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Hobby Weekender 17/08/18

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This topic contains 124 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  woldenspoons 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @mage that GW terrain set looks pretty cool – the board is really detailed and only slightly smaller than the mythical 6×4 foot gaming surface previously mandated for WHFB games – actually I’d suggest it ‘is’ effectively a 6×4 with a then slight reduction in size to allow for war scroll cards to sit on the edge of the table rather than on top of the pretty playing surface to avoid it getting cluttered… If it was me I’d probably go for the desert side and do a quick paint-up of the terrain by base coating in a cream/skeleton bone, picking out some details on the columns and windows and then just giving a quick wash and a highlight drybrush if required before finally stippling or light dry brushing something close to the dirt colour from the board on the very bottom edges of the buildings to try and tie it back in with the tabletop. End result should be similar enough to the stonework on the path so that it blends in a little, but still with enough contrast from the gaming surface to make it obvious that there is a ruin there.  From the sounds of things you have enough terrain as it is to make the game interesting – temple in the centre and depending on how you divide up the ruins and arcane ruins a good 4-6 other pieces (or more?) to scatter about the tabletop for interest.  I don’t know that I’d personally add too much more for an intro game, if the other players are new to the game you probably don’t want to go over complicating too heavily with regard to movement penalties etc. You should have enough to block line of sight a little to make sure that the shooting armies don’t just walk over everyone else, and given you will have 4 armies on the tabletop you want to leave some room to move around. BTW, great work on getting 4 armies up to tabletop standard on your own 🙂

    Third war for Armageddon was indeed circa 2000 – I remember reading a battle report hat was done over 4 gaming tables (the biggest of which was a 12×6 foot table if I recall) with artillery from one table being dropped onto another etc. Have been keen to try something equally ambitious for years. My mate and I were going to give it a go with Robotech before that KS turned in to a bit of a train wreck… Anyhow… No doubt other gaming opportunities will present themselves 🙂

    Heh, historicals were staggered over a few months – I get nasty buyers regret so not likely to drop that much on shiny toys in one hit. Picked up the Waterloo starter on sale,  then got the Sharp Practice rules and then sort of went into slow grow mode from there as stuff became available, To be honest when they are on sale I probably will try and pick up historicals from other periods and set them aside from now on (love the flexibility of Sharp Practice to work with so many periods). I can see myself wanting to mess around with French Indian War or ACW in the future. And I do have some highland clansmen on the way so can use those for a Jacobite Rebellion force. In the meantime though, plenty of other bits to get through on the workbench 🙂





    I’ve never really gone into historical reenactment gaming wise. But I think I may just be missing out. Even something simple like recreating the beginning of the battle for Calth from the Horus Heresy where the beloved loyalists are trying to hold back the most fanatical of the liar’s sons. #lorgarwasright.

    @mage Sunday I would have spent with the missus. Apparently sometimes she demands my company. Terribly inconvenient when it eats hobby time haha. Luckily it is a bank holiday weekend so Monday will be fine for painting.

    @bigabum where are we with your next instalment? Or are you waiting for Ivy first? I did see the two new starters and attempted to forget them as I’m a magpie. Oh if you were still wanting the suicide squad starter send me a pm and I will put you in contact. ?

    Anyone else here in Wales?


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage : you must really hate your friends if you are tagging them as trump-fan on the interwebs … that’s so evil.
    And in todays’ climate that could have unfortunate consequences 🙁

    I’m avoiding facebook like the plague it is. Playing Orwell really hammers home the dangers of social media when the ‘wrong’ type of person is in power.

    And Orwellian is right. (of course the clue is in the name).
    Steam has a few games that cover similar topics.

    ‘Papers please’ has you play the part of an immigration inspector at a border checkpoint :

    And then there’s “Beholder” (no not the magic creature) where you get to be the creepy landlord :



    Cult of Games Member

    Back from gamescom and I took some pictures especially for @johnlyons


    And this is me and my friend 😉



    Cult of Games Member

    I wonder if that space ship computer has a button for ‘Ludicrous’ speed …


    Bundle of Holding has ‘Deathwatch essentials’ & ‘Deathwatch missions’ bundles for sale.
    As standard these are #drm free and support a charity (Doctors without Borders).

    It looks like perfect inspirational material for a DW killteam.


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons makes sense re Slaanesh – (S)he knows what (S)he did during the end times…. Still hopefully once a thematically quantifiable number of elf souls are assumed to have been ‘reclaimed’ then a breakout would make a fun campaign idea… just sayin’… 🙂 Yes I’m not quite at the point of being able to reenact large scale historical games but it is nice to have a narrative to draw on. Yeah 40k has so much lore you can pretty much play ‘historical’ games in the universe. Even the ‘recent’ fall of Cadia would qualify as historical given the  immensely long timelines in the game…

    @mage always happy to hear about Mordeim. If you are looking at kicking it off please start a project log 🙂 A lot of synergies with Frostgrave too with regard to terrain etc. Too many games systems/projects, not enough hobby time – seems a common there around these parts 🙂

    @limburger no doubt some great source material in that bundle. So many tempting factions…

    @sundancer shiny toys! Shiny toys everywhere! 😀

    Not much hobby time today – glued and primes some stuff for my terrain challenge entry (which I really need to actually get stuck into this weekend – keep getting distracted…) and progressing with printing more road sections. Tonight will be working through the Kill Team rule book.

    Hope everyone is doing well for mid-week!



    Well we are currently in the age of soulwars @evilstu so every chance the Seekers of Slaanesh will find her/he/both.

    I realized today that I do play historically accurate battles with the true forces. In the walking dead. I’m all about the story me.


