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Hobby Weekender 16/11/2018 – Back before you can miss it!

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This topic contains 103 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    @mage well I did only specify steak, so steak & kidney is fair game 😉 But if we’re talking more American style pies then can you really go wrong with classic apple? (well, maybe if you add some berries to it…)

    And yes, modern Transformers are amazing! I’m eagerly awaiting when I can start buying them for my niece & nephew 🙂 whilst for the more… mature collector the world is your oyster:

    Third party-

    2016-04-03 09.18.482016-10-22 17.04.432016-07-02 14.05.232017-11-05 17.39.492018-01-20 21.01.50

    Official CHUG

    2018-04-22 22.33.412018-11-10 23.23.11

    2018-04-12 22.44.172018-04-12 22.48.03

    Or the latest lines like war for Ccybertron: Siege or Cyberverse


    Plus the immenent arrival of Bumblebee that looks to hew more to the G1 than Bayverse aesthetic…

    …well needless to say it’s a GOOD time to be a TF fan (well, apart from the end of the end of the IDW-verse as it stands)



    Oh, and here’s another from belter from those Hu lads

    and one of the greatest live performances of all time? quite possibly:


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer :

    I checked Amazon … and it is a horrible website for those of us not used to the internet.

    From what I can see the Dutch language version only has books. And it’s being handled by the Amazon.DE (German) storefront.
    Everything else requires a user who understands English

    There is a local equivalent ( ), but as I said I’m not sure if I can get my parents to use it.
    The rest of us sort of create lists of stuff we want already. The only thing we don’t do is make sure we have time to buy stuff.
    As I said … it usually sorts itself out, so I’m probably the only one worried as I’ve got the least amount of time to shop for gifts.


    Little kid dressed as ‘Black Pete’ singing with football fans

    yes … we have a large police presence at a flocking Childrens’ event because the *beeps* at the back decided to ‘protest’. The football fans decided those *beeps* should not ruin this happy day so they gathered in front of them.
    It kind of worked as you can see that the little kid wasn’t afraid of them at all.



    @dawfydd Great collection of Transformers. It makes me think back and want to hand off the original Negatron that I had as a kid that really did end up like a Ruger before the design got canned by Hasbro. The work you got third party reminds me of the HK work done to make custon GI Joes back in the mid-late 90s that kicked off the custom toy wave that led to companies specializing in them. For everybody I hand off info from Wikipedia on designer toys.

    My Plastic Heart


    Gunnzo (run by a really nice owner I surprised with a pretty rare trade when out in San Diego for a friend’s basic training graduation)

    Urban Collector

    Vinyl Pulse

    With the Mongolian music and the mention of food I think I might treat myself to some Mongolian barbeque literally just down the road.

    @evilstu I was reminded of the cool toys that would’ve been a treat as a kid in this last reply

    @limburger That sucks to hear that your options are so limited. It is funny to see the little boy dressed as Zwarte Piet leading the singing. Normally I’d think soccer chants would be a little more animated as large club followings would be gathered in huge crowds. I remember being in Italy and learning exactly what kind of rivalries there were in Seria A league play. Despite all the push for change of the holiday there I humbly ask that you enjoy some oliebollen for me. My mother was stationed in the Netherlands years ago and used to make it as a treat for the family when I was growing up.


    Cult of Games Member

    @querion you could be right – but then my sister and brother might be mad at me for all the lego that they have to store in their houses before their kids move out 😛 20 Silver Florins for responses.

    @limburger the battle systems stuff is great. Which sets/kickstarter did you end up getting? I have a  tonne of stuff for the dungeon one – really happy with it. Congratulations on the savings plan, hope when you decide to buy you can find something nice in a reasonably short time 🙂 heh, sounds like the Australian Amazon – I’m sure it will improve with time, the Aus one has only been operating this year so they’re probably just still sorting out the bugs and amassing vendors etc. 40 Silver Florins for responses.

    @woldenspoons heh, sundar roast and mcdonalds kind of sound polar opposites on the quality scale to me. Probably on the nutritional one too for that matter. Glad AoS games were fun. 30 Silver Florins for responses.

    @mage seems like you are working on or playing in a different game or setting every night of the week – This can only be a good thing 🙂 yes I can see where you’re coming from with the themed lego – the only thing I would have really liked with regard to lego as a kid was green bricks, which they didn’t have until much later (apparently they were concerned people would use them to build tanks).  Sale thread was here, this is the Aus mirror of a NZ site so postage to your side of the world would likely be prohibitive, but here you go:

    There is a thread up for BF sales elsewhere on the site. 50 Silver Florins for posts and responses.

