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Hobby Weekender 19/04/2019 – Fuelled

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This topic contains 46 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  dawfydd 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Had morning coffee, now fuelled…


    Welcome All to another Hobby Weekender! As per tradition started generations ago, and handed down from wise elders, the intro blurb is shamelessly cut and paste below once again and possibly for all time…

    To the uninitiated, this is a virtual hobby hangout here on the forum. It is something fun and silly with a little more ‘oomph’. It’s not just show and tell with your models. Its chatting, getting to know one another, community building. Think of it as a sort of club like hobby session. Everyone is welcome, of course, and there are a few rules to abide by. Let it go as OT as you like with chatting with folks. BoW/OTT is a special, unique community, and this little weekly thread is a tradition on these forums. Though not for everyone, if you are still reading and keen, then it is for you. If not, best click out.

    We do a few things on this thread that usually lasts from Friday(ish) or Saturday(again, -ish) until about Wednesday or Thursday. My say is final in this silly little corner of the internet. Fear not, for this is your safe place against the outside world of flame wars, trolling and all that other crap.

    (1) Make a pledge for the weekend. It can be painting, assembly, priming, converting, background writing, terrain, you name it. Just gotta be relevant to hobbying or gaming.

    (2) Chat with people. Be friendly. Do get to know one another, be kind, provide positive reinforcement and constructive criticism. Do not post up your real name, credit card, bank details or home address info.

    (3) I will list out questions. Answer them. Longer answers = more points. Also, points are being assigned to something else as it confused some folk for a while.

    (4) Awards will be given out at the end of the thread and you shall be awarded XP, added to your account profile by the wonderful @lancorz . Think of him as the ever vigilant Batman of the forums who keeps a careful eye on the status quo, but also acts in a way, like Alfred; with a calm disposition and the attentive nature of a concierge.

    (5) Scottish Pub Law rules: no discussion of religion or politics**. Keep it clean. Behave. Be nice, be kind. Walk away if you get angry. Don’t be a dick.

    Also there are bonuses for the following ‘Achievements’:
    · Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)
    · Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)
    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)
    · Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)
    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun)
    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain)
    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)
    · Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)
    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged)
    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)

    Note: All points are awarded in fictional currencies… sometimes

    Question time. So answer me these questions, er, two…

    1.    Is there one particular project you have been wanting to get stuck into for a while but haven’t had the opportunity? If so, tell us about it.

    2.    What do you do when you have a project that you need to get done but just can’t find the motivation to approach?



    Hi there!

    Well, I’ll be trying to get through my terrain from the Kill Team starter set. I have it all assembled and most of it primed. A couple of test pieces are already tabletop ready. Would like to get it all done by next weekend. Let’s see if I can get it done.

    As for the questions:

    1) I’ve been wanting to get stuck in my Pirates and Royal Navy from Black Scorpion Miniatures. Haven’t gottten around to it for over a year, but am really keen on the little dudes! I bought them for use with Legends of the High Seas and in the meantime have also gotten the Cutlass rules (by Gav Thorpe, from Black Scorpion as well). I really like the models!

    2) Well, like most good hobbyists, when this situation arises, I suck it up and go play World of Tanks!!! 🙂 Then I get to feeling guilty and instead go play Borderlands. No, that doesn’t feel right as well – I should be delving into strategy, so Stellaris. Oh my word, it’s been a week and I still haven’t done it.

    ^^^ that mostly covers it and is the feeling I’ve been having with some Genestealers for Space Hulk that I’ve started bu still haven’t managed to finish.


    For this week I pledge to get rested and be social offline. Check for completion at the time of writing. Coffee with a former coworker and tomorrow will be eating pho and drinking beer. Aside from that I will probably break down and order a quick release hose for my airbrush.

    I’m courting the attention of an YouTube mini painter to give me the chance to build display bases for him for his channel and I hope that pans out. It would honestly be good to work to my strength and then signal boost the channel here.

    I’d say that this is the project that I’ve been getting into long ago that really didn’t work as I have grand ideas of how to get it painted but my hands seem so clumsy when I put pigment on figures. The build portion is great for me as I can create the narrative and general frame for the figure. It also reinforces the idea that I can create something that can be looked at again later for assurance that I’m creative and have some talent. Its always a challenge to self doubt until you look back and see how much has been done. From there its just a challenge to keep going and be assured that there is more you can do. Now with digital sculpture there’s an increase to the question. I will do as much as I can with what I have for as long as possible. I’ll reach out here and there for interest and hope that something gets a bite.

    As far as dealing with a project that I need to get done but have no desire to attend I’ll probably procrastinate and feel the urge to jump ship to something else. I’ll berate myself for not doing anything, get fed up with sitting on my ass and then, out of sheer frustration and desire to be done, work my ass off to be rid of it. Somewhere along the line that’s probably between the basecoat portion and adding finer details. Its when you see the piece has paint on it and has so much more potential to be great but just looks like a polished turd. Its not bad enough to be ashamed of it for tabletop quick play but not near what you’d want on your shelf to show off.

