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This topic contains 124 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by woldenspoons 6 years, 5 months ago.
August 20, 2018 at 8:30 pm #1255081
I remember building a jeep and a beep ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_WC_series ) in 1:35 scale when I was a kid.
Scale modelers probably are a bit of a sucker for detailing whereas wargamers probably want something to push across the table as fast as possible. Nothing wrong with either approach.
@evilstu : and failing that I’ve got a mountain of metal to trade when the apocalypse hits 😉
Might even make for good ammo for a slingshot …
I try not to worry, but at the same time I’m thinking of the loads of metal&plastic that still has to arrive as a result of kickstarters like Blood&Plunder (yay Dutch troops!) and the remains of the 1:48 tactic troops + scenery.
I think I’ve got the scenery for at least two different wargaming themes covered too.
Imperial guard killteams really need to work to get to the 100pts standard.
I was thinking about a ‘dirty dozen’ kind of force, so 12 + 1 leader. Basic troops is just about 65 points if my calculations are correct. That would be fine if they had lots of toys, but they don’t appear to have any.Worst part is their lack of armour piercing capability. I don’t want to run into chaos marines with that lot.
Maybe consider using Orkses instead ? Food for thought … and possibly yet another faction on my list for Killteam.
At the other end of the spectrum there’s the A-team … but that definitely needs to use Space marines or another elitist faction.
Even without building anything this game is a great idea generator.
I almost can’t wait for the Rogue Trader box …Too many ideas, not enough time.
@mage : don’t worry too much about keeping an eye on this thread. We’ll keep the ball rolling while you get some much needed rest.
Good ol’ “thin coats” Duncan has a kill team too :
August 20, 2018 at 9:11 pm #1255086Apologies for the quality it’s 5:30am here and my lighting sucks.
@limburger I’m in the same boat as far as the Guardsmen go, I had some Scions lying around and they seem to work pretty well but as far as regular guardsmen I’d be concerned with the same things.
@evilstu I could not agree more when it comes to ease of building. Head, Backpack done. I had to build over 200 Warlord French and it was very easy compared to some of the other stuff out there. Plus the March Attack pose is the easiest to paint.
@tuffyears Gaslands looks really cool I’ve heard a few people at my local club talking about it, is it a fun game?
August 20, 2018 at 9:11 pm #1255087@mage gamescom is nothing.. really.. only one ofthe worlds biggest videogame conferences 😉 It’s in Cologne from 21st august to 25th. 350.000 visitors last year *g*
The good thing is, the 21st is “business only”. No privat persons allowed so it’s much less crowded. I’ll be heading of at 6:00am (8 hours from now) and hopefully be there around 9:30am. Aaannd maybe I’ll get back that same day XD
You can see some pictures from last year at my blog. You may recognise what this is:
August 20, 2018 at 11:53 pm #1255141DOOMWHEEL! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Scene missing*
Okay, quick update before bed. More to follow tomorrow, I gaurantee.
Photos aren’t good but the Butcher is more or less done:
It just needs snow and grass added. It’ll take a while with PVA glue drying times. Like to do them as separate stages. 1,000 points are finished (though I did a full dark elf army bar ten models due to momentum and enthusiasm), and my concept of painting four 1,000 point armies since before Christmas has been complete, not counting terrain. Im going to do that next as well as get some Objective Markers and the General’s Handbook.
There is temptation to continue this pace with the Ogres, with the following left:
2x Tyrants
1x Hunter
2x Gorgers
1x Maneater
1x Firebelly
16x Groblers (Grotz now)
4x Mournfang Cavalry
1x Hero on Stonehorn
That is 32 models if you count anything riding a mount as two.
Also, in the next day or two I may ask you guys for advice. I am wondering how I should paint up my terrain for my board for the games I am planning to run with the four armies. Colour suggestions, matching ideas, symmetry, etc are all things I need input for. Ill either post on here or do a separate thread.
Good night all.
August 21, 2018 at 6:55 am #1255188@mage Do your armies have similar bases? If so then that should help with the decision process.
Smogres are looking great by the way. If you do play with them the generals handbook should provide some artifacts and command abilities etc for you. I may even look later.
