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Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier…

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This topic contains 112 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  minigiant 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Hi All and welcome everyone to a matinee edition of the weekender. Yes through the magic of time travel and dark sorcery involving international date lines this thread will be posted before the weekend has commenced. In fact, this thread is so early that this post will be up before it has even been written! But you will probably be able to discern that for yourselves from the rushed job typos and grammatical errors… Stupid retrospective deadlines… Ahem… Anyhow…

    This is a collaborative, chatty thread. Not an exclusive thing or elitist. Please join in and enjoy a friendly welcome. Make a hobby pledge, post some tunes, let us all know how you are getting on. No religion or politics but otherwise discussion and chatting is encouraged. Points awarded for entertaining posts, being engaged or getting hobby done and there is a winner declared at the end.

    By tradition, there are questions to get the ball rolling. I have three because I am not creative enough to think of five, and four is a composite number and you just can’t trust those…Sneakily dividing themselves into other whole numbers and all… Wow, at this point I really hope whoever hosts next week doesn’t cut and paste this blurb without editing it a little…

    1) What is your favourite mythical or fantastical creature or tale from folklore and why? Ever tried incorporating that creature into a game? If so, tell us about it. If not are there any settings you feel they would work well in?

    2) Favourite TV show or shows form your childhood. Have you ever re-watched them as an adult? If so, how did they hold up without the nostalgia goggles?

    3) What is the one hobby project you have always wanted to do but have never started? What is holding you back from starting?

    Please post tunes and hobby pledges (aspirational pledges are fine) and if you haven’t joined in on the thread before please do feel welcome and jump on in

    Also there are bonuses for the following ‘Achievements’:

    · Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)

    · Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)

    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)

    · Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)

    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun)

    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain)

    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)

    · Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)

    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged)

    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)

    Points will be awarded by me for posts, quite possibly in an arbitrary and random manner entirely correlated with my caffeine intake for the preceding four hours. But don’t worry, I’m sure it will all be fine.






    My pledge this weekend:


    (1) Assemble issue 2 and 3 of Warhammer 40,000 Conquestr

    (2) Assemble an Astra Militarum Hellhound

    (3) Assemble an Astra Militarum Chimeara

    (4) Basecoat one Gundam kit

    (5) Work on GKR

    (6) Post pics of my completed work (some GKR, D&D minis)

    (7) Finish my AoS Objective Marker set

    (8) Work on Arcworlde

    (9) Assemble the Celestant Prime (AoS)

    I’d like to prime some models, but the weather isn’t great, my chest is in bits, and my son is up.



    1) What is your favourite mythical or fantastical creature or tale from folklore and why? Ever tried incorporating that creature into a game? If so, tell us about it. If not are there any settings you feel they would work well in?

    The Minotaur from Greek myth. A huge bull monster the guards a maze? That was D&D before we had D&D. I was always into mythology as a kid even before I could read or knew about gaming. Monsters, gods, myth and the ancient world fascinated me. Greek and Roman is very different and better recorded/catalogued than the Celtic stuff and kind of more interesting, and seemed to blend more into society as well. Then again, the Greeks and Romans kept a better record historically than other cultures of the time. Ancient Egypt was also fascinating to me.

    2) Favourite TV show or shows form your childhood. Have you ever re-watched them as an adult? If so, how did they hold up without the nostalgia goggles?

    Yes, Transformers was one and it held up well, especially the 1986 (I think) Transformers the movie:

    This kicked so much freakin’ ass. Mask and Visionaries were also cool

    As was Galaxy Rangers

    But the slightly later stuff from the early and mid nineties was also most excellent

    But how could anyone top this opening:

    To be fair a lot of stuff from these eras holds up well, even if the animation in some is a little dated.

    (3) What is the one hobby project you have always wanted to do but have never started? What is holding you back from starting?

    Theres a lot I want to do but can’t or wont due to skill or patience. Kingdom Death I would like to do but there is the cost. Id like to do a huge heresy army but the FW stuff is expensive and I can only juggle so many projects at once. Id like to do a white scars army, but white paint and all that. Id like to do a proper, fully converted imperial guard army regiment but some of the old metals disappeared, you cant get some models anymore nor order individual parts. Id like to do Saurons Tower or the Black Gate from Lord of the Rings but Im not a terrain maker…


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage quite the pledge. And I do like that you managed to list half a dozen different game systems in that lot 🙂 Hope you are on the mend soon. Yes rattle cans and chest viruses are probably not a winning combination… What flavour of Astra Militarum are you looking at? 25 points for being first responder and the pledge.

