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This topic contains 109 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by oriskany 5 years, 9 months ago.
March 22, 2019 at 8:23 am #1364727
Alright, I guess we’re doing the 2010’s…
Welcome All to another Hobby Weekender! As per tradition started generations ago, and handed down from wise elders, the intro blurb is shamelessly cut and paste below once again and possibly for all time…
To the uninitiated, this is a virtual hobby hangout here on the forum. It is something fun and silly with a little more ‘oomph’. It’s not just show and tell with your models. Its chatting, getting to know one another, community building. Think of it as a sort of club like hobby session. Everyone is welcome, of course, and there are a few rules to abide by. Let it go as OT as you like with chatting with folks. BoW/OTT is a special, unique community, and this little weekly thread is a tradition on these forums. Though not for everyone, if you are still reading and keen, then it is for you. If not, best click out.
We do a few things on this thread that usually lasts from Friday or Saturday til about Wednesday or Thursday. My say is final in this silly little corner of the internet. Fear not, for this is your safe place against the outside world of flame wars, trolling and all that other crap.
(1) Make a pledge for the weekend. It can be painting, assembly, priming, converting, background writing, terrain, you name it. Just gotta be relevant to hobbying or gaming.
(2) Chat with people. Be friendly. Do get to know one another, be kind, provide positive reinforcement and constructive criticism. Do not post up your real name, credit card, bank details or home address info.
(3) I will list out questions. Answer them. Longer answers = more points. Also, points are being assigned to something else as it confused some folk for a while.
(4) Awards will be given out at the end of the thread and you shall be awarded XP, added to your account profile by the wonderful @lancorz . Think of him as the ever vigilant Batman of the forums who keeps a careful eye on the status quo, but also acts in a way, like Alfred; with a calm disposition and the attentive nature of a concierge.
(5) Scottish Pub Law rules: no discussion of religion or politics**. Keep it clean. Behave. Be nice, be kind. Walk away if you get angry. Don’t be a dick.
Also there are bonuses for the following ‘Achievements’:
· Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)
· Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)
· Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)
· Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)
· Pun-Tertainment (best pun)
· Brush Licker (painting & terrain)
· Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)
· Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)
· Community Usher (helpful & engaged)
· Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)Note: All points are awarded in fictional currencies… sometimes
Questions for the week are as follows:
1. Age of Kickstarter – Have there been any Kickstarters that you were really happy that got off the ground? Any you regret not getting in on? Are there any that you have gotten into after they hit retail?
2. Music music everywhere – Has the prevalence of easily accessible music expanded the genres you listen to? Or has it expanded the number of bands in your pre-existing genres that you listen to? Or do you stick with the classics that you know and love?
3. Peak entertainment – With the wealth of TV and movie streaming services, downloadable games playable smartphone apps and film franchise juggernauts are there any particular stories, IP’s or ideas that you feel tied to? Do you find the wealth of leisure activities available ever diverts your time from engaging in more traditional hobby activities? Are there any ‘retro’ movies or games that you still revisit today?
Bonus question: What classic game is due for a reskin/reissue? And no, Monopoly doesn’t need another paintjob…
March 22, 2019 at 8:44 am #13647351. Age of Kickstarter – Have there been any Kickstarters that you were really happy that got off the ground? Any you regret not getting in on? Are there any that you have gotten into after they hit retail?
Off the ground: Mel’s book. ’nuff said.
Regret? Nope.
As for the last question… I think no but it could be unknowingly… but I doubt it.
2. Music music everywhere – Has the prevalence of easily accessible music expanded the genres you listen to? Or has it expanded the number of bands in your pre-existing genres that you listen to? Or do you stick with the classics that you know and love?
Expanded genres? No. More bands and artists definitely. But it stays all more or less in the same category. I don’t like change much tbh.