    @rayzryr food and drink between the adults sounds like a really nice approach, especially if you get to share it with one another. Reminds me that one year my GF’s family did ‘food themed’ small gifts one year, so it was things like gourmet spices, cookbooks good coffee beans or cooking oils, all of which was somewhat practical and not too difficult to buy.  Heh yes with hollywood films being recycled so often now it’s not really surprising that toy franchises are getting the same treatment. Although with a few of them (I’m thinking Transformers and the marvel and DC comics ones here) they had quieter periods but never really went away…). yeah, pre-Christmas sales are to get the jump on your competitors boxing day sales. So now there are black friday sales ahead of the pre christmas sales. And singles day ahead of that. Give it three years and escalation will mean sales from March onwards 😛 Heh, still have a copy of Space Crusade. My neighbour had hero quest. both were lots of fun at the time. I don’t know where you found that ramen guy, I’m just grateful he doesn’t work in my office… 50 Silver Florins for posts and responses (and invoking nostalgia).

    @dawfydd Wolves look fantastic! and that’s a lot of dakka on the DW Kill-team. I’m assuming it’s for tactical flexibility in games? Otherwise just eyeballing it it looks like about 200 points worth. Mind you, bigger games could be a lot of fun 🙂 Nice that your Grey Hunters pack have a bit of a back story. I have a High Elves army sort of like that – actually nothing like that. I started in 5th ed Warhammer and I’m just a really slow painter (plus the army sort of got stupidly big on me over the last 20 years…). wow those are some shiny Transformers! I really must break my G1 ones out of storage and make sure they are ok/retouch if required. And yes, trying hard to think of a better live performance… If I get one that comes close I’ll put it up for consideration… Nope, still nothing 😉 70 Silver Florins for posts, tunes, collectible eye candy and progress.

    @voidifremoved welcome! Yes that 1000 Homo DJ’s cover is awesome. A Ministry side project featuring Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails on vocals covering Black Sabbath – how can you go wrong? 🙂 A T-rex that throws other dinosaurs? That sounds beyond awesome! My inner four year old is doing cartwheels at the thought. Re Army Painter primer rather than have me do a terrible job of explaining it I’ll just drop this link here from the Army Painter bootcamp:

    Getting Started Tips – Priming Your Army

    The whole weekend had great tips in it for batch painting armies if you ever feel like going back through it all. What mini are you working on? 30 Silver Florins for question responses

    @arkmechanicus welcome! Best of luck with the Fyreslayers, please keep us posted on progress (or throw up some pics 🙂 ). 20 Silver Florins for joining in and a hobby pledge.

    @horati0nosebl0wer yes it would probably be possible to fill a thread with nothing but Gary Numan covers if one were so inclined. heh, G1 Megatron was only legal for sale in one state in Australia because his alt mode looked so realistic. As I understand it you have still to get a special permit as a collector to import one. 30 Silver Florins for detailed posts and responses.



    Cult of Games Member

    My progress for today – base colours finished on the two cannons I’m working on, blocked out flesh tones on 20 assorted minis (I accidentally too much paint on the palette sand didn’t want to waste it…), cleaned up the lines a little on my battle standard bearer and took photos of my Fireforge foot soldiers, oe follows:


    So for my on-going Bretonnian project I think the next bit after the standard bearer will be to convert some questing knights up and then look at a couple of squads of proxy light cav and another block of mounted knights. Might need to reconvene with my friend after that to see what he thinks with regard to additional progress or options. I think he can probably filled close to about 7,000 points now and there are a bunch more archers and pegasus knights we still have to look at.

    Also had these ladies arrive in the post on Friday, really nice looking sculpts. I feel these might form the core of a force for Rangers of Shadow Deep…


    Beyond that, toying what to do next for Sharp Practice, and thinking of revisiting my WHFB High Elves in small manageable units rather than the massive chunks I have been working on historically… Really need to get that project list collated – I have Test of Honour kicking around too and haven’t even started on that one…



    @horati0nosebl0wer Megs is interesting – Hasbro raided two two lines for the first few years of the Transformers, Diaclone (most of the transforming vehicles) and Microman (anything that was a 1-1 version of a real item -Soundwave, Perceptor et al). The Microman line had a whole selection of Gun Robo’s based on various pistols, but for Megatron they didn’t just go with the base Gun Robo P-38, no they went for the UNCLE edition which was a (pretty damned accurate really) replica of the signature version of the pistol from The Man From UNCLE tv series with all it’s extra add-ons….