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu : and probably more than a few names …

    I think I’ll take a look. Between ‘bundle of holding’ and ‘humble bundle’ ( ) I’ve acquired a lot of reading material.

    Speaking of the latter … they’ve got a bundle with Doctor Who audio books.

    @woldenspoons : yep, even within fictional universes there is a lot of history to explore.
    The only downside is that stories can sometimes take shortcuts, but that’s not that different from reality and the lack of reliable sources.



    @limburger agreed. In some cases for older wars especially not including the Romans or Spartans (obviously there was 300 of them) accurate forces have been affected by historical bias and grand standing I suspect.

    Whenever I think of a battle to recreate I always think of Waterloo as I have ‘some’ knowledge of the conflict but there are others when I stop and think. Converting them to AoS or 40k is the tricky bit. Them being the systems I can get a game of.

    As a younger man my older brother forced us to watch A Bridge too Far almost daily so some way of putting the battle of Arnhem into a campaign would be good. True story, my parents old house is in the intro.


    Cult of Games Member

    Its here






    The board is great, nice observation on the war scroll cards. I never thought of it that way before.


    We may go into more detail, you and I, about painting what and how when I get around to the terrain now that the Ogre army is down.


    Ill do a group photo of the terrain later.


    Valid point on rules and new players, overloading them is a bad idea.


    Im reading up on it more (Armageddon). It might be fun to revisit something pre-teen and teen me dreamed of having the money and painting skills to execute Armageddon, which I now do, and see what I come up with. When Im tired later, I think reading through old White Dwarf magazines in bed is on the cards.


    I remember those battle reports. Im pretty sure the White Scars severely reamed the living frak out of an Ork army in one of the Battle Reports. I’ve plenty of Orks at home too. I might do a quick, lazy army painter army purely to get them to a half decent tabletop size force for the sake of expediency.


    Buyers regret sucks it eventually it fades, right?






    Good to hear you are getting hobby in




    Kinda lol. They’ll get over it. They are more than familiar with my irl sense of humour.


    @sundancer <50 points>


    Awesome picks. 50 points. Because I can.



    @evilstu <10 points>


    I will start a project log for Mordheim and some point; preferably when I start to make a little more headway with the project. I have a bunch of Frostgrave stuff painted up too: just need a thematic area and terrain to play it on, and finish those pesky cultists.


    It is a good trend to have around these parts.


    10 points for posts back to people.





    Fictional history is still history…. Right?




    @ellessar2590 & @evilstu did I comment and award points for your material on page 6 toward the top of the page? Its hard to keep track of this at times…



    More 2000 AD vehicles @tuffyears ?


    Cult of Games Member

    And that’s one more kickstarter backerkit completed.
    Total weight +/- 25 Kg … that’s not as huge as that Joan d’Arc was when that weight was calculated.
    The good news is that I haven’t backed more kickstarters this month …

    For those still interested in Solomon Kane they do have late pledges :

    @tuffyears : I know you’ve posted an image of that thing before … but what in the name of all that is good is that thing supposed to be ?

    It kind of looks like Homer Simpsons’ design for a RV ..


    Cult of Games Member

    Well this is unusual for me, some time to myself to do as I want…. well i’m supposed to be tidying the dining room (my hobby room) as its our wedding anniversary (28 years) on sunday and the wife’s birthday on monday and our son, Chris, is a qualified Chef and is cooking us a nice romantic meal to celebrate… Teresa putting up with me for so long probably.

    Righty then theres a few pages to work through so i’ll do my best before I get caught.

    @a27cromwell yeah rebasing is a pain. Funny though, when your trying to remove a mini carefully the thing falls to pieces on you but if you want to break one down for stripping you can never get the bloody thing apart… they know you know 😀

    @sundancer Star Wars Mini’s look great.

    @tuffyears great pics of the Gaslands game… finishing games with my characters still alive isnt one of my strongpoints either 😀

    @fcchuck welcome to the thread.

    @oriskany cooool, theres actually a three figure set containing Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and Catwoman (arrggghhh my dirty mind has gone into meltdown) called the Gotham City Sirens… I’ve got my eye on it… when funds allow (brakes have gone on the car Grrrrr).

    Thanks for the compliment mate. Think I might do all my Bat reps like that in future.

    @elessar2590 The sudan models are flippin awesome…. think I would have got the hump painting those camels though 😀

    @woldenspoons wow nice conversion work on the Lord Arcanum, looking forward to seeing that painted.

    @evilstu yep i’m the same mate, not just getting rules wrong but mixing up rules from different games systems too. The Napoleonics are definately coming along nicley, they do look like a lot of work though.

    @mage butchers looking excelent mate, again, like the banner, you have the apron spot on. Too much blood and it just looks like a red apron and too little and you dont get the gore effect, you have got the balance just right.

    The banner did impress me a lot. I see so many that look sort of flat when they are plain and they detract from the Mini because the eye is still drawn to the banner and there’s nothing there. Yours draws the eye and still seems to have something going on even though it’s naked.

    A Whinge of Mother in Laws?

    @woldenspoons next instalment will probably be next weekend now, I’m sorting out a Rescue scenario and have a few things to paint up for it but cant do anything this weekend due to the wife commandeering the Hobby room.

    Yeah I would definately be interested in the Suicide Squad set but the brakes went on the car this morning so the funds I did have just went the way of the Dodo 🙁

    Not exactly Wales mate but on the Border in Shrewsbury.

    @sundancer (again) nice pics from gamescom looks like it was fun.

    @tuffyears Mmmm I recognise that vehicle…. @mage says 2000AD which I collected as a nipper…. it wouldnt be from the Judge Dredd Cursed earth storyline would it?




    Cult of Games Member

    @biggabum thanks and yes it was fun… but it seemed less populated this year… seems all good games will come next year 😉

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