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Hobby Weekender 21/6/19 – The Shortest Night of the Year

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This topic contains 144 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @robert thanks appreciate the nod re southern hemisphere winter. was six below here a couple of days ago. currently 2.5 below freezing at 7 in the morning… Questions!

    1. Do your hobby habits change with the seasons?

    Most definitely. As alluded to above locally it is below freezing during the winter and gets to north of the mid 40’s in summer. So you are looking at a roughly 50 degree temperature variation in the year. From late December to maybe early Feb it is so hot and dry that you can’t really paint properly – even on a wet palette paint will dry before you can brush it on to a model. Conversely in winter because you need to shut doors and put on heaters you are in an environment where there is poor airflow, so playing with a whole bunch of glue or fume causing varnishes or thinners is not the smartest strategy. Other ‘seasonal’ impacts are the large levels of procurement that happen between November and January as a result of Black Friday/Christmas sales and then Cancon. I don’t usually have too much time for hobby over winter anyhow as this is peak period for me at work. So for me Summer is usually buying and assembling a whole bunch of minis and actually getting games in too. Autumn and Spring are where most of the heavy lifting gets done as far as painting is concerned, with Winter being a time to just chip away at higher priority projects as the opportunity presents.

    2. Would you play a summer olympics style game?  I’m imagining players taking the role of Greek gods and creating beings, both human and mythical, to compete over a series of events to see who is the top god!  How would you design such a game?

    Doesn’t sound like something I’d be drawn to immediately but what you are suggesting does sound innovative and like it could be quite fun. I’d probably go for a randomised build phase for the hero (each god gets a hand of seven cards and must select three to form their hero or similar). Then you’d need a series of challenges diverse enough that the game didn’t just come down to min/maxing on build stats. Maybe a resourcer management element or some sabotage mechanics and it could end up being quite engaging actually…

    3. What is your ideal summer’s day?

    No hotter than mid 30’s and with only moderate humidity 😉 I guess ideally one where I’m caught up on all the housework and can hit up hobby or get a game in or just do whatever.

    @sundancer any progress on a dedicated hobby space?

    @robert are those mushrooms for the garden or gaming? If the latter have you got a strategy lined up for storage?

    @tuffyears nice haul! How are you finding the Fyreslayers to work on? Love the burnished metal look you have managed to achieve on the pizza oven 🙂

    @woldenspoons Hope the game went well and good luck on the tourney prep 🙂

    @mage enjoy the time with your son 🙂 Nice paint scheme on your test Carcharodon.

    @limburger nah 42 degrees is justifiably hot. If the temp doesn’t drop locally of an evening (some nights it doesn’t drop below mid 30’s here) make sure you get a small fan to keep air circulating while you sleep. Also if it’s going to be really warm consider getting some plastic water bottles, filling them 75-80% full of water and freezing them. Then when you go to bed just wrap one or two of them in a tea towel and put them in the bed next to you. Think hot water bottle in reverse. Also keep hydrated (sorry just drinking more coffee doesn’t count…). Look after yourself!

    @carlospictor great work on the overlords! Nice to see the contrast paints working so well. I’m not actually sure if we’ll all be getting our collective piles of shame painted now or if we’ll just use contrast paints as a rationalisation to stockpile more minis. Time will tell I guess 🙂

    Hobby-wise I managed to get the sand on all the bases I needed to and assembled two wizards. Will try and get them primed today and maybe also look at pressing on with a test unit of pirates I’m working on once the bases are finished. Hope everyone has a great day ahead!


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu I’m loving them can’t wait till Monday. When my primer arrives to paint more


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu cold water bottles ? Now that is a good idea.

    It tends to be relatively cool in my bunker *Eh* apartment when it is hot outside.
    It’s only after a week of this sort of heat that it starts to get too warm inside  at which point it is hard to get rid of the heat that has built up inside.

    Now back to sleep … I really should be working on my minions instead of looking at code.



    End of Day Two Points

    @sundancer – 80 
    @tuffyears – 100 + 100 = 200 (100 for the Pizza Oven and recipe)
    @woldenspoons – 10 + 80 = 80 (30 for questions, 50 for Toxicity (love that tune) )
    @mage – 80 
    @limburger – 101 + 200 = 301 (50 for Ice, Ice, Baby, 50 for Dwarf Tune and Power Metal, 100 for Salute of the Jugger)
    @evilstu130 (50 for making time for your hobby buddies, 30 for answers, 50 points for keeping us safe in hot weather)
    @carlospictor – 130 (50 for being here, 50 for lovely Dwarven goodness, 30 for answers)

    Please note the points are only a tradition… I haven’t put much thought into them, and really, I am and never was a big fan… it is just a bit of fun.  The important bit is being here for each other, posting crappy music and posting pictures of tiny fighty men and women!

    @woldenspoons did you win your game of 40K?

    @carlospictor Hey, welcome and thanks for posting.  Lovely work on the AOS dwarfs, love them.

    @limburger and @carlospictor I remember the English rugby team got in trouble for Dwarf tossing, made all the papers… Surprisingly one of the players involved ended up marrying someone in the British Royal Family!

