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This topic contains 112 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by minigiant 6 years, 3 months ago.
September 23, 2018 at 11:47 am #1272977
My second GKR dude:
My AoS shattered dominoon objectives markers, part 1:
September 23, 2018 at 11:53 am #1272978My AoS shattered dominoon objectives markers, part 2:
September 23, 2018 at 12:37 pm #1272979It’s Sunday evening, and for most that’d mean work tomorrow. But for me it’s Saturday night. I’ve taken my young ‘un home, and had my dinner. Time to catch up…
@evilstu Ancient Red Dragon vs lvl 13 characters almost did go poorly for everyone not Ancient, Red and Dragon…
Two out of four of the party attempting to hide while the other two attempted to redirect his attention through flattery and deception… and part way through my character failed his hide check and was spotted by the Dragon!
Through some sweet diplomacy and playing on the dragon’s greed and vanity, we were able to draw it away to another location… directly into the crypt of the Lich that had sent us into the lair of the Dragon! Needless to say… we didn’t hang around to see who survived the fight…
@evilstu your 3D printing experiments are interesting! What kind of a printer do you use? How easy/ difficult have you found getting a hold of such devices here in Oz?
Regarding that experiment: Seee now, that’s where all these investigators and occult battlers are going wrong… just feed Cthulhu a hefty dose of Ecstasy, it’ll be all hugs and dancing. No more end of the world nonsense!
@biggabum hey mate, glad you’re well, and I hope your wife improves quickly!
Yeah, I’ve had those Elves for a while. I figured I’d get around to them some time! You know how it is, I’m sure ?
A table cloth on the dining table? Well, one must have Some standards, otherwise what separates us from the animals??
Great battle report!
@minigiant ace work on that project! A real kit-bash and conversion to produce something truly unique! A little daunting if you ask me, but inspirational work ?
@querion I like the start of your orc skin colour. The contrast with the red and blue works really well too.
@woldenspoons hi! Your Nurgle lads there are looking suitably gribbly.
@mage that wizard turned out great. The way you’ve picked out all the little trinkets about his person, nicely done! The purple smoke effect is very cool too.
How cool are those GW objectives? Have you seen the new set they’ve produced for Nightvault? I’m really liking what you’ve done with those markers. Especially the giant head and the tomb, you’ve given them a hint of story just with the effects you’ve used.
Friday night I spent rebuilding some of my Elves:
Hopefully I’ll be able to get these guys done, I want to get some of the other minis stripped. Then move them on as a whole group into the painting stage. I may need to purchase a couple more old GW horses. If any of you (ok maybe not you @minigiant) have a couple stashed that you aren’t using, I’d be willing to purchase. Now I’m going to put the Weekenders on and keep working.
September 23, 2018 at 2:53 pm #1273031@evilstu : the better question is ….
Why does New York need so many superheroes ?
They’ve got the Avengers, Spiderman, Doctor Strange, that blind lawyer dude …. it must be a real hell hole down there.
They should build a wall around it and be done with it already … 😉
September 23, 2018 at 3:00 pm #1273035Hi, nice to meet some people I didn’t know. 0/.
Lots of hobby this weekend all round. Good stuff. For myself my Gellerpox Infected are getting near to finished. And they are looking super gribbly.
@limburger and @biggabum a global superhero campaign would be the death of me! But I’d love it.
@mage love the purple smoke. What’s your process for it? Asking for a friend. ?.
Now for my updated pictures.
September 23, 2018 at 7:10 pm #1273124@minigiant still not a bad board setup if you do an AoS assault of Idoneth Deepkin with the fluff of the invasion on to land.
@evilstu @limburger Cup of Brown Joy started me on the gentleman hiphop track. Alternatives to the mainstream variety kicked off for me with DJ Shadow way back when and evolved into checking out the Hieroglyphics crew and how it morphed into the projects of Gorillaz and Deltron 3030. Dr. Steel will be missed as being a toy soldier for the Playland Utopia was for naught. Check out Kid Koala if you want more scratchology… reminds me to shout out Peanutbutter Wolf.
@mage good work on those Wizkids D&D pieces. I’ve sat down and worked on a few and I am glad to give them back to their owners (kinda like children but without leashes like other pets).
September 23, 2018 at 7:58 pm #1273154@horati0nosebl0wer got Dr Steel on my spotify list too.
I must say that the Elfia events I’ve been to have been really great sources of music that you wouldn’t hear on mainstream radio.
Of course these tend to be more folk music and less rock. Plus few have cd’s for sale.Quality does vary quite a bit and the live sound isn’t always great, but between the weekender threads and random spotify suggestions I managed to grow my music library.
@woldenspoons : I thought the 40k universe was supposed to be grim dark. Not yellow and purple/red 😉
Or is the art in the Rogue trader killteam expansion like that too ?
September 23, 2018 at 8:17 pm #1273160@limburger my nurgle lads add the grim to the Grimdark ;).
@horati0hoenbl0wer not my scene but I once did see DJ Shadow live when he was supporting Radiohead.