    Going to retire for the evening, will be back up in a few hours to respond to posts, comments and pledges so fire away team 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    1) What is your favourite mythical or fantastical creature or tale from folklore and why? Ever tried incorporating that creature into a game? If so, tell us about it. If not are there any settings you feel they would work well in?

    That one is dead simple: Orks and Goblins. They can be all. Big brutes, small cunning thieves, hilariously stupid and funny and they fit every universe. Because who has ever heard of a universe without fungi?

    2) Favourite TV show or shows form your childhood. Have you ever re-watched them as an adult? If so, how did they hold up without the nostalgia goggles?

    Uh, this may take a while. As I am a kid growing up in the 80ies I have a deep well to get stuff from. So let’s see:

    • Transformers
    • Mask
    • Robotech
    • StarCom
    • Marshall BraveStar
    • Jason and the wheeled Warriors
    • Thundercats
    • Robotix
    • MASK
    • He-Man
    • Ghostbusters
    • The Real Ghostbusters
    • Inspector Gadget
    • The Smurfes
    • Ulysses 31

    And yes, I revisited most and appart from some obivous plot holes in some episodes, most hold up. Sort of 😉

    3) What is the one hobby project you have always wanted to do but have never started? What is holding you back from starting?

    A full scale 4×6 permanent terrain gaming table. And what is keeping me from that and a lot of other projects: space. I literally only have the space in front of my keyboard as hobby area to myself. The rest is shared with wife and daughter. And it’s cramped full. We are looking for a house to buy but money is tight and the market for houses is somewhat heated and prices are up. So until I get a proper hobby room, it’l not get much bigger than my pew pew tower.

    And now music:

    Now excuse me, I have to work another hour, drive home, pack my imperial forces for Star Wars Legion and kick someones rear end. 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Oh I forgot Galaxy Rangers and Saber Rider and the Starsherrifs! (And I think we broke the site… it’s dreadfull slow on this page XD)




    Whether I get it done or not is an entirely different matter! It’s a continuation of what I am doing, what I can get done and what I want to get done. Cant say there is any significant improvement at the moment but hopefully rest will help.

    Im looking at Armageddon Steel Legion.

    Enjoy rest for the evening.


    Orks and Goblins are a good choice. What other baddies would you populate a fantasy word with?

    Fine choice of Cartoons, there.

    Man I don’t think the housing market anywhere is ever good for buyers. Even if ‘THEY’ tell you it is.

    Please take pics of SW:L! Im painting a friends set with him and I am starting to lean toward wanting to buy it.


    Cult of Games Member


    I think mimics are a good thing (actually I think luggage from Discworld is a mimic stuck in a form… a Tardis? ;))

    Will be taking pictures if I don’t forget or fall asleep 😉 Boba Fett and Scout Troopers are to be released end of september, next up are Palpatine, Imperial Guard, Chewbacca and the Wookies. Good times 😉



     Wah! Time traveling shenanigans! Fantastic!

    Thanks indeed to the chronologically chaotic @evilstu ! Ah guys, I haven’t part in the Hobby Weekender for aaaaages for a variety of reasons but I’m going to take the opportunity this weekend. I know the drill, and I’m super-keen to jump back in!

    1. I’m going to have to go with the old faithful: the Dragon. I was a dinosaur fan as a kid, and the Dragon was just a natural (unnatural?) progression. Smaug was my first Dragon, and is still the coolest. Though it has been too long since I read the Hobbit again. I once found the most detailed book on Dragon Biology in my local library as an older child. I was only able to borrow it the once, and could never find it again.

    2. Astro-boy, Transformers, He-Man. I’ve gotta day that @mage and @sundancer clearly have The Best taste in 80’s and 90’s media! That X-Men cartoon, awesome!

    Low quality link:

    Watching He-Man again now though, I get a totally different subtext… oh well! ?

    3. So many! A modular gaming table, or even, just, a gaming table. A full Dark Angels army, like chapter strength.

    Space, budget and time. The three things I’m sure most of us will understand. I’ve decided I’m not playing 40k any time in the foreseeable future so the Dark Angels Chapter is on indefinite hold lol!


    My pledge for the Weekend is to get some work done on my Elf project and gaming session Monday night. At this stage I’m just getting my project blog up to date, and maybe actually do some work on painting minis. As usual I’ll have my daughter from Saturday night, so probably Sunday or Monday before I can sit at the painting desk though. Monday evening is RPG night at Damian’s place. I can’t remember what the game is… we are running through two-session special playing as teenage Super-heroes. So, unskilled, inexperienced, but immensely powerful. Last session my character, Mr Corpse, caught a thrown truck, whilst riding shot-gun in an anti-grav military vehicle from an alternative dimension. You know, the usual.

    @mage and @sundancer again I must say that your choices of show are so awesome, right in my era too!

