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Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's

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This topic contains 109 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  woldenspoons 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    @robert How strange.i am on a high after the rugby ?



    @woldenspoons congrats on the slam!


    Cult of Games Member

    So I’m guessing @woldenspoons team won and @robert ‘s team lost ? 😉



    Cult of Games Member

    Did I read that right ? 13 – 0 ? *ouch*

    Was there an opposing team at all ? 😉
    Or can rugby scores go that high during competitions ?



    I do not know what you were reading @limburger but it was Wales 25 to Ireland 7



    1. ‘…what books, movies, comics, TV series or anime from the 2000’s surprised you or was most memorable?


    The 2000s had some solid TV shows to be fair. You had Star Trek Enterprise which got off to a shaky start but progressively came along and got cancelled before it could hit its full stride. We had long lasting and very popular sitcoms with The Big Bang Theory, Community, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, How I Met Your Mother, 30 Rock, Modern Family, technically Family Guy (started in 1999, last a few years and then got cancelled for a few years ago), American Dad and Two and a Half Men.

    Shows that had big stars, made big stars, reinvigorated careers but also in some cases may have lasted a little too long.

    There were also some pretty cool shows like The Shield, Dexter, and Sons of Anarchy. I kind of fell out of watching TV shows a bit with starting my current job, adjusting to shift work, and kind of doing more with my life so this write-up wont be as long as some of the others.

    What I will say about this era though was the ugly, ugly rise of the Reality TV Show… I don’t want to name any of them… I mean… The Emperor Protects.



    1. ‘…what books, movies, comics, TV series or anime from the 2000’s surprised you or was most memorable?


    There were some good anime around here. Full Metal Panic showed us Mecha could be slightly more realistic, military and not ‘fly around in space like action figures ignoring physics.’ Some awesome stuff here to be fair.

    Deathnote, man if you never heard of it. Basically, this daemon gets bored, and drops a book down to earth and a mortal finds it. The mortal uses it to test it, and then, with their new found sense of power, already high intelligence and sense of morals decides to brutally change the world:

     The notebook has 60 pages with 38 lines per page. If you write small, you can cram in as many names as you want.
     The Shinigami’s voice and form will go completely unnoticed by others.
     In return for letting you keep the notebook, the Shinigami may take it back at any time.
     Those who do not wish to be followed by the Shinigami can get rid of him simply by giving the notebook back or throwing it away.
     It is up to the owner to decide how to use the notebook — whether it be for world conquest, getting rid of that one guy, or choosing to not keep such a terrifying item.
     This Death Note can only be used by the one who found it. If the owner throws it away or loses it, the right of ownership is automatically transferred to whoever next picks it up.
     One must know the face of the person whose name is written down for there to be an effect. That way, people with the same names will not be affected all at once.
     If you write a cause of death after the name like this: (Name) died from (cause), then that will happen.
     You can write with any pen: the color doesn’t matter. If you use a sticker with a name printed on it, there will be no effect. Please write directly onto the notebook. It would be a good idea to change your handwriting as much as possible.
     These letters cannot be erased. (Arrow pointed at the words “Death Note” on the cover.)
     If the cover is destroyed, the notebook cannot be used.
     Be careful not to let other people see it.
     You will not die if you write your name here, but it is not recommended. (Arrow pointed at the cover.)
     When you run out of room to write in the notebook, you may ask the original Shinigami owner for another. How many Death Notes would you need?

    Apparently more ‘pages’ of the rules for the book were released. Also, someone somewhere in Belgium was murdered and found with a Prop Deathnote beside them. If you go to the Deathnote Wikipedia page the last section concerns copycats and replicas. A scary read to be honest when you think about it.

    Bleach was also a huge beast that ran for a long time before kind of just, fading away. There have been some interesting youtube videos about the rise and fall of Bleach as well as the creators issues with the owners of Shonen Jump, as well as hints about Bleach coming back. Especially after the success of the Live Action movie recently released on Netflix. I loved this show because it started in the real world, introduced us to the supernatural and likeable, relatable and not-perfect characters from the get go. As the conditions worsen and the supernatural horrors get worse and more and more people start to see them, their friendships become closer. Toward the end of the series, one of their friends is kidnapped. From their the rest plan a rescue mission into the afterlife to go after her, but things get tougher and more difficult as it progresses which leads to a murder and conspiracy being discovered. Very exciting stuff. More and more cool, uniquely designed and interesting characters get introduced too so its very enjoyable. The only problem is the filler seasons that were made up as the anime caught up to the manga too quickly.

    Fullmetal Alchemist was also good, I think someone else touched on it elsewhere so I wont blather on about it.

