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Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's

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This topic contains 109 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  woldenspoons 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    @dawfydd Agreed on painting goal for the week. My mood’s been shot between packing and questioning a lot of things from conversation with a friend. In all honesty I think I’ll sling a little paint here and there but not as a sit down devoted session as I might have otherwise with the upcoming schedule from hell.

    On the plus side, I found a place to move into when my lease is up in my current place. One of the guys I’ve worked with was kicking out a roommate and he’d be cool to have me move in at about what I pay now in rent. Its a great relief to have that as he knows what we both make (since he’s getting a better paying job) and won’t rake me over the coals. Rent in my area’s gotten crazy over the past few years with no end in sight. On with getting things boxed for May.

    Another point of interest was catching @theterraintutor ‘s live feed before the end of work. Definitely glad for him and his progression into bigger and better things to include his upcoming Adepticon attendance.

    Good show on the building.

    @evilstu Like @dawfydd said you should stay for the entire ride. Really, it does a bang up job at lampooning the entirety of anime as it jumps to touch on all genres with cliches and tropes. What kicks everything over the edge is the spiritual sequel Puni Puni Poemi. Now, THAT goes overboard for its final episode.

    @limburger It might’ve been funny at some point but the cringe just got me as I’ve gamed around people like that. Conversations that definitely grated slightly when my interlocutor got ’serious’ about their geekery. Sometimes the deep fluff makes it easy to understand the mouthbreathing. One might be suffocating from it.

    @sundancer 7 hours is a German quickie? Note to self… cardio cardio cardio. As far as Star Wars I fondly remember watching Empire Strikes Back on VHS long ago and all the white turned blue from age. *sigh * The little things, like tracking, that the modern versions don’t need to worry about. I hope that you and your little lady had a pleasant time of it. Now about the photo… is there need of a caption reading “I’m sooooo drunk” ?

    @mage Now that everything’s settled and you’re not attempting to fire your insides from both ends life is good again.

    @blinky465 Good luck with the printing. With long print times it shouldn’t be, hypothetically, a heat issue as your extruder would already be warmed up. Does your feed not go fast enough? Thinking about things from a lateral view of MIG welding it could be the feeding speed that gets it bound up from either being too fast or too slow.

    Caught up… and I’m spent. Time to play some Punch Club on Steam.


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger no, It’s a dead Imperial Guardsman. That’s the wrong torso I had in the box and FFG send me a new torso (but only the torso) so I had a torso with feet and some dress up front…  there will be more squishy bits and paint… XD


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer no, it was meant to be a quick match… but my friend is even less confident with the rules than I am so we had to do a lot of reading up 😉

    And when I’m finished with the poor dude (see “squishy bits” in post above) I don’t think the “I’m so drunk” captation will still apply XD


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer – I think the issue is not so much at the hot end, but heat creeping up the filament into the “cold end”; my extruding stepper motor is directly above the heater block and it’s getting really, really hot (almost burn your fingers-to-touch hot). So when the filament is being driven through the gear, instead of pushing it towards the hot end, it’s just going all melt-y and squidgy and not actually being pushed forward.

    I may be wrong. I’ve got my eye on a Prusa i3 clone on fleabay. But before I go crazy, I think I’ll get some PLA and try that (instead of ABS) and see if I can’t get *something* that resembles more than spaghetti out of it!


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert: I did see it that. I followed the Great War channel over the last few years so nice to see Indy is up trouble again as well. It’s on my list to catch up on as I had a busy weekend.

    @horati0nosebl0wer: I saw this also. So many kickstarters, so few paychecks… T-T

    I did however manage to find time to finish adding all the accessories to my AM Guard squads and even make a start on the accompanying Chimera and converting it for magnetised weapons. I must take some piccie wiccies when I get home tonight.


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey Team, smashed for time so quick catch-up:

    @sundancer – 7 hours? I’ve played in shorter tournaments. …of Warhammer Fantasy…. Were the games practice for the upcoming tournament or just more fun social games? 40 points.

    @robert cheers 🙂 10 points

    @dawfydd thanks will give both a go when I find a gap in the viewing schedule. Heh saw LDR and bookmarked. Just finished Altered Carbon yesterday so it was well timed. Otherwise I would have ended up watching Frontier and got inspired to do some French Indian War 28mm stuff… Wow, nice detail on the new minis. 40 points.

    @mage glad you are on the mend 🙂 Have fun playing with your little one 🙂 Completely missed Starlink. Ah it’s a PC/console game – was wondering how a spacefleet mini game had slipped by under the radar as it were 😉 20 points.

    @blinky465 will post some ideas in a bit… 🙂 20 points.

    @woldenspoons I’m just impressed he’s had the willpower to stop at one box having seen those minis 🙂 10 points.

    @limburger glad the Plog is keeping you motivated 🙂 Oooh wonderful detail to paint up on that Troggoth 🙂 20 points.

    @horati0nosebl0wer congrats on lining up a place 🙂 Yes will get back to it at some stage I’m sure 🙂 20 points.

    @kiranamida will heartily second that KS call 🙂 So many shiny minis available nowadays. I’ve pretty much managed to contain myself to select historical and fantasy so I can avoid a lot of the temptation, but I do feel for those gamers who play sci-fi and pulp/horror games as well – or the display miniature painting crowd – must be dreadfully difficult to have to pick what you can actually back 🙂 10 points.


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu both. We didn’t go overboard with measuring and stuff but we both will attend the tournament in 2 weeks here. And even though I won this match by a large margin I know that Wolfgang will be better then me at the tournament. It’s just his way of treating people… “you sure you want to use *that* unit?” 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 ah ok, bit more detail in your second post. So sounds like it’s a combination of 2 issues – build plate adhesion and heat creep.

