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Hobby weekender 17/05/19 – A good tone, tone deaf, dark tone? AtmosFearic!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 17/05/19 – A good tone, tone deaf, dark tone? AtmosFearic!

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This topic contains 103 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    @limburger <25 points>

    Oh yes, a joke since at least the mid 90s but I like Lordi. Yeah, non European countries… just call it something else. I mean, Israel? Australia is more European even though its elsewhere with so many people there being of European descent lol. Anyway, starting to get political here hee hee. Parallel universe or has the timeline changed and only you and I noticed? Is Thanos real?

    15 points for some weird al.

    Is that the board game where there is a truck in the background of one of the printed tiles and its optimus prime? 10 points for sharing.

    Must be cheaper with the same boxes eh?


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage Optimus Prime ?

    hmm could be. I’m not too familliar with transformers. They’re all trucks to me :-p





    Maroon 5? Bleh! Barf! Good music please, sir!



    Here is a palate cleanser…



    Okay then I am off for a little bit but will post updates! 😉


    Now, should I stay up for the last last last Game of Thrones… Wait thats Monday in the AM poop



    (1) When have you played a game where a game mechanic has enhanced the gaming experience overall in regard to creating an atmosphere, tone, emotional response or anything that you feel encompasses the spirit of the question? Be it board game, role play game, or anything that fits into our collective wheelhouses?

    Good old Atmosphere. True classic. Interactions with the Gatekeeper etc were way ahead of their time and the sense of panic as the time runs out is great.

    (2) When has such a game failed to do so, in your experience, with an overall contrived result? As in, when has a game made a deliberate, clear attempt to reflect a setting, license or feel and resoundingly failed to do so due to ineffective or misplaced design?

    I’ve played plenty of computer games where this was the case but I’m not going to worry back to remembering which. In some ways Oldhammer is the one I think of. Lots of each person is really ten etc yet it didn’t apply to everyone and everything. Then slowly conga lines and clipping broke immersion through rules technicalities.

    (3) When have you implemented a house rule to a game to enhance it for whatever reason? Why did you do so, did it work and how do you feel about this in general?

    House rules are great until you forget they don’t occur in pick up games. Can get awkward. My favourite house rule is a blanket ban on buying properties on the first lap in Monopoly.

    The Cryptek Oberyang finished his calculations and passed them on to Nemessor Prantek.

    Following the trajectory the Necron fleet manouvered its way through the galaxy at optimum speed. Ultima Maximus had been identified and the Necron Strike Fleet had been sent to finally eridicate the ancient enemy.

    Satisfied his allies were proceeding as expected Oberyang transformed into his Doom scythe configuration and prepared to join the attack.

    I pledge to start painting Lobster Johnson and his mini bust, he’s usually shown in mono chrome so research into painting him has been worthy of a BPRD case.



    @woldenspoons <55 points>

    (1) Atmopshere as in STOP WHOSE TURN IS IT NEXT! ? That was awesome. 15 points.
    (2) Meh computer games don’t really count. Can you elaborate on that point? I don’t really get it. I might be having a day where I am dense.
    (3) That is not a bad rule for Monopoly. 10 points. I like it.

    I was not expecting someone to continue the story. 20 points.

    10 points for the pldge.




    Some of the older kits can be fiddly, but a lot of the newer ones have arms attached to guns…not all the guns though…so the fiddliness is still there. The most recent chaps I built I had problems slinging a rifle over a shoulder…and I’m not 100% happy with it… They are still nicer than metal, though; better detail.

    Not so much a fog of war, more an element of chaos. Helps keep you immersed. As the old saying goes, no battle plan survives the first shot, and that comes across. You can have a perfect plan in place to get your Carrier Section up on to the objective and suddenly your opponent get to move one first and BAM! Carriers pinned before you get a chance to move. Really add in chaos well.

    Probably the worst is a 40k game where you DON’T go first and just lose everything before you can return fire. It’s demoralising and literally ends the game for you. Happens to me far too often, particularly with my older brother who refuses to play matched play rules for it so he deepstrikes turn one and murders my warlord before he can move. That sucks.

    Before there were no rules preventing Medics from harming anyone; they could still shoot any weapons they had. The 2nd edition deny them the ability to shoot any weapons (even from transports) but nothing says you can’t shoot them yourself, and that’s what I refuse to do. I can’t remember exactly how the Convention is worded, but for medics you basically cannot shoot at anyone bearing a recognised badges like the Red Cross, for example. There is one great story that I’ve heard somewhere of a British medical tent in the Desert being overrun by Rommel and they just carried on tending the wounded of both sides and, I think, even being thanked by Rommel personally for it. I think, for me, I might actually add that in a house rule…maybe… We’ll see.

