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Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier…

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This topic contains 112 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  minigiant 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    Don’t panic, I am here, I’m reading the thread. I’m also in the process of getting my Kill Team base coated. It looks like there isn’t anyone to play at the shop though ?.

    Hobby pledge, base coat the scenery and make solid progress on the flesh of the kill team members. I have some rulebook reading to do too.

    I’ll answers questions in my next reply.


    Cult of Games Member

    @minigiant how many command conversions across the force? Will you be doing much to them or just the odd minor bit of extra gear? I do love the idea of an on-going hex based campaign. Gaming table idea sounds like a good one, and would suit other games like Frostgrave well too – nice to have a table that will work for multiple systems

    In the long term I have 9 main conversions plus 15-20 minor conversions for the mainline riders. My 9 main conversions for the Company are; 3 Tow Guns, Commissar, Captain, Vox Caster, Medic, Standard bearer, Map reader


    Cult of Games Member

    I am calling that a night here (GMT +7). I will hopefully catch up with my music and my pledge tomorrow. I am busier tomorrow so I worry those last 28 rough riders wont base themselves (easily the slowest and most tedious part of building them)

    Company build in process

    25 of which are missing heads, waiting on a big order from Puppetswar

    You might be able to see some bigger bases in the background. That is because I got distracted and started measuring and scaling up for tow gun conversions



    Grr I did a long post and it’s vanished. I’ll try again.

    To the questions.

    1) Dragons would be an early shout. For those who have read Dragons of Autumn Twilight that type, ancient, intelligent and full of menace and magic, Smaug too.

    When I was young I came across a bestiary book in my local library. I could never find it again but it was full of creatures I had never heard of before. House elves, woman by the water and The Black Dog. The black dog still scares me now. I’m not sure if the origin of the tales so please let me know if you do.

    My actual favourite though is Werewolves. Of any kind. The savage ones, the heroic ones the intelligent ones. Capable of being in any gaming environment and blending in, even during daylight. Stick that in your fangs vampires!

    2) I’m a similar age to most of you it seems and I watched all the same shows. I’d add Battle of the Planets, Terrahawks and Star Fleet to the mix. Now I’m stuck in a nostalgia loop, send help. Even the Thunderbirds. F.A.B.

    3) I would like to be able to use an airbrush. Sadly I don’t have ventilation, the money or the patience to keep cleaning it. Sorry, original post was longer.




    Cult of Games Member

    So the wife is doped up on pain killers and is now snoring away in her armchair…. listen… there…. sounds like an overworked sawmill bless her.

    Anyhoo it gives me a little bit of time before I wake her up to take her sleeping pills and send her off to bed.

    For obvious reasons, I’m only skimming over the thread, so if I miss anybody/anything I apologise.

    @elessar2590 Nice start to the Napleonics. Me and Matty are considering looking at starting them in the new year all being well, although were probably going to go with 6mm (inspired by @torros ). I love the blue you have gone with.

    @sundancer enjoyed the bat rep mate. Thanks.

    @rayzryr Very cool. Enjoyed the Elf Project, it brought on a nice feeling of nostagia from some of the older Mini’s you have in there 😀 The wife would be very impressed… you used a cloth on the kitchen table 😀

    @minigiant the fenriders look excellent mate, I love the Puppets war stuff. The Cryx base under the Ice sounds awesome. How would you go about it? Personally Methinks I would be tempted to paint a picture of the base directly onto the board then use an ice effect over the top. The outside of the board would be snow covered land, with a few hills with caves as entrances/exits. Thanks for the mention about the wife. Yeah she’s making progress slowly, but at least it is progress.

    @evilstu Thanks mate yeah wife improving daily, she must be, she’s started to notice stuff around the house I haven’t done yet 😀

    Love the Otter. Will you be printing up some Orky plates and extra armour for it? Slamanders look great so far.

    have you seen the revamp of Lost in Space on Netflix yet? Highly recommended (although there is something that takes a bit of getting used to but I won’t spoil it for you)

    @querion great start to the Orc drummer, really liking the skin tone. Very Cool.

    @woldenspoons Oh yes, the skintone on the nurgle guys looks very sickly, excellent work so far.


    Cult of Games Member

    Bruce Wayne sat at the large ornate oak desk, his face planted firmly in the splayed fingers of his palms. Behind him Dick Grayson paced the floor, stopping occasionally as if to speak before thinking better of it and continuing his aimless pacing. Barbara Gordon, the only one of the trio wearing her guise as her alter ego Batgirl, albeit without her cowl, sat quietly, swamped in the large red leathered armchair in the corner of the room sipping the cup of tea Alfred, the Wayne family Butler had brought them all.

