Home › Forums › Painting in Tabletop Gaming › Hobby weekender 17/05/19 – A good tone, tone deaf, dark tone? AtmosFearic!
This topic contains 103 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by mage 5 years, 9 months ago.
May 19, 2019 at 6:13 pm #1392393
@limburger <25 points>
Oh man @limburger I am in stitches right now. YOUVE JUST EARNED YOURSELF AN ENEMY FOR LIFE!!! Hahaha, ah groundskeeper Willie, a wellspring of… stuff.
Not sure what the context is for the Back to the Future context is but I enjoyed it all the same.
Uhhhhh… just ate three bacon cheese chili dogs I made
25 points
May 19, 2019 at 6:52 pm #1392395bacon cheese chili dogs ?
What in all that is holy is that ?
I thought dogs were for walking, not eating 😉
May 19, 2019 at 7:40 pm #1392406May 19, 2019 at 7:58 pm #1392416May 19, 2019 at 8:02 pm #1392417May 19, 2019 at 10:23 pm #1392483OK guys, back on topic! 😉
I did hobby! Almost done with my X-34. Varnish and assemble.
May 19, 2019 at 10:47 pm #1392485@sundancer I thought that was the Jetson’s car until you put guys with pew-pew guns on it! 🙂
May 19, 2019 at 10:49 pm #1392486May 19, 2019 at 11:07 pm #1392488Day one of my move progress done and the majority of my stuff was boxed up prior and moved. Its a pain now to have the remaining stuff that needs to be boxed and moved. It doesn’t help that I’ve stopped to check in on the forum and started writing.
1. I think that for the original 7th Sea, since the game is a fantastic re-imagination of exploration age Europe, the mechanic for using a tarot deck in character creation was quite useful in keeping with the idea of fate. As larger than life dramatis personae, like in Errol Flynn films, the player characters were supposed to be drawn into the magic and mystery of the setting instead of just being min/max-ed to be murder hobos roaming wherever they might. With that in mind the option for creation was based off selecting a defining trait from the major arcana or using a draw from the deck. Giving the core book that mechanic and then expanding it to each Nation Book for the unique flair backgrounds and story elements were taken up from minor arcana. The minor arcana suits depended on the association with the Nation being played. In the game this is based on the prominence of fortune telling by the fate witches of Vodacce (the nation loosely representing Italy) that had such decks and dealt with the powers of fate.
There was a break from this for the Vendel/Vestenmannavnjar (the fantasy representations of the Dutch/Danish/Scandinavian people). This, according to the fluff, is because the Vendel have a deep seated problem with the Vodacce due to a cold trade war. The Vendel receive character creation using a percentile roll that is supposed to be according to intense astrological calculations instead of the tarot deck draw. The Vesten (for short) are the traditionalist people who eschew the change of the ‘modern’ Vendel, as they try to hold on to their culture. and utilize a rune casting that decides the saga concept for the played to work with. There is also another exception, that of the Crescent Empire (Middle Eastern representation), that uses astrology in game and differs quite a bit from the Vendel model for interpretation and play influence.
These things give another layer of immersion through the mechanics to build an entity in game which will act and be acted upon by elements of fate. The creators of the game did a very good job of using the concept from an earlier game titled ‘Crimson Cutlass’ , a rules light high seas game which did their resolution solely through tarot draws, to bring in other devices for tactile play. This was directly given a nod in the equipment list in the player’s handbook with the item “reddish cutlass” which also will give some players a sense of history with the game.
2. When has a game failed to enhance a setting through design? Ehhhh…. can’t say that there was much success with Vampire: Kindred of the East. The idea of yin/yang as elements of the game were good to work under as elements of play which affected a characters being in a sense similar to the Paradox of Mage. The problem came into the Shadow and how that worked. In the game it was the internal antagonist that must always be pushed back on. The problem is that it really tripped the game up as far as getting anywhere sometimes as there might be situations where the control of a character was put to the mercy of the Shadow. Lose self control and literally need to mentally step back and hand the pc over to the GM, much like ‘Being John Malkocvich’, as the worst that could happen to kill a players drive to keep playing. I think that this element might be somewhat useful in extremely small doses but its been reused in the latest release for Geist: Sin Eaters. For that reason I think that there might be some drawback for me to the newer game.