    @evilstu well partly I just wanted to get one Kill-team painted, but I’ve built plenty of options for loadouts:
    2018-08-11 11.36.47

    I’ve tried to build a decent core of Vets who are just armed with the base DW Bolter, then a spread armed with the Stalker-pattern, DW Shotgun, Stormbolters, combi and heavy weapons then an assortment with CC gear. Add Vanguard & Termies to flavour 🙂 .



    And snap @evilstu – I had some of those minis arrive in the last few weeks as well. Look good  don’t they 🙂



    Wow that’s many models @dawydd! Space wolves are looking good so far, good work!

    Strong work @evilstu

    I think i’m calling my Dwarves done, they’ve taken me about 3 weeks with real life interruptions, work etc .. on to assembling the Nightvault models, hopefully the ghosts can go a bit faster!


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd ok, so you have an option or 2 on hand, good to see 😉 had a comical mental image of you rocking up to your FLGS for a social game of Kill Team, your opponent asking what you were going to filed and you replying DW and unveiling the whole company 🙂 Yes, the Zealot minis are really clean casts and plenty of detail. Slow KS fulfillment due to the in-house manufacturing (which they are entirely up-front about mind you) but outstanding quality so I’m more than happy to wait. Looking forward to an excuse to getting started on them – too much batch painting of late, I need to work on something to start learning or improving better techniques. 10 Silver Florins.

    @arkmechanicus wow! those Fyreslayers are fantastic! great NMM, especially the helmets. And a nice rugged hue to the skin tone befitting their lore. If that’s the sort of standard you are setting for our forces then the 3 weeks for this lot was well spent, please take your time with the Nightvault minis – really keen to see what you can do with them! 30 Silver Florins for amazing hobby progress.



    Thanks @evilstu!

    So far it’s been somewhat mixed, a couple of the bands were a similar standard a couple I rushed a bit. The ghosts might be a might quicker, the wizard-stormcast will probably take even longer.

    I’ve been looking back and I think I bought Zealot miniatures first ever model about 8 years ago, tbh the finish was pretty poor back then. They look much better now, nice to see them doing well!


    Cult of Games Member

    @arkmechanicus those dwarves look so life like and not quite as cartoony as the pictures used by GW.

    I think it suits them perfectly. With this level of work you’ll be nominated for a golden button award in no time at all.

    oh … and 3 weeks is still a heck of a lot faster than my speed, which is more like a single brush stroke per month 😉

    @evilstu : I’ve got their recent space/sci-fi themed kickstarter and there’s also the core space kickstarter in the near future.
    So yeah … plenty of stuff and the design looked great, which is why I backed them.

    Current tracking says tuesday-ish, however unless they deliver at a pickup point I might not get to it before next weekend. 🙁

    @horati0nosebl0wer it usually sorts itself out though and us Dutch like to complain a lot 😉
    Oliebollen are great. My mother used to make them so we had a fresh batch to eat on new years’ eve.
    The best ones are done with currents.
    I recently discovered churros … those are damned tasty too.
    oh … and then there’s this delicious thing called “nonnevotten” (literal translation “nuns’ behinds”) which are similar to oliebollen and a little like donuts, except they look like this :


    I’d definitely would want a delivery service that could bring fresh batches of oliebollen, churros, nonnevotten and every other variant out there.

    And for those looking for more creamy and less dough there’s the “Bossche bol” :




    I was not aware that I was in with hardcore Transformer enthusiasts. It makes sense as far as having collections of other figures like we all gather to show off.

    @evilstu Good looking unit. Could you get another pic of what you picked up from Zealot? I can’t unmount my monitor to get a better look (not for a lack of trying). As far as the Megatron I’m really surprised about requiring a permit for the toy. I agree that it did look very real as @dawfydd explained the reason for. I think that the legislation is a little much.

    @dawfydd I salute your enthusiasm for your hobby and the depth of knowledge you maintain. I can’t say that I’ve been terribly deep with the hobby knowledge as there are so many things to have some tidbit of information on. A trashcan mind with a little bit of everything works pretty good so far for me. As far as the Kill Team options it looks like buying a small 40K army without committing to anything outside of a squad. I’ll hand GW my money in small increments for single purchases here and there. I’ll scour the secondhand market to bits for bitz on the otherhand for kitbashing.

