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Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier…

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This topic contains 112 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  minigiant 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    @evilstu Yeah, as other have said the Asian dragons definitely are interesting. At the end of our previous D&D campaign we came face to face with an ancient Red Dragon… even playing as level 13 characters he was every bit as terrifying as it should have been. Fortunately we were able to redirect its attention…

    DA’s are great for that colour diversity. Oh yes, I could totally slow grow from eBay purchases and cheap clear-outs. Tanks and other vehicles aren’t that uncommon either, especially if I’m prepared to repaint. At the moment I could muster up Company strength just in troops alone:


    My Elf project:

    The Ancient Kin – An Elf Project

    Which will go on hold for Orktober.

    @mage that’s interesting news regarding the Hasbro Cinematic Universe, but given the woeful treatment of Transformers to date, I’d not be rushing to the cinema for them anytime soon… though I want them to be good!

    @sundancer Ulysses 31… I remember that one… I only ever seemed to see it sporadically though.

    I wish you luck on your endeavour to gain your own home! The old 6×4 table is an ongoing dream for many of us I feel. That’s probably why so many skirmish games have become over the years: lack of space. Much easier to find a handy 4×4 on top of a dining table or such.

    @limburger the kind of dragon you speak of, they could be used as NPC’s in D&D. Metallic Dragons could act in that manner. I share @evilstu’s confusion over the Wish Dragon though…

    MacGyver, for sure! We still joke about fixing any problem with a microwave, some chewing gum and a Swiss Army Knife.

    @elessar2590 Bellerophon… sounds like a tough cookie!

    In the vein of the old 80’s anime

    Well, got my Orcs undercoated… but they aren’t in my pledge… so I’d better get to work…


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer ambitious sounding pledge. what does the Slaanesh project entail? I’m keen to see my man/woman Slaanesh reappear in the Age of Sigmar universe. the new beastmen might tip me over the edge and back into the game but Slaanesh would get me over the line no questions asked. 10 points for the pledge.

    @elessar2590 Bellerophon – ah yes are we all familiar with the acronym ‘BAMF’? If not please don’t go and google it on a work computer… 22? Good grief I had you pegged as a venerable grognard with your extensive knowledge of history. Well played on accumulating that much historical knowledge already 🙂 I hear you on the small scale stuff. I’m personally thinking of just picking a scale and working out the gaming system later. re the French I had the same problem with regard to their being top heavy with the smaller footprint bases. My solution was to pick up a couple of packs of washers from Bunnings and superglue them to the underside of the bases. They still fall over, just less often now…


    What system are the french going to be utilised in? Ie, will you need to have them all as individuals or are you going to do group bases? I got bored counting but it looks like close to 100 French? 30 points for responses.

    @querion that changeling setting sounds positively disturbing. Although it would afford some excellent opportunities for role playing as the characters become paranoid and think they are about to become reclaimed or have terrifying flashbacks triggered by seemingly innocuous events. Agree on the villians needing a motivation too. what I used to do Dming is just create a town full of NPC’s each with their own broad agendas and fill in the blanks based on how they interacted with the payer characters. Experience taught me never to plan too far in advance because my players would inevitably do something unexpected. Quite often this was something bad but now and then they would come up with a solution to a problem that was brilliant and very inspired. Not sure if you have seen Macross Frontier? It is possibly my favourite anime. Would be a close contest between that one and the very funny Martian Successor Nadesico.  20 points for detailed responses.

    @sundancer I like the idea of a broad spectrum of terrain on a table. While I would personally love to have a nice large carved table with rivers running through and hills the reality is that it would be too difficult to store when not in use. So I go with a flat surface built upwards with modular components instead 🙂 Star Wars Legion just provides so many options for tabletop settings (ice worlds, forest, desert, massive cities, spaceports, on board ships etc etc…) that I wouldn’t personally know where to start. I have held off getting any of the mis so far but I might pick up the Boba Fett model after Orktober just to paint something different. Great BatRep! 30 points.

    @rayzryr an ancient red dragon at level 13? That could have potentially gotten very ugly for everyone who didn’t happen to be the dragon 🙂 Already at company level? Wow that’s impressive. Elf project looks like a fun idea, and Senior Swirly Swords did make me laugh 🙂  30 points for project, responses and tunes.

