Home › Forums › Painting in Tabletop Gaming › Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…
This topic contains 109 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by oriskany 5 years, 9 months ago.
March 23, 2019 at 9:57 pm #1365631
I’d argue that Kickstarter merely highlighted the process that has always been going on within the industry.
We’ve got a top 3 of companies that ‘own’ a specific genre and anyone who wants to get in is pretty much doomed to fail unless they get incredibly lucky by picking a genre/style that has potential to be its own thing.
Part of the problem is that some systems target (like Mythic) incredibly tiny audiences under the best of circumstances.
And then there’s the post kickstarter/launch support (or lack thereof) that effectively determines if there is a chance for the game to grow an audience at all because anyone going ‘all in’ rarely has any need to buy more stuff.I think Mantic have done a good job with their ‘walking dead’ release by providing unique content to retail after delivery of the kickstarter.
GW operate at a scale and speed that no one can touch, which makes getting a new game of the ground even harder.
// —
@woldenspoons There will be a v2 Batman kickstarter on June 4th with access to the ‘season 1’ stuff.
So maybe start saving money ? 😉
(disclaimer : I’ve backed it so I am a bit biased … I also am not enough fan of Batman to know what options they have to expand the game)//
// bonus question :
What about a proper new version of Monopoly ?
Not a simple reskin that fails to use the unique features of a theme, but one that makes core mechanics a bit more fun and modern ?
Maybe make the role of ‘the bank’ that is a fun part of the game as opposed to the thing no one wants to do.//
There is a v2 of Battlefleet Gothic as a pc game :
March 24, 2019 at 6:41 am #1365729Just a quick “hello” to say I’ll be live streaming today at 7PM GMT, hopefully playtesting new vehicles in Valor & Victory: expanded to 1982 Lebanon. We have Israeli M113 Zeldas (troops transports and gun IFVs) along with Palestinian technicals (with DShK 12.7mm HMG and ZU-23-2 twin autocannon).
Hope to see some of you there, to see how these new units work!
March 24, 2019 at 8:19 am #1365736Progress for today was messing about having a look at some of my old armies that might (ie really do) need retouching, and got my artillery and final characters for my Middenheim force up to the varnish stage. A matt clear coat and fixing up the base and then this component of the army is done 🙂
Back soon with responses and replies 🙂
March 24, 2019 at 9:11 am #1365769Building the Prusa i3 clone has stalled – missing two bolts to hold the travelling bed. Grrrr. It’s Sunday now, so will have to wait until tomorrow to call in at the Nut and Bolt store (in Hove).
On the upside, I’ll have a couple of hours tonight to splash some more paint on my He-man miniatures, so it’s not all bad 😉
March 24, 2019 at 9:56 am #1365798@woldenspoons the game set up for Walking Dead looks great. Those Police cars look great!
@evilstu I like Dwarfs and Badgers so Oathsworn is the perfect company for me… One thing that needs more love is the resin terrain they have done, it is very, very good. I hope they return to the Dwarfs at some stage. That is also a fine looking force on the table!
@sundancer saw them twice last year. Never seen them when Bruce had long hair, sadly, but have seen them about 9 times and Bruce sounds better than ever. Plus they had a massive Spitfire on stage which was awesome. Good work on Stompy McStompface. A fun piece of scenery for sure.
@limburger good point on Kickstarter. Another problem is companies didn’t have the sense to start small with Kickstarter, and build their company and/or game at a sustainable speed. Kickstarter has really highlighted that creative people don’t necessarily have good heads for budgets and workflow.
@blinky465 that is an awesome name for a shop!
March 24, 2019 at 10:13 am #1365805@sundancer that’s cool looking game 🙂 Very reminiscent of 2ned ed Battletech with the hexes and standees, so immediately hit my nostalgia button 🙂 Congrats on finishing the the box insert. Oh, poor Stompy… 30 points for responses and hobby progress.
@limburger if you are ever bored check out ‘Conan the Salaryman’ on Twitter 🙂 Agree, Vallejo’s art style is very iconic and most definitely encapsulates the genre. Excellent point on post KS support – I think you may have picked up on a key point. The companies that seem to generate continued support are the ones that continually expand the range of ways their community can interact with their game. It doesn’t have to be major releases constantly but just steady periodic updates. the ones that deliver the KS and then sort of step back seem to struggle. 20 points for responses and making me want a signed Vallejo print…
@mage A nice relaxed approach 🙂 best of luck progressing the Minotaurs. Yes sad news about Paranoid Minis – hopefully someone else can at least pick up the sculpts if not the whole game IP. Good point on being able to deep dive into particular elements of interest in a hobby now. You are correct we didn’t have that luxury even 20 years ago. 40 points for question responses and pledge.