    Guyver was also great. A Teenager finds an alien device which lets him transform into an enhanced alien warrior. It is a remake of an earlier anime and even earlier manga. Incredibly violent and bloody. I probably should not have watched the original when I was like… eight. So, it turns out there is this Company behind a bunch of other companies all around the world. They kidnap people, surgically modify them and turn them into Zoanoids

    There are people who can transform into a monster, and is where our myth of Werewolves and such comes from. These soldiers enact the companies will all across the planet. So, yeah, they go after the guyver units which are highly valuable and far more powerful than Zoanoids. They go after Sho, the main character, his friends, and family. They even kidnap his dad, turn him into a Zoanoid designed to specifically kill Guyvers and force them to kill each other. So yeah, a few episodes in, the main character dies. He manages to regenerate from the Guyver control unit. He is fleeing the main building after coming back to life with one of his childhood friends and the dialogue goes like this:

    Sho (super terrified on the verge of an existential crisis): Am I really me? Am I a clone? What am I?

    Tetsuro (super frustrated while the building is collapsed): You remember everything he did right?!?!?!

    Sho: Uh… yes…

    Tetsuro: Then that’s good enough for me! Lets GO!!!



    @evilstu I’m with you on the whole fell out of watching stuff. I still haven’t watched Sons of Anarchy, more than a couple of episodes of the Shield & Dexter. Netflix,Amazon Prime and Sky+ are a godsend in staying current.

    Good shout on Enterprise as well – I always dug that show, even in the first couple of seasons when it was at it’s nadir you could see they were trying. Season 4 was amazing though, I just wish they had set the series finales framing device at the point Riker is taking command of Titan, rather than during The Pegasus, an episode that had aired 15 years earlier >_< (but bless Jonathon Frakes & Marina Sirtis for trying)….

    Oh, and I’ve abandoned my painting goals for this weekend as my back is still  pretty FUBAR. Instead I’ve been getting in some more time in Battletechs Flashpoint missions – a lot of fun and it’s been cool ot be at a point where going for max salvage rights when negotiating contracts is working out waaay more lucrative. On average i’m getting a couple of mech’s completed that far exceed the pay that was on offer 😀 Also, got to do Justin Allard a solid, so that was cool

    Also started in on Shadowspear building the Vanguard. Didn;t like the Captain’s Shouty McShoutface so found I had a spare from the plastic Terminator Captain wit ha respirator that looks just right & tactical…

    2019-03-16 21.40.18

    Still a bit of a ways to go but going to crack on tomorrow with getting the loyalists built


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage lol … I had totally missed the score at the start of the article and only saw a mention of 13-0 somewhere.

    I’ve seen Guyver. Not sure about what version (wiki says ’86) and how many episodes though. Definitely remember those monsters.
    Definitely not a kidfriendly cartoon LOL, but then there was this misconception in the west that animated series were for kids. I’m glad that has changed in part due to anime and the likes of Shrek (2001 … ).

    Enterprise … I think whoever managed that series deserves a special place in hell. We start with a cool concept (pre-Federation, limited tech, a bit of racism/xenophobia) and then they manage to flock it up by doing the following :

    • introducing the ‘time war’ (silly concept)
    • making tech too normal too fast (transporters went from dangerous to standard in a single episode, but medical tech remained primitive because they needed an excuse for nudity … )
    • trying to explain a ton of Trek history like the human looking Klingons from the Original series

    The only ‘good’ thing about the storyline in which they went after the suliban (sp?) after they had attacked Earth was that we got to see the Archer stop being so bleedin’ nice …

    And don’t get me started on the theme song. It was fit for a soap opera or ‘little house on the prairie’ or something similar sacharine.


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer I made it about 7 episodes into Excel Saga. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed what I saw but I think the fact that they were constantly striving to outdo things with each consecutive episode meant that I just decided to tap out for the sake of my sanity 🙂 Oooh Combichrist! I’d had those guys on high rotation at the time – great driving music for late nights.  The earlier Icon of Coil are still one of my favourite groups 🙂 Best of luck with the Eldar, hope the project isn’t too gruelling… 40 points for pledge and responses.

    @dawfydd Highlander 2 high art?…. wow, that really doesn’t bode well for Avatar…. /shudders. I actually have SAC on DVD and just haven’t had the time to watch. I think it’s probably because it’s an English sub so I can’t really watch and paint at the same time without losing the thread. Will get back onto it at some stage 🙂 Yes shows like Sons of Anarchy or Breaking Bad are probably just a little too intense for me to unwind with. I’m happy for a show to be tense, gritty or grounded in realism but when it’s all three I can’t watch it to unwind, if that makes sense? Good to hear that Shadowspear is already in hand 🙂 Wow, GW don’t mess around with their release schedules.. 30 points for responses and hobby progress.

