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Hobby Weekender 17/08/18

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This topic contains 124 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  woldenspoons 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Page 2 replies (part 3):



    @elessar2590 <40 points>


    Answers are a little too short and sweet for my liking, but to each their own.

    (1) 5 points

    (2) –

    (3)  10 points.


    Nice pledge, long and detailed. 15 points. Koota is cute. 10 points for the pics of the stuff you were starting to work on.




    @woldenspoons <40 points>


    New avatar? Snazzy!


    (1)  As long as it is to validate a point than go off in a tangent or down a rabbit hole, go for it. Start throwing creationism into it as opposed to personal/enlightened/lifestyle/philosophical/moral reasons and you know where the door is 🙂 Not aimed at you specifically of course. Goes for everyone. Theological and Political discussions are a slippery slope leading to chaos.

    Valid point in that all the fiction doesen’t depict it in a good life. Hunting and hunted, as you bring it up, has been touched on by the X-Men comics for decades. I can’t see cloning ending well. 20 points.


    (2) Did we really land on the moon? 10 points.


    (3) That is unfortunate. You have quite a nice little catalogue of games under your wing. Im loving Flash and Gotham to. I could make it harder too and start posting my stuff! Bwahahaha! PLAAAAY IIIIIIIT!!!! 😀


    @biggabum <10 points>


    Coven is apt. What if they merged?



    10 points for feedback and posting to others



    @evilstu <15 points>


    Terrain printing is great as usual. 5 points.


    What are those historical models, where are they from, how much are they and how do they compare to a space marine? 10 points.



    @oriskany <15 points>


    Chinese food here is ok for the most part. Ill stick with other stuff for now…
    5 points for the meme, 10 points for the feedback to folks.



    @biggabum <70 battle report>


    Beautifully crafted: Loving the write up of battle report and pictures. Photo flash is way too strong though, it takes away from the awesome game a little. 70 points.



    @woldenspoons <40 points>


    The Tyranids seem to have adapted to camo around the buildings and necron crystal structures.


    40 points for your bat rep and pictures. I was going to watch Dark Knight Rises but stuff came up.



    @evilstu <70 points>


    10 points for each music link, I’ve been feeling nostalgic for the 90s lately and that hit the sweet spot. 60 points total.


    Semantics are all good. I was using them too! 10 points for feedback and chatting with folks.


    Valid point. For all we know Lions are sentient and went ‘yeah, we will stay strong, not use technology or get caught up in society/media/religion/politics/wars/civilisation/resources as that is stupid.’


    Age of Sigmar and Books:


    Okay, with Age of Sigmar you have three ways of playing: narrative (craft a story and scenario, chuck points out the window), open play (do what you like, start playing quickly, chuck points out the window, matched play (traditional tried and tested points values with structure and some slight rules adjustments for more balanced games).


    Those are in the general’s handbook (25 euros ish) with extra rules for each style of play, scenarios and tips. A d&d supplement for a wargamer if ever one was warranted and needed *spoiler alert* it kind of is.


    So the rules and warscrolls (unit profile) are all free on the website and app (the points values are not).


    Regarding structuring an army and what books you need, there are four ‘Grand Alliances’. These are Order, Chaos, Death (or is it Undeath?) and Destruction. We will call these factions for now.


    So, each grand alliance is split into sub-factions called armies (they are all still field-able as their own individual factions, but semantics). Grand Alliance destruction consists of Ardboyz (new to AoS, have their own army book), Greenskinz (mainly Orcs, most of the stuff from WFB with a good bit of stuff moved elsewhere or discontinued, do not have), and Beastclaw Raiders (the Ogre Kingdoms mounted segment, have their own army book.


    All of these units have key words. For instance ‘Orruk’ ‘Ogor’ ‘Destruction’ ‘Ironjawz’ ‘Beastclaw’. Not all are mutually exclusive, while some are.


    So, you put together an Ironjawz army after getting some models. You can start playing with a friend and use some common sense. You could download the app, go online and print out the rules, or save the warscrolls to your laptop.


    After a few games you might notice a difference in power levels and move stuff around a bit so your opponent has a better time. Or you might get the Generals Handbook for points values. When you read the matched play rules, you will notice that if all your army has the ‘Destruction’ key word you will be eligible for a General Trait, Magic Weapon and army special rules for being part of the ‘Grand Alliance Destruction’ faction with your Ironjawz.


