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This topic contains 112 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by minigiant 6 years, 3 months ago.
September 20, 2018 at 5:04 pm #1271400
@mage The shared universe makes sense from all the 80s crossover comics that were done
September 20, 2018 at 7:02 pm #1271435Wow … I remember a lot of those shows.
We didn’t have a lot of tv, but I somehow do remember Visionaries …And that “Once upon a time …” show was French/German in origin I think.
@evilstu : 3 shall be the number and the number shall be 3.
I think you’ve been watching Monty Python recently 😉
Not much to pledge this week, ’cause it’s Elfia weekend and next week it’s Bootcamp time 🙂
This weekend the event is at the castle gardens near Arcen. It’s not as big as the one near Utrecht earlier this year.
// 1) What is your favourite mythical or fantastical creature or tale from folklore and why?
// Ever tried incorporating that creature into a game?
// If so, tell us about it. If not are there any settings you feel they would work well in?Only one comes to mind : the dragon …
Not the evil variant, but the kind variant. Like in ‘Neverending story’ and Dragon Heart// 2) Favourite TV show or shows form your childhood. Have you ever re-watched them as an adult? If so, how did they hold up without the nostalgia goggles?
As I said … we didn’t have a lot of tv shows when I was a tiny kid. Not one that I can remember at least.
MacGyver needs mentioning. Making science cool before Mythbusters.
It was kind of odd seeing him in Stargate when that series started, because Angus was a pacifist to the extreme.
Then there was a series called ‘Fall guy’ with Lee Majors, which I watched on German tv channel (ZDF?).
It also was the first time I watched a show with a commercial break. I think it was ten minutes …
Buck Rogers was awesome :
I was watching re-runs of Knightrider, A-team and Airwolf recently.
And they aren’t as cool as they used to be.3) What is the one hobby project you have always wanted to do but have never started? What is holding you back from starting?
*eh* looks at mountain of plastic … *eh* …
Lack of proper hobby space is really starting to become annoying for me too. Storage space is kind of an issue too LOLI remember wanting to do an army for Warhammer Fantasy (1st edition?) It was a bit before Rogue Trader aka 40k v1.
Skaven were kind of interesting.And speaking of Rogue Trader … I wanted to do a mixed army with squats (they had them on bikes … how cool is that ? Hearthguard looked interesting too), Harlequins, imperial guard and spacemarines (because of the terminators).
Why ? Because I could not (and still can’t TBH) chose which one. I even had the original boxed harlequin set (I think I lost it when I moved).September 20, 2018 at 7:20 pm #1271441@limburger once upon a time … had different formats. The human body, human history, some others and all very educational and still fun and easy to understand for children … well and one sci-fi variant. I don’t kniw if they had german partners. Whaz i know is that it was a french production and the animations were done by a japanese studio
September 20, 2018 at 9:26 pm #1271507@querion : I think I do remember the history one.
There was always an old dude who was more beard/hair than body … LOL
Looks like the series still alive and kicking in the digital era, but then … it was educational and interesting.
The original French version of the ‘life’ series is on youtube … if you’re in the correct region that is *grrr* flockin *beeps*
September 20, 2018 at 9:35 pm #1271511September 20, 2018 at 10:09 pm #1271522@limburger most of the series are included in the german amazon prime … but well i don’t know if there are other languages available than german, if they’re included in other countries aswell … and of course you would nee prime … so a lot of ifs.
@mage 2 seconds too much … he clearly didn’t know his craft ?
September 20, 2018 at 11:08 pm #1271580@limburger Definitely good choices for the shows. I can that the “Biddi biddi biddi” stayed the same. Holy crap! I remember watching a few Hello Maestro in Italy once I saw the old guy.
@querion looking back at the animation of the 80s I’d say the majority of the key openings for the cartoons were done by Japanese studios and the rest done by Western animators.
@mage The Holy Orbs of Antioch entry is incorrect. These are not Templar weapons but standard armaments of the Sisters of Battle. They’ll put your eyes out with the same pew pew power of a Fembot.
September 21, 2018 at 12:49 am #1271588Morning everyone! OK, response time.