    Anyway it’s close to 1am here and I’ve got to work today, so goodnight!



    Well let me thank you @mage for hosting the last thread and of course  @evilstu for hosting thise one. And of course hello to everyone in here!


    ok on to the questions:

    1.) oh that is a hard one, there are so many interesting and fascinating mythological creatures. There would be the fairies/evles from old celtic mythology, so not the little winged thingys but the rather dark and otherworldy entities. Then of course there would be dragons. But i have to admit i like our western version of them, but i’m more exited by their far eastern counterparts from china and japan.

    2.) another hard one … let’s see.


    i loved the toy line and had far to many of those. i rewatched the cartoon some years ago and i still liked it, even if the humor was a bit childish in some episodes.

    Transformers G1

    well what can i say … still love them until this day … and hate every of the Michael Bay-Movies after the first one.

    Saber Rider and the Star Sherifs

    One of my absolute favorites growing up, as with mask, maybe a bit childish for my adult self … but i can jump right back into my childhood, so i still liked watching it again.

    The Real Ghostbusters

    do i really need to say something here?

    Es war einmal das Leben / Once upon time …. life

    i would say this show started my interest in biology as a child. and its a show that i would recomend my own children if i’ll ever have some.

    Duck Tales

    i would say this will allways be a classic for all generations

    Dino Riders

    that show was far to short …. and once more i had to many of those toys. But well who wouldn’t like dinosaurs with laser guns and rockets and stuff like that mounted on them?

    There are some more shows like Silverhawks, Turtles, He-Man, Dino Saucers and many more … but the above ones are those i watched again in the last few years. Or at least try to watch them

    Ah and one honorary mention:

    Ein Supertrio / Cat’s Eye:

    i didn’t watch it again but i have many fond memories of this anime (before i new what animes where, for my child self those were just some more cartoons in tv) … and one could say i’ve had my first crush here … for hitomi the girl in blue 😉


    Ok that was long enough, on to…

    3.) i don’t really know … there are lot’s of different projects i would like to start, and holding me back are just time and money.  But there are none where i could say that one is on my bucket list so to speak.


    Well we had the hobby pledges, on to some tunes, and for those i blame the talk about c64 in the last hobby weekender:

    and from there to some more modern SID-“enhanced” music:

    and a bit more normal music 😉


    ok ok those are enough youtube links in one entry.

    My one and only hobby pledge will be to continue working on my orcish wardrum-project now that i’ve got some orcs to go with it.



    @mage i see a similar taste here 😉 and damn how could i forget x-men and galaxy rangers in my list. Thanks for reminding me!

    @sundancer a great list of cartoons there too!





    Sweet Merciful Buddha I’m  among kindred nerds!!!!

    Trying to keep this a bit shorter

    1. Satyrs, definitely good to look at where men and beast meet. The savage joys of being a epicurean being. Really was good to have this ‘fleshed out’ in the Changeling 1sr/2nd ed as a full kithbook. From White Wolf. (Thus begins our trip through pun purgatory). It was also interesting to see them as a subtype in Shadowrun for Orks. As far bringing in the race I’ve only played them.
    2. I’d have a long list as @sundancer put up growing up at the same time. I’ll keep it short with the good stuff. Amazing Stories was a good one that kept its appeal beyond nostalgia. The original Macross saga (Robotech) got deeper beyond fighting/flying robots and aliens.
    3. I’d say I’ve been daunted by scale model busts (not that kind) and put off painting a piece I ordered from thingiverse and resin from Scale75’s Fallen Frontiers. I know my color blending is not the best and I really want want those pieces to shine on display. I’ve also been setting aside my own Kingdom Death and Minicrate figures since they are limited release pieces.




    Quick FYI to everyone in case you dont already know


    Apparently Hasbro are doing both of the following:


    Rebooting the GI Joe movies

    Creating a shared Cinematic Universe consisting of Mask, Transformers, GI Joe, Visionaries and Micronauts.


    This is from a couple of years ago



    This is very recent





    some interesting news! And in their comic lines they already put MASK, Transformers, Gi Joe and something else i can’t remember at the moment into the same universe.


    @querion I know the feeling of growing up on anime. I was a military brat living in Italy for a while and it was quite a bit I was suddenly exposed to…

    • Lupin the 3rd
    • Fist of the North Star
    • Captain Harlock
    • Captain Tsubasa
    • Saint Seiya
    • Galaxy Express 999

    The problem was that they were in Italian and I didn’t have the language skill at the time to understand.

    If you’re still stuck on Cat’s Eye check out Mouse. It’s a bit of a  mix of Lupin and Cat’s Eye with plenty of fan service.

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