    @limburger I her what you are saying on TV shows all tending towards the same format as time goes on. I used to see the same thing with local bands. They would record an EP that a friend of the bass player would produce for them in a $300 studio and it would sound innovative, new and interesting. You were genuinely excited by the sound. The follow-up EP they had possibly scraped together a bit more cash, got some better instruments and the sound quality was great. Then they get a break and get signed to a major record label, get put in the high end production studio where the sound of the band gets phased out and they end up sounding like overproduced radio pop nonsense 🙁 Same with TV I’m afraid – the longer the show goes on the more they aim for the ‘middle ground’ I guess… Good rant 🙂 And FYI I’ve seen Rugby games with a 100 point blowout in the final score 😉 30 points for post responses.

    @woldenspoons wow! Much assemblage! Well done there. Blast! Didn’t need to hear about the Mantic sale 😛 Some nice stuff discounted too…. 30 points for hobby progress and responses.

    @sundancer yeah that’s understandable – reading them in English would probably be a bit of a grind given how complex the story is and the number of characters etc. You want to be able to unwind in your limited free time instead 🙂 10 points.

    @robert congrats on the shed progress. Bad news on the missing sand but nice score on the FG scatter 🙂 30 points for hobby progress and responses to others.

    @kiranamida 28mm is great for repurposing between game systems, which is handy as it gets difficult to store really quick. I guess the nice thing about gaming in European theatres is that some any of the buildings/walls can be immediately re-used in a high fantasy setting. heh, the allure of smaller scale gaming for massed battles is pretty strong. I’ve personally been looking at 10mm as it lined up with the old Warmaster rules set, and there are plenty of manufacturers out there for fantasy, ancients and Napoleonics. 15mm does sound a lot easier to paint though 🙂 20 points for responses to others.

    @blinky465 I feel your pain 🙂 I use hairspray on the build plate to improve adhesion, like your friend suggested. You can also use the screw-top sticks of paper glue that kids use at primary school to try and pin things down on the plate… Maybe try a smaller print-job until you can lock down the problem? 20 points for hobby progress, best of luck!

    @mage again excellent responses. I keep getting surprised at how many shows I keep forgetting about until someone has posted to remind me. Like most of your list 🙂 Did they remake Guyver? man I’m out of touch 😛 30 points for detailed question responses.

    OK, back to Middenheim for me – going to aim to get them finished this week…


    Page 2.. and some sleep before more later

    @dawfydd Yoko Kanno definitely did the random thing of travel with little to know English knowledge in her trek for the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack. I gifted it to some friends long ago after enjoying it myself for a while. The Macross Plus OST was great for another piece of great composition.

    Another bit of great orchestral work for gaming would have been Onimusha 2

    @limburger There was a reason to like The Big Bang Theory? Episode one turned me off of the whole thing in how awfully awkward it was without reason.

    @woldenspoons Jeez. Yes, you did hobby. Damn man, out of the blue with stuff to show off.

    @rober Lol.. coffee, beards and checkered shirts does not make the hipster. The underlying attitude I think is what was the issue. You are here and are willing to share without pretense. In my book, a great mark against being a hipster douche-canoe

    @kiranamida The latest iteration of the book on offer in Kickstarter from @theterraintutor would be dangerous to just put out the info for your building terrain.

    @blinky465 Perhaps its cooling quicker than its should? It is the season of being chilly and might explain the extruding issue for your print. I think there’s a printing forum here and I know that @evilstu has dealt with his share of print failure.

    You can still reuse the stuff


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer I kind of liked it as the jokes about geek culture were funny (in a ‘ha ha’ Nelson kind of way, never ROTFLMAO style). And there were a few assets in the show *wink* *wink*

    The recent episode (apparently ‘new season’ magically started) this was downgraded to a lame joke about asteroids and how comics provide a warning not to open them. The other thread was more about flockin’ building permits and Sheldon’s obsession with rules.

    I think as a rule the average show has about 5 years worth of content. Any longer and you will see the show degrade into nothingness. I’m tempted to argue that comedies tend to max out at 3. So TBBT should be dead by now … and based on last episode I’d say it is.



    Cult of Games Member

    Progress for today – bases done. Now need to touch up the white on the spearmen’s shields, matt coat and then calling them done. 6 characters and 2 warmachines to go, then move on to the 30 cavalry. After that, need to actually order some minis to finish the next units so will pause this project for a bit and progress something else instead.



    Cult of Games Member

    “oh gods” he gasped…. I was meeting with a friend for a “quick friendly” match of SW:L … we nearly played 7 hours. Exhausted I am. Pictures and a battlereport later.

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