3. Peak entertainment – With the wealth of TV and movie streaming services, downloadable games playable smartphone apps and film franchise juggernauts are there any particular stories, IP’s or ideas that you feel tied to? Do you find the wealth of leisure activities available ever diverts your time from engaging in more traditional hobby activities? Are there any ‘retro’ movies or games that you still revisit today?
SciFi and cyberpunk and the likes are my favourite… IP… well Star Wars is nearly always good… also Star Trek, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica (old and new), Gundam, Robotech, Babylon 5 etc etc… Revisiting old Star Trek series right now. Currently “Enterprise”. Does Star Wars (original trilogy) count as retro? 😉
March 22, 2019 at 9:09 am #13647471. Age of Kickstarter
Oathsworn’s Heroines in sensible shoes 2. This was the Kickstarter that got me back into minis and the painting hobby and as such I consider the point that I got over my previous the disappointment at getting burned. It might not be the most exciting Kickstarter I ever backed but it planted the seeds that led back round to Massive Darkness, Burrows & Badgers and W40k.
2. Music. Music everywhere
So long as we agree to keep the genre’s nice and broad (such as just Metal rather than arguing if such-and-such is Black Metal or Death Metal) the digital age lead to me listening to a lot more bands and sub-genres within the area that I liked. Things like Spotify, bandcamp, Sound Cloud and even YouTube allowed me to find bands that simply weren’t available to me in the previous decade of walking into HMV to look what was on the shelf.
Also… HMV. Remember when that was a thing?3. Peak Entertainment
Kingdom Hearts. I make no apologies. It is hot, hot garbage garbage with a conspiracy theory level of complexity in its narrative and adds up to little more than a thinly veiling a glorified nostalgia fuelled tourism trip through all the films you knew as a kid… and I love it. 😛
Really looking forward to what Amazon do with the Wheel of Time series that’s been ordered (finally free of Red Eagle Media’s ungrateful mits) and praying they do a worthwhile job of it.
And there is always more to do than there is time to do it. My steam library and Netflix queue are proof of that alone.Hobby Pledge
Hoping to finish building my Chimera this weekend but I’ll be gone much of Saturday so we’ll see. I might even hope to move into the Leman Russ whilst I’m at it.
March 22, 2019 at 10:07 am #1364796Happy weekend, hope you all have a good one.
My pledge this weekend is to make the shed “usable” and also take pictures. By usable I mean, that I can hobby in it. So need to move a music system up into it and have a few things to sort and organise. Well, I could hobby ok at the moment but it is too disorganised for my liking. It will take me a while to get everything were I want it to be (if that makes sense) I also have a few projects I want to get back into but I’m not going to make any promises as chances is I will find something else and I’ll do it instead!Answers
1. I’m glad I have backed all of Oathsworn projects so far. Not painted many of them but glad Oathsworn is having some success as Michael and Joe seem really good people. The Burrows and Badgers stuff is awesome.One regret would be not getting in on Zealot’s Minotaurs. I looked and looked and decided against as I’d never get round to painting them but still… they are fantastic models and now I probably will end up buying some.
2. Like @sundancer I haven’t really gotten into any new genres but definitely listen to a lot more bands. Still will go back to the classics, stick on Maiden and Priest but I’m just as likely to listen to something newer like Visigoth or Lunar Shadow.
3. I have my series and genres I go back to. I have my “no thinking” tv, things like Blue Bloods, Rush, Chicago Fire etc that I go back to when a new series is released. My “thinking” tv, The Bridge, Billions and GoT, which I really enjoy. I usually check out new fantasy, crime and sci stuff but something has to really catch me these days to engage. Computer games wise… well I play/played a lot of Hearthstone but am not as engaged with it these days. The new expansion next month is the first one I haven’t preordered. I play enough to do daily quests but not enough to really rank up these days… and in the pass it has got in the way of painting etc as i could have played 8 or 9 hours a day at the weekends.
Anyway some music from the two bands I mentioned earlier.
March 22, 2019 at 10:42 am #1364816Back to the Future!
