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Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's

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This topic contains 109 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  woldenspoons 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @robert : that is the image of a toy store, right ? 😉

    @sundancer : I thought you didn’t want yet another system ?


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger I don’t… but I can ask about can’t I? XD



    @sundancer haha busted!


    Cult of Games Member

    You can’t prove anything! Still haven bought a new system. And I won’t do. Unless I suddenly become filthy rich or something.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer : that’s how it starts.

    First there’s questions.

    Then there’s browsing.

    And it all ends in buying …


    Cult of Games Member

    But there is no M*A*S*H miniature game….



    Isn’t it Bolt Action or Flames if War?

    One medic in a dress, field hospital and jeeps, jeeps everywhere.


    Cult of Games Member

    No, no, I wasn’t going for “games with similar settings” but a real conversion of the Series to a game. No “you could write your own rules” or something… But I guess M*A*S*H just was to early for a proper tabletop system XD



    I’m either missing the joke, or I am seriously misremembering the M*A*S*H tv series.


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert I’m not joking and I don’t think you’re missing anything here. I just wanted to see how they would to a miniature game with all the characters from the show and not a “generic” korean war game. 🙂


    WOOT!!! My Kickstarter for Brutality has arrived! I had given up on getting much new and shiny stuff in but this is awesome! Yes, I’m excited to see that the game came in. I have new miniatures for a boardgame that I will try and get others to play with me. I could just leave the figures a plain grey plastic…… but what fun would that be?


    I also got in one of those resin Ork Warboss figures from fleabaythat somebody was selling for a song so it will be converted to become my Blood Bowl manager.

    @blinky465 PLA is probably a goot bet to try out. I know from my own modelling that ABS is really easy to melt I’ve taken .1mm plasticard and made capes out of it with minimal heat above a candle. I assume the first test of changing materials is definitely cheaper than anything else

    @kiranamida Sounds good to have the conversion for options. I’m almost done with one of the scrap tanks from Kromlech that I’ll send off to one of my brothers for his bday that has multiple weapon options. Best to get magnets in there to offer variety. It also works with other figures to give whole kits varied play life. I sold a Hordes Dire Troll to @woldenspoons that had all three options for Mauler, Bomber and Blitzer available with the magnet work.

    @sundancer I don’t know if there was a M*A*S*H game but I know there was a huge plastic playset I had as a kid with all the tents and huts. It was great for playing around with my GI Joes. Now about that other system I keep hearing about. You might want to check it out. You can always make more room for it eventhough 75mm or 1/35 scale figures might be better suited for it. Your daughter isn’t as small as she used to be but she is pint sized … lol


    @limburger If that is a toy store I think I might need to jump back to the last thread for the 90s and live in the movie “Toys”.



    @horati0nosebl0wer I don’t remember that. Funny enough I did use to have Trollbloods. They were great fun for throwing things around and headbutting robots.


    @woldenspoons Doh! My bad. I forgot but just remembered that I sent that off to @biggabum. He sent me a pleasant response that Matty had claimed it immediately once the package got opened.

    Its a bit of a task to remember what packages get sent where in the world to whom sometimes. Playing Santa Claus will require a secretary in future.


    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears nice investment! Best of luck with the advice recollection 🙂 20 points.

    @sundancer no game as far as I’m aware. Easy way to resolve MASH and a new system – just set up a mobile field hospital for your Legion troopers 🙂 20 points.

    @blinky465 /giggling. Although to be pedantic I think a few of the video clips parodied were from 86 and 87… 😛 Best of luck with the new printer – looking forward to seeing what you can do terrain-wise in support of the He-Man push. 20 points.

    @robert sensational work! Do you have room for a workbench set aside in the area? 30 points for hobby progress.

    @mage have to agree with 7th ed WHFB – I really liked 6th ed and 7th I felt was more of a fine tune whereas 8th ed was more of a rebuild if that makes sense? ^th was nice in that nearly all armies (everyone except Chaos Dwarves) got an army book, but over the span of the game and taking account of power creep the later armies (Brets) were much more ‘competitive’ than their earlier released (orcs, dwarves, empire) competitors. On reflection however some of that may have been due to intentional future proofing with regard to 7th ed being on the product release horizon. Yeah poor Matt Ward has copped a lot about the Daemons army book, but I wonder how much of it was his product and how much was edited, amended or revised prior to release in line with product shifting directions from elsewhere in the organisation.  yeah I remember Warmachine really taking off in that time. Probably another contributing factor to the decline in WHFB. 30 points for detailed response.

    @limburger I’m sure @robert will be able to give you a few pointers once you get a dedicated space set up 😉 20 points for responses.

    @horati0nosebl0wer shiny loot! Just been looking around on the KS page for the project – wow, those are some fun looking minis. Should be an absolute riot to paint 🙂 30 points for responses.

    Apologies team for the brevity of my responses, presently grappling with a tension headache that I can’t seem to shake so keen to minimise time hunched in front of a keyboard ;-P Going to go drink lots of water and do some stretches an see if I can get this sorted 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    Got the lads and ladies of my Cadian Defence Force box done (sneak peek of the Chimera in the background, had to stop as I working sat in bed and I’m pretty sure my wife would not have appreciated me firing up the dremel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
    AM Troops

    Close up of the Mortar team that I am particularly happy with.
    Mortar Team

    Next weekend, armour support.

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