    @arkmechanicus That is a great paint job. What were you using for the photograph as far as camera/lighting?

    @limburger Churros! Lol. You would not lack for them in my area of the country. Plenty of places to get them but you just need to find the right places to purchase good ones. As for the rest of the food porn you have gotten my upvote. That’s it, off to the Netherlands with me to find love… and it will be in the form of confection bliss.

    Thinking about it and poor @woldenspoons alone in the wilds without Burger King.





    I can get to BK. It’s just a two hour round trip bus journey. Totally worth it haha.

    Hobby wise I’ve been wish listing for if I won the lottery. Blackstone Fortress, Reich Busters and Here’s Negan at the top of the List.



    @voidifremoved a dinosaur-throwing-dinosaur… that sounds so awesome! I do wish that’d been around when I was young!

    I’ve not had a problem with AP sprays, other than the Matt Varnish recently. But I put that down to temperature/ humidity where I live at the moment. That’s usually what does it with most sprays, or spraying a second coat before the first has dried properly.

    Hello @arkmechanicus geez, nice work on the dwarves! Your NMM skill is strong ?

    @limburger I never found out about Advanced Hero Quest until it was gone. It never hit regular toy stores here in Australia. But then we got a copy of Warhammer Quest which was like Hero Quest v3.0 and we played the hell out of it.

    @dawfydd great looking wolves, and the DW is coming along well.

    That’s some really cool info on the Transformers and Megatron specifically. Also, @evilstu I never knew that about G1 Meg. I had vaguely wondered why I’d never seen one Ever here in Oz.

    @linburger I think the image explains it better why we have the legal restriction:


    I found this image last night and stared at it for a minute wondering why they had a picture of Megatron in with a toy gun… (it was late… ?)

    @evilstu my original Space Crusade got mixed in with other another family members set. At one time we had three sets amongst us. Now I have the remnants of one set ? did you have the New Zealand print, or the other print?

    Those foot soldiers are looking great too.



    Last night I went and saw a friend and had my first game of Kill Team!

    The short version: I like it more than standard 40k. It’s still 40k-ish but with more alternating activation, I never feel like I couldn’t respond or actively push my objective.

    The longer version:

    I used an Ork mob. Having not played before I decided to go with the “More is More” approach. It took the most amount of Boyz I could, a Nob with a Large Choppa and a Burna Boy with a Burna. I ended up with 14 models on the table, but very few special weapons.

    We used basic rules, no Command Points or Environmental rules or anything like that.

    LP used Necrons, with 4 Immortals, 2 Flayed Ones and a Deathmark as his Leader.

    We played the Sweep and Clear mission. I set up my mob mostly in cover but as far forward as possible, and already holding 1 objective.

    LP set up in a trench line with most of his troops, bar the Flayed Ones who started at the back of the board.

    I won initiative for the first turn.

    I advanced most of mob. I had Slugga/Choppa Boyz three in front as meat shields, hoping they’d draw fire. The rest moved up to start shooting. My Nob moved into position to charge next turn. I claimed a second objective.

    Shooting was expectedly dismal for my Orks. I was having to roll 6’s to hit on BS all game. Ork shooting isn’t renowned for a reason.

    LP ignored my meat shield, as I had “cleverly” left clear firing lanes right to my Nob. He died first turn.

    Close combat was better for the Orks, clearly that’s where they need to be. Since he had ignored the meat shield they charged in in turn 2.

    The Burna boy struck a Flayed One in half with his Burna set to “Cut” and in subsequent rounds LP pulled his models out of combat so that he could keep shooting.

    One of the Immortals should have died twice over, I rolled 6’s on the Injury roll’s. But Necron Reanimation kicks in if their opponent rolls a 6 and they’re right as rain! So, roll 5’s to kill Necrons.

    Things were looking ok, until the weight of casualties and flesh wounds took their toll. By turn three I had about 5 casualties. My team was Broken in turn 4. If it hadn’t broken it would have been a draw, if the game had ended in turn 3 I may have won. (Random game length mission)

    So I lost, but I had fun doing it. I’ll look at getting some better weapons in my crew I think, drop a few of the expendable.

    I’ve looked at Astartes and Heretic Astartes, but they seem kinda mediocre. I could get all thematic with a Aspiring Champion and a bunch of Cultists. I’d be more interested if there were more rules for them like the Death Guard or Thousand Sons get.


    Any way, back to the Elves!

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