The year is 2015! Doc and Marty are flying down towards the modern town of Hill Valley. 3D Jaws 19 is playing at the hologram cinema, and children play blissfully on their hover boards! Blissfully unaware THAT THEIR FUTURE HASNT HAPPENED YET!!!
The future looks fake!
(Not my music of choice… but appropriate subject matter!)
Ahem. Excuse me. ?
Happy Weekend everyone!
My Pledge involves things pointy-eared, tree hugging, long-lived and mysterious. I’ll be focusing on Wood/ Wild Elves and if I get through those, I’ve got a more Neutral character to address. Still an Elf.
To address the questions!
Age of Kickstarter – I am really really glad I got in on Kingdom Death. The art and the game are like nothing else I’d come across before really. Not in tabletop gaming at any rate. I’ve jumped in on the Terrain Tutor book. I’ve been reading through Dave Taylor’s book (which I got retail) so I know the production value will be great. I regret not getting in on Mythic Battles: Pantheon. And I’m still salty that it basically became KS only. Yes, I’m salty coz I didn’t get the toys I wanted. I’ll own that. Though to this day, I still don’t understand why BoW continue to promote that game, and others from Mythic and Monolith that are KS only… if you haven’t got them, you can’t get them…
Music Online – has it expanded my genres? Not as such. What it has allowed is for me to investigate bands/groups and genres that I was always interested in but hadn’t given the time to. Back in the 90’s we had to hear something somewhere (Rage was awesome for this.), find out the band/song, track down a copy of the album/ single (or tape it from the radio). Now I can go to YouTube, and find a bunch of stuff to try out. Love it! It means my daughter can share her music with me… and stupid videos… and I can show her weird videos from the 80’s and 90’s heheh
There was a good chat on the XLBS a month or so ago about peak entertainment, which I made quite a comment about. Warrant picked up on it in the follow-up show. Basically: I choose this hobby over all the other noise almost all of the time. That said, I do enjoy taking a break to binge a show or a few movies. Having gone to see Alita last night, I feel the mood coming on again for a movie/series binge.
Of the current IP’s/ Franchises/ etc etc I’d say the various flavours of Marvel (Disney/ Fox/ Netflix/ Whoever it is that’s producing SHIELD) keep me coming back. I’m planning on seeing Captain Marvel this week coming. Star Wars of course. Mario on Nintendo, in all his various adventures. Though that’s primarily because it’s my daughters thing, and it’s one of our shared enjoyments. (Actually she prefers Luigi and Daisy ?) There’s no retro stuff that I really get back to, every so often I’ll pull up retro gaming stuff to show my daughter what it was like. That’s about it.
@sundancer I think that the answer is “yes” original Star Wars counts as Retro ?
Bonus Answer: A retro game that was The MoFo Gateway Drug of Gaming for me: Space Crusade! Proper 40K based not-quite-Space-Hulk, Space Crusade.
It had great detailed boards, an interesting variety of minis, it was a fantastic little glimpse into the Grim Dark. If you read the story woven through the rule book, you realised that these “Space Marines” were tough, but they weren’t invincible.
An updated GW version with their current fixation on mono-pose good quality plastics, the value game-Box attitude…. I reckon it would smash it out of the park!
March 22, 2019 at 10:48 am #1364821March 22, 2019 at 12:20 pm #1364906I thought long and hard about the bonus question… and I was going to say Heroquest and Space Crusade but someone beat me to the Space Crusade idea! I’d also like to see Age of Sigmar Blood Bowl teams and if they could do Age of Sigmar Manowar, I might just smile a lot! The flying Turtle things and flying Dwarf things are pretty amazing so I think the design talent is definitely there to do something amazing with the idea, even if it was a Age of Sigmar aerial combat game.
