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Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…

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This topic contains 109 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  oriskany 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Going super @evilstu ! I’ve got me special nozzle, so all good!



    @mage good stuff, I like the colour of that Martian technical paint!

    @horati0nosebl0wer unfortunately I actually bought the red thing from somewhere… and the Pokemon licence is too expensive.  Wargamers Aprons are an idea i’d like to explore though.  Who wouldn’t want a Space Marine apron when cooking pancakes!  I’ll get these Arabs painted before I get any more, though I see Painting War have released a painting guide for the Crusades so I’ll probably get that this week.  I still have a box of Gripping Beast Cavalry to build as well plus there is more metal infantry in a box somewhere.

    @rayzryr the Mantic Dragon has got a lot of stick online, but I like it especially at the price it comes at.  Don’t think I got the SC Dreadnought expansion though.

    @sundancer 3 Inches of Blood are a fun band.  Have a couple of their albums.



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu  all is well … but your flocking avatar still manages to scare me.

    That ain’t no cute fluffy koala

    Conan is still stuck on a boat or something. No news yet.


    In other news : Soda Pop Miniatures had a minor update for Relic Knights & Way of the Fighter.
    It looks like they’re looking at alternate resin manufacturers while using their webshop to finance this (‘… Establishing an online – webstore premium products line to put profits towards manageable bites of outstanding Kickstarter content.’).

    No actual promises (yet), but apparently they are planning to deliver the wave 1 of RK in some form (I’m assuming that is the starter set) and ‘complete’ fullfillment of the miniatures associated with the latter.

    It kind of makes me wonder what will happen to the stuff that has been produced, but not shipped due to their financial issues.

    I’m not sure what to make of this, because it is strange that the game that is less dependent on miniatures (WotF has standees) may be completed when the rest is likely to be stuck in limbo.

    No info on what will happen with Starfinder miniatures.


    Cult of Games Member

    So this weekend, I learned how to perform simple boolean operations in Blender on the computer. What’s that got to do with anything? Well, it allows me to import an STL file, chop out a big rectangular section and a thin cylindrical section, and create voids inside existing 3d printable models.

    Why would you want to do that? To fill them full of unnecessary electronic wizardry of course!



    I managed to cram a tiny 9g servo inside the base of a (newly printed) Castle Grayskull rock base.

    Castle Greenskull is slowly becoming Castle Blueskull, as I replace various parts….


    Cult of Games Member

    Ok, home at a slightly more agreeable time this evening…

    @woldenspoons oh dear, Grumpy Skeletor is hilarious! Hadn’t seen it before – I might get very distracted later on…20 points.

    @mage Cheers. Shoulder much better now, just no idea what I did to annoy it which is bothersome as I’m keen to avoid repeating the process… Middenheim troops are all partly based and varnished, just going to add another shade of flock and a few grass/flower tufts and will then call them done, photograph and write-up. Then 30 Knights of the white Wolf and then on to the High Elves (unless I get distracted… Which I almost certainly will…). yeah hit up the self-care a bit more yourself 🙂 Shift work can be rough and it’s all too easy to let diet and exercise slide while you are catching up on recalibrating a sleep pattern. 20 points.

    @robert very cool, the Abyssals do have a nice range of different units so it hopefully shouldn’t be too onerous for you to paint up the army as you have the opportunity for a bit of variety in the paint schemes. Arabs look great. Just starting to discover the joy of historical minis in the last couple of years. really nice to be able to switch the same minis between game settings and rules systems with impunity 🙂 20 points.

    @sundancer jealous that you have seen Maiden often enough to have a point of reference 😉 Argh! So much Ork! 🙂 30 points.

    @horati0nosebl0wer haven’t seen last Exile, will add it to the queue 🙂 Special nozzle time with more teeth is getting close to the probing the spiky ring reference on this weeks weekender. Hrm, spray can nozzle is interesting – is that Callig-Graf-y then? OK, I’ll show myself out… 30 points.

    @limburger hang in there! no doubt the Conan stuff will be worth the wait when it hits 🙂 Some positive news on Relic Knights – show’s they are at least working on solutions. One issue  though is the .manageable bites’ bit could get expensive shipping-wise… 20 points.

    @rayzryr much respect for holding out to finish KD before cracking open the expansions. Ah Rustoleum – yeah I see where the issue with the nozzles is now. I use them for terrain so can usually finish a can before the nozzle clogs on me. Are ‘special nozzles’ going to be a euphemism from here on? Just curious… 20 points.

    @kiranamida in fairness few of us can ever stop at 3 books – I may have a full shelf of D&D 3.5… <_< Your point is well made though, having optional extras as genuine options rather than almost necessities still leaves it to people as to what they want ot pick up and engage with. 10 points.

    @blinky465 great looking stuff! Glad it’s starting to come together for you. I really need to start doing some 3D modelling as soon as I can find some time to dedicate to it. For now though plenty of Printable Scenery stuff saved down to work through. 30 points.

    A quick head’s up I’ll be formally closing the thread in about 24 hours. As always though feel free to keep posting until the new one goes live 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu I’m just old 😉 second most seen live band in my life is Motörhead. Man, those shows….


    Cult of Games Member

    Also, 2010’s tunes:

    Everybody awake? OK, I’ll stop now 😛



    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer oddly enough I have Ani diFranco and fear Factory tied for first place on the ‘most seen live’ list…



    @robert the Mantic Dragon isn’t the best dragon going, but it’s a good toy for a good price! It’s also a good size for DnD: its base size make it the “right” size for a large/ancient Dragon, if your game is using the standard 1”=5’ grid.

    @blinky465 ? that’s awesome!!!

    @sundancer moar teef meens moar Dakka!! An’ders Nevah such Fing as too much DAKKA!!

    @evilstu hrm let’s not talk of nozzles near teeth, or teeth near nozzles… special or otherwise…

    Ooh CalliGraffiti! Nice one!! It’s what all the cool kids were doing 16th century, tagging their names on the walls in alleys, on the sides of wagons, across old mules that stood still for too long in yards…


    For my my own hobby time, I got these two undercoated last night: 958E30F4-8125-4561-A20A-319171E79459

    though at some point I lost the sword from the guy on the left ?!?!

    I primed three other Elves this evening as well as My First Primaris. I built up a bit more of a base on another character: C43E1E9F-A480-4FA5-ACF0-0B55BFF234D4

    and I’m getting back into green stuff, starting with filling some gaps on some Horses:


    I think I’m going to prep some more stuff for priming, and just do a Prime Frenzy on Monday this week coming…


    Cult of Games Member

    And so it begins….

    I also have the Charlie’s Chieftains set on order



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu : I know it’s worth the wait as I’ve seen the PDF’s … it’s some of the physical rewards that are going to be more interesting to see in the flesh.

    @tuffyears : what colours are the chieftains going to be ? Hot Pink ? 😉

    One day I will build a Dutch army for Team Yankee, because I want at least one proper historical Dutch army in my collection.
    I’ve got the books. All I need is time, a plan for a viable army … and lots of green paint.


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger i was thinking more along these lines


    Lol or just plain army standard camouflage of the era


    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears standard camo is overrated 😉

    Pink Darth Vader


    Cult of Games Member

    You lot stop stealing my paint schemes! XD


    Cult of Games Member

    1st five glued together. Just waiting on the Charlie’s Chieftains box now.

    Is it me or is the scaling of the the chieftains a little bigger than the abrams

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