August 21, 2018 at 8:40 am #1255194@elessar2590 Gaslands is addictively fun and cheap to get into. £10-£12 and a couple of quid for cars. I payed £14 for rules and 6 cars
August 21, 2018 at 8:54 am #1255197Thanks. I have the two previous ones but not the new Handbook, it would be appreciated. All the armies have different bases. Ill do group shots and a thread especially for the project shortly. Smogres? I was calling them Blue-gers.
August 21, 2018 at 9:47 am #1255222@mage glad the night out was a fun one 🙂 Congrats on getting the butcher knocked over – Nice you have a coherent plan for the remainder of the force. Re terrain happy to throw suggestions at you (I may have an unhealthy addiction to terrain…) but can you provide a little more background on what you have in mind (ie game systems, army size, environs, special rules etc) and some details re what you have access to (ie size of game surface, gaming mat or table coverings, available terrain etc)? Also, further to the earlier you were mentioning a potential Mordheim campaign later on in the year – if you are thinking of proceeding with that one can I suggest you have a look at the Sigmarite mausoleum kit form GW? Actually pretty good value and a lot can be done with it if you break it up into smaller component pieces.
@sundancer sounds like good news re ease of painting 😉 And great finished results! I’ve held off on jumping in on this partly as I have so many other projects on the go, but also as the available forces have been pretty same-y or equivalent thus far. Another wave of releases or 2 and there will probably be enough variety and differentiation to make games a little more tactically flexible 🙂 … and also because I couldn’t settle on one ‘theme’ as far as a gaming table was concerned… 😛 I think the imminent release of the Boba Fett mini might be the catalyst I need to dip my toe on the water as it were…
@a27cromwell agree with you there. Ican deal with massed ranks of infantry models with only slight variations in pose but when stuff is just carbon copies of other things it does ruin the sense of disbelief a little. Were you ever witness to the true horror of a Warhammer fantasy 4th edition Skaven army where units of 30+ models consisted entirely of one identically cast metal mini?… Behold, if you dare! 😛
@limburger think I built a few of those in 1:35 too 🙂 But surely you don’t want to go slinging away valuable minis like that? Blood and Plunder looks like great fun, I really do like those mins. yes I’m looking at orcs, imperial guard and space marine kill teams, but pretty much ignoring the points etc. I’m hoping to scale the system up a little to maybe 300 point games – will see how far my ticketing gets me…
@elesar2590 fantastic work! really like the shading on the skintones and the vibrancy of the fabric. Am guessing the plan for bases will be somewhat leading given the environs in which the conflict took place? Yep, just spent over an hour assembling 3 dozen Perry foot knights (and they were certainly by no means bad models…), in the same block of time I could have knocked over double that number of Warlord infantry…
@woldenspoons took me a moment to work out what a Smogre was… 🙂
@tuffyears saw some really nice high quality scale reproductions to day of a Lamborghini countach LP500S and a Lancia Stratos – First thought was how they would look in gaslands before I told myself no – they are both just too pretty as is 🙂
My progress today was kicking off the next batch of French and adding another layer of dry brushing to my Skaven.
Varnish seems to have settled down on the first batch so I will put a matt coat on next weekend and then look to base. I also assembled and primed 36 Perry foot knights (mixing french and English components…) These will be used as a block of heavy foot infantry for Bretonnian forces in 8th edition WHFB. Yes I know they weren’t supposed to have non-mounted knights but this just looks like fun so we will make it up as we go along. Plan is to use the stats of Empire Greatswords, losing the detachment ability and adding knightly vows instead (and possibly making them a point cheaper – will see how they fare…).
Also pushing on with printing road sections – each one is 175mm long and takes a little over 8 hours to print (estimate I will need at least 16 sections so assuming a little over a week assuming no failed print jobs), so it’s not going to be a quick process but will hopefully do the trick once finished.
