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Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier…

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This topic contains 112 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  minigiant 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    Still feeling sick but back to work, day 2. Apologies for not being engaged in the thread. I did some work in the mean time.


    I did some work on my remaining Albionnicans for Arcworlde:




    I assembled and primed a lot of things, but here is some terrain I did, albeit not presented very well:



    I also assembled and sorted my Horus Heresy Marines:



    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer : oh mein Gott … I always thought Germans hated using English words for anything. I guess the English infection has spread.

    @evilstu : those James Veitch videos are great. I had seen them a while ago.

    That’s it for me today. Tomorrow travelling to bootcamp 😀



    Assembled the Marines from Betrayal at Calth set:






    And as you can see here this is my separate, already existing Sons of Horus Army with some Killer Kanz and Deff Dreads in the background:



    Assembled and Primed the Celestant Prime for AoS:




    Pagge 6 replies:




    Nice Dragon conversion, I did not even realise it was a Kroot monster until I read your post and looked at it a second time. I just wondered what company made it.




    We better start putting batreps up! As for scrabble… noooooo  why must Germany destroy everything it touches! Kidding, btw.





    I will be leaving the GKR models as they are once finished. I don’t wanna go back and weather the main prepainted GKR Mechs.


    @querion I am loving the crisp and smooth reds on your orcs.


    @a27cromwell Rock me Amadeus vibe? I gotta check this out when I get home.


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage BECAUSE WE ARE NOT FUNNY! Efficient yes. Funny no! And *don’t* mention the war! (Also, no offence taken or meant… that scrabble situation is just… my brain hurts!)

    @limburger there is a time and place, even for words of a different language in another but *that* stuff Mattel tries is awefull… some fellow gamers are suggesting it might be a PR Stunt… but I highly doubt that :S



    Defo channeling Amaedeus


    hipster dude, dabbing, cliches and such. It made me laugh and I found it funny but for all the wrong reasons. Like when you see your friend get kicked by a horse


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer : at least you guys manage to keep stuff German.

    Over here I’m almost convinced I live in an American colony. It’s as if you aren’t supposed to be proud of your language.

    And you lot can be funny. I know, because I’ve watched the German carnival shows (‘Mainz bleibt Mainz wie es singt und lacht’).

    (I can sort of understand it … )

    Heck, it makes even mediocre Dutch comedy movie sound soo much better :



    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks @mage Yeah there has been enough subtle changes that it really does mask the Kroot heritage of the creature. An even earlier WIP picture

    Dragon Riders 1 WIP

    These are of course the bigger dragons, I am exciting to start converting the smaller “Jetbike” dragons


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger it’s not about keeping other languages out but to ensure that the kids don’t start to slaughter other words. There is a “culture” right now to (more or less) deliberately write something in a wrong way just to be cool. And kids have a hard time learning to write already.

    And the carnival shows… that’s a regional speciality in the western middle and  south parts of Germany… come to where I live (Northwest) and you won’t see any of that… it’s like with Lederhosen and Sauerkraut. Those are not German things, those are Bavarian things… and Bavaria is only a small part of Germany 😉 But I digress.

    Back on Topic: Halloween is nearing… prepare to loot the cheap stores for terrain!


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer that video… wow… just wow… Somebody actually handed over money to an advertising company and that is the return they got… I just need to go and sit in the corner and rock back and forth for a bit now… And good call on the cheap terrain. 🙂 Cheap decorative mini christmas trees are only 3 months away too 🙂 30 points

    @a27cromwell yes I can kind of see that… 10 points.

    @mage sorry to hear you are still not feeling 100% 🙁 Glad you have managed to get some hobby in – those Arcworld emnis are outstanding. Heh, so much assembly… given it took me 2 hours to build a 7 marine Kill team I have a renewed appreciation for the amount of time that putting a Marine army together takes. Is the new 30k cohort getting added to the Sons of Horus or are you going to be giving them something to shoot at? And that ‘kicked by a horse’ comment also made me laugh – clearly I’m a bad person 😛 50 points for comments and hobby progress.

    @limburger Heh a couple of those videos made me giggle – even the terrible one at the end. Have an awesome time at the bootcamp! Safe travels. We’ll all be watching the coverage form wherever we are 🙂 30 points

    @minigiant wow you green stuffed/scratch made the wings? Awesome!! 30 points



    Cult of Games Member

    OK Team will be drawing this thread to a close tomorrow morning (12 hours form this post) and will add up points etc thereafter. I have month end on next week at work so if someone has capacity to host next week it would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    Off to get ready to watch the start of War and Peace tonight – loved the book. I strongly suspect this will lead me to wanting to do a ‘Patriotic War’ Russian army…


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer that abuse of languages started when mobile phones became popular.

    It is one thing of kids do it but when companies start imitating it out becomes super annoying and lacks honesty


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu I’m sorry if that video caused trauma… but I won’t suffer alone! You all are coming with me! XD 😉

    @limburger no, I think it started a bit earlier when internet and MTV where wide spread…. nevertheless  it still is a pain to read some stuff that is written…



    A mysterious box from Australia had arrived




    Cult of Games Member

    @mage have you checked for spiders, snakes and other ghastly things?

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