I also found that the continual attempt at spiritual balance to be cludgy in KoE. Its a great notion to play around but underneath it the internal struggle leads to a lack of outward activity. It’d be like having a gaming session for a philosophical dialectic after having spent some time writing up an imaginary character. Yes, it might be interesting to build a caricature of visual imagery but it does drag on if the scenery doesn’t change. The outside world seems to be the actor and eternal antagonist leading the player away from higher mental/spiritual resolution. Perhaps that might be a deeper level of role playing that can be achieved by people brainier than I. As a simple man I like some lowbrow cheap thrills to toss some dice where the players can see effects of their handiwork and actively participate in a gaming world.
3. Having a house rule for enhancing the gaming experience is best in playing Lunch Money. With each attack you need to make some sort of kid-like insult/smack talk. As you describe the attack you then need to add a flavor statement that might add salt to the wound. It definitely fits with a game of little kids beating each other up on the playground. I think that its anathema for modern schools but it might well be realistic for places with a rough and tumble attitude to children sorting out their social pecking order. I also think that having something similar with just back and forth banter in games like ‘Poo’ or ‘Nuts!’ is a definite way to make them more enjoyable.
I pledge that my project will be done by the end of the week for the Spring Clean. I really should find some low/no cost way of getting high quality photos of my figures from somebody who knows what they are doing in photography. With that I will get better pictures to you all here.
I’ll get back to replies as I’m still tossing things in boxes.
May 20, 2019 at 12:01 am #1392495I finished my ruins. Would have been sooner but the washes took ages to dry
May 20, 2019 at 12:31 am #1392498Been AWOL for a day or so; stuff happened. Anyway, I actually got 6 whole Grenadiers built. Not too much of a fan of the issues I’ve had with the straps on guns, but I’m learning quickly what I can and can’t do with them. These guys are just riflemen (minus the NCO and LMG loader), but the Panzerfaust actually has his rifle over his shoulder. It’s not great…not at all…but it’s there.
May 20, 2019 at 12:48 am #1392501My pledge so far:
(1) Incetpors x3: Complete
(2) Ryza Ruins x2: Complete
(3) Work on my Primaris Apothecary and Chaplain: WIP Chaplain
(4) Prime my remaining Bolt Action Hamlet terrain: Not done, yet
(5) Assemble some MKIII Space Marines: Not done, yet
(6) Total up and award the last three threads: One Complete, Two to do.
(7) Play Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Complete
(8) Catch up on my youtube subscriptions: Complete
@crazyredcoat <10 points>
10 points for the assembly and good to see you again! Don’t worry about missing a day or whatever, this is a chilled out affair!
@sundancer <30 points>
30 points! Great work and awesome finished work.
@horati0nosebl0wer <60 points>
Moving is a pain in the butt. Hope it goes by quickly. Id like to think the forum helps lol but don’t feel you have to post when real life is a thing.
1. That is actually super cool, I love it. 25 points. Lots of interesting ideas there. An Immersion Entity… hmmmm
2. Interesting idea but the detail and way you describe it sounds like a misfire despite being a good idea on paper. I get it with cthulhu and losing all your SAN and handing your sheet over to the DM. Balance can be a bad thing. 15 points
3. That was entertaining to read. 10 points. Those games might work for Pirates around a table drinking and insulting each other as opposed to kids at a playground
10 points for the pledge
May 20, 2019 at 12:50 am #1392502Okay I will be going radio silent until at least lunchtime tomorrow. Hanging with the GF in the morning and minding the dogs beforehand so lunch time at earliest after all that. Could be later.
