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Hobby Weekender 14/09/18 – … but sometimes it is a little early!

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This topic contains 101 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    Ladies, Gentlemen and Smizmars; lend me your ears! For tonight we dine… damn it what was the line in 300… on PASTA! Yes, that’ll do.

    Futurama, Simpsons, Mel Brooks and 300 references all in the opening line(s). *Cough* Nerd *Cough*

    Behold the ancient mystical art of cut and paste: Welcome one and all to another weekender!

    This is a collaborative, chatty thread. Not an exclusive thing or elitist. Please join in and enjoy a friendly welcome. Main rules are don’t be a dick, engage with others, and do not discuss religion or politics. Post your progress, answer questions, chat to people, post up some music, and enjoy the show. Points get awarded and we have a sort of winner at the end. Remember to put up your pledge too!

    Some questions to get the ball rolling:

    1) Have you ever played a tabletop role-playing game? If so why not, if you do, what do you prefer? How might I change your mind if you arent a fan?

    2) Recommend me a computer game of some sort. No wrong answer.

    3) Is Kitbashing and Converting the same thing or different? Keep this one civil lads!

    4) Do you do much in the way of narrative play, campaigns or the like? Is there any era, worldwide events or the like that you paritcularly enjoyed/still do or wish to explore?

    5) Any of you guys go to any of the BoW events or bootcamps, and what would you like to see from one of those events.

    Please post tunes and hobby pledges (aspirational pledges are fine) and if you haven’t joined in on the thread before please do feel welcome and jump on in

    Also there are bonuses for the following ‘Achievements’:

    · Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic)

    · Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation)

    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend)

    · Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes)

    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun)

    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain)

    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music)

    · Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports)

    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged)

    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story)

    Points will be awarded by me for posts, most likely in what would appear on face value to be a random and happenstance manner, but rest assured, there is a highly scientific method utilised to determine point allocations.

    Maestro, if you please:


    Cult of Games Member

    To tell the truth , most game play type  and computer/ video game  questions just go right past . I’m just not interested in playing games . Never got the bug as a kid , too busy building models and reading . Never got into it as teen as rock concerts , girls , booze and cadets / militia plus model building was my focus . As a 20-30 something I was into model trains , and the last 5 or 6 years I got back into model kits although mostly 1/56 – 28mmm .   Nice to see well built and painted figures and kits but no interest in playing with them . Pus I can’t see the point of chain saw swords and power claw hands in a game with laser blasters  .   So that’s questions 1 , 2 and 4 sorted . # 5 – The game play part of a  boot camp would probably be wasted on me , but I’ld sure love to sit down and build tanks with John , or spend an afternoon picking through parts boxes to find bits to create unique figures . .

    #3 Kit Bash and Converting are they the same thing ? I would say they varying degrees of the same process . You can give a plain jane basic cannon fodder Space Marine ,for example , an arm from another set , and you have a totally different figure than the other 4 same pose  guys from the box . Very easy to swap arms and  heads ,in some of the more human looking 40K figures , same as the Bolt Action plastics . Next level would be cutting figures off at the waist and then cutting the legs apart to create different walking / running poses . And then get a little more knife happy and start notching elbows and knees to create even more dynamic poses . Sci Fi , 40K vehicles are the same , substitute a turret from this kit onto that kit , now its something different and new . Historical vehicles need a little thought as you want to have a basis in reality . So you could remove molded on tools or tow cables and add parts to give the model a more 3D look . Or you get out the plastic card ,green stuff,  resin and pewter  bits  and change the vehicle into something  that isn’t available from your favorite hobby company . Here’s a couple of examples of kit bashes and conversions . 1st is a British seated figure from the BA plastic Universal carrier converted to a German Panzer crew man by changing his uniform with thin plastic card , green stuff , plus a metal headFigures - twins !