    These are all free and do not cost points, but you have to buy the book to utlise them. However, the beauty about this is you could mix in Greenskinz (Orc boys, Orc boarboyx) and Beastclaw Raiders (Mournfangs, Thundertusks) but there are loose structure rules to all armies (minimum number of core or battle line units, limit on gigantic creatures or Behemoths, character limitations). This only matters if you care about that sort of thing and want to get more power in your army when you take the game more seriously for making your lists stronger.


    So, lets say you buy the Ironjawz supplement. It costs extra money, but you are more invested in the game and might want to enter a league or tournaments. There will be unique formations in it for starters. Also, the magic item, general’s trait and faction specific rules will be different. However, you have to buy this. Those traits may or may not suit you better. You can though still use the Grand Alliance Destruction rules. Only problem with using the Ironjawz rules are your army isn’t pure anymore if you include Greenskinz and BCR (though there are rules for allies in the same grand alliance so you can still include some).

    –       Fin – apologies if that was too wordy or technical, tried to do that succinctly. Any questions just ask away


    Thanks for the compliments on the ogres



    @evilstu become one of us, join us! @mage great write up and instructions. Don’t forget Moonclan Grots!

    I realise I left The Walking Dead off my list of games. ADHD stops me staying still with one game or even army. I avoid playing Batman as I wouldn’t actually get to play it. I have Walking Dead in that spot I guess. I treat that game as got catch them all and I know I would be the same with Batman. Of course if someone else provided minis I would still end wanting to buy it all afterwards.

    Depending on the weather, not looking too clever, the missus is taking the dog out for a few hours meaning it’s painting o’Clock! Progress pictures to come.



    @evilstu that’s the plan, although the cheeky beggars putting it up for pre-order the weekend before payday means I’ll be furiously trying to get an order placed Friday morning for delivery Saturday 😀

    @mage that’s perfectly fair. I have similar feelings about Eldar, mainly due to a VERY poor experience at my first GT. It was very much not a fun time >_< But on the flipside the Wolves were really my first army and after misfires trying to build armies with the 3rd ^#& 5th Ed. Codexes it’s been fun giving myself a very specific objective in terms of army building.


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage thanks heaps for the detailed explanation for AoS. I’m personally pretty much over competitive gameplay – I jumped in on WHFB 5th edition, played 6th really competitively (as in buying and studying all rulebooks, FAQ and erratas and annuals plus playing with and against a wide variety of armies to get a sense of how opponents lists worked, going to heaps of tourneys etc), similar thing with 7th ed to a lesser extent, and now dabble in 8th. Point is, I’d be all about the narrative at this stage. I’m laughing at Kill team reviews on Youtube at the moment where everyone is trying to game army lists for maximum killyness or exploits in 100 points lists (making a grot your warband leader and hiding him in a corner so he can’t be killed? What kind of self-respecting Ork would follow such a leader?…). – By way of contrast/example I’m looking at it as a framework to muck about with the 3rd war for Armageddon for the narrative… So if I am reading it right I have the rules, can download the warscrolls and can wander out and pick up a box of Ironjaws (because I like the models) and paint them up. I then get to mess about with a few trial games, and if I like I can press-gang my old Greenskins and Ogres in under a ‘forces of destruction’ banner to make a good sized army, and throw together some of my old Chaos models for an opponent (Although not sure how much lovin’ Slaanesh has received in the new world order?…). If the Ironjaws prove to be fun I can then pick up the army book and phase out the bolt-on forces as I add on more Ironjaws minis incrementally moving forward. Similar process if I want to get floaty steampunk dwarves or Sea Elves – actually quite liking how freeform this is all sounding to be honest…

    @woldenspoons ha will do – still have hundreds of goblins boxed up and waiting to go courtesy of 2nd hand sales so might be a nice excuse to speedpaint through a bunch of them.

    @dawfydd yes I sometimes used to think that their release schedule was arranged to either exasperate or bankrupt me (occasionally both in equal measure 🙂 ). Should we be anticipating new sculpts or additional unit options shortly after the book drops?


