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Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…

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This topic contains 109 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  oriskany 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    17kg? Poor bugger of a postman who has to carry that around XD



    @evilstu Thanks for hosting again!

    @kiranamida Nice to see another Oathsworn fan.  Also Bandcamp is very good for finding new metal.  HMV?  I was in one in Aberdeen last August and spent too much on CDs and vinyl!  Not sure if the one in Belfast is still open.  I’m fairly lucky in that my home town still has a small music shop with a decent enough metal section.

    @rayzryr Agreed on Space Crusade, I enjoyed playing it back in the day.  I still think I have the Eldar from one of the expansions somewhere.  They were massive compared to GW minis at the time so probably would be a perfect fit now!  I’m liking these old school elves as well.  Nice stuff.

    @limburger I loved the first few series of American Choppers when it was more about the bikes but agreed about the drama… 17kgs, nearly a workout and a game! 🙂

    @tuffyears Good idea dropping the flight stands.  Looking good.

    @oriskany Good to see you again, like myself, I hadn’t been on a weekender for a while.  Airfix always had some interesting poses in their kits, good work on the models.

    @blinky465 Castle Greenskull is looking well!  Nothing can beat the smell of new vinyl, which is why I still buy a lot of new releases on that format.







    Bore da pobl y On Tabletop.

    I’m absolutely shattered, started work at 7 am and did a pathfinding gig till 11.30pm. (Went really well, lots of interest and someone bought the game).

    I wasn’t planning on much hobby but then I remembered I am playing 40k next weekend so might add some red to my Daemonkin Word Bearers


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey Team, apologies for quick responses but my shoulder is playing up again (and I promise I haven’t been sitting playing computer games all day or anything and I’m refusing to make the connection to painting for long intervals…) 😛

    @sundancer yep as stated last week just need to work out which version of Mel’s book to order. The PDF makes more sense but I do like the tactile nature of an actual physical copy. Yes Star Wars counts as classic – which is concerning because those filme are younger than me… Hrm… Love Cyberpunk – still keen to do a cyberpunk gaming table at some stage… Not familiar with the battle for hoth game – I’m guessing you don’t mean the lego kit game that I found when i did a google search? 😛 BFG and Inquisitor updated and reissued could be great fun! 40 points for questions responses.

    @kiranamida I missed the second Heroines in Sensible Shoes but did back the first. The second was tempting but as I had only finished one of the original minis I decided I couldn’t justify it. they are really nice sculpts. I’m guessing the Burrows and Badgers stuff must be of a similar standard given the reception the game has gotten? Yes I remember record stores 🙂 Adn getting told that the band that recorded the album I was trying to order into said record store so I could purchase it didn’t exist… The internet does make things so much simpler in that regard… 🙂  Haven’t read the Wheel of time series – I guess I’ll need to make a call on whether to hold off on the series and read the books or watch the series and potentially have the books viewed through the lens of the TV adaptation. 40 points for responses and pledge.

    @robert good to hear that access t music is considered a necessary precondition for the shed to be ‘useable’ 🙂 All of the Oathsworn KS’s? Well done! Yes I hear you on the ZM Minotaurs – I got just the herones pledge and I am really happy with those minis. But having seen the final production quality on those minotaurs… Just wow. At least we can still get them mail order 🙂 It’s nice to have ‘no brainer’ stuff to default back to – I still play Oblivion on occasion (can’t quite manage to go back to the original Morrowind….). Nice point on AoS Manowar – Dwarven aircraft carrier launching zepplins? Now we’re talkin’ 🙂 Nice hobby progress. Best of luck continuing with the sorting and unpacking. 60 points for pledge and question responses.