    My hobby time today has been mostly spent mucking about trying to get stowage printed from my Ork LRDG project. I nailed the scale on the first attempt with each of the components but I had sized it ti be true scale – for this project I will need things to be oversized to have them appear in proportion. So will need to go back to the models to scale up and re-export. Also, I need to keep from continuing to mentally add cool or fun ideas to my project or it is going to go from a novelty skirmish force to a full sized army very quickly…


    Cult of Games Member


    @evilstu yeah that’s how i go about my GMing too. i build a rough framework of where they go and what should happen, and improvise a lot of the stuff depending on what they do. They say nbo plan survives the first contact with the enemy … well it’s the same here, just exchange enemy with players 😉


    And yeah Macross Frontier was a great anime! awesome look, great story and i really liked the music…. and now you made me listen to it again!


    and i need to rewatch that show again ….




    Cult of Games Member

    Hey all. The wife’s on the mend but still not great, so while i’m hoping to get some hobby time after my enforced abstinance, my appearances over the next few weeks may be a bit sparce.

    As for pledges, well Matty and I have a Batman vs Joker decider to play so we’ll try and get that in sometime over the weekend and hopefully i’ll get enough time to do a bat rep.

    So on to the questions.

    1) ahhh, so many to choose from. I do like me a Dragon. It’s one of those creatures that can appear in stories as both a benevolent or malevolent creature. I was told the story of George slaying the Dragon at a very early age and to this day the imagary from that story haas stuck with me. ** As a side note – When I was about 15 at Secondary School I ended up in a conversation with my History teacher who told me that the story is probably a romanticised version of a village Warlord (George) leading a fight against Viking Invaders (the dragon coming from the prow of their longship).

    2) Oh dear there are loads, Lost in Space, Marine Boy, The Time Tunnel, Land of the Giants… the list goes on. I’m surprised, actually, that some of the shows are still being re-run and hold up pretty well and while I thought the Lost in Space movie was a bit naff I did enjoy the recent Netflix series. With that in mind I would like to see The Time Tunnel get a similar treatment.

    3) I’ve always wanted to build a Gaming board for Warmachine with proper trenches n stuff, but time and the fact that i’m absolutely crap at scratch building have stayed my hand.

    Will pop back later, all being well, to go back through the thread… Take care Guys


    Cult of Games Member

    1) What is your favourite mythical or fantastical creature or tale from folklore and why? Ever tried incorporating that creature into a game? If so, tell us about it. If not are there any settings you feel they would work well in?

    A tough call, I think it always has come down to mischievous fay or dragons. The mischievousness I think has always called to that inner child of mine, whereas the dragon I have always seen as awe inspiring. I once played a WFB 8th edition campaign that pulled in all of these folklores. It was set on an island almost Albion like, and fay would steal items, dragons would randomly join the game would swoop down and attack units from both sides, a sighting of a unicorn granted bonuses etc. It was fun. The Dwarf slayers of course had added rules about trying to kill these things.

    2) Favourite TV show or shows form your childhood. Have you ever re-watched them as an adult? If so, how did they hold up without the nostalgia goggles?

    Has to be Pokemon, I dont watch the anime anymore but still play the handhold main story games

    3) What is the one hobby project you have always wanted to do but have never started? What is holding you back from starting?

    Well if this had been asked a few months ago, I would be saying what I have started. I had a lot of challenges of getting to this point, a 40k Astra Militarum Cavalry Company


    Tunes will follow later but, I will finish with my pledge


    I have not taken part in a weekender in nearly eighteen months so I am not pledging anything to extreme. I just want to finish building 50 mainline Fenriders, and start on the tedious task of greenstuffing gaps, and filing mold lines

    Fen Rider Montage

    The heads are altered Puppetswar Cossack Heads, The Horses are from the Death Riders, the Torso is Cadian, the Rebreather is Victoria Miniatures, the legs, arms and webbing is all sculpted


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu If you really want that Boba Fett, regardless of if you will play Legion I suggest you get your hands on him day1. Ever since X-Wing the Star Wars Miniature stuff is selling like crazy in some parts of the world. 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @querion of course now you realise I will have that tune stuck in my head all morning 😛 I should rewatch that one too –  a great series.