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons : to me every game tends to become a ‘got to catch them all’ kind of thing real quick.
    As such I kind of wish games only had just the one box with all you could possibly need instead of an endless list of expansions and new troops to collect/buy.

    I know this makes sense from a business perspective (got to keep the punters buying stuff), but it makes it damn difficult to stay focussed or finish building even a single army.

    @mage : I know … I gots to finish building something. 😀
    Sometimes I wish I only ever liked one faction in one game. Kind of like how some people only ever play ‘Call of Duty’ and no other games.

    Speaking of games … I got one that is borderline creepy : ‘Orwell’

    link :

    The idea is this : you’re a volunteer for a surveillance system and all you need to do is mark info for your bosses to process.
    It starts with the destruction of a statue and a single woman as a suspect simply because she happened to have a previous encounter with the police.
    Then it’s reading (fictional) newspapers, listening in on text conversations … and down the rabbit hole it goes.
    I suspect there will be difficult choices to make as the bit I’ve completed felt like a tutorial.
    She mentioned she stole a credit card … which I mentioned to my supervisor.
    He blocked the card … except now her lawyer boyfriend is in trouble as he can’t provide stuff for his client/customer.
    Need to dig deeper and see where it all goes.
    First episode is free on Steam, so it’s one of those episodic games.
    The presentation of the game is pretty cool as well, because it feels like you are signing up to be for an active system as opposed to just playing a game.


    Cult of Games Member

    Progress for today – based 150+ Orcs. the time just flew by 😛 Actualy just put the weekender on and went into robot mode so it did pass quite painlessly 🙂


    Still need a bit of a touch up to get them to tabletop standard but shouldn’t be too much more work for them to pass the 3 foot test – you can already see that they are orcs 🙂

    Also got the current batch of Napoleonics up to the varnish stage (will give the white another touch-up thereafter so please ignore the mess).


    @mage these are French Napoleonic line infantry for use in Sharp Practice. Minis are a mix of Perry Miniatures (2 box sets of “French Napoleonic Line Infantry 1812-1815”) and the French half of the “Waterloo” Black powder starter box from Warlord. I’m starting with all the minis with greatcoats for no apparent reason 🙂 From memory I still need another couple of dozen more painted upi for a decent sized starter force (From memory 4 blocks of 8 line infantry, plus 3 blocs of 8 line infantry plus 2 units of 6 skirmishing voltigeurs is roughly equivalent points-wise to the British force I have of 4 units of light line infantry plus 2 units of 6 95th Rifles plus commanders. The only halfway expensive thing I have bought so far was the box of 95th Rifles from Warlord – it was GBP20 for 16 metal minis. (all the other box sets are Perry minis and pretty much GBP20 for 40+minis or 14 cavalry). So with the Sharp Practice rules, Waterloo Starter and the Perry boxes I have probably dropped about GBP200 into this endeavour, and that has given me about 250 infantry, 2 dozen cavalry, a cannon, a smattering of officers and a both a skirmish level and mass battle rules set to use the same minis with.

    With regard to a Space Marine, these are ‘true scale’ 28mm, so a lot smaller than the standard ‘heroics’ we all know and love nowadays 🙂





    @evilstu well review copies have been thoroughly dissected already via the Youtubes, and it looks like the  only real additions are better integration of the Primaris units, as well as several of the latter Astartes kits that the Wolves have never had access to before – both anti-air tanks, the Land Speeder Storm (quite fancy kit-bashing up some suitably veteran looking versions of these) and I whatever the interceptor fighter is called? Otherwise it’s new rules & fluff more than anything else 🙂

    On a more historical note, this video showed up in my Recommended feed and now I REALLY want to sit down and rewatch the Directors Cut of Kingdom of Heaven again,  but don;t really  have the time 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd 40 Grey Hunters is way more than a nice core its nearly half a Companies worth (well not sure if its still the same as when I played with each company in a Chapter made up of 100 Marines). Actually thinking about it with the other stuff you have and the 40 Grey Hunters you have toi be well over hafl a Company. One of the most spectacular displays GW ever did was the full Chapter of Ultramarines. I know its not practicle for a normal guy to do something like that but a full company of Space Wolves would be pretty spectacular too.

    @sundancer the Star Wars fella’s are coming along really nicely.

