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Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…

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This topic contains 109 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  oriskany 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Again, I’m easy to find. Last not but least due to the fact that I use my nickname for more than 25 years. And again having a valid address with name on my blogs (as demanded by German law) really makes it hard to hide when you’re online as long as I am 😉 too many traces and too many mistakes in the past.


    Cult of Games Member

    More tanks



    @sundancer good job I’m too lazy to look into it. ?

    Had a tough day gaming, played a 2k game of 40k with my work colleague. His Ultramarines with a sprinkle of stuff from Shadowspear vs my word Bearers.

    Sadly the game was really over before my turn one. I lost my Lord of Skulls and my Warlord plus a chunk of my troops. As a friendly game it was one that you’d probably restart but there was a young observer who was very much enjoying the marines doing well so I took it on the chin and continued ‘having fun’ taking my models off the table en masse.

    I made up for it with retail therapy. Abbadon, the Stargate and Vigilus Ablaze book. ?


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey Team,

    Apologies was out of action yesterday evening when I had planned to do the tally up of awards etc. Combined awards for the last 2 weeks, and the winner is @sundancer

    Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic) – @sundancer
    · Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation) – N/A
    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend) – @robert
    · Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes) – @woldenspoons
    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun) – @sundancer
    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain) – @blinky465
    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music) – @horati0nosebl0wer
    · Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports) – @sundancer
    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged) – @robert
    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story) – @woldenspoons

    @lancorz grateful if you could add awards accordingly.

    As mentioned have month end on at work this week so regrettably won’t have capacity to do a proper round of hosting duties but happy for this thread to carry on until next week. Will try to engage actively where possible but please bear in mind I won’t have time to ead through all comments or allocate points etc 🙂



    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons sounds like a rough day 😉 Good to hear you have filled that gaping Abbadon sized hole in your force roster 🙂

    @tuffyears great (and really rapind!) progress on the new tank project.

    @sundancer glad the package arrived safely. Odd, I don’t remember the box being that shape when I dropped it in at the post office…

    And if anybody is curious, @sundancer‘s real name and address are as follows: ‘Mr Sundacner of 1 Pun Street, Sunnyvale, Happyland’. So glad that’s all cleared up 🙂

    @robert sounds good – My Slaanesh Army is metallic purple and gold, so can I maybe give you some advice from someone who has been down that path? Maybe try and work in an accent colour here and there (an off white for cloth or a contrasting brown for the leather etc). Otherwise when finished the project looks slightly like a large confectionary wrapper 😉 (or at least mine did to begin with…)

    @limburger By Crom! worth the wait just for the map! really like the subtle phoenix motif at the top of the pack. A little bit remorseful I just went for the PDF’s now (not really – shipping to Oz would have been a killer… 😉 )

    @horati0nosebl0wer wow those are brutal hours – look after yourself!

    @rayzryr good to see you moving back to the elf project 🙂

    @oriskany no problem 🙂 Great looking prep work on the new force.

    Got some hobby time yesterday and finished off my Middenheim infantry  – Link – and now thinking about what to tackle next. Going to try rotating through a few smaller forces a unit or two at a time. Going to stick with Fantasy for a bit until I have my focus back up where I will switch over to some historical stuff  – that will require more detail and attention as I’ll be going for a better finished standard so want to be in the right frame of mind before putting brush to mini.



    *best zombie impression ever* Sleeeeeep… sleeeeeeep



    Have been fairly productive this weekend in the spare time I had.  Have finished building the infantry for a German and a British force that I can use for Rapid Fire, just have to glue backpacks on the British and they are ready for undercoats.  Have built a 1/72 Valentine from Plastic Soldier Company (got a box of 3 for £10).  Got a squad of 28mm Gebirgsjager ready for undercoat as well as starting to get some Plague Bearers built.

    @limburger The Conan stuff looks very, very nice!  Enjoy!

    @tuffyears tanks look great.  The more I see of Team Yankee, the more I want to build a force.  I’d have to go British for the Harriers.

    @rayzryr I like to say “the only good elf is a dead elf” but it isn’t true.  One of my favourite armies was Mike McVey’s Wood Elfs from the 90s… so good!

    @oriskany Good work on the DAK.  I do like the Opel Blitz!

    @woldenspoons I hope you pointed out the error of that young boy’s ways and put him on the path to immortality and glory in the bosom of the Chaos Gods!  Nice haul, the Stargate is a great model and I really like what they have done with Abaddon. There is an awful lot to like about the recent Chaos releases!

    @evilstu thanks for the advice re the purple and gold.  Maybe off white for the Gloves and add another colour on the shields.  Good work on the army!


    Cult of Games Member

    When you look at your family photo album and compare your primary school photo to your university photo


    Also did a thing with my shadowspear art cards


    Cult of Games Member

    So I built me a 3d printer. The timing was quite fortuitous, as it’s a subject that the Beasties have been covering in recent days too. I started by printing (and failing) with my little Up!Mini printer, before being totally enamoured by the Ultimaker 2+ at the Eagle Lab in Brighton.

    I don’t have £200 let alone £2,000 to throw at a 3d printer – but now I’d been bitten by the bug (yes, I know it’s slow and problematic and everything else, but the Ultimaker is such a robust machine you can throw some g-code at it, leave it running for a few hours and come back to some amazing scatter terrain).

    In the end, I figured that since I’ve built my own CNC machines from scratch, and have played about with stepper motors and the like, there’d be no harm in trying to put together a 3d printer from a kit off eBay. I plumped for the Tronxy X3 model (with auto-bed leveling head). The whole kit (inc. frame, motors, electronics AND bed levelling sensor) cost £120 including delivery.