    @biggabum good to see you, hope the better half is recovering ok. Best of luck getting a game in. Yes Dragons are a nice staple. The Story of St George kind of does make sense when you think of the time and the fact that the stories of viking longships would have spread by word of mouth initially. I can see a reasonable degree of embellishment happening 🙂 I did quite enjoy Lost in Space, although it began to irk me that the planet that they would land on each week was represented by the same 2 bits of styrofoam ‘rock’. You are right, the movie was, shall we say, not as good as it might have otherwise been. Land of the Giants did creep me out as a kid – the idea of those giants looming over you. Anyhow…

    @minigiant welcome back and congrats on the golden button 🙂 That 8th ed campaign sounds like great fun. what mechanic did you use to manage the appearance and actions of the dragons? And would the fey loot the treasuries of your army (ie denying your characters access to a specific item until it was recovered) or were the items pilfered out of an out of game stockpile as it were? Am glad you consider finishing off 50 cavalry a ‘not too extreme’ pledge 😛 They look fantastic, a real labour of love. Really keen to watch them progress.

    @sundancer good advice – might see if I can catch it on preorder…


    Cult of Games Member

    @minigiant welcome back and congrats on the golden button ? That 8th ed campaign sounds like great fun. what mechanic did you use to manage the appearance and actions of the dragons? And would the fey loot the treasuries of your army (ie denying your characters access to a specific item until it was recovered) or were the items pilfered out of an out of game stockpile as it were? Am glad you consider finishing off 50 cavalry a ‘not too extreme’ pledge ? They look fantastic, a real labour of love. Really keen to watch them progress.

    Thank you for informing me of the golden button, hopefully this project can add a few more to my collection. Painting still seems like a mile away.

    I wish I could tell you the mechanic, it was so long ago, and really at the beginning of my hobby days. All I remember really is that it was a hex based campaign. Fey could come along and nullify magic items, grant you extra ones.

    50 without the greenstuffing, if I pledged that I wouldn’t be able to eat. I may also start the building/converting (Yes converting already converted miniatures) of my command squad


    @evilstu @querion Re. Changeling it is awesome if you can wrap your head around the imagery. The horror elemts of it all can be just as good as if you were to drop yourself into Pan’s Labyrinth and then started into more craziness from Terry Gilliam. Imagine the marketplace from Stardust or Hellboy: The Golden Army and all sorts of commerce for the most unlikely of things for unspeakable prices in a goblin market. Being fond of random tables this is a great place to throw random into a blender and serve it as fine hors d’oeuvres.

    @evilstu The Slaanesh project is just building a display base, replacing the gods awful head on a Herald of Slaanesh to put on top and then painting both.

    @minigiant Swanky Fenriders. Those look pretty well worked on for kitbashing. When you paint them I recommend the artist Stubbs. I remember years ago just missing a travelling exhibit of his work in Baltimore.


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer Thanks! Just what I needed, more images of horses to add to my already bloated folder of them. They will all help I hope



    watching the weekender and working on my wardrummer:


    i love it when a weekend starts like this


    Cult of Games Member

    @biggabum glad to hear your wife is okay

    3) I’ve always wanted to build a Gaming board for Warmachine with proper trenches n stuff, but time and the fact that i’m absolutely crap at scratch building have stayed my hand.

    This ^

    I have also long desired to build a gaming board for Warmachine, and I dont even play. I have numerous sketches of a frozen lake of which a cryx bass in underneath the surface. I planned a pirate ship stuck in the ice


    Cult of Games Member

    @minigiant how many command conversions across the force? Will you be doing much to them or just the odd minor bit of extra gear? I do love the idea of an on-going hex based campaign. Gaming table idea sounds like a good one, and would suit other games like Frostgrave well too – nice to have a table that will work for multiple systems 🙂

    @horati0nosebl0wer sounds like tha game would require some inspired DMing and the right group of mature and properly engaged players. really glad to hear that you had the mix right. Yes I have to confess I wasn’t impressed when they changed over from the older head on the Keeper of Secrets to the current one. I have a Reaper Sophie 54mm (NSFW) that I will get around to painting up one day for my Slaanesh Greater Demon..

    @querion a great start on the warrummer.

    Catching up on points since the last time I awarded them…

    @querion +20

    @biggabum +30

    @minigiant +50

    @sundancer +10

    @horati0nosebl0wer +10


    Cult of Games Member

    My progress today has been messing about with 3d prints – converted a Canadian WW2 Otter armored car printed at 125% scale to fit into my Ork project. Still need more stowage and detail but I’m having fun playing with the idea.


    Also got the first basecoat down on my Salamander Kill Team


    And assembled/converted and primed 24 orks, made some progress on my foot knights and started applying paint to the horses on my British Dragoons. A pretty productive day so far hobby wise so happy with that.

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