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Hobby Weekender 23/02/2019 – Here we go!

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This topic contains 81 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu I am for “this week” and so far I’m pretty on time. I really couldn’t hold it any longer as I really, REALLY want to show that project XD



    @evilstu @dawfydd following ‘research’ they really don’t make them like they used to. Like I said it was 30 years ago so I shouldn’t grumble.

    Hobby wise I’ve not done much since the weekend. By not much I mean nothing unless we count pointlessly mentally working on our childhood favourite toys mash up game. Just realised Power Rangers would work ok as well, however, I’m too old to have watched it (legitimately) so I have no real idea of the bad guys. @mage I watched the Power Rangers movie too and it was entertaining. I was pleasantly surprised.



    Yeesh! You guys took off!!

    @robert hi!

    Could the train set be repurposed to Wargames terrain? Um, once the shed is organised?

    MASK could be fun, hehe yeah that old chess story still makes me chuckle..,

    @dawfydd ?

    Yeah, it would be nice if GW would get around to redoing the Catachans…

    New Chaos Marines are coming, now’s a good time for Lost n Damned…

    I had an idea for a bit of a Chaos project too, depending on what’s released (and my budget, lol) I might fire it up…

    @blinky465 oh, nice find on those MOTU minis! Some are a little better than others, for sure. But they’re pretty good.

    @evilstu haha! I had forgotten that the Predator end credits were like that! Lol

    @tuffyears fantastic work. The colour on the AT-ST seems spot on to me.

    @mage great work on the Ogre. I like that style of Ogre GW did much more than what came later. But I suppose those later models were more unique.

    I’m not sure if there’s a difference between the two sets of photos you uploaded, but I feel that the second set have better lighting and/or focus. The first set doesn’t seem to have quite as sharp a definition.

    The photo on the Goblin throne is nice and sharp.

    Thanks man, nah real world stuff was just something that had to be done: Monday I had to go and hire a storage shed. I took some of my stuff with me. The Thursday I had to move some furniture into the storage. Just had to rent a truck and roll my sleeves up. Thanks for asking ?

    The squigs are looking great (I’ve always loved those critters).

    Phone cameras can be ok for photoing minis, but the rest of the setup really has to compensate…

    @woldenspoons and @dawfydd hehe aren’t Zoids those old toys that GW used to convert into vehicles back in the RT days, along with deodorant tubes?

    my own hobby progress in a minute. My phone is being extra specially annoying, since my iCloud storage is full ?



    Got some supplies in today:


    The liquid decal film will be for some ooooooold transfers I have that I’ll want to use on my Dark Angels. I may also use it to experiment on making my own transfers…

    The greenstuff coz I want to get back into converting. I dabbled with it back in the day, and I’ve got a project in mind, also for the Dark Angels, that I can use some for.

    Other than that, I spent most of Monday working on another Dark Angel Squad: 9BB349A5-8EC8-4BE4-9A26-242BB5C63B4EF1BDC9C5-09CE-4869-8CFB-91E26DBB48DDD1C80E08-C8E1-4F23-B899-BE1235BD6749

    hmmm, there’s one guy who looks like I missed the black glaze/wash on. It really stands out in the photo but not so much IRL. I’m kind of ok with this…

    Also I think I’ll full the white down a little, it’s Too white.



    @rayzryr if the guy at the back on the 3rd photo is the guy you are talking about it may just be something to do with the light and focus from your device. Bit of a coincidence it would be the guy kind of on his own.

    I trust you are using the green stuff to model dresses and heretical symbols on them?



    Family photo? There is a group pic of the gives squigs in the second post I think @woldenspoons on another note I found the structuring of power rangers as a story, as well as the inconsistent tone and pacing to be a bit of let down for the movie

    @evilstu I saw that indeed, man they look promising!


    I prefer the old style but I like the newer style too. I think the new style was limited on what they could accomplish with the technology in the early to mid 2000s though. I think the later models were more unique as you say for copyright and world building.

    The second set of squigs seem better so? Maybe it is how I took the photos? Man this is complicated.