@robert great progress! Looks like a very impressive setup 🙂 Hrm, there is no wall space in my hobby room for an Iron Maiden calendar – I think I may need to reevaluate all my major life decisions to this point 😉 (or just take advantage of all that dead space on the ceiling where I can’t stack bookshelves…). Can you perhaps retouch the blue sky into something more useful/decorative? 30 points for responses to others and hobby progress.
@oriskany Storming the Gap does look like a good product. Nice to see it get funded and nice to see a ‘what if’ spin on hex & counter gaming. Synthwave does make great background music while hobbying. I can hear why that link may have been helping your creativity on the Arab Israeli war project. Thanks for the link to Eckharts Ladder – will add it to the ‘to watch’ list (I’m almost caught up on a lot of my other channels – which on a positive note must that means I’ve been getting a lot of painting done…). will be at work tomorrow morning when the livestream starts (stupid time-travel…) but hope all goes well! Unit stacks and map look great. 40 points for post responses and hobby progress.
@woldenspoons get sleep! Yes agree that Reichbusters looked tempting. I just couldn’t justify the outlay for something I wasn’t sure would get played too often. I am keen to see what the community do with those minis once they are out in the wild… well I guess if media does turn entirely into cooking shows and bad reality TV we will still all have 25 years worth of viewing to catch up on form everything we’ve missed since the mid 90’s, so that should at least stave off cabin fever long enough for us to come up with some sort of backup plan… Table looks great! Hope much fun was had. 50 points for question responses and tourney pics.
@blinky465 oh no! Can you cannibalise parts form your other printer in the interim? Or is it best to wait and get the project squared away properly? best of luck painting! 20 points for hobby progress.
March 24, 2019 at 10:46 am #1365822@robert I also saw them without Bruce (What an aweful show that was…) and then after the reunion. They just have fun on stage. 😉
March 24, 2019 at 11:06 am #1365833Off to work but a quick shot into the void before doing so.
1. I’m glad that the Kingdom Death got off the ground but damn its a long time to see anything from it. As far as the ones that I’m sad to not be in on… all the one’s that I look at and admire the shiny but sit back because my wallet is anemic and I have only so much time to get to hobby.
2. The ease to get to music has been a joy for me. I’ve come to enjoy Bandcamp quite a bit over Pandora. YouTube has opened up a little bit of stuff but not by too much as the algorithm is a buffer in suggestion rather than allowing organic searches.
3. Anime is a pain when you try to get into an IP and ride for dear life as its built around the turnaround for merchandise sales. Limiting the amount of movies I take in and the other media has helped in what I pore over. I think that the book Embassytown has a pretty good subplot on earworms and the infection of pop culture through society with regard to entertainment. If I can get to a good book I am happy but the visual media I consume takes time/space away from hobby painting and other things I used to do as a kid. I still go back to watching silver age anime features from time to time. Then again there are films that I’ve purchased that I go back to for the fun of it.
Game that needs a redo? Let me think on that. Check you all later
March 24, 2019 at 2:43 pm #1365884@evilstu – I did think about “borrowing” a few parts, but in all honesty, a delay of 24 hours isn’t going to kill me – it also means I’ll have a few hours tonight to paint a couple more minis (or at least, maybe try to get Man-at-Arms finished; I’ve got my eye on Beast-man next).
I have had no interest in 3d printing in recent years (mainly since I couldn’t get mine to work, but also not really needed it, as my laser cutter and flat-pack fulfillyed most of my terrain needs). But seeing the level of detail possible (with machines like the Ultimater 2) and the ease of use, and seeing the quality of some of the printable terrain pieces has got me thinking – maybe, with a couple of printers (once I have them both working) I could just leave them churning out terrain/scenery pieces for a few weeks. Things have really moved on with 3d printing technology since I last looked! (my i3 clone for £110 even comes with auto bed levelling….)
March 24, 2019 at 3:25 pm #1365893LOL indeed @evilstu
I will consider this new fangled 3D printing stuff the moment it can do something of reasonable size and quality in an hour.
I can’t imagine running such a beast for days.March 24, 2019 at 4:41 pm #1365905@evilstu I found a use for the blue thing… it can also hold my little magnetic blackboard!
Sort of have the shed as organised as it needs to be at the moment. Got a few things done as well – the terrain I got in Warhammer Conquest is ready to be primed and I did some work on a Mantic Abyssal Dwarf thing. Also moved a comfy chair in for reading and plotting!
March 25, 2019 at 12:21 am #1366146Reshoots and freshly painted Minotaurs. Squad markings, army markings, basing, touching up the gold, varnish g and basing not included… yet.
March 25, 2019 at 12:26 am #1366147March 25, 2019 at 12:29 am #1366148March 25, 2019 at 12:32 am #1366149 -
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