    Heat creep – as you suggested try switching from ABS to PLA. I use PLA with a build plate temp of 50 degrees and hotend at 210 with no issues (Presently running a Prusa I3 Mk2). Had terrible issues however with heat creep on my first printer years ago (an I3 clone kit) – Inside in the tube in your hotend there should be a teflon sleeve. If there is additional heat buildup above the hotend then it could be that this sleeve has been damaged/split and the heat flowing back up the feeder tube and  most likely melting the plastic before it can even reach the hotend, stopping anything from feeding out on longer jobs. May need replacing. Alternatively, maybe try mounting an extra fan or heat sink on the hotend to dissipate some of the surplus heat? Although for a few dollars for a small roll of PLA I’d probably try that first before you went modding your hotend…

    For the build plate adhesion it looked from your earlier shots like you were printing a raft under the model, possibly using slic3r? If you have Cura (or are happy enough losing the couple of hundred meg of drive space to download and install it) try printing a job with build plate adhesion selected – it adds a small skirt to the bottom of the model to bind it to the build plate and reduces chances of the corners of the model retracting as the layers cool (switching to PLA may also help a little as there’s a lower temperature differential to the ambient environment). Just bear in mind that the model may be harder to remove than you are used to – I usually heat up my build plate to 55 degrees (again, I’m using PLA) and let it sit for a few minutes, then using a small sharp chisel carefully slide it under the corner of the model and lift off the build plate.

    To get things to stick down I’ve tried painters tape, several glues (some will improve adhesion, some will make it nearly impossible to remove the job from the print bed once finished…) and finally settled on a cheap can of hairspray I had kicking about to use to varnish parts mid-paintjob. If you are going to use hairspray use very sparingly – a quick two tenths of a second spray to the centre of the build plate from 40cm back will likely be more than adequate – any more and you will have a great print result aht you have no way of recovering from the print bed 🙂

    Aside from that I’m guessing you have checked all the usual things – relevelled the print bed, checked Z axis alignment etc?

    But yeah, maybe try some PLA before you pull the trigger on a new printer. Worst case scenario it ill give you a bit more info with regard to what you are seeking when you upgrade.)

    Best of luck, please let us know how you are getting on!



    Cult of Games Member

    Your all in the ‘oo, I’m stepping back to  ’85 with team yankee. Just ordered Charlies chieftains box set


    Cult of Games Member

    Was there ever a M*A*S*H miniature game?


    Cult of Games Member

    @johnlyons gave me some advice back last year about team yankee british. But I have swam around the bowl a few times and have forgotten what he said


    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears – couldn’t resist:


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for the detailed response, @evilstu. I’m definitely investigating PLA.

    I also got a bit impatient and pulled the trigger on a Prusa i3 clone off fleabay, just in case (after seeing one in action at the local Barclays Eagle Labs, I figured there’s not an awful lot to go wrong with it, so was worth a punt). In the meantime, Jon at Eagle Lab Brighton is printing my Castle Grayskull facia (I’ll build the rest of the castle using “traditional” methods, but he’s printing the skull face and drawbridge to save my terrible modelling/sculpting skills!).

    I’m in for an 8 hour print just for one part, so it probably won’t be ready ’til Weds at the earliest….



    Starting to see light at the end of the tunnel now with getting all my stuff organised and have found a project that I want to get finished.  Sarissa Precision Rolling Stock, which it is very 1930s LNER and LMS in my uneducated opinion.  Still can’t find the sand for my Arabs though…




    2. What were your favourite hobby or gaming releases of the decade? What games did you play most or enjoy most from this period of time?

    When you think about wargaming, jeez, lots came and went. This is a tough one. I thoroughly enjoyed the seventh edition of Warhammer: Fantasy Battle. It was a refinement as well as an enhancement of the previous sixth edition, which fixed a bunch of things that were frankly bonkers about fifth edition, which was quite bonkers. So, it was quite good and more balanced than 40k with the exception of some of the Codex Books (Matt Wards Daemon Army Book was particularly notorious, making the army invincible with some builds). Sadly during this time the Specialist Games and GW kinda went downhill so it is hard to put a finger on my favourite gaming release.

    I was very fond of Warmachine MKII, it was an excellent game to play, but when the third edition came out it kind of put me off the entire company (as well as some of their sudden and unexpected Draconian behaviour on the forums). But that was in more recent years.

    I’m pushed to say what my favourite gaming and hobby releases are. I guess the rise of the army painter? I’m not a fan of their warpaints with the exception of their metallics and dropper bottle tones, and loved their primers as well as their spray varnish. It also forced, I think, GW to start doing their own colour spray cans again outside of black and white.

    Also, I liked the improving plastic technology of GW.

    As for games I played the most? WHFB. And games I enjoyed the most? Also WHFB. I played 40k a lot up til College, and afterward, while I still played it, there was nothing I played, enjoyed nor completed with more than Warhammer Fantasy Battles. I knew the rules well, did ok at tournaments, loved my Daemon army (and I did not do a cheesey list), knew how it worked and did well enough with it. In contrast 40k had worse balance issues and I progressively tried to play and like it more: attending more events, doing progressively worse (not playing a lot and refusing to buy as more powerful books and metas emerged did not help) and disliking the competitive gaming scene put me off the game for a time.

    It was a decade of ups and downs, haha. Fantasy, despite an overpowered book or two during seventh ed’s time, was pretty good. Some of the pricing, design choices (Empire models spring to mind), releases (no updated Bretonnians), model size increases (and thus transport to events) limitations of the base size for rank and file, as well as the high by in for new gamers sadly led to the games downfall. There were other factors, but these things did not help either.

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