    @rayzryr I love playing the ‘what should have happened by now’ game 🙂 My theory is that second Impact and the crash landing of the Super-Dimensional Fortress Macross must both have been prevented by Astroboy 😛 Makes perfect sense in my head. That Kingdom Death KS sounds like it’s the gift that will keep on giving for years (quite literally given the pledge tier phasing…). I suspect that MBP amd the Monolith games might get a periodic rules update and re-release on KS every couple of years – if they are using it as a marketing and distribution hub it would make sense to leverage off an existing game a second time like KD 1.5. I know what you mean about MBP, the minis look gorgeous, but I think if I had a copy I’d need to devote my hobby time exclusively to that one game to have any hope of getting it all painted (not that that would necessarily be a bad thing…). there was just so much content… Good call on the updated Space Crusade! I have a copy of that floating around somewhere – had been toying with the idea of sourcing replacement upgraded minis and seeing if my nephew was keen to give it a go… A refreshed version could be a nice gateway game, much like Hero Quest was for many fantasy players. 40 points for pledge and question responses.

    @limburger all fine choices re KS. Yes hopefully DZC and Dropfleet will gain a bit more momentum moving forward. I backed the Conan RPG because Conan – go t the PDF’s but still haven’t had a chance to do more than flick through a few of them – I may need to invest in a tablet so I have half a chance at reading PDF’s (Phone screen is too small for me…). reality TV has scripts? I thought it was just people with interpersonal issues crammed into distressing situations and circumstances which were designed to make them lash out at one another as it made ‘good television’… As you can probably guess I’m not a fan of the genre 😉 Congrats on the inbound Conan KS. I’d be with @sudacner on having sympathy for your postman but from memory you usually end up having to carry these tings back from the collection centre personally? Might be a good idea to have an ice pack handy for the recovery session afterward ;-P Best of luck pushing on with the Minions! 50 points for pledge and assorted posts and question responses.

    @tuffyears wow they look amazing! 10 points for hobby progress.

    @oriskany good to see you 🙂 As @limburger says no need to apologise – between Darkstar, Sitrep and your project logs I’m amazed you have any other time available at all… wow, going for a complete clearing of the decks, very ambitious! Nice work on the 20mm Afrika Korps. Wow, 1974 – they actually look like really nice sculpts given the vintage. How were they to work on? 10 points for hobby progress.

    @blinky465 nice looking Greyskull! Can’t see any obvious/visible banding in the model, so that’s a good sign. And you have made some progress on Man At Arms too 🙂 Best of luck assembling the new printer. A good point on the current commercial realities of KS. That being said, there are quite a few that I have backed (usually in-house metal mini castings or 3d model files) that are obviously small scale and quite niche, so I know that it’s not all bad 🙂 I can see how being directly involved in the gaming industry would make you a little jaded towards playing games for entertainment – you would probably spend half the time either mentally deconstructing what was happening ‘under the hood’ as it were, or identifying shortcomings and workarounds that distracted you from any relaxation or enjoyment. Heh, my vinyl is also all stashed somewhere – haven’t owned a record player for a good 15 years now… 40 points for pledge and question responses.

    @woldenspoons look after yourself! Remember that caffeine is not a substitute for sleep 😉 10 points for the hobby pledge.


    Cult of Games Member

    My hobby progress – Men of Middenheim tabletop ready – still need to do 6 characters (Currently 50% done), a couple of artillery pieces (about 70% done) and 30 cavalry (maybe 20% done) and can then put this project on hold until I buy the last of the components I need. Regardless, happy to have rolled out the bulk of the force to tabletop standard.



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu No I meant this one:

    I only got the German one. The English version looks way nicer.


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s going to be a work-out for me too if I’m not at home when the postman rings 😉

    If it hadn’t been for split shipping in Joanne d’arc game I’d have broken the record in weight per pledge delivered.

    @evilstu Conan is da best, isn’t he ? The name and the artwork alone were enough for me to back that kickstarter.

    Boris Vallejo’s art may not be quite ‘safe for work’ but I’d say that it definitely set the tone for the ‘sword & sorcery’ genre.

    Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell Home


    I’m back from ‘Zuiderspel’.
    There was  a trader selling the Guildball kick-off starter set at 35 Euro which was too good to resist.
    So yeah … more stuff to paint & play 😉



    Cult of Games Member

    I finally finished the foam core insert I promised my wife for “Legends of Andor“so that all the material wouldn’t be flying all over the place…

    How is everybody else’s Saturday this far?



    Hey everyone,


    I have a game of X-Wing tonight and I am also addicted to Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Feeling better and enjoying some chilled hobby.