    @rastamann I can say that I need to get a move on with my admiral ork from Black Scorpion. *spoiler* Its what I want to paint up and have as my avatar instead of the doodlebug that I currently use (though the doodlebug has grown on me just from having it a while). Regarding WoT I’d be lost to it with grinding away for xp. I’d be lost and not post anything here anymore. The PzKw IV is my love despite it being lower tier. The Easy8 is definitely kitted out to be a run and gun monster and can act as a pretty good scout.


    Early into this I believe now is the time to unleash bowel rumbling thunder! (not scientifically proven to include any instances of the Brown Note)

    Sorry @warzan … there is no White Tiger… there is only Black Tiger Sex Machine

    For times you identify as an attack helicopter

    A little more melody to add some sweetness to when the drops punch you in the grill

    Even the metalheads might enjoy this for when you want to go all out in an FPS (Doom, Duke Nukem, etc.)


    Cult of Games Member

    Hobby progress for today has been progressing painting some Knights of the White Wolf and a small game of X-Wing vs @llandorin (had to finish the game early before he could shoot me to ribbons…)




    Currently fuelling myself with coffee and porridge, and not being Scottish, I do make porridge with milk, sugar and a microwave, which I believe carries the death penalty in some parts of the Highlands.  But anyway!

    I’m going to start painting some of my Gripping Beast Arab warriors and get my “To Be Greenstuff” pile sorted i.e. get all the gaps filled and have the models ready for a prime.  I’m very obsessive about mould lines and little gaps.  See answer below.

    1. I really wanted to do Stars Wars: Legion when it was announced and even bought a Darth Vader money box so I could save for it.  When I saw the initial unboxings and reviews, I died a little inside.  I am the type of person who physically shudders and sometimes cries when I see painted models with mould lines or models that haven’t been prepped to my standards.  If I wasn’t like this I would have a lot more models painted and wouldn’t cut my thumbs so often.  I actually hold my knife by the blade when cleaning a model, the handle is just there to make it easy to pick it off the table and not lose the blade, so it leads to many cuts… Anyway, back to my lack of Star Wars models…  I wasn’t going to spend that amount of money on non-plastic models that I knew my obsessive gap filling and mould line removing self would have to spend too much time on.  I will happily pay GW prices as the kits are so good.  I will happy pay for Mantic Restic because the value is so good despite the extra work.  So, when FFG actually do plastics… I might consider it.  If I had of preordered, I’d probably have spent a lot of time prepping them and then they would be in my “To be Primed” box.

    2. I would love to say I sit down and use SMART to set targets and make goals but I just go onto the next thing and never get anything finished.  I look forward to reading your answers so I might finish something and not just jump onto the next shiny thing I see…




    Good morning everyone! My pledge is to once again work away on my Minotaur Space Marines:


    (1) Finish Captain #2 in Gravis Armour

    (2) Continue Batch painting the Space Marine part of Dark Imperium

    (3) Drybrush my already based models and touch up the base rims (mostly from Conquest)




    My meme submission and doing the red layer hilights on my Minotaurs in two coats. You can see the comparison in one picture where they were as some of them I have not done yet, specifically the shoulder pads.


    i also picked up two goliath fighters for d and d ?




    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu you have a weird but relatable definition of “small” in regards to X-Wing 😉

    1. Is there one particular project you have been wanting to get stuck into for a while but haven’t had the opportunity? If so, tell us about it.

    *insert maniacal laughter here* oh boy where do I start? All those started but yet to be finished projects. Plus all those ideas I don’t start simply because I lack the space to accommodate them.

    2. What do you do when you have a project that you need to get done but just can’t find the motivation to approach?

    Clean work area, do taxes and other “must be done” things… most of the time some sort of inspiration will come… or just stare at the screen watching Netflix and other services and get mad at myself because I didn’t get anything done.

    @mage and yes, Käsekuchen is very good. Especially without raisins.



    Why in seven hells would someone add raisins to cheesecake?


    Cult of Games Member

    Some people just want to see the world burn


    As expected I caved for the quick release hose for the airbrush. It will make my time switching between brushes all that much shorter and save with wear and tear on the threads to the bottoms.I also put in an order for root canal paper points that I’ll be able to pull through the nozzle to clear dry tip instead of trying to use a brush and minimally scrape any blockage. I’m going to put up some of the photos of my fancy schmancy display base work that I’ve held off in showing with a bit more to follow. I’m so so with hobby with the upcoming move next month in motivation.