March 22, 2019 at 2:43 pm #1364990Bonus question: What classic game is due for a reskin/reissue? And no, Monopoly doesn’t need another paintjob…
Ah, totally not seen that… well, let’s see… I take reskin/reissue literally. Not like the way what GW did to Gormakmorka/Speed Freaks and Epic 40/Adeptus technonsicus. So a *real* overhaul. Like they did with the last Blood Bowl release.
- Starquest
- Heroquest
- Star Wars: Battle for Hoth
- Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG
Other game may be valid to but my experience is just to limited…
Edit: I forgot
- Battlefleet Gothic
- Gorkamorka
- Epic 40k
- Inquisitor
March 22, 2019 at 6:14 pm #1365091The first pic is the Gripping Beast Arabs I need to base up. There is one more painted but needs a transfer put on the shield. Picture 2 is my workspace, which needs a good tidy up. Picture 3 is the rest of what needs tidied and sorted.
March 22, 2019 at 6:45 pm #1365093Hi de Hi folks !
> 1. Age of Kickstarter – Have there been any Kickstarters that you were really happy that got off the ground?
Dropfleet commander … so I am kind of sad that it didn’t gain the momentum it deserved post launch due to issues that the success of the kickstarter caused. I hope TTCombat manage to relaunch the system along with Dropzone commander.
Conan RPG … technically not delivered (yet) as the physical rewards haven’t been completed, but the digital editions have arrived and the art is stunning. I probably should not have picked one wave shipping …
Blood&Plunder … Who doesn’t love pirates ? Arrrh! Waiting for Oak&Iron is agony.
Currently looking forward to Joan of Arc …
> 2. Music music everywhere –
The likes of Spotify and YouTube definitely have helped in making music easier to locate.
I do miss the classic record shops with their endless racks of cd’s, because there is something immensely satisfying about stumbling upon stuff in the physical world.> 3. Peak entertainment
I’d argue that we are past peak now or rather that it is cyclical at best.
There are far too many (scripted) reality tv shows and related crap that isn’t even worth mentioning at the moment. Shows like ‘Orange County Choppers’ were interesting, but the drama and crap that happened outside of the builds ruined the concept (for me). And as with any success … everyone copied the format. Every once in a while there is a show that is midly interesting (‘Gas monkey garage’, ‘Wheeler dealers’, ‘the profit’), but even those get boring as the same spiel is repeated over and over.Another problem is that good content gets locked behind paywalls, so as interesting as ‘Game of thrones’ or ‘Breaking bad’ could have been I never saw them because of this. As a result the alternative sources *arrh* (;-)) very tempting. If it weren’t for the lack of time to watch all of the stuff I’d be all over these things.
Pledge ?
I hope to assemble my troggoths and associated minions.
And then there’s a boardgame convention called ‘Zuiderspel’ to visit. So maybe a few things to buy and play.March 22, 2019 at 8:37 pm #1365134March 22, 2019 at 9:11 pm #1365150Good afternoon, guys ~
I know I’ve been away from this thread for a while. Apologies for that. Honestly, between Darkstar and drama and Sitrep and videos, there just hasn’t been that much going on lately.
So I have a nasty little lead / plastic mountain building up. I resolved to assault it and clean it out completely.
I sent off the British 8th Army Box as part of @avernos ‘ “Random Acts of Kindness” – But I wanted to build and paint the rest of this.
First up, the Airfix WW2 Afrika Korps 20mm set from 1974 – my GF found it in an antique store and gave it to me for Christmas LAST YEAR. As the oldest thing on my shelf, I resolved to attack this first. The only issue, I had to provide my own bases.
Ten days later the project was more or less finished:
I will post more soon, and answer the questions for this week!
March 22, 2019 at 10:42 pm #1365161@oriskany no need to apologize for anything
What did you use to create the rocky looking terrain on those bases ?
They’re not space nazis from the dark side of the moon are they ? 😉
March 22, 2019 at 10:46 pm #1365162Ok, so before I forget, this week’s pledge(s).