    Thanks, but the Gublin Throne was taken another eveining, cannot remember what was different about how I took the photo.

    Did not wanna intrude too much, glad all is well with you.

    Thanks for the compliment on the squigs too btw!

    Dark Angels are looking quite good


    Helped my friend do more work on her Moria Goblins today and might do more work with her tomorrow before D&D starts. Didnt do much for myself aside for priming some Mordheim models. Had a parcel arrive too…



    @mage sorry I was taking a cheeky peaky at work and missed them. They look great together.

    Did I mention that the blue Zoids don’t tend to fly unlike the red ones? Sounds like another robot franchise.



    Not much done in the shed.  A few boxes unpacked, and my Black Library books put on a shelf or three.  I did finish reading Valkia The Bloody by Sarah Cawkwell.  It’s a model I would like to paint at some stage.



    @mage for highlighting brown, I normally take the base coat and add either a lighter brown, yellow, tan colour, skin colour or white to it, depending on what brown I used or what I want to achieve.  Also, good tunes!

    @limburger For me, The A-Team wouldn’t be the A-Team if it was realistic.

    @rayzryr the train set was in OO guage, which is about 1:76, so could be used with 1/72 gaming (20mm).  I still have all the rolling stock so who knows what I will do with it.  Also let us know how that Liquid Decal Film works out, looks to have a lot of uses.  Have a Dark Angels army to paint myself.





    Cult of Games Member

    @robert : I know …it’s probably why I couldn’t get into the Battlestar Galactica reboot.
    Although my threshold for new series is very high. It has to click within the first episode … and it failed.

    Anyways … ‘realistic’ A-team is an intersting concept.



    Sat on a spare couch as not to disturb saxon, aslpee on the larger one. Fire is roaring. Crack open the laptop and he moves couches to snuggle into me while I type this. Dobermans are the best.


    I take it blue zoids cannot fly like autobots and red ones can like Decepticons?

    Hope you liked the squigs!

    Quick question: do you think Nurgle has a lot if insect imagery in its style with the Death Guard marines?


    Sounds like you did a good bit

    Mmm yellow or skin added to the base, I like the sound of that.

    And thanks for liking my tunes! 😉


    Helped my friend with her Moria Goblins. 6 archers are 90% done just gotta do the base. Cooking some chicken for work tomorrow, then gonna cook some pizza. Then probably netflix and hobby before bed.



    @mage the fly is one of the sacred symbols of nurgle so yes, the imagery is intended.

    I certainly do like the squigs, funny enough they remind me of my Malifaux pigs.

    So many synergies in the toypocalypse it’s almost like its intended. Gi Joe Vs Skeletor doesn’t seem half bad either.



    Well, judging by the look of all the goblins be they brewer, posse, ninja or wizard, they kinda are taking a cue, I think at least in part, from the GW goblins with their crazy and chaotic nature. Some might disagree with me, but I digress. Hence the squig connection but hey, its all just opinions.


    Hasbro owns GI Joe and Mattel still own He-man I believe so im not quite sure they would cross over in a movie verse…


    Doing some work on my friends Moria Goblins since we arent painting again til tomorrow before D&D, thought it would be a nice surprise. Gonna try and get the second larger batch up to the same standard, just a couple of colours is all.


    Still working on refurbishing another friends carousel but made some mistakes. Its the second last colour to do and then it is touch ups.


    Not sure what if anything I will work on for the evening for myself.






    I am planning to paint up my conquest and dark imperium soon, and had a thought about my Death Guard. I want to paint them differently to the various blacks, cream, bone, and various greens or rusted ones that everyone seems to be doing… more to follow…


    Cult of Games Member

    It went better then expected. All left to do is a good cover of varnish. Then take pictures. So, if I manage it all right tomorrow or the day after that my very, very special project will be revealed. Oh how I wished I could see the faces of certain people when it goes live XD

    If you don’t hear anything from me after the reveal someone has send special ops after me 😉



    @sundancer best of luck and you can do it! As long as what your doing isnt this:


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