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Hobby Weekender 19/10/2018 – The Directors Cut Limited Edition Box Set

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This topic contains 120 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  torros 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    The other things I am currently toying with are:-


    1. Setting up my youtube channel properly
    2. Painting the rest of my Cthuhlu Wars stuff, painted some of the Independent Great Old Ones but am reluctant to paint the core factions as I quite like the coloured plastics

    I really need to focus on one thing at a time ha ha


    Cult of Games Member

    Just a little work I’ve been tinkering away with over the last week:

    Australian counters designed for Valor & Victory 1918 Edition.  So these would be for General Sir John Monash’s Australian Corps, Rawlinson’s Fourth Army, BEF, July-November 1918.

    The -2 commander (remember, -2 is a bonus, not a penalty) is named for my Australian friend @jamesevans140.  The -1 lieutenants are named for Australians who won the Victoria Cross in 1918 specifically.  There were plenty to choose from, a total of 66 Australians won the Victoria Cross during the Great War.

    Full Project:

    Coleraine Goes to War! – BoW / OTT with the 36th Ulster Division World War I – Austalians, too!


    Cult of Games Member

    And also, Northern Irish rifles from 36th Ulster Division (Royal Irish Rifles, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers)

    Note the -2 rated captain (the -2 is a bonus, not a penalty) – a certain fellow ( @warzan ) we may know from Coleraine. 🙂 He’s assisted by a cadre of brave lieutenants. Also, note the full rifle section, half rifle section, Vickers MG, Lewis Gun, “Mills Bomb” grenade counter, and 3-inch Stokes Mortar.

    Full Project:

    Coleraine Goes to War! – BoW / OTT with the 36th Ulster Division World War I – Austalians, too!



    Busy with my son mostly. Here’s this meme for now FA774A82-E148-4D5D-BFBC-AEDB0F208A8501ACB8B9-383E-48BD-9FFB-C5A76EB96A548D936AE5-5C1C-4B12-956C-0972145C469D66E0B890-C743-439D-B4A0-D9D30A0893DC4FCA47A5-0CBC-4B42-B133-EC846D3D133230EEAD92-CA1A-46AE-A3B9-690D01CACA5D5443B5EE-DF98-4324-90BF-19D7FC8B05E3A24E6AAF-7E0B-4503-BF2F-2BC205274B94AE9CDE0C-AE5C-4D01-A7E4-EA4A8B5C87025EE226D9-EB4D-4268-8D4B-089A2D2523CD


    And some of my own work! Harley is a friends mini I’m tutoring her on and helping do touch ups of



    Also these




    Cult of Games Member

    Hello everybody. Sorry for getting in this thread late (and not doing a read up since I’m a lazy old man). There were many reasons. One being that I have been in shock because I forgot to cancel my backstage trial and now poor @avernos has to suffer the consequences. (This is an inside joke not to be taken seriously. For details read up on the comments on the Speed Freaks Lets Play)

    But now answers:

    1. Do you have a successful, tried and true, plan or approach to tackle hobby projects? If so, how do you go about it?

    If I had I would teach it in seminars. And charge insane and immoral amounts of money!

    2. Props in gaming – do you use any bolt-on game hacks like customised or scratch-made turn counters, objective markers, condition markers, tokens, deployment points, dice towers, or visual aids? If so please post pics and info on how you use them and how they assist in gaming

    Not really. I guess my Blood Bowl Field and Dugout could be counted but all in all I usually stick with what is in the box.


    3. What part of hobby gives you the biggest uplift? I.e., does playing a game give you the endorphin hit or are you happier building and painting? Any elements of the hobby that you don’t enjoy or that feel like a grind or a chore?

    Finishing a build, a model or a terrain piece is great. Getting kind words about is even better. Playing (with the right players) is much fun too. (The other side of the coin is how much time and money this hobby burns through… and sometimes motivation and the occasional black dog can be  a real PITA.)

    And I did some hobby the last two days:


    And now I’ll grab something to munch and watch the rest of the Weekender. (And contemplate if I should indulge in trying to win that Speed Freeks box or not… I love my Orks but I don’t feel that game… maybe watch the Lets Play after that)


    Cult of Games Member

    Just a quick post before I head off to my gaming group.

    Worked on my Star Wars Legion over the last few days. Painting them in an Urban Camo scheme based on the old Star Wars Battle Front II.

    Aqua_Trooper (1)



    Cult of Games Member

    Overall double-sized map in Valor & Victory, set up for an assault of a company of 12th Royal Irish Rifles, 108th Brigade, 36th Ulster Division – against hastily-prepared positions of 12th Bavarian Division, X Reserve Corps, Fourth Army in Courtrai, Belgium, 19 October 1918. Basically, the Irish have to assault south and take that large municipal building building at the bottom of the map that is forming the keystone of this German battalion’s defense.