Last week I got quite a bit of Castle Grayskull printed (although I did “outsource” it to the local Eagle Lab as my 3d printer struggled with some of the larger parts, even once it finally started printing properly – with PLA rather than ABS).So this week is the boring stuff – filler, primer, sanding, filling, sanding, sanding, filling, more sanding, then more primer and maybe even get a coat of paint on there. To be honest, if I get that far, I’ll be quite pleased; any more and I’ll build the missing turrets “old school” (3d printing them would mean more time cleaning them up than if I built them with bits of pipe and modelling clay).
Other hobby-related stuff (though not exactly miniature/terrain building) is getting my Prusa i3 clone finished (it arrived this morning and I’m desperate for a few hours to myself to get it built!).
1) Kickstarter happiest to see? Of course it’s got to be Mel’s Terrain Tutor book.
I think Kickstarter is a little saturated with tabletop gaming stuff at the minute. And the “original” idea behind Kickstarter – to raise funds for indies to get a product/idea off the ground – was long been replaced by a pre-order system (which all the major manufacturers exploit, even if they don’t actually need the funds upfront, as it’s clear they’re going to bring their product to market – and be successful with it – anyway). I think this is a little sad. I’m utterly underwhelmed by Kickstarter these days. Except for Mel’s book 😉2) My little sister called up my playlist on my phone a while back. She pointed out that every album I currently have either originates, or sounds incredibly like, the kind of stuff I was listening to as a teen in the early nineties. She’s not wrong. I like loud, fast, happy guitar-based rock music. Last.fm introduced me to a few new sounds, but ultimately even that ended up playing the same dozen or so artists on a loop. Much like the Seattle sound in the 90s, I refuse to even acknowledge the existance of Spotify.
I miss the smell of vinyl, the excitement of waiting for a new album to be released, which you then had to bunk off school to go and buy on the day of release, and I still have a massive collection of picture discs and shaped vinyl, somewhere in the loft…Music in the 2010s? The 555% story of Ginger Wildheart going solo and independently self-publishing was really inspiring. From the verge of giving up – and numerous spells in and out of rehab/institutions – he turned to his fan base and produced some amazing songs (outselling Simon Cowell’s top 3 artists on the week of release, but the “official” charts refused to acknowledge it)
I don’t know much about music in the 2010s 😉
3) With a wealth of TV and streaming movies and downloadable games, I’ve yet to actually take advantage of such services. I used to write games for the Gameboy Advance (and lots of other platforms as a hobby). Playing video games does nothing for me. I don’t have enough hours in a day to do half of what I want; if there were 48 hours in a day, I’d still only get about half done! There isn’t enough time in two lifetimes to be playing video games for me! Same goes for TV “box sets”. Sure, I’ll tune in to the odd episode of Only Connect, but I’ve never yet watched an episode of Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, 24, The Wire…. I don’t feel like I’ve missed much (jeez, I really do sound like an old fart).
I still have a strong affinity towards Star Wars (yes, I even like the new sequels, though obviously not as much as the original IV-VI episodes – and we don’t talk about I-III; for me, they’re the same as seattle grunge and spotify – non-existant).
And I just bought a whole load of Masters of the Universe miniatures on a whim – they’re quite fun.I like the look of BlitzBowl – it’s nice to see GW revisiting some of their “vintage” specialist games – in the late 80s I bought Blood Bowl and loved it. Then I played it a few times. And it turns out I loved the *idea* of Blood Bowl, just never quite found the game as fun or as satisfying as the fluff suggests it should be. Blitz Bowl looks like the game Blood Bowl should have been!
March 23, 2019 at 8:29 am #1365288Conan is shipping 😀
I had received a tracking number from GameQuest, but the only thing it said was the weight : 17 Kg
I now know it is my Conan RPG pledge.
What is good in kickstarter ?
To crush your target, see them stretchgoals broken before you, and to hear the lamentations of their wallets!
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