@mage Yes the minotaur is fantastic. and you are right – it is practically custom designed for D&D. I wonder how that would go as a D&D campaign – drop the players in a dungeon where sections rotate and shift? or worse still – teleporters instead of doors where each ‘side’ of the teleporter leads to a different area than the other… I still have a bunch of 5th ed WHFB minotaurs that I need to get to. Something else on the ‘to do’ list 🙂
Extensive list of childhood cartoons and a fair bit of overlap with what I used to watch back in the 80’s. I think we can all agree that the X men cartoon had the best opening theme. ever. Sorry John Williams, you’ll have to move over… I know what you mean re Kingdom Death. I have been hoarding high quality minis for years for ‘when I get good at painting’ – I think I need to bite the bullet and just start practicing. batch painting is fine for getting stuff down on the table, but I’m just getting faster not better. Could you do a Heresy army form the 30k box sets? Appreciate they are still not cheap but they are, shall we say, less prohibitive? have you considered other suppliers for IG conversions? I’ve been looking at Victoria Minis and Anvil Industries, but there are plenty of companies out there. Re White Scars, how would they look primed in several thin coats of white, black lined with a pen and then just with the red detail added? I guess from there you could use an ivory or similar and paint on undershade? Not sure on what to think of the Hasbro Cinematic Universe idea – hope there is more to it than toy sales but I guess we will see where we land…
It could end up being riotously good fun even if it is terrible 🙂 50 points for posts and replies
@sundancer Yes agree Orcs and Goblins are a staple. Any idea where the original idea for them came from? I know Tolkien used them but most of his ideas drew from existing folklore and mythology (albeit modified and/or developed further) – just wondering what the source inspiration was… Again I see a great deal of overlap with the shows I used to watch. nly one on the list I have been brave enough to revisit was Robotech. And yes it has dated but it is still OK because the show is based on character interaction and relationships not just giant fighting transformable robots. I really need to track down a version of the original Macross one day. Ah yes, lack of space 🙁 what sort of a 6×4 were you considering? What type of terrain? were you looking at interlocking modular sections or a one piece carved board type or something else? What game or games are you hoping to have it work with? Ah yes mimics are great fun. when DMing a dungeon crawler it is good sport to have a mimic model on your tray of ‘random monsters’ in full view of the party, and then drop lots of treasure chests about the place. every time they find one they will shoot the treasure chest with bows, poke it with sticks, douse it with burning oil etc just to ‘make sure’. I have good fun encouraging people not to metagame like that 🙂 50 points for detailed post and responses to date.
@rayzryr welcome back! Who wasn’t a fan of dinosaurs as a kid? I’m still waiting for my 6 ear old niece to grow out of that phase – I’m not sure she is going to. Birthdays and Christmas it’s all about dinosaurs 🙂 besides Smaug do you have a favourite type/style of dragons? Astroboy is another cartoon that really held up well – again due to the fact it was based on personal interactions rather than beating up the bad guy. Loved X-men, the Days of Future Past story arc were my favourite episodes. I do like DA’s, mainly as between the deathwing and ravenwing you have an opportunity to paint some things in different colours. A full chapter does sound like an ambitious undertaking. Any chance you could slow grow some DA’s by just picking up minis here and there second hand from EBay? Appreciate that may not work quite so well with interesting things like Ravenwing Landspeeders or Deathwing Terminations but for the rank and file grunts there seems to be plenty of stuff about now and then – possibly due to people upgrading to Primaris? Elf project – what is it you are working on? Do you have a link to somewhere in the projects system you could share? hat RPG sounds like crazy-good fun, hope you have an awesome time with it 🙂 30 points for initial post.
@querion ah yes properly and authentically dark faerie folk are great. I’m pretty desensitised to most horror stuff but there is something about that lore tahd does make my hair stand on end – maybe some sort of ancestral memory that makes me predisposed to those tales? You are right about eastern dragons – the idea that they are spirits and have their own agendas and concerns is much more interesting than the ‘eat all the livestock/burn all the villagers/collect all the gold/get stabbed by an adventurer’ version 🙂 Ok I know they are not all so one dimensional but I do like my dragons less brutish and more sophisticated… Again a great deal of overlap with your picks for TV shows and what I used to watch. Heh Duck Tales was good fun. and Dino riders – had forgotten about that one. re your orcish wardrum are you considering a platform for it to be carried on or are the Orcs going to lift it directly? 50 points for post and replies to date.
@horati0nosebl0wer was there ever any doubt about the kindred nerds? 😛 Satyrs are a good one. I like the D&D take on them that they are wild, high spirited, high drinking cavorting rogues. Lots of opportunity for interesting character interactions there. Yes Robotech/macross blew me away the first time I saw it. I still remember the scene where Max and Mirya fought on board the SDF-1/Macross – it was the first time that I had seen an animation that wasn’t just done in 2 dimensions. Completely blew me away.