    For best results, select the image, then expand by viewing in new tab.

    Game is now set up, now hopefully I’ll be able to play and include battle report tomorrow.

    Four platoons of 12th Royal Irish RIfles, backed up by Vickers MG sections and 76mm Stokes mortars.

    An understrength company of 12th Bavarian Division, X Corps, on defense. They have MG 08s, MG 08 15s (late war), 7.58cm minenwerfers, minefields and barbed wire defenses to slow down assaults down the obvious approach routes.

    Close up of the Irish center and left wing.

    Close up of the German center and right wing.

    1.  A tried and true tactic to approach projects that are a bit of a problem for me is sitting them aside and coming back to them after punching out some other projects that I’m pleased with. The roll of accomplishment tends to lead into working on the next thing. Honestly, with quite a bit on the hobby desk, the WAYPN entries have been things sitting on the side if I haven’t set out to do a commission or really motivated to push through.
    2. Props in gaming… not something I’ve scratchbuilt. I’ve considered it in past for Bloodbowl but with the lack of play I never got around to it. My current gaming group is pretty much entrenched in GURPS and there’s no hope of playing anything but.
    3. The biggest lift in hobbying is getting a project done and admiring the finished piece. Building a good base and kitbashing figures, to look credibly sculpted in the first place, is the best part for me. Painting is a task that takes the greatest effort as so many people raise the bar on quality.

    @ a27cromwell Nice track work. I think I’ll use that idea for a wreck marker for GF 9’s Tanks and redress my answer to question 2. It’ll take a bit as the tracks are premolded solid and not sectioned like larger scale armor.

    @ eviltsu Wow, I thought what I was looking down the barrel at was some work. That is quite a collection. As far as the potions that is great. I think @warzan had a good idea on the vodka but you could always play around with Campari (red), Midori(green) or Bombay Sapphire (light blue).

    @ querion Great choice for the Apocalypse Orchestra. That’s definitely in my go to list of random YouTube music

    @oriskany My eyes go batty whenever I start looking at chit games at such a large scale. I was but a small boy when I first saw Blue Max at the base library and checked it out because I liked planes and B17s in particular. I was very confused and slightly sad when all I saw were small bits of cardboard with numbers and symbols on them.

    @mage Two thumbs up to continue the geekery to the next generation

    @sundancer You reminded me of the idea long long ago I had of building a Lizardman ruins pitch and put in the effort of looking into Mayan ideograms to play around with different spaces in certain sections. I’ve since gotten better and I remember what the nice man told me from my time on the couch about seeing things that might not be there. Don’t tell anybody but I still build things that only I can see. Now about making immoral amounts of money…. I think that a fair amount of applying one’s imagination might be in order.

    @rickabod41 Take no issue with fluttering about on things. Take this post for instance, its all over the place to address everybody


    Now to break a few brains as my mind is totally bent at the moment for being about 1:30 AM…

    Why Japan? WHYYY!?!


    Maybe the Germans can save us?

    Nevermind.. there’s no hope when the krauts are singing Spanish.

    Ok, with that I’m off to bed and sleep.


    Cult of Games Member

    Krauts? Spanish? RAMMSTEIN!




    Damn @horati0nosebl0wer Glad I am not hosting this weekened and going through those music videos! I have an apperciation for Japanese music. I dont want to sound culturally insenesitive but all the female pop singers in the genre, regardless of the band, gimmicks or videos all sound the exact same when they sing.



    Hey all,

    Good to be back! I’ve spent the last two weeks housesitting for a friend, and hobby facilities were not ideal. So I played a bunch of Nintendo with my daughter, caught up with Dr Who, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Now I’ve returned to my regular place of residence, it’s time to get some painting done.

    The pledge is Orcs. Or Orks. I’ve really want to get Something done this Orktober!

    My Dungeon Saga Orcs are primes and ready to paint, so I’ll start on those.



    Nope. I mostly just make it up as I go along. I do think about colours, try and have a goal in mind. But I really don’t structure any scheme or plan. I have found the project page here remarkably helpful: I find that it focus’ my attention and makes me consider a firm objective.
    Not many. I did put these three together specifically for my Dark Angels Army:

    BD1DB336-7AA5-4025-97DD-432CA13FD361So, not exactly scratch-built. But I used them in many games. They usually reminded me to focus on the objective since they were themed rather than just generic.
    Buying, collecting, does have a strong appeal. But everything I do is for the game time. For the quality time spent with friends, for the banter, and those moments that come from the game. Those moments that get recalled later, in conversation or during another game or relating the moment to a fellow gamer. There are two key times I don’t enjoy this hobby: a) when I feel like I need to complete something, but I really want to start on “that other thing”. b) when I feel like I should know what I’m doing in a game, and everyone else seems to know what the “right” thing to do is, but I just don’t have a clue. It’s just lack of experience.