    The actual Gevena Convention is a bit long and complicated… 😛 I like WW2 stuff…

    Have some most excellent Finnish music, everyone!



    @crazyredcoat <30 points>

    I put together the American infantry from the K47 American army set. Twas a little fiddley.

    Sounds painful dude!

    Element of Chaos is probably a more apt term yes.

    Ive been there with 40k, it can be the worst thing ever. Well you know what I mean.

    Your brother sounds like a butthead hahaha. Why cant he just do matched for you? Lol sorry that is bananas. 10 points for pitty.

    That’s a cool story with Rommel. 10 points.

    Give it to me in ten words or less so if it Is that complicated.

    10 points for the music. Makes it sound pirate metal ey. I like it.



    Did anyone hear about the welder who hurt himself?

    He had a sear-ious burn…


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage LOL … I’d say don’t hate Maroon 5, but then the only song I know is this ‘moves like jagger’ parody.

    @crazyredcoat : there’s a “no shooting the medic” rule in Bolt-action v2 ?
    I think some of the guys at the BoW desert war bootcamp forgot that one.

    btw : In Team Fortress 2 the one thing you need to do is shoot the medic

    Geneva Conventions (updated as late as 2005) :

    And predating them are the Hague conventions :

    It kind of sucks that they rarely are used in wargames, but then non combatants are rarely a part of games anyway.



    So, answers to my own questions before my tonsils and sinuses start riddling me with gunk. I do not feel great. Time for lemsip and calmomile tea. Yes, Im a 66 year old grandmother…

    Also I will post pictures shortly of my stuff.

    (1) I played Coriolis last week. It is a sci fi RPG that blends elements of Firefly, Alien, and Arabian culture influence. You get a pool of d6s (not too far from World of Darkness) to do a task. A six is a success. One success means you have just completed the task. Two is a decent job. Three or more is a critical with better and better results.

    However you can pray to the icons to reroll any dice in your roll. These are gods kind of like the seven of Westeros; the gambler, the deckhand, the dancer etc etc. When you do this, the GM gets a darkness point. Darkness points are to be a physical item like a black dice or something that you leave on display for your players.

    You can reroll any roll you want and each time a dice is added to the pool. The DM has a list of ways they can spend points to influence the story and kinda screw over players both mechanically and narratively (like I think two spent after a player fires a gun means they run out of ammo as on example).

    So these are visibly and the more they build up the more you kind of get a sense of dread building up that something will go seriously south. The DM can horde these for as long as they like and even between games. So if you keep re-rolling during a session and they get saved toward the end for the inevitable chase, shootout, hostage situation, alien horror, boss, well, you know something bad will happen.

    (2) I find with most boardgames where there are tough enemis and it overall has a tough difficulty level having event cards. Or events in most board games. They all always tend to be bad and take effect when the last thing you need as a group in a tough cooperative play game is for something else to make it more difficult. They rarely add to a game or feel like events are happening cos it isnt ‘oh no what a harsh reality we live in’ its more ‘seven hells whats going to screw us over now’. Like, a boss appearing to murder you early is not an event, nor is an ambush. Mordheim did this well with Random Encounters but most board games have it tend to be something bad, bad, bad…. BAD.

    (3) 40k objective cards drawn in casual play with a friend. Basically, if one is impossible (being super difficult does not count) like… I cannot remember anything real right now, but say one cannot be done, we would discard that card and draw another. Makes sense imho.




    Hmmm… indeed…



    And its complete 🙂 (3 armies debased in 3 weeks yay!)


    I’ll get some nice shots next week if I get a chance between all the other stuff going on.

    Last step was taking a damp paint brush to each mini to wipe off the dust that had accumulated over the years.

    Looking forward to playing these bad boys now lol @lloyd @avernos 😉



    @limburger The rules is that the medic can’t shoot. I just choose to not shoot at them myself. Being sporting, and all that.

    @mage I don’t think it’s possible to get the whole thing in 10 words or less. 😛 There are actually 4 separate conventions and three additional protocols in it, with the first being written in 1864 and the last in 1949 (I think). I’ll look into the medic rules, though.


    Ok, I couldn’t find the specifics… Basically, you cannot mistreat the wounded or the medics who assist them. i.e. Don’t shoot the wounded or the medics. Or vehicles that bear the red cross, red crescent, or (for some stupid reason) a red diamond… Note that this is a later symbol and so shouldn’t cause confusion with the fact that the British used to use it as a symbol in their armoured divisions…

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