    “To help you think, Master Bruce.” He had said as he passed the Silver tray between them.

    In the three weeks since the Joker made good his escape and once Dick and Barbara had recovered from their injuries, the trio had searched every abandoned fairground, Circus and prank themed warehouse in an attempt to locate the Joker’s hideout.  None had shown any signs of the Joker’s presence nor any signs that he had ever been there.

    It wasn’t even as if the Joker had lain low in the time during his escape. In fact his nefarious activities had almost brought Gotham to its knees. Security Guards were refusing to work, Banks were unable to function without the ability to transport money, and in turn Companies were unable to pay wages… including the Power Companies. Now when night fell, Gotham lived in Darkness.

    Bruce sat bolt upright and spun in his chair, facing the other two. “If we can’t find the Joker, we’ll have to bring him to us.”

    Dick Grayson shook his head, “We’ve already tried that.” He said quietly, “He didn’t take the bait.”

    Bruce smiled confidently, “That’s because we didn’t make it worth the risk.” He reached for the desk phone, “Now a Wayne Industries truck, that’s something I don’t think even he could resist.”

    Barbara stood, reaching for her cowl. “I’ll put the word out.”

    Bruce shook his head. “Not this time Barbara.” He began to dial. “I want this to look legitimate, total secrecy.” He smiled. “The Joker will find out about the transport without our help… Trust me.”


    The timing was almost perfect as the street lamps came on mere moments before the WayneTech truck was due to pass through, illuminating the area and revealing the Joker and his gang of Psychotic Clowns hiding in wait. Batman was convinced he saw the permanent smiling face of the Joker momentarily change to one of concerned surprise. He signalled to Batgirl and Nightwing to move in… the trap was sprung.

    All thoughts the Joker had of an easy hit faded as he realised he had little option but to fight the closing heroes. He waved frantically at his Clowns to attack. Shots were fired, but they either missed of bounced harmlessly of the surrounding terrain.

    An Arkham Guard appeared from one of the buildings, nodded to Batman, and began firing in the Joker’s direction. A passing cop, investigating the gunshots, was quick to catch on to the situation and also joined the fray.

    The jokers Clowns swarmed through the children’s playground, those armed with guns firing wildly, again missing their targets.

    Batgirl used her Batclaw to close the distance with the Titan Clown, her flurry of punches having no effect. Nightwing launched a pair of Wingding, catching one of the Jokers white faced henchmen and knocking him out.

    Batgirl’s already precarious position worsened as another of the Jokers Clowns moved in behind her and would have taken her down if not for the heroic actions of the cop, who used the sewers to move swiftly below the streets and arrive just in time to give her a much needed assist.

    Although the temptation was to join Batgirl in her fight with the Titan Clown, Batman resisted and moved across to help Nightwing and the Arkham Guard with the Joker and Harley Quinn.

    Harley skipped her way towards Nightwing, her shots far more accurate than the wild shots of the clowns and managed to wound him. As Nightwing staggered back from the impact a pair off chattering teeth landed at his feet, the ensuing explosion sending him into oblivion.

    Rage overtook Batman and he launched himself at the Joker, surprising him so completely he offered no defence as Batman pummelled him into the ground, only just stopping short of breaking his vow not to kill when Harley Quinn fell sobbing to her knees.

    She stroked the blood spattered face of the Joker and looked up into the scowling face of Batman. “Enough.” She said, the dark eyeliner running down her face giving her an almost tragic look. She threw her gun down and barked the order for the rest of the Clowns to surrender.

    It was over…. For Now!!
















    Well … i didn’t get as much hobby time in today as i wanted thanks to an unexpected but very welcome visit from an old friend. I didn’t see him in the last few years thanks to him moving far away. He’s visiting his parents at the moment… long story short: we had much to talk about and a really nice day.


    I’ll try to catch up with the thread after i got some hours of sleep in.


    Just a quick teaser of two of the orcs and how far i could paint them. ( just quick photos taken with my phone )




    Cult of Games Member

    the fenriders look excellent mate, I love the Puppets war stuff.

    Thank you @biggabum . Fully agree with you, the Puppetswar stuff is great, I am actually surprised how little of their products I am using, I have used them more extensively in the past. Across the entire planned army, I am knitpicking so many 3rd party alternatives; so many in fact my bookmarks are bloated with them. There is so many individual pieces that if they were from one store I would save significant amount of money in postage alone.