August 21, 2018 at 10:57 am #1255273@evilstu you should have got them . Gaslands isn’t wysiwyg. All you need to do to the cars is fix the wheels to stop and rolling if the table gets knocked
August 21, 2018 at 11:48 am #1255289Good fun. It was nice to finish a character in a day, more or less. The Firebelly is next. It will be nice, neat and easy. Kind of like an xbox achievement too: finishing all the spellcaster models I have for an army. I think Ill do a batch of two character/individual models at a time (3 or 4 batches) before I go back to batch painting (the gnoblars x15), and then onto the cavalry.
Background to what I have in mind, eh?
Battle takes place on this:
It will be a four player free for all using Age of Sigmar second edition with the following armies: Stormcast Eternals, Khorne Chaos, a Dark Elf mixed force, and Ogres. No army books will be used, only the General’s Handbook. I did design the army lists last edition, so there may be disparities and the lists need updating. No other special rules, I want to keep it simple for new players, i.e., my friends.
I hope to buy, paint and use these (but they are not essential):
I have a Temple of Skulls for the centre of the table which is oop along with two each of the following terrain:
I’m tempted to get this as well but it is expensive:
I just need to figure out which side of the board that comes with the Shattered Dominion set to use and how to paint up the terrain…
Ill come back to Mordheim later.
August 21, 2018 at 12:44 pm #1255305Apologies if I already answered some of these but I felt like I missed some or at least didn’t give the answers and posts the proper focus they needed.
In case I missed anything, some Page 4 recaps:
I will not forget Moonclan grots @woldenspoons 😉
Yeah Im well passed tournaments at this stage. Unless it’s a small friendly local thing that isn’t too competitive, but I don’t think that is how things are trending these days.
The Third War for Armageddon in White Dwarf was around the same time as Mordheim. I have feelings of Nostalgia for it. I might revisit it too. I have plenty of Orcs to paint up after all.
Regarding picking up the box of Ironjawz, yes. They should have rules, I think. They might be last edition’s ‘Warscroll’ (unit rules/card etc) on the insturctions themselves. If you click on the product no the GW webstore there is a tab beside it for the rules download too 😉 Yeah you could then press gang it all together into a Grand Alliance Destruction army. You could even add in some Night Goblins (now their own renamed faction of Moonclan Grotz) and Savage Orcs (ln the same fashion as Moonclan only called ‘Bonesplitterz’) for good measure. Slaanesh has rules for the faction overall in the General’s Handbook but has got nothing new like Nurgle, Khorne and Tzeentch have since AoS launched sadly.
Also, yes you can do exactly as you want if you want to continue with a pure Ironjawz force. You can also ally in some other destruction forces without losing the stuff in the Ironjawz book. How to do so is outlined under ‘Alliances’ in the General’s Handbook 2018 (at least I believe so, It was in last year’s one).
It’s the exact same with Dwarves, Kharadron Overlords, Empire (Freeguild now), Daughters of Khaine, Idoneth Deepkin and so on: all under the Grand Alliance Order Banner. Allinces and focussed factions might not overlap well though. If you want to take Idoneth and keep their bonuses with allies, you can’t include Dwarves. You can still mix the two, but it would have to be as a mixed Grand Alliance Order army and not an Idoneth Deepkin army with dwarf allies’
25 points for the basing, 25 for the basecoats on all the historicals as well as the explanation. That’s a lot of minis. Wish I could drop 200 pounds sterling on a project in one go!
@dawfydd <10 points>
I will check that video, it looks interesting.
@limburger <10 points>
That game sounds very… Orwellian… 10 points
I’ll check out the music when I can.
I think it is referred to as a demi company now, i.e. half the company ish as you describe.
10 points for feedback to others.
Thanks for the compliments. I think the bright flayed skin banner makes it as you describe. Didn’t intend to impress you that much!
A Murder of Mother In-Laws?
Ill check the music out when I can
August 21, 2018 at 12:55 pm #1255308@fcchuck Welcome to the thread! Participate if you would like. We are a friendly lot!
@oriskany <70 points>
You waaaay behind? Im waaaaaay behind.
Re your answer to @sundancer adults are just kids being kids. Its four, almost five years on. Still haven’t fully processed Im a dad. I just have a mini me who is the most important person in the world to me and Im trying my best not to screw him up, but also take him swimming and play with legoes. Its kinda awesome.
