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Hobby Weekender 16/11/2018 – Back before you can miss it!

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This topic contains 103 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @rayzyr that’s not a toy … that’s a gun posing as a toy. Right ?

    @woldenspoons there’s no way Burger King is worth a 2 hour round trip, unless you live in a desert and survive on bread and water. If you like meat you don’t want to eat pre-chewed crap like hamburgers, especially the frozen pre-packaged crap they sell at fast food franchises like BK.



    I always wanted the Megatron figure as a lad but was always confused why he became a little pistol. I can’t remember who explained about the real items set like soundwave but thanks. A lifetime mystery solved.

    Has anyone tried the card game?

    @limburger real rage from you there haha.


    @rayzryr My childhood just smacked me in the head when I saw that. I remember how shiny it was (literally) as compared to my other toys.

    @limburger There are a few other chains that have made me step back from BK (McD’s is only a last ditch option when necessary) 5 Guys, Whataburger and In-N-Out Burger. Ohhhh… I think I might frequent the local 5 Guys now (the other two are not anywhere near that I know of)




    @evilstu well I could always try turning up and saying “This’ll be my kill-team for the night” 😛

    2018-11-03 22.13.10

    As for the whole Megatron gun issue from the one hand i’s always seemed kind of funny, but on the other they really did try to make these look as realistic as possible so  some countries restricting oreven denying themfor sale is not a terrible surprise. It was a major thing back when the first Masterpiece version of the character came  out that for sale outside of Japan they had to fit bright orange caps to every gunbarrel, and has meant every other Megs toy has had to find alternatives for the alt-mode whilst incorporating the iconic elements that came from said gun mode….





    Since we’re doing covers… I’m slightly taking a different tack…

    Phew… that’ll do for now…


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger Oooh nice pickup! those sets should work really well together and will be perfect for Star Wars Legion or Kill Team or similar. Mmm… Tasty pastry… 20 Silver Florins.

    @horati0nosebl0wer I tried to take better pics but the plastic bags made it difficult with the light reflection. As I don’t want to open them and lose parts before I sit down to assemble them (I have a LOT of form in that department…) I’ll drop a link to the KS instead. It’s the ‘Adventurers’ pledge (which bears no similarity whatsoever to the characters from heroquest…)


    Re megatron I think it just looks too similar to a real one at first glance, so you have potential issues which don’t have happy outcomes. At any rate, while I love the original character some of the later versions of the toy have been much improved on the original in my opinion. 20 Silver Florins.

    @woldenspoons I have managed to avoid having a serious look at Blackstone or reichbusters purely because I don’t trust my willpower. Also, we are probably due for another Printable Scenery kickstarter soon and I should probably keep my powder dry for that one. Ah yes, ‘mass shifting’ – I had a friend explain it to me about 10 years ago, his explanation was that the more powerful transformers (Megatron, soundwave, jetfire) could use nanobots to rescale their physical proportions as required. I then asked if that meant that Perceptor was more powerful than Hound, at which point he wanted to change the subject… 🙂 20 Silver Florins.

    @rayzryr megatron was available in Queensland initially if I recall correctly. One of my friends from school way back in the day had one, but it looked pretty average in robot mode, which is where it spent most of it’s time (kind of like the little sticker faces on G1 ratchet and Ironhide – just not as cool as the cartoon). not sure which print I have, no idea how to tell the difference (ow which box/bucket my minis are in for that matter… could always replace them with newer sculpts of course I guess…). Glad you enjoyed KT 🙂 Thanks for the write-up. 40 Silver Florins for responses and batrep

    @dawfydd Ha! perfect Kill team! Literal one man army! 20 Silver Florins.



    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning everybody…. don’t expect much from me this week, it’s been a ride the last few days. A long (long) game of Star Wars: Legion, a night as a grooms “best man” on a night out and the mother in law paying a overnight visit… it’s 10:30am and I am drop dead exhausted.