    My Pledge:

    • Continue work on my Minotaurs
      Take pictures of completed ones and post them


    • That is all. I am taking a more chilled approach this weekend. If I do anything, I will post it. If I do more, I will post it too but wont make a big epic pledge. But I might go nuts with stuff too!


    My Answers:


    1. Age of Kickstarter – Have there been any Kickstarters that you were really happy that got off the ground? Any you regret not getting in on? Are there any that you have gotten into after they hit retail?


    I am happy Mythos got off the ground but sadly Paranoid Miniatures have folded up recently, so that makes me sad. Love me some mini games and love me some Lovecraft…

    I regret not getting in on the first Arcworlde one and Kingdom Death: Monster. Self explanatory as they are both awesome. I got into Arcworlde since and each Black Friday I regretfully miss Kingdom Death: Monster. I guess I have something to look forward to in the next dank winter.

    Unfortunately I think the age of Kickstarter and mini games (maybe not so much board games) has gone. Hawk went, Paranoid are gone, Underestimated games don’t look like they are doing too good, and others have kinda sort of come and went. They immediately spring to mind. If you look around or think about it, which ones are still around within a few years of launching a Kickstarter? Arcworlde? Mantic? Is that it?


    2. Music music everywhere – Has the prevalence of easily accessible music expanded the genres you listen to? Or has it expanded the number of bands in your pre-existing genres that you listen to? Or do you stick with the classics that you know and love?


    It has not expanded the genres I listen to more so than brought new and different bands to my attention. I find I can get board of listening to the same particular songs, bands, and genres if I do not mix things up every now and then. Kind of like if I keep eating pizza, which is good, I will get tired of it, and eventually find it a boring chore.


    3. Peak entertainment – With the wealth of TV and movie streaming services, downloadable games playable smartphone apps and film franchise juggernauts are there any particular stories, IP’s or ideas that you feel tied to? Do you find the wealth of leisure activities available ever diverts your time from engaging in more traditional hobby activities? Are there any ‘retro’ movies or games that you still revisit today?


    I do not find what is there diverting from everything else for me. I feel everything I enjoy has more options, better accessibility and availability, and are deeper experiences for what I already enjoy. I liked computer games long before I was into mini games, as an example. Now there are Youtubers who cover just Zelda, make top ten lists, budget lists, review games in nuance, do lets plays and report gaming news. I mean, if there were tv programs about computer games when I was younger (proper ones, if you look back at the 80s and 90s there was nothing that kind of set the world on fire with this kind of content on TV) I would have been overjoyed. But at least, like Beasts of War, it is all here now.

    I do not feel tied to anything as such I just simply enjoy what I enjoy and having more variety and more to enjoy is simply fantastic.

    My addiction to Zelda: Breath of the Wild is slightly detracting from my hobby, but I balance it with when I find hobby tedious or hit a slump. I might as well enjoy my free time and order and balance it so I am not doing something for the sake of doing it when I am not feeling the urge or like it will be fun.

    Bonus question: What classic game is due for a reskin/reissue? And no, Monopoly doesn’t need another paintjob…

    The original Heroquest, hands down is due a reissue without a reskin. That is my board game answer.

    For miniature games I think they could do Rogue Trader in its own bubble mixing in elements of Kill Team and Necromunda with the old beakie style marines and squats in its own parallel dimension. No scratch that Mordheim all the freaking way with a a reissue and reskin ala Necromunda.

    As for computer games? The two Zeldas for the Gameboy SP (I think it was the SP) Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons deserve an enhanced remake. Doubtful it will happy any time soon with this one coming soon:


    Which makes me want to post this:




    So far this Saturday, I have got my music system set up. Just a CD player, amplifier and a DAB radio.  Speakers aren’t ideally placed but I’m happy with the sound, so all is good.  This months Warhammer Conquest arrived and I got it put into the folders this morning, plus a load more sorting and tidying. Also, if anyone is wondering what the blue thing going around the shed is…it is some thin wood covered with paper used to represent the sky on the train set that existed in the shed before I took it over for my toy soldiers.  It is that well glued on, I was scared of taking half the wall with it if I tried to take it off.

