Again, yes. took me all of 20 minutes to get distracted by the historicals. put a quick coat of flesh on the skin areas then stopped at that.
Further, varnished my redcoats, skirmishing voltigeurs and the French line infantry in trenchcoats. They will need a touch up to bring them up to tabletop standard but that might need to wait until next weekend.
– While I am varnishing, varnish the Sharp Practice counters and some Bretonnian archers I have kicking about.
Got both these done. Tried to use a cheaper varnish on the backs of the Sharp Practice tokens but that reacted badly with the paint I had used so will need to re-paint. On a positive note, I did trial this on the backs of the tokens, and the varnish that is on there should help with the application of a smooth, even coat of paint (I couldn’t get the paint to go on evenly earlier, so could be a blessing in disguise).
– Finish my trap markers (this is a fancy way of saying – put stickers on primed poker chips…)
Behold, the trap counters in all their glory:
A pack of cheap plastic poker chips, a can of cheap green primer and some coloured stickers. Will use these on the tabletop as markers for potential traps. Depending on the game I am playing the traps will have different effects based on the colour of the stars (pit trap, snare, explosive, fire trap etc). No star obviously meaning that this particular counter is not a trap. I had considered texturing the other side of the traps with flock but was concerned that if there was any differentiation between the flocking it would eventually be possible to ascertain which markers contained traps and which did not (a tabletop version of a marked deck of cards?), so have left plain.
– Paint base edges on the orcs
Yup, 150 bases again… Still need to add a few colours on in batches and can then call these clowns tabletop ready.
– Work on my foot knights
No progress yet.
– Progress Skaven
A fair bit of headway today. added colour to a lot of the cloth areas. planning on doing the armour in copper and brass and lost of rust effects and verdigreen on the metals. The rats themselves will be grey/black rather than brown. Might make the leader an albino to make him easily identifiable? And the mandatory warpstone on the heroes weapons too… These guys will all be dipped in AP varnish so not too precious about being neat. Leaning towards quick on this project.
– Paint terrain
No joy here yet…
August 25, 2018 at 12:02 pm #1257261Thanks for the mentioning @evilstu . This brings me directly to my hobby pledge: finish the f*****g challenge. Yesterday evening I was asking myself how I could commit to such a thing. But now I am actually in a good mood. I am back at the painting table and hit the brushes in the next few minutes. To quote my special Angela: Wir schaffen das! (We can do it!)
40k-Speedpainting-Challenge: A Battalion of Kasrkin in one Weekend ***NOW LIVE***
First music I ever liked of the bat: That’s a tough one. I started listening to music very early and have only a few memories of that. Like with 3 years or so. But I have an older sister and was heavily influenced by that. Mostly to the point that if I changed the music she beat the crap out of me. But when I had my own stereo the first thing I really loved and played all day long was:
I should have been 7 or 8 years old. Didn’t understand the lyrics as we only started to learn English in 5th grade at that time (10-11 years old), but I still loved it. Drove my entire family crazy with it. Still love the song today.
Best hobby advice ever? Keep painting! I don’t care how crappy your skills are or how bad your minis look. Keep painting. Everything (and yes I mean everything, even those pink Terminators the 5 year old daughter of a friend painted) look better than plastic grey. Actually the first tabletop group I was part of was really hateful of my painting skills. We all were about 11 years old and yeah I painted really really bad. But all the hate and mockery was really hurtful and I nearly dropped the hobby. Actually it was my mom who kept me going as she saw it as an ideal opportunity to get me away from the PC and the SNES. Much later at about 15 I joined another group containing a few in the same age and a few older guys including @andre77 . Suddenly nobody had a problem with my painting anymore and everybody was encouraging and going like “Keep painting. You’ll get better!” And thou I’m not considering myself a great painter even today my painting has improved lightyears from were I was more than 20 years ago.
So now I am going to listen to that advice and get back the Kasrkin. And listening to the weekender. Happy weekend everybody!
Edit: how do I include videos in here?
August 25, 2018 at 12:20 pm #1257268 -
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