    Cheers! And someone do some hobbying for me 😉



    @evilstu ah yes, the old mass displacement/size changing chestnut ?

    and yeah, the classic G1 bot modes were a bit of a disconnect from what the cartoon & comic lead you to expect. The kids experiencing the modern version are getting a real treat ?



    In the card game I saw Megatron becomes a tank. I was outraged! So what does everyone’s favourite, Soundwave, turn into now? And where does that leave all the little cassettes? Or are they BluRays now?



    @woldenspoons it can depend – the most recent version – from the Titans Return line – was a G1 pleasing cassette deck (handily redone as both Blaster and Soundblaster) with the cassettes becoming PDU’s/datasticks but other versions have been variously:

    Sports 4×4 with Laserbeak/Ratbat becoming electric guitar & keyboard in Animated;

    Cybertronian 4×4 assault vehciles in Fall & War of Cybertron

    where the cassettes became springloaded data  disks for the WfC version whilst in FoC Rumble & Frenzy got redone as pocket tanks:

    whilst in Prime Soundwave got his creepiest interpretation yet, as a sleek, silent enforcer who becomes a military drone with Lazerbeak as a remote…

    But the new Siege line has him becoming this:

    Great bot mode but not so much WfC  as  WTF…. It does have possibly the best version of Ravage & Lazerbeak outside of Masterpiece or 3rd party releases though:






    Seriously though, I’m impressed with your level of Transformers knowledge!

    Yeah I’m kind of jealous of current age Transformers. Though being able to compare the Transformers toys from then against modern, it makes me think that they were doing well back then. No ZBrush or 3D design programs, maybe basic CAD? If that?

    @woldenspoons did you play the card game? How was it? Megatron has been a tank for a while though. I have the Armada series (2002) Megatron, I’ve often thought I’d happily put him on the table in tank form in 40k.

    ha! Now I can do that, next turn he transforms and counts as a Knight!! Hahaha!!!




    Right, I’d say these two are done. Just a spray of varnish for protection, later. Tomorrow… maybe.

    The swords are intentionally very dark. I wanted them to look sinister: are they poisoned? Cursed? Infused with dark magic?


    Not too late for tips though! Any Comments, criticisms or questions?



    Just back after a couple of days away from the forums. Got some threads to go back through!


    Got my Goblins done! Next up is the scribe and goblin town scenery. However in the case of the latter I may stockpile it and get more to build a table


    @rayzryr Mondays… a day of leisure for me but the rest of the waking world toils in bemoaned agony. Reading that again it sounds like I might fit in with those dark elves you’ve got there. On the figures, I’d just kick the contrast up on the base a little. The edges of the stonework blend together a bit when you compare the boots. The edge highlighting for the green/black boots and gloves pull out the detail while remaining “dark”. Good show for the final work

    @evilstu Aha… I got in on that KS for the Berserker. I really enjoyed the project that was recently featured it as part of the diorama build. The music for Spawn actually got me to thinking about the Spawn toys. I’ve thought about getting some of the early ones but decided I have enough random stuff. In the vein of dark themed toy I still have a copy of Lucidique from McFarlane Toys in box on my wall. I think somewhere in the stuff I have in my brother’s care I might have a copy of one of the figures from Twisted Land of Oz. I might have one of the figures from Fewture models for Marilyn Manson with him as well.  I’ve moved so much its one of those things that I’m certain of what I can see in my current place.

    Some music from another comicbook antihero movie


    Cult of Games Member

    ooh … with a bit a luck I’ll be pickup at least one kickstarter pledge this week. I’m having it rerouted to a package pickup point in a shop, so Carnevale (that is if I am guessing correctly) probably will have to wait ’till next hobby weekender. And next week or so shipping of Nemesis will begin, so … I gots me Christmas presents already 😀

    Soundblaster … is it weird that the only thing I can think of is the soundcard for pc as opposed to Transformers ?
    Gone were the days of miserable beeps … we got actual music and sound effects.
    Hearing the impact of bullets on the canvas of  a Hurricane in Their Finest hour: Battle of Britain was cool.


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