    @evilstu no hobby room is usable without music and an Iron Maiden calendar.  Steve Harris is shouting paint at me!!!


    Cult of Games Member

    Good afternoon ~

    Okay, Q&A Time:

    1. Have there been any Kickstarters that you were really happy that got off the ground? – I don’t really support KS in general.  Because … reasons.   But there’s always an exception – I was happy to see “Storming the Gap” get support, reception, and acclaim.

    2. Has the prevalence of easily accessible music expanded the genres you listen to? – As you suggest with your second option, it’s more narrowed my focus on music. With more music available in the genres I like, I tend to stick inside those genres even more than I used to – with one exception – I did find synthwave on YouTube, and like it very much.

    Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of this- while writing / producing Arab-Israeli Wars videos for Sitrep (I wish I could use it in my videos, but of course that would be a copyright violation):

    3. Peak entertainment – are there any particular stories, IP’s or ideas that you feel tied to? – Like a battered, heartbroken  housewife who’s finally had enough of a drunken, abusive husband, just when I was finally able to divorce myself from the shallow, malignant, identity-politics soapbox to which Star Wars has been shamefully reduced, I found Eckardt’s Ladder on YouTube and Twitch.  Its great when you find other people who are really into a franchise, or at least how a how a franchise used to be, and celebrate that.  It allows you to celebrate it all over again, without all the **** that’s been caked on it in more recent years.

    EckhartsLadder YouTube Channel

    Good stuff.  Making Star Wars fun again.



    1. Age of Kickstarter – Have there been any Kickstarters that you were really happy that got off the ground? Any you regret not getting in on? Are there any that you have gotten into after they hit retail?

    I’ve never backed a kickstarter. Maybe I’m just old and find it new fangled. I’d like to be able to afford so many of them but I can’t. Highlights being Resident Evil, Reichbusters and the Batman board game. Sure. I have a type. My flgs supported DZC and DFC but once it changed hands it couldn’t continue to. Hmm, note to self, suggest to Mantic a Warpath based spaceship game..

    2. Music music everywhere – Has the prevalence of easily accessible music expanded the genres you listen to? Or has it expanded the number of bands in your pre-existing genres that you listen to? Or do you stick with the classics that you know and love?

    It has expanded but also it may just be I’m getting older. I did take the recent opportunity to listen to some Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd which I wouldn’t have been able to if I had to go out to HMV, buy cds, return home and find time to play them. I worry for HMV. Then I worry for everyone down the line who try to sell entertainment until there is only amazon left and they charge what they like.

    3. Peak entertainment – With the wealth of TV and movie streaming services, downloadable games playable smartphone apps and film franchise juggernauts are there any particular stories, IP’s or ideas that you feel tied to? Do you find the wealth of leisure activities available ever diverts your time from engaging in more traditional hobby activities? Are there any ‘retro’ movies or games that you still revisit today?

    I have said for a whole we are living in a golden age of Visual Entertainment. New Star Wars, new Star Trek, The Avengers and Justice League, Harry Potter Universe, the Conjuring Universe. The Netflix marvel and Cloak & Dagger on Amazon. The Arrow verse etc. What a time to be alive. Sadly, I am quite worried we are approaching the end of this golden age and only have cooking shows, reality TV and French subtitle emotional films to look forward to. This was our time dammit!


    Bonus question: What classic game is due for a reskin/reissue? And no, Monopoly doesn’t need another paintjob…

    I don’t agree with Heroquest. We have Dungeon Daga, Descent and Silver Tower etc to cover that. Bloodbowl, Dreadball and Guildball have all updated Bloodbowl. Titanicus is slowly replacing Epic. Battlefleet Gothic had DFC, Halo and one I forget to reskin it. Hell Andy Chambers even wrote DFC. Dreadfleet was no replacement for Man O War but close enough.

    I’m really struggling to think of something that hasn’t been done. Except for Chainsaw Warrior. I am sooo tired my brain hurts. Did I say I feel old?


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert very good choice of calender sir…. Saw those dudes multiple times live… but back then Bruce had long hair XD



    Oh yes. Pictures from the event.



    Cult of Games Member

    I finished my Stompy McStompface 😉


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