    Next up , Russian Cavalry made by combining Perry Civil War Cavalry and BA Russian plastics Rus Cav 1Rus Cav 2

    To get troops in the rear of my M3A1 half track , I just swapped legs around . The troops all have 1 leg up on the seats , the other on the floor so they can be facing / firing out of the vehicle . A little trial and error to get them to fit but worth the effort HT 1HT 2 crew

    Next is changing the Spider style mid/late T-34 wheel to a early war dish style . There were about 12 different T-34 wheel styles during the war , and the ones BA uses on the 76 model is wrong for the 1940 turret . So I just got a very small (1/8 inch ) chisel blade and removed the ribs . T34- tiger ( wheels )


    Cult of Games Member

    This tank would be a Kit Bash as it uses the upper hull and turret of a BA late Tiger I and a BA T-34 lower hull , wheels & track . I cut off the side skirts ,chiseled off the ribs on the road wheels ,left off the exhaust covers and removed the molded on tools . It’s supposed to be one of those 1970s WW2 movie tanks like we saw in Kelly’s Heroes . Second tank – standard Tiger , third tank – standard T-34IMG_20180913_211009974IMG_20180913_210945611IMG_20180913_210902566IMG_20180913_211038895


    Cult of Games Member

    The turret on the above T-34 , I would consider a conversion . The kit piece was the wrong in so many ways that I had to add plastic card to the sides and rear to widen it and then add green stuff to smooth out the cast surface of the turret . The piece on the left is what you get in the kit , the piece on the right is the more to scale turret . I did have work in progress pictures but lost them during the photo bucket site changes IMG_20180913_211216976



    @a27cromwell That’s one of the reasons I love coming to the various iterations of this thread, seeing stuff I don’t see in my gaming areas, also how people feel about accurate historic representation. Really in depth analysis. Cheers fella.


    @mage Thanks for hosting again, Lots of questions there, wow. Also Queen and the Beatles? Stop it, you are making me blush.


    Cult of Games Member

    1) Have you ever played a tabletop role-playing game? If so why not, if you do, what do you prefer? How might I change your mind if you arent a fan?

    Hmm… Since the terminology in German and English in gaming is vastly confusing (for example Warhammer is a “table top” not a miniatures wargame and Imperial Assault is a “board game” not a table top) I don’t think I really know what you mean. RPGs like The Dark Eye, Shadowrun and even D&D are played mostly without any miniatures. I like the concept but RPG requires time and a regular schedule and that is nothing I have right now.

    2) Recommend me a computer game of some sort. No wrong answer.

    You like Maniac Manison or Monkey Island? Thimbleweed Park. Out on nearly every modern system. You like Shooters? Go Doom. You like “small” sim-like survival? Try Rim World.

    3) Is Kitbashing and Converting the same thing or different? Keep this one civil lads!

    No. In my book a kitbash is something like the AT-ST Gundam. You still can make out the different sets. A conversion is more in the vains of “adding details and small parts” to a bigger “core component”. Though the lines are very blurry.

    4) Do you do much in the way of narrative play, campaigns or the like? Is there any era, worldwide events or the like that you paritcularly enjoyed/still do or wish to explore?

    Nope. See 1.) No time.

    5) Any of you guys go to any of the BoW events or bootcamps, and what would you like to see from one of those events.

    Nope. See 1.) and 4.) also “no money” and “to far away”.

    Now excuse me, I need to cool my fingers. I wrote a long’ish piece in the forum from Asmodee Germany venting some steam on Organized Play, launch vents and bad communication… my fingers need rest. And I need coffee.

    Also: #TGIF



    Damn thats a lot of replies to wake up to! Just fed the dogs and off on payday errands. Replies and answers before lunch time.


    Im keeping my pledge way simpler this week, Arcworlde:


    > Put the finishing work on my wizard (1 minis)

    > Work on the Troll Bridge Albionnican Warband and an additional wizard (6 minis)


    Further work is dependent on if I get primers in the mail today which should have arrived a day or two ago at the latest, which is a bit annoying but what can one do? Chat soon, gentlefolk.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for hosting @mage


    1) I’ve never sat down and played a tabletop role-playing game but I have played two Star Wars Roleplaying Games via Skype and had a lot of fun. The First was a standard RPG but the second got very dark very quickly, we went from Rebels trying to get some intel to rigging an Imperial School with explosives and brutally murdering anyone that got in our way.