    The Cryx base under the Ice sounds awesome. How would you go about it? Personally Methinks I would be tempted to paint a picture of the base directly onto the board then use an ice effect over the top. The outside of the board would be snow covered land, with a few hills with caves as entrances/exits. Thanks for the mention about the wife. Yeah she’s making progress slowly, but at least it is progress.

    I would use foam board and dig into it for a lake bed, and built up on the sides for hills etc. I was then going to lay down what is the equivalent of oil pipelines all converging into the centre of the lake. Then use a lot of clear resin with a mix of white and blue paint to pour into the lake and give that frozen affect. Top with snow and shipwrecks. Trees on the outsides.

    This is an old picture I have on my computer

    Board sketch


    Cult of Games Member

    @minigiant Yeah postage is a bit of a nightmare if you need a lot of parts from different places. I don’t know if you’re aware of this place

    Unfortunately, as far as i’m aware they only do GW bits. There was a German guy (I think) on ebay that did a mix of parts from different companies (GW, PP and Wyrd mostly) but I can’t remember his name and I haven’t done any kitbashing for ages so I don’t know if he’s still around.

    Yes, the board looks awesome, love the idea of the Pirate ship in the middle. Not only a great LOS blocker but a nice objective too. A thought if you ever decide to go ahead with it, but if you make the pipes, hills and Pirate ship removeable you could add different terrain for a Khador themed board or even use it for other games.


    @minigiant My Googlefu is strong …. I dug up some manufacturers of shipwrecks to ease the pain of pulling too hard for info.

    Of course with the Deepkin for AoS GW has the Etheric Vortex: Gloomtide Shipwreck

    Here’s Sea Dog Game Studios that does 15 and 25-8mm stuff

    If you fancy a crack at the idea with using a 3D printer here’s another gamers work on reddit

    A slew of stl files for printing if you so chose on stl finder

    Lol… looks like there was also somebody else who ran with the shipwreck terrain for their Cryx on

    An additional blog that I’re referred to for resin ships otherwise with Cianty’s Tabletop Blogspot





    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons Sorry you missed out on a game – glad you got some good progress done on the painting. The Black Dog rings a very vague bell from a Scottish folk tale (sorry 30 years since I have read the relevant book so can’t be more specific…) but I’m sure similar tales has been repeated in cultures the world over. Werewolves are a great staple. Ironically their weakness is their weaknesses are too well known. Might be fun to mix their weaknesses up a bit in games just to catch people off guard. 20 points.

    @minigiant Command conversions sound like good fun, nice that you are doing some minor conversions to differentiate the remainder of the force too. Board idea looks great, picture helps to tie your ideas together. Nice progress. 40 points.

    @biggabum Hope your wife is better soon. Hadn’t considering bolting extra armour plates on the Otter, was just considering gluing guns and stowage all over it. Haven’t seen lost in Space reboot, will add it to the queue 🙂 Great batrep 50 points.

    @querion orcs are coming along really well, love the shading on the skin particularly. 15 points.

    @horati0nosebl0wer Glad to see that ships are becoming more readily available. I went hunting for some about 10 years ago and just struck out, nice to see they are becoming available. 15 points for the research.



    Cult of Games Member

    @biggabum There are a few places where I can pick up a combination of kits, a shame that many do not ship to where I live, so with most things I have to go to source


    Biggabum and @horati0nosebl0wer The board will never progress beyond an idea. If I am honest it was a showerthought that I put too much time into. It will be cool for sure but I dont even play Warmachine, andI dont even have a gaming table for the games I do play

    @evilstu Thank you


    Cult of Games Member

    @biggabum : another great batreport … 😀

    I wonder if it would be possible for a superhero themed global campaign like BoW has done for Team Yankee and Infinity.


    Elfia was great. It is a small event compared to the one at Utrecht earlier this year, but then I’m tired anyway.

    I did see Professor Elemental (British Hiphop … LOL) doing his show. I also bought a couple of cd’s, because I liked his music.

    And then there was this French group with drums :


    I’ve got more pictures on my camera, but that will take some time to sort them out.


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger my GF loves Professor Elemental, she will be pleased to hear you liked the music. Hope you enjoyed the rest of the festival too. A global suerhero campaign would be interesting and would answer the question “Given enough prep time, could Batman be everywhere at once?”… O OK I’ll show myself out now… 20 points for post and tunes.

    @minigiant 10 points for responses


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