For the benefit of the uninitiated, jump to the 3 minute mark in the below video and bear in mind this was done in the mid 80’s:
Ah yes, busts. My work with skin tones is not great at the best of times so I would find that intimidating too. Could you maybe pick up some cheap plastic toys/dolls or similar and practice repainting their heads to get a bit of confidence yup? Appreciate that they would be much less detailed and all… 50 points for post and replies to date.
@limburger a couple of busy weekends ahead 🙂 Hope you have a fantastic time! Benevolent/wise dragons as a guide mentor for the hero are great plot devices. It’s nice when they can work from the sidelines to guide events rather than taking a more direct hand in things. As a kid I could never quite work out if the dragon in the Neverending Story was a dragon or a giant flying puppy dog… Never did watch Macgyver (or Stargate for that matter) but I do know what you mean when an actor from a franchise you are familiar with suddenly ends up being seen in an unexpected or unfamiliar context it does throw out the sense of disbelief a little. Now Buck rogers is one I did watch. As a kid, that, Flash Gordon and Battlestar Galactica (I could have piloted a Viper at age 3,…) were the only cool shows on TV. As I got a little older things did improve a bit… Can you use Kill Team as a vehicle to maybe start work on some smaller forces and just get the ball rolling? How big is the mountain of plastic? Would it help to pack most of it away in storage boxes somewhere and begin by attacking a smaller component? Although I’m guessing you probably don’t want to kick anything major off before the bootcamp 🙂 Only a little bit jealous 😉 40 points for post and replies so far.
Ok that took a while so going to reload my coffee and plot the rest of my moning…
September 21, 2018 at 1:51 am #1271590Just to keep myself honest, hobby pledge for the week will be working through some of the below. Here goes:
– Prep work for Orktober projects (assembly and priming – just ordered a new pin vice so no barrel detailing yet…)
– Paint 36 heavy foot knights (for use as proxy Bretonnians)
– Paint 9 British mounted Dragoons
– Paint 9 mounted and 8 dismounted French Dragoons
– Paint a British and French gun (gun and 4 crew each, need to assemble both the guns as well)
– Base my Skaven skirmish force
– Start painting my Salamander Kill Team.
– Time permitting, start on another 24 French line voltiguers and a few bits and pieces for the French historical force.
– As above, but for British officers and line infantry.
– Start work on my Christmas themed D&D adventuring party.
September 21, 2018 at 6:53 am #1271615Ugh… pledge time…
- prep for Orktober as well in basing/pinning/priming. The plan changed from painting Zagstruk to the warboss with big choppa. I got done with a couple intense painting sessions and I then started cutting into the 50mm resin base with the Dremel. I realized I need to ease up on the hobby in order to recoup and get good results.
- get some work done on my Deenah project to reactivate and update it properly in order to set up the follow on project.
- continue my Slaanesh project with sculpting the display base
September 21, 2018 at 7:24 am #1271629Big thanks to @evilstu for hosting and nice choice for the name 🙂
1) Bellerophon. Hands down. He rules. He rode Pegasus the Winged Horse (Pegasus is the name of the horse that has now become the name for all winged horses). He was the Son of Poseidon and a total badass.
The best story of Bellerophon is his attack on Xanthos where he literally had Poseidon help him with a giant flood but was forced to retreat when the women rand at him naked and offering him “Favours”.
He tried to fly to Olympos but Zeus threw him from pegasus back to earth where he lived the rest of his life blind and hated.
Oh and he’s the Symbol of the British Airborne, This is Bellerophon on Pegasus during his battle with the Chimera.
Have I ever wargamed with him? No but he was the inspiration for my largest 28mm WWII force of British Paratroopers.
2) Since I’m 22 i don’t think I’m old enough to get nostalgic about TV shows.
3) Definitely 6mm but I can’t decide on a Period/Ruleset. Everything just looks so good.
My Pledge this weekend is to make as much progress as I can on my Napoleonic French from Warlord Games. The Sudan stuff from last week had me tearing my hair out so I’m not touching it until it’s all based, Plastic is great but very top heavy so the slightest breeze ruins the whole painting table.
Some Music this time from ex-Sabaton members who formed “Civil War”
and my personal favourite
September 21, 2018 at 7:59 am #1271637Good morning!