    @robert The Nightwish track was fun but I have to wonder what gods awful modern B film does the background video come from? All I can think of is the tragic reboot of the IP ‘Alone in the Dark’ that Uwe Boll murdered.

    @mage Strawberry cheesecake with a fine chocolate stout or a strawberry stout with dark chocolate chunks. The world need not burn.

    @sundancer I think that the last option is most likely before the former. I recommend Love, Death and Robots or The Kingdom (a Korean production not the Swedish series ripped off by Stephen King).

    Ok, so here’s a little bit of a give to the metal section since I bring a range of music to the thread.

    Now to throw it all for a loop


    Cult of Games Member

    Ok, so how are we all doing? I’m on my fourth first coffee of the day so feeling pretty good 🙂

    @rastamann welcome! Some lovey terrain in the KT starter – are you going to be using the tutorial @johnlyins as a guide or do you have something else in mind? Did you keep it reasonably modular/reconfigurable or are you going for  a more permanent configuration with a few larger pieces? Black Scorpion do sole lovely minis – can see why you’d be looking forward to getting started on those. 30 points.

    @horati0nosebl0wer recharging the batteries and hanging out with people socially sounds like an awesome pledge 🙂 GL with the YT basing thing 🙂 yeah that’s about the point at which the painting anxiety starts to kick in for me too. I’ve sort of managed to get around it by telling myself I’m only aiming for tabletop standard and I can always come back and revisit the paint job later (which i do actually get around to doing sometimes…). Mmm going to have to come back to some of those tunes later – been listening to metalstep most of the day and my brain is a little singed… Only watched the first episode of the Kingdom – it’s worth pushing on with then? 50 points.

    @robert nice pledge – are they for Saga or are you looking to do something else with the range? Yeah I’m loving seeing what the community can do with the SWL models but I think I’m probably too busy with fantasy and historicals presently to seriously consider it. Which is a shame as they would be fun tables to build terrain for 🙂 i find myself srt of project managing myself with small goals in a similar manner, which works OK until I start overstepping on the painting and know that I really should stop, but if I fall behind on my schedule it makes it harder to catch up – not sure if having a plan makes it better or worse now that I think about it… 40 points.

    @mage best of luck on the pledge – the Minotaurs are coming along nicely. was initially concerned that the scheme might look a little too close to an AdMech pattern but that hasn’t happened – the red is coming along nicely and looks really distinctive. really like the D&D mini range – a bit of a shame they are just too small to fit with heroic 28mm ranges otherwise my armies would have a bunch of them for characters. Great for monsters and livestock etc though 🙂 40 points

    @sundancer yeah I’ve got to confess it was a little unnerving watching a squadron of 8 Tie fighters bearing down on me… Any one project in particular stand out? Or do they all sort of merge together? Heh, procrastination is great like that – my house is always really clean and tidy when I’m avoiding doing something 🙂 30 points



    Cult of Games Member

    Hobby time today was more work on my Knights (only a few more to go and the first base colour is down on the horses 🙂 ) and a playtest to start to come to grips with siege rules in WHFB:




    Happy Saturday!

    Got a good bit of gap filling and tidying on models done yesterday.  Not started painting yet but will start today or tomorrow as I have no real distractions this weekend.  Going to go for a walk to the shaps this morning, then into the shed for some more model stuff.

    @rastamann hey my friend. I’ve always liked Black Scorpions range as well.  I think I have some of their Wild West range, or it is by another company who do nice pirates.  Good luck on getting your terrain painted!

    @horati0nosebl0wer Enjoy your weekend.  Good luck with your base thing.  No idea about that Nightwish video, I just get distracted by the lead singer.  I remember her walking past me at a concert and my jaw just hit the floor, such a stunningly beautiful women… The first Black Sex Tiger song is an odd mix of Girl Pop Band, Rammstein and someone who spent too much time on Es and with a Roland 303 in the 90s.  I quite enjoyed it for what it is.  The second one isn’t bad either, but not really my cup of tea.  I have listened to Dopethrone before.  Obviously named after the Electric Wizard album of the same name.   They aren’t bad.  I prefer my Doom a bit more classical like Candlemass or Trouble but could listen to this all day.

    @evilstu That game of X-wing looks epic.  The background and terrain to the gaming board is so model railway I love it!  One my first coffee but it is only 9am.  I’ve been drinking so much coffee recently, 5 or 6 cups at day.  The Arabs are for anything.  Saga, Lion Rampart, Kings of War fantasy and historical.  I’ve based them on 20mm round bases and have movement trays so they can be used in Kings of War.

    @mage more memes I understand, love it!  The only reason I can think of adding raisins to cheesecake is that you have run out of sultanas… 🙂  Anyway, my favourite cheesecake is ginger cheesecake!

    @sundancer want to come and clean my work area?

    Music (mostly none metal today but had to include some Iron Maiden)

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