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Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's

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This topic contains 109 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  woldenspoons 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    To all those that haven’t seen me in a while… I’m not dead yet. I do however feel just a step of two away from it from overnight 12s. I’m getting a little bit of hobby in for today with touching up on the Eldar after some motivation from YouTube. Sometimes long hours of tedium can yield positive results.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer you aren’t supposed to go encouraging me like that 😛

    @rayzryr Take it you have had a chance to check out Blade Runner 2049 by now too? I’m keen to put together a cyberpunk table one day for the Afterlife game (and possibly Human Interface if it eve lands…). Gloomhaven sounds intense. Some of my friends have been playing a fair bit and they are fans of it.

    @limburger wow, that vid takes me back… Agree re big point investment models in games. Occasionally @llandorin and I  will get the chance to play a stupidly big game of WHFB 8th edition (4,000 to 5,000 points – so several hundred minis for each army and sometimes 2 hours to unpack/setup and deploy) and we’ll never use named characters and only occasionally bring one big monster to the table. Can’t imagine sinking such a huge component of your resources into one mini – as you said would distort the game too much. But then I guess it is nice to give people the option of playing out narrative games or replaying classic narrative battles so to each their own 🙂

    @tuffyears LOL! Yeah I guess Abbadon is a busy man and must get around to attend to his varied nefarious schemes. In defence of the avid collectors out there however, the new model is stupidly good – can’t wait to see how people paint him up.

    @woldenspoons no Abaddon? careful or the Lodge shall revoke your membership ;-P

    @sundancer best of luck sourcing the rest of your components – maybe keep an eye on EBay or similar to see if people are selling a big box of old unwanted stuff they are too lazy to sort? That’s how I get most of my minis nowadays 😉

    @horati0nosebl0wer Overnight 12’s…? bait and Switch indeed. Good job on not being dead – please keep that up 🙂 Good video, rings true. Thanks for sharing.

    OK Team, will post awards etc later – in the meantime, new thread is up:

    Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu what? I’m just helping 😉



    @evilstu I can’t say. ?

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