    The most I’ve ever had Roleplaying was when I played a Ronin in Legend of the Five Rings. The setting was extremely well done and we had a great GM. I was a Noble Samurai who accidentally killed his brother in a duel so was exiled. A lot of fun when the parents show up as key Diplomats.

    2) Any Total War from Medieval 2 to Shogun 2 is fantastic. After that they drop off a little but they’re still good.

    3) I consider them different. To me kit-bashing is taking components from your bits box and glueing them on to new minis whereas converting involves some sculpting/advanced techniques.

    4) I try to make all my Historical Games Narrative. Even something as simple as “Ok so this the farm belongs to Mr. Smith and we’re fighting over it because we want to set up a forward HQ”

    All games should at least have some sort of Narrative (In my Opinion) even something as simple as “This is a crossroad so we need it because it’s WWII and we always need Crossroads”. I highly recommend the Muskets and Tomahawks Side Plots chart for anyone wanting to quickly add some narrative.

    I’ve just released the First few turns of our Sharp Practice Campaign if anyone would like to follow along in the projects. I was the GM which was very fun and the Campaign is in two parts so you can choose to “pick a side” and only follow them or see how the whole thing unfolded by taking a look at both sides.

    For the Union Campaign

    For the Confederate Campaign

    5) I’d love to but living on the other side of the planet does make it tricky. Comedian Steve Hughes has a good bit about Australia, Ireland and distance but it’s a bit rude so i won’t post it.

    My Pledge this Weekend is to paint 100+ Sudanese Ansar Troops for the Mahdist War.

    It’s too late to take a decent picture but they’re this



    Aaaaaaaaaaand I am back.

    Did some errands, heading to the pool shortly then back again. I got distracted up town playing pokemon go, as there is an event on for the week, where Kanto pokemon (the region from the first game) appear more often. In addition, rarer ones also appear more often and powerful ones you can potentially catch are in gyms now. So, caught a bunch of neat stuff while it rained up and around, as well as stopping in the second Insomnia coffee shop that opened in town, yum. Hot chocolate and a salted caramel slice.

    Ordered some bases and a D&D GM screen online before going out.

    Back and did a tiny bit of work on my Arcworlde Wizard. Varnish, grass and done.


    1) Have you ever played a tabletop role-playing game? If so why not, if you do, what do you prefer? How might I change your mind if you arent a fan?

    2) Recommend me a computer game of some sort. No wrong answer.

    3) Is Kitbashing and Converting the same thing or different? Keep this one civil lads!

    4) Do you do much in the way of narrative play, campaigns or the like? Is there any era, worldwide events or the like that you paritcularly enjoyed/still do or wish to explore?

    5) Any of you guys go to any of the BoW events or bootcamps, and what would you like to see from one of those events.

    @a27cromwell (90 points)

    Post 1, paragraph 1: 30 points, very detailed.

    That is one detailed set of posts and responses for one question on conversion and kitbashes: 60 points. I know it is high but I really feel it is justified and deserved.

    @sundancer (30 points)

    Don’t forget to make a pledge 😉

    (1) Pen and paper D&D style game, dude. Elaborate for more points 🙂

    (2) Long list of recommendations but no details, 5 points. Sorry dude.

    (3) 10 points. Id love to see you give examples of where they get vague and blurry, if you could post pics. More points…

    (4) Poor dude. 5 points. Busy busy lately? Would it take you long to get to Ireland?

    (5) Enjoy the coffee. 10 points. Time for organised play is good, I guess.

    @woldenspoons (20 points)

    10 points for the meme.

    10 points, me too, lovin’ the threads. Don’t forget to pledge 😉

    @elessar2590 (65 points)

    You are welcome.