@horati0nosebl0wer yeah that could be a greta posibility. i know that a lot of the german cartoons from my childhood where german co-productions with japanese companies. Well and many many of the shows where fully japanese but as a child i never knew this. (Adventures of Young Robin Hood, Treasure Island, Anne of Green Gables and many others)
@evilstu i know what you meen. Those dark fairy folk are just so otherworldly and thanks to that far more sinister than your good old demons and other stuff like that. Those are just evil … but the fairy folk, sometimes they’re nice, sometimes they’re terrifying and you newer know when they will be what or even why. Thats why i like everything cthulhu, they too are just to otherworldly. But somehow i find even more horror in the fairy folk of old. And maybe that is why i love the RPG Changeling: The Lost so much. That is the only system from the new World of Darkness that was superior to it’s counterpart in the Old World of Darkness in my opinion. In this one you play a mortal that was kidnapped by fairy folk thanks to whatever whim drove them to it … but in the fairy world they went almost insane because it’s an ever shifting world and in it’s domain the fairy rules like a good and everything is shaping and changing to it’s command, even the laws of nature, the landscapes and living beeings. And the mortal is just their plaything. Some are made into puppets or pets, others into furniture, others are kepts as bedwarmers or whatevery flies the fancy of the fairy. Somehow they managed to return to the real world, but their time in arcadia (the fairy otherworld) changed them forever, their body and their mind. My character was kidnaped by a phoenix-like entitiy and sometimes she used him as a “bodyguard” (she didn’t need him, she just had fun pretending), sometimes as a gladiator. But most often he was burned to death and brought back to life again. and sometimes that was his reward for a job well done, sometimes it was punishment and sometimes just for fun, he never knew when and why. And sometiems she/it was just nice to him. When he returned to he mortal realm he did it with a limited control over fire and his body was changed too (feathers, talons), but those changes where just visible to other changelings …. well or to normal humans if he used his powers to much. A bit of tzeentchian feel to those fairys i guess. Those changelings live in constant fear that their fairy masters will some day return to bring them back, and in constant fear that humanity will find them for what they are now.
And your description of how you like your dragons is very fitting, but i would extend it to most of the villains of a story and how i like them. Intelligent, with their own agendas and plans and others just as chesspieces on their board 😉
@all who liked Robotech you really should try to find and watch the original Macross. It’s a little bit different, but at least in my opinion it’s even better than Robotech.
And that reminds me i still need to watch Star Musketeer Bismarck … a japanese anime that Saber Rider was based on, or that rather got turned into Saber Rider by keeping the animation and changing everything else, the story, the importance of characters, the sequence of the episodes and so on.
Edit: @evilstu almost forgot to answer your question: the orks will carry the drum and not a plattform. What orc would think so far as to build a plattform for easier transport? ?
September 21, 2018 at 8:10 am #1271641what sort of a 6×4 were you considering? What type of terrain? were you looking at interlocking modular sections or a one piece carved board type or something else? What game or games are you hoping to have it work with?
@evilstu I’d love some 6×4 with maybe 2 or 3 different terrains on the board. Transition from city to “nature” and maybe dessert. Though three might be a bit much. going along with that trees, rocks and roads. Maybe someday.
I did take some pictures at my game of Legion yesterday… no I just need to get awake to write something of a battle report… it’s 9:09am and I’m struggling to get even one straight line of words out. Auto-correct to the rescue… more coffee needed…
September 21, 2018 at 9:07 am #1271721September 21, 2018 at 10:39 am #1271757@evilstu Yeah, as other have said the Asian dragons definitely are interesting. At the end of our previous D&D campaign we came face to face with an ancient Red Dragon… even playing as level 13 characters he was every bit as terrifying as it should have been. Fortunately we were able to redirect its attention…
DA’s are great for that colour diversity. Oh yes, I could totally slow grow from eBay purchases and cheap clear-outs. Tanks and other vehicles aren’t that uncommon either, especially if I’m prepared to repaint. At the moment I could muster up Company strength just in troops alone:
My Elf project:
The Ancient Kin – An Elf Project
Which will go on hold for Orktober.
@mage that’s interesting news regarding the Hasbro Cinematic Universe, but given the woeful treatment of Transformers to date, I’d not be rushing to the cinema for them anytime soon… though I want them to be good!
@sundancer Ulysses 31… I remember that one… I only ever seemed to see it sporadically though.
I wish you luck on your endeavour to gain your own home! The old 6×4 table is an ongoing dream for many of us I feel. That’s probably why so many skirmish games have become over the years: lack of space. Much easier to find a handy 4×4 on top of a dining table or such.
@limburger the kind of dragon you speak of, they could be used as NPC’s in D&D. Metallic Dragons could act in that manner. I share @evilstu’s confusion over the Wish Dragon though…
MacGyver, for sure! We still joke about fixing any problem with a microwave, some chewing gum and a Swiss Army Knife.
@elessar2590 Bellerophon… sounds like a tough cookie!
In the vein of the old 80’s anime
Well, got my Orcs undercoated… but they aren’t in my pledge… so I’d better get to work…
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