    It took about six hours in total over a few nights to build. I’m still not entirely sure it’s 100% right.

    But here’s a photo showing it printing it’s first calibration cube.


    So far so good. Exciting times….



    Cult of Games Member

    I realize I should also add some replies and feedback:

    Bonus question: What classic game is due for a reskin/reissue? 

    Panzer Leader (surprise, surprise).  This game is so in need of it, I’m currently doing it myself. 😀


    @rayzryr – great work on the elves!  And I also like the artwork for Kingdom Death, especially the pinups. 😀  I’d still be afraid to try and paint one, though.  I can do tanks and vehicles passably well but figures still give me issues.

    @sundancer – Star Wars Pocket Models gets a re-do?  Wee sort of did that a few years ago here on the site:

    Make The Game Your Own! Star Wars Ground Minis Part 4

    @robert – Gripping Beast Arabs look great.  Are those for a certain game?  Maybe a middle-east expansion of Saga?  – Oops, never mind, you answered the question later –  Lion Rampant and KoW as either a fantasy human army or for Kow Historical.

    What’s up with KoW Historical?  I only saw some lets plays with original KoW, where many of the rules regarding formations locked in combat (bounce back an inch) and movement (free pivoting as opposed to realistic wheels) looked a little absurd.  I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Eh.  It’s fantasy.”  But bringing those kinds of mechanics into a historical ancients or  medieval setting is a different story.  But I also heard the rules have had a slight realism adjustment?

    @tuffyears – holy crap look at those guns!  How do those guys stand up straight –  or if they’re flying, not  get hurled back by the recoil of those weapons?

    And I hope you like Team Yankee and you explorations into Moderns – or alternate historicals if nothing else.  The scaling looks about right.  Both tanks are massive IRL, 24’7″ for the the hull of the Chieftain and 27″ for the Abrams, the Chieftain is actually a little longer, though, if you include the gun length (I see you’ve used the Rh-120 / M256 gun on the Abrams).  Both tanks are technically  the same width at 12′, but many Abrams “look” bigger on the news lately because they have the new TUSK armor on them, which was not present in Team Yankee time.  So this might account slightly for the Abrams seeming “smaller” than you’d imagine?

    @blinky465 – damn you had that Castle Greyskull 3D printed?  That must have taken forever!  Have you seen the Netflix show They Toys that ade Us?  There’s an episode on that for Masters of the Universe and how re-imagined upscale reimaginings of the original figures are making a comeback in the collector’s market.  And I like your work on the figures too!  (always had a crush on the Sorceress when I was a kid).

    Great works, @evilstu – I don’t care about all this jabber about skirmish wargaming – nothing beats a big ranked-up army.  Ever.  And great effect on the pelts for those Middenheim figures.

    @mage – excellent metallic effect on the gold / bronze armor.  That’s tough to pull off without making it looks too shiny.  Wash it too much and it comes out looking dirty.  looks like you avoided both pitfalls. – As far as basing those DAK 20mm Airfix … the round “Woodsie” discs from the craft store haven’t let me down yet.  I also have some Halo toys I’m trying to bring to basic tabletop miniature standard, using larger versions of the same discs.

    @woldenspoons – Awesome Walking Dead table!



    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany – I’ve now got two printed! One at the local Eagle Lab, the other I just about squeezed out of my own little printer (the quality of Castle Blueskull is nowhere near that of it’s green cousin, but it’ll do).

    Each of the “major” sections – the skull face, the two halves of the rock base, the top rounded “crown” – took around four-and-a-half hours to print each. I just set the printer going, left it, returned to after work (after setting it running in the morning) or in the morning (if left to run overnight) and checked out what had been produced (on more than one occasion it was a pile of plastic spaghetti!)

    I was never really a massive fan of He-man; I always wanted Star Wars figures as a kid but when He-man first came out in about 1981 there were only seven main characters to collect (whereas Star Wars was already onto it’s second film and about 150 figures by this time!). I got my first He-man figure for my b’day in the early 80s – they’d sold out of He-man and Skeletor so for two months Man-at-Arms took on the awesome might of a Lego starfighter all on his own 😉

    I just thought those Master of the Universe minis from Quest Miniatures on Etsy looked so cool (and nostalgic) and it was in response to a forum post I bought some. Damn you, BoW forums…..




    Hey guys,


    been super busy myself with work, custody of my son and life in general.


    havent done much hobby since due to these factors and more. I’m hoping to get some hobby in tomorrow: after my current night shift ends and I get some sleep of clurse


    firstly I’ll set up my hobby area now that the play room is tidy. Then I’ll power through my nine Aggressors as well as work on making new bases for my… floaty Primaris marines. I can’t remember their names. Also I’m overdue some hobby supplies in the mail: basing material, brushes and washes.


    i also have some terrain to prime and paint that cane with conquest.


    hopefully I’ll gwt a game of risk legacy in tonight, also. I got it two Christmases age and need to play it


    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany I doubt it gets a re-do (assuming you’re meaning a re-release) I just pulled all of my stuff out of the drawer 😉 But on 4th may our club will have sort of an open Star Wars-y day and I’m thinking about doing two constructed decks just for shits and giggles



    @oriskany The push back an inch is still in KoW Historical.  KoW is very abstract, and has been made as simple as possible to give a quick, fun game but it does have a lot of nuance and tactical depth.  The easy to learn but difficult to master mantra.  My take on KoW Historical is that it is there to allow quick, simple and fun historical games. It is Hollywood Historical. The realism isn’t there, and it doesn’t pretend that it is, but if you wanted to use your Romans to fight a bunch of your mates Normans or Crusaders, well this is perhaps the system for you.


    Cult of Games Member
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