    On with the week right? I’m going to get through these Orcs, then up to speed with Iron Fist season 2 and Daredevil season 3.


    Cult of Games Member

    @warzan wow we went from gaming props to vodka jelly shots pretty quickly there? Or was that just my mental leap… 😛 Hope the gaming with the little ones id going well 🙂 10 points

    @querion wow, seems to be the season for it – hope you are OK?…  re approach to hobby, maybe just skim the thread and ‘borrow’ others approaches until you find what works for you? Ah yes I know the feeling re new shinies. I am getting somewhat better at not buying as much stuff. Actually that’s probably not quite true – I think the advent of the army Painter method just means I am churning through stuff faster so that my pile of shame now just appears to be growing at a slower rate to what it was before… 😛

    Also, I’ll see your Halestorm and raise you an Alestorm:

    Cool, I love that there are constantly benad on Nuclear Blast records that I have never heard of, great label that continually surprises 🙂 Good luck with the Deepkin, please post progress pics if you get the chance 🙂 50 points for responses and tunes.

    @rickabod41 well diversity in projects works ok for some do if you are moving forward rather than stalling don’t stress too much – it’ll all come together at one point. What is your Youtube channel going to focus on? 10 points

    @oriskany great looking work on the V&V – It’s funny, Monash was never even mentioned at school when I was growing up – the whole focus was on the Gallipoli campaign rather than on the events on the Western Front. It completely blew me away when I first read about what he managed to achieve, was pretty much dumbfounded that he hadn’t been part of the school curriculum. Looking at setting something around the 100th anniversary of the conclusion of the war, or just a coincidence in timing? regardless, game setup looks great, hope you have some fun playing through the scenario. Love the look of hex and counter games, always gives me a nostalgia trip back to 80’s wargames. 40 points for hobby progress and posts to date.

    @mage yes mimics are great fun for messing with PC’s heads – if you game with minis it’s hilarious. Just have one sitting in a highly visible spot in your pile of ‘dungeon monster’ minis and your players will start metagaming and stab every bookcase, shelf and chest of drawers they come across, just to be sure. Wow, really like the dynamic pose on the Boba Fett mini – I think you just sold me on that one. How is your friend finding SWL as an introduction to the hobby? 40 points for posts and hobby progress.

    @sundancer like the work on the BB adds – great looking stuff and no doubt adds to the atmosphere of the games. And really nice work on the scout troopers – the white is nice and crisp and the dark contrast areas are very clean and neat – great work so far! And thanks for the rescue with Rammstein 🙂 40 points.

    @elessar2590 nice scheme for the SWL, a great idea. And generic futuristic city terrain is probably a little easier to repurpose than some of the other more recognisable environs from the Star wars franchise. Do you have stormtroopers to paint up in a similar scheme to counter them or are you focusing on Rebels? 20 points for hobby progress.

    @horati0nosebl0wer heh yes every year the bar keeps getting higher and higher on paining quality – the Crystal Brush entries for the last few years have almost caused me to weep…  Hrm I’d have considered Green Chartreuse for the green potions, but Midori would probably be a lot safer. let’s be honest though, alcohol and gaming never ends well. It ends quickly, just not well. Unless maybe if you are playing Flux or Cards Against Humanity, then it sort of helps 🙂 Ahhhh! Kawaii Overload! Thanks to @sundancer for rescuing me with some nice soothing rammstein as ear bleach 🙂 But seriously, 30 points for question responses, 20 for post responses and 20 more for sharing the ‘cultural experience’ with us (OK I’ll admit I didn’t actually mind the last couple of tracks with the pinhead clones…) 70 points total.


    Cult of Games Member

    Sum total of my progress today was adding more base colours down to my Long Range Dakka Group for Orktober. Don’t think I’ll manage to finish by the end of the month but that’s OK, it’s been nice to do something a little different.


    Also just found out my cousin’s son has started painting up Warhammer minis – will have to find out if it is AoS or 40k – if the former I can probably hook him up with a bunch of older WHFB sculpts to practice on, but I suspect it will more likely be the latter…



    Cult of Games Member

    @rayzryr I’m still paying catch-up with Jessica Jones s2… So far behind on everything nowadays…  DS orcs look like a solid sized project, really nice looking sculpts too. Keen to see how you progress them. I do like those objective markers. Yeah I know what you mean about getting up to speed with games – its a bit like MMO’s – if you are not on board early enough then the player base has moved on so far that you sort of never really catch up. poor analogy I appreciate but hopefully you get the point I’m trying to get across… 30 points for question responses.

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