    @limburger thank you sir. Funny you should ask, Harley Quinn is already plotting to rescue her “puddin” and has figured out the best time to free him is when he’s being transported to Arkham Asylum (going to have to try and source or build a 1:43 scale Prison Transport Van). Batman, of course, will be on hand to make sure The Joker makes it to Arkham.

    @elessar2590 Sudan stuff looking good. I do like the mini Diorama’s you’ve done for the Medics.

    @mage The Ogres have turned out really well. Very impressed with the way you’ve done the banner. Without any insignia or patterning  its difficult to make it a focal point but you have definately managed it.

    Mmmm if they merged eh? A flippin Nighmare of Mother in Laws.

    I have no idea why the flash is like that. My daughter had a look at it and did something to the settings but its got a mind of its own. You can take three pictures in the same light from the same position of the same thing and the flash will go off on some and not on others, so my pics are either too dark or too bright. Maybe I should use a different light bulb in the room, maybe a daylight bulb or summat see if that improves things?

    @evilstu Yeah the game is fantastic fun and very cinematic. The rules can be a bit confusing when you read them but once you get playing they make much more sense.

    I know what you mean about feeling old. It’s worse when you’re talking to somebody about something and the kids (mine are all in their 20’s bear in mind) have no idea what your talking about. I was talking to Teresa (the wife) about some of my old vinyl records are at last being released digitally, Chris (my youngest) came in late to what I was saying and then proceeded to tell us that he thought the “new” Vinyl idea seemed to be a step back from the CD. He had no idea that Vinyl came before the CD. Dunno what he would think of VHS.

    150+ Orcs? now that is most definately a horde.


    and back to the nostalgia, Australian bands put out some fantastic music in the late 80’s and 90’s that weren’t named Kylie.




    Cult of Games Member

    Posting spotify links works really good in this new forum when using ‘copy playlist link’ :

    Definitely helps for stuff that isn’t always on YouTube :


    oh yeah, back to spying on civillians. A second bomb has killed two innocents and I need to find the third location in the Nation.




    I didnt nap for as long as I ussually do after work and went out to do an EX Raid in Pokemon Go. Im not great now. Coffee time. Ill update the thread when I can but cannot promise anything for today. Date night later.


    Ill reply when I can. Going to finish the Ogres and chill out for a bit then.


    Also, just as an example on how awesome a mixed force can look within a grand alliance for AoS, @evilstu :


    The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament: The Winning Army!


    Get Inspired for Armies on Parade: Chris Peach’s Army of Hallowguild


    Cult of Games Member

    Wow , lots of nice stuff guys . Not much hobby for me this weekend , Family time . Well it was either go and visit my oldest daughter at her place  with her 3 kids and my second daughters 2 kids  ( 4 kids under 5 ! ) , or they were going to come and visit me !  Tried telling her that I would be out all day but she knows where the Hobby Shop  and the restaruant I always go to on Saturday are , and she would hunt me down . So I got even by bringing out icecream and lots of candy toppings ( gummys , m&ms , choco chips , etc ) , so those kids where on a sugar high when I left . When I finally got around to checking out the thread , I sort of got side tracked by all the great music recomendations  , and funny enough I was wearing my Blind Guardian T shirt at the time , so I took it as a sign and pend binge watching great music videos to the wee hours ( after last nights viewing of XLBS ) . All I did hobby wise is rebase some more Poles/Russians , I really liked the way the urban bases I did turned out , so I removed a bunch more figures from their grass bases and put them on the new ones . Of course removing glued plastic figures from plastic bases IMG_20180819_094144874 means I broke a few weapons and snapped off a few heads , so the rest of today will be fixing all that



    @a27cromwell I hate that with bases. One day we will have an elegant solution.

    I got a little bit of painting done on my Death Guard and Stormcast. Just base colour stuff. I did though convert a spare Secutor into a lord Arcanum. Quite a good job. Picture later.


    Cult of Games Member

    Finished… except a coat of matt varnish but painting is done. When I have them varnished I’ll do some “proper” pictures and put them up.

    For some reason the blue didn’t stick very good to some parts of the miniatures and I had to do a lot of touch up today.  let’s hope it sticks until the varnish is on it XD

    Screenshot_2018-08-19- Instagram


    Cult of Games Member

    Some more gaslands played today. My driver  is yet to finish a race alive



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