You aren’t too wrong about Ivey either I believe. She also hates how the Joker has mistreated and downright abused Harley over the years. It was more interesting a while back before they brought in the fan service you describe (accurately).
Touche with the camera appearances. Man, don’t start on carbs. I love potatoes, pasta and rice too much. It isn’t easy. Too much food is delicious.
Not too close to the politics no.
It would be so weird if it was like a small black box emitting light on the sides and an AI appeared and it was like some futuristic super computer. It would lend credence to some theories.
I don’t think history is as ‘made up’ ‘not fact’ ‘conspiracy’ stuff as some do as you say.
If there are aliens up there they know about us. I theorised they have cloaked peace keeping ships on the edge of our solar system as we are too primitive for outsiders to interact with or take advantage of us. Prime directive and all that jazz.
Thanks for the compliments on the Ogres. Do not bring down wrath upon thineself.
Nice acquisitions.
Tae Jaeger for life dawg. Its funny huh? Sounds way cooler. If you get super into X-Wing you could house rule your own Tie Jaeger and stuff.
I liked the post. A lot of detail, progression of the conversation, pics, hobby, and feedback to people. 70 points.
@elessar2590 <50 points>
Love the meme and hobby, 50 points.
@woldenspoons <10 points>
Blurry but cool
August 21, 2018 at 12:55 pm #1255309If I remember Slaanesh lacked heralds before but they may have fixed that for AoS 2.0. Story wise Slaanesh is missing, trapped in a pocket dimension by the new Aelven god’s who were syphoning the souls back from it. Game wise apparently there is a new build of them that is supposed to be good. If you like that kind of thing.
I was hoping for a quiet weekend so I could get some painting done and a cheeky Friday night game of the walking dead. Turns out I’m due at a friend’s shindig on Friday and I have a w40k tournament on Saturday. Doh.
August 21, 2018 at 1:08 pm #1255312@evilstu <55 points>
That is a lot of feedback to people. 25 points.
All’s good I have time to reply today. Got super into hobby and gym-ing yesterday. Had a huge meal after the gym and felt tired and hibernatey for the rest of the day then.
That list I posted in particular with the blue models was particularly cheesey. The Phoenixes are pretty good, and he had a lot of synergies with it which made it OP. Highly unbalanced. I don’t mind multiple monsters if it is for a theme or I have a winning chance. I hate mathammer, why bother playing? That’s like someone playing a historical PC mass wargame and crawling into the programming and analysing the poop out of it. For AoS it is easier to update one handbook with points every year than multiple app updates or re-releases of army books.
Rant understandable. Love the poster re the kids, feels like my life, haha.
Yamato? Interesting. That ship has been put in and referenced so many times in anime, movies and manga. It really is strongly ingrained in the Japanese psyche and culture.
30 points for the hobby on page 5. Can’t wait to see Kill Team from you. More 3d printing? Interesting.
August 21, 2018 at 1:15 pm #1255313@woldenspoons <10 points>
10 points for being helpful and providing info, yes that is correct.
Is Sunday still good?
@oriskany Make America sane again? Haha. Im not getting into politics here, but kinda am, but its part of a prank. I want to get a bunch of my friends into a car, hit the west coast of my county where the beach is. Later, I will suggest going for a coffee somewhere. I will trick them all going into Trump’s hotel, sitting down for tea/coffee/hot chocolate. I will check into it facebook, tag them all into it, and watch all the hate come in on social media. Bwahahahaha!
Again, not political.
That kinda went off on a tangent…
Yeah, I was thinking that for the graveyard and Mordheim. In my head I am planning out the rest of 2018 with modelling projects and it pretty much encapsulates smaller games I have a bunch of stuff half finished (Batman, Frostgrave, Mythos, Shattered Earth, Dreadball, GKR). I want to power through and finish the mini collections and then go back to another big project that eats up a whole chunk of time (maybe Mordheim or 40k). Or more multiple small things: Shadespire and Kill Team.
If I did Mordheim I’d go big. Plenty of terrain, painted warbands, same for AoS with my friends. Lots of houses, battle mats. Make it mine. Have a district frozen by magic, a richer district in ruin, stuff like that. Themed terrain pieces…
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