September 23, 2018 at 8:34 pm #1273184@woldenspoons Good basecoats. Bring up the contrast and those should pop quite nicely.
@limburger Aha! We see that you don’t see the Ork Kommandos. Who ever heard of camouflage wearing orks… especially when its purple (so you can see them better… ork logic)?
Got the base made and I’ve put in my order with Secret Weapon to have a bag of spent shell casings dispatched along with one of their Bags o’ Crap and a tshirt. I still need to finish the green stuff for join filling as pinning the warboss was a little imprecise. Once done with that and with shells on base we’ll have a greenskin “reddy for sum right proppa krumpin on zoggin humies”.
Just typing that reminds me of how much fun these guys are. I might just pick up some Stormboyz as a complimentary unit to my Zagstruk display for competition next year. I’m debating on hitting up Armorcast for their burst effects for this as well (one project leads to another).
September 24, 2018 at 1:50 am #1273232@rayzryr You are right when you say daunting! It was certainly a contributing factor into the delay of taking it from conversion to reverse engineered kit. Now I have done it though I have the confidence to do it again. To much confidence because conversion work has begun on the basis for an awesome Eldar Exodites force (If I say so myself)
@horati0nosebl0wer I think if any army will receive a gaming board it will have to be this current project. A haunted forest! (No concept development beyond that yet)
September 24, 2018 at 6:18 am #1273235A great crossover for Big Iron that you’d recognize from Fallout parodied for 40k
A good soundtrack to an interesting looking game
Hollow Knight Soundtrack on Bandcamp
More goodness in videogame listening
Ok.. I admit to falling for cellos and this last suggestion for listening will round out a trio
Thinking about all these Bandcamp suggestions I’ll tack on a final YouTube selection for lengthy podcasts
September 24, 2018 at 7:13 am #1273237September 24, 2018 at 9:19 am #1273282Assembly continues on the Elves.
Some problems had to be overcome: the sword I was trying to build from bits didn’t want to stay together.
I remembered that I’d used that sword on another Elf conversion years ago, so dig it up and returned the sword to its original owner.
It worked much better. I then had another Elf that needed weapons… Kingdom Death to the rescue!
Slow progress, but progress ?
September 24, 2018 at 10:43 am #1273358This is where I am at the moment. Fifty Fenriders have been built, minus heads on 25 of them as I wait on a big order from Puppetswar. The Bigger bases in the middle will be used for my Tow Guns (Heavy Weapons Teams)
I started toying with the idea of a fancier head dress for the mounts of my command squad (I already knew my mounted commissar conversion will). What do you think?
September 24, 2018 at 10:52 am #1273371@mage glad to see you snuck some hobby in on the weekend. Nice progress on the Arcworlde stuff, and the wash on the translucent part of the rogue mini came out really nicely. Liking the GKR stuff – as they are effectively playing pieces are you planning on leaving the bases as is so as not to interfere with the terrain? wow, those objective markers have all turned out amazingly well, loving the look of the gold and that sarcophagus just looks properly creepy 🙂 60 points for hobby progress.
@rayzryr sounds like about the right time for the party to turn tail and execute a strategic withdrawal 🙂 Printer id a Prusa I3 Mk2. No problems getting it – i just ordered it directly from the website. Caveat that it did cost a good chunk at the time (printer plus shipping plus import duties plus GST…). I would imagine equivalent printers will be available locally for less now and as the technology is continually improving it will get better and cheaper, just like PC processors or mobile phones it’s one of those nice situations where indecision has benefits 🙂 Liking the idea of a combined elves horde – they are such an iconic fantasy staple that the idea of running a diverse group of models as once faction sounds really fun to me 🙂 yeah, octopi creep me out at the best of times – have you ever actually read up on them from an evolutionary perspective? Properly scary little things… Bonus points for Carpenter Brut ;-P 50 points for progress and responses.
@limburger it’s probably best we don’t know… Maybe the super villains are just all there for the pizza? Seriously though, as I understand it in the 60’s when these characters were all being created Marvel Bullpen was based in NY (as were Steve Ditko, Stan Lee etc) so they just based everything on what was around them. A different tack to DC that invented cities for their heroes to protect. I guess both approaches have their good and bad points… Ah yes exposure to different forms of music is a wonderful thing. Makes you appreciate how monochromatic stylistically commercial radio is 🙂 20 points
@woldenspoons gribbly indeed! Very nice progress. I like the bold colours you have fone for on the scenery elements as well – a nice contrast to the game board. 30 points.
@horati0nosebl0wer no idea where my GF started listening to Chap Hop. But given she independently discovered Nightwish without me having to put her onto them I guess she has her sources 🙂 That base looks epic! really keen to see it progress now 🙂 Heh – love CAD! Although I’m way behind on the shows. DJ Maus always has the best sets 🙂 – I’m a sucker for EBM… 35 points for posts and progress.
@minigiant well the results so far look like they have been worth the effort. Are you going to hold off on any eldar project until your riders are finished or is it the sort of thing you can tinker with a bit and progress concurrently? 20 points.
@elessar2590 any progress on the Grande Armee?
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