    @limburger I can’t believe someone else has watched Salute of the Jugger!!!! I watch it as a young teen and could never remember the name of the movie to watch it again!  Thanks!!!!

    @evilstu Mushrooms are for gaming.  Fancied some different fantasy terrain.  No thought on storage… don’t bring logistics into my creativity lol!!!!!! Though my sister is visiting and had a look at them, now she wants me to paint one with white spots and as a fairy house for her, so might start that today.

    Apologises if I have missed anyone or anything… only had one coffee so far and not even had the porridge.  Anyway the plan for today is; breakfast, hobby, cook Sunday lunch, nap, hobby, have tea (by that I mean an evening meal), maybe more hobby and catch up on any TV shows I missed this week.  Professor Brian Cox is doing a good show called The Planets at the moment, and I want to check out Catch 22 with George Cloney as well – visually it looks great.



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu not really… looking for a house is a really slow burn when you are on a budget. And current space is maxed out. I’m hoping we can get rid of some stuff during the summer



    @sundancer have you watched XLBS yet?


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert doing it right now… dying of cringe and laughter XD




    @sundancer Didn’t want to spoil, but I am still giggling like a schoolgirl.  Good work buddy!


    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears argh – waiting for supply basics when you are keen to press on with a project is frustrating. Hope you have something else to occupy yourself with in the interim.

    @limburger good news. If the place takes a while to heat up you might be able to get away with opening all the windows of an evening and then shutting up shop again before the sun starts doing it’s thing.

    @robert fair enough 🙂 If you can’t stash them away somewhere then they should look good ranked up on a shelf on display regardless. You have reminded me that I have a packet of rounded wooden end caps stashed to paint up as small mushrooms for when I’m working on goblins or goblin themed terrain, really need to start giving that a bit more of a go. Nice to see the creativity in the terrain you are working on, some innovative approaches and great looking results 🙂

    @sundancer yeah sometimes I think the real estate industry is just designed to wear you down and get you to break so you end up buying whatever terrible random house rather than facing one more weekend driving around open homes… Best of luck with it and good luck with the tidy-up 🙂 BTW, you look much less daemonic in your avatar pic than you do on your youtube videos, just sayin 😉

    Well got all the bases done, two wizards assembled and primed and a test unit of 15 pirates painted and hit with a coat of AP soft tone varnish, so a productive weekend. Naturally I forgot to take any photographs so might try and hit up tomorrow if I remember…



    Hey guys,


    Had a busy day yesterday of kids club, mcdonalds, swimming pool, grocery shopping and meeting a friend for coffee. I managed to steal an hour or two before bed of painting. 12 hour day at work now…


    My Primaris Captain is finished but I have no photos to show of him finished. I took a pic before I started, and the lighting is bad. I stayed up a little later than usual (before work, that is) and did a little bit of detail and drybrushing this morning to finish it off.


    Pic will be in second post.








    Thanks! Times have been good. Not sure why I gave him his nerf shotgun back though, there is some kick off it. Some of the darts have been lost to the bushes and roof. He was routing through my paints as we packed our pool gear yesterday, going back and forth between wanting to play with the paint pots and wanting to paint something in future. He seemed fond of bright GW greens like The Moot and Warpstone Glow.


    As for the Charcharodon thanks. He loked good at the start, bad in the middle (like a sprue with a layer of Dawnstone) and improved as I added details and washes. Still a ways to go before he is finished as a test piece. A friend recommend a selective hilight of Dawnstone on a few, not all of the raised surface areas of the mini.



    @robert I see no latin anywhere, only Imperial Gothic!







    Cult of Games Member

    I got myself a few cheap big brushes from an arts and crafts store.

    I did a second attempt with contrast paints and taking the lesson learned during the friday hobby stream : sloppy with a big brush …

    Left to right (flash makes everything look a bit brighter than in real life) :

    1. original attempt with armypainter and (too many) layers of lava orange mixed with fur brown (IIRC).
      No shading visible. A wash would have toned down the colour and fixed that.
    2. original attempt with contrast (Gryphon Orange) now with a second layer.
      Definitely more orange, but not quite the effect I want (too brown).
    3. new attempt, single sloppy layer of contrast using a big brush. The mini had a single layer of lava orange, but I doubt it had any effect on the result.
      It is more orange, but not bright enough for my taste.
      It does have a bit of shadow in the recesses, which kind of shows the contrast paint works as advertised

    Summary : definitely need a white undercoat for what I have in mind.



    Niantic has released an Pokemon Go equivalent set in the Harry Potter universe (and as we all know Pokemon Go was based on the Ingress ar app).
    The idea is the same, except now you’re casting spells at stuff instead of catching little monsters.
    There is a bit of voice acting, but I doubt they’ve used to original actors for Potter & co (then again they may have the budget).
    It is a bit more interesting as it isn’t a simple swipe to ‘throw’ a ball at something. That does make it more complicated and difficult as well.

    As with the Potter movies it is a bit confusing to see different names in the subtitles/text compared to the audio.


    Cult of Games Member

    been doing some plane spotting

    But had a better view 5 years ago


    And video

    My Movie

    Made with Windows Live Movie Maker (

    Geplaatst door Jo Cole op Zaterdag 23 augustus 2014

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