The thread is still open until Thursday when it will close. Ill try and count up and award a previous thread from two weeks ago tomorrow. One a day, three days in a row seems managable. Then tearing back into marines.
May 20, 2019 at 9:10 am #1392540After writing for quite some time, performing copy paste and losing it all by sheer stupidity quite a few choice expletives ensued. So, now with a completely separate system for writing and transferring the messages I will reply to the many pages of stuff I have missed.
Page, the first:
@crazyredcoat Building more and more while sharing the 80s post-apoc anthropomorphic barbarians locked in heated battle with cybernetic denizens of far away galaxies. Yeah, I think there’s a pulp vibe to all this.
@sundancer Wow. Yep, you need to grab Damaged magazine for the weathering effects that you can add to your Star Wars vehicles. The first has a snowspeeder and the second an Xwing. All sorts of goodness to look at for detailing in future.
@dawfydd Warhammer themed transofmers? My brain hurts from considering your writing and the Transformers movie by comparison to a planet sized robot. Now with the aid of music and visuals a machine spirit might be able to be channeled and imagined like this.
Or perhaps even see the corruption of a machine spirit with this
As far as Eurovision Iceland’s Hatari has my vote. I’d link videos but they probably violate the Pub Rule. Lordi was fun as far as being a reminder of what fun GWAR is.
@limburger Hell’s Bells was ok for the video. Perhaps it could’ve been substituted with For Whom the Bell Tolls. Here’s my addition for music with a somewhat related visual to the video.
Now as far as Weird Al and Kim Jung Style you have proof positive that you are truly a man of taste.
@robert Always a good idea to leave yourself open to do stuff. Seeing as you did get another bag done do you think that felting would be something you’d do in the future in order to get a more ‘solid’ feel for the bags?
@mage Zone out with Zelda for a while sounds like a good plan. I’ve been taking some time with the pc version of Soda Pop’s Super Dungeon Explore. It is a tactics game that I have become a sucker for. It has a variable scale for difficulty but there are some stages that you really need to scale down in order to even have a chance.
@warzan Good to see that your army is actually played now. Now with regard to your ghost army idea, you need the blues! Well, Vallejo fluorescent blue 70.736 is the same line as what I airbrushed your Deep Cut green slimes that you got in the Pay It Forward for you and the kids.
May 20, 2019 at 9:41 am #1392545Page, the second:
@mage Australia is about as European as Hong Kong. I think that the PRC might get a foothold into the competition with their One China policy then. Would that mean that we could in fact have Kpop against Croatia or Georgia going head to head with Japan?
Now regarding limburger’s musical taste were you complaining about foul cheese? I do believe that you’ve given yourself an aural enema deeper than any other. I believe that your welder comment has been duly responded to. Burn! Tss…
Now about the Dark Point dice I’ve seen that in general with 7th Sea as well as when Geek & Sundry played Pugmire (which the videos have been taken down).
@limburger I groan at the parodies but laugh when struck by the lyrics. Good show.
@woldenspoons You too with the SDF One analogy infused with Gundam imagery? Sheesh. Now about that painting, I look forward to seeing it. Mignola had some pretty good work that might be close to what I think you might turn out.
@crazyredcoat Thinking about the Geneva Convention and medics, it is true that they are only allowed to defend themselves and patients but I thought of a possible loophole while in the reserves. There are combat medics but what about demolition dentists? They are a definite possibility when you step back and just think that the SWAT teams forms combat conga lines when breaching.
@warzan Very good photo of the tray. I was rather curious about the flyers but you’ve shown which bases you were using. They’re the same as your Chaos caster if I’m not mistaken. On the big Slaan leader you have there are clear acrylic rods that would accommodate the size model he is. I used just that when I sent Ben his dirigible and it was ½” to ¾” in diameter. If you need some I can link or send in the next package.
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