    1) I guess that is kinda the same. Was the game getting dark a good thing or bad thing? That game sounds like a lot of fun would love to hear more. 15 points.

    2) Shogun 2, tell me more. 5 points.

    3) 10 points, valid opinion.

    4) Mr Smith beats nothing. I dislike it when every game is just set up and smash each other. 20 points with the links and detail.

    5) That would do it. 5 points.

    10 for the pledge, how many models is that? Perrys always make nice kits.



    Dont forget music, people!


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage it’s about 100-120 minis.

    Shogun 2 is my Favourite of the Series especially the Fall of the Samurai Expansion.

    You control a Clan and manage the Economy, Military and Civilian aspects while trying to achieve your objective.

    Proper Modern War, Trains, Breech loaders, Gatling Guns but you can also add some old School Samurai and Ashigaru which is very cool.

    The Game getting Dark was a Great thing. I love me some f***ed up humor.

    Five Rings was far more serious and I probably had more fun because I had to really think about everything I did and said


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey @team hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far (or looking forward to it if it hasn’t kicked off…)

    Quick post before bed – will catch up with comments later:

    1) Have you ever played a tabletop role-playing game? If so why not, if you do, what do you prefer? How might I change your mind if you arent a fan?

    Initiated into the hobby with Heroquest back in the day so that’s a yes 🙂 Used to do D&D (3.5 ed) with maps and minis before we all moved to laptops so I did enjoy that. Really like the feel of it, great for hack and slash dungeon delves or more intense role playing type games. Great fun either way.

    2) Recommend me a computer game of some sort. No wrong answer.

    Solitaire! Minesweeper! Seriously, I can list every PC game I have installed – Oblivion, Skyrim and ESO from the Elder Scrolls series, Total War Warhammer and Warhammer 40k Armageddon and Battletech for strategy games, and Mordheim and Dungeons and Dragons online. Would I recommend any of them? Not sure, would depend what type of game people were seeking a recommendation on. Most are fairly dated now, I tend not to jump in on new games… As you can see, no FPS on the list… I may have played way too much Doom II head to head back in the day… (if only they had had E-sport type prize money on offer back then…).

    3) Is Kitbashing and Converting the same thing or different? Keep this one civil lads!

    I’d suggest converting is parts-swapping form within a range or within miniature styles. Kitbashing I would suggest would involve pulling together components form a number of different ranges/styles or even scratch building components. So related but different. Just my .02..

    4) Do you do much in the way of narrative play, campaigns or the like? Is there any era, worldwide events or the like that you particularly enjoyed/still do or wish to explore?

    Don’t really do much at the moment, hoping to get a lot more in moving forward though. I’m pretty much over list tweaking and power gaming and tourneys so now free to just do ‘fun’ stuff 🙂 Love the idea of asymmetrical games and narrative scenarios feeding off one another and into the next game.

    5) Any of you guys go to any of the BoW events or bootcamps, and what would you like to see from one of those events.

    Getting to a bootcamp would be a pretty pricey taxi ride from here 😛 So probably no. I don’t know if it would be doable but with 2nd edition Black powder getting released soon it might be a nice opportunity to break out a big studio game of Napoleonics like has been threatened now and then again over the years 🙂

    Hobby pledge – GF is in Sydney this weekend running a half marathon so I have a mate coming over tomorrow to do hobby stuff. We were originally looking at playing Tanks but as it stands it’s looking more like a build and paint day. I’m going to aim to get a lot of stuff knocked over this week – will see how I go but as a minimum I am looking to complete:

    – Finish my French line infantry (finish painting, dip varnish, matt coat, base minis amd movement tray and touch up).

    – Finish my 95th rifles (same as above)

    – Dip, varnish and base the Skaven on my workbench

    Time permitting I’ll try to get a start made on some cavalry, light infantry and or artillery for Sharp Practice. Also have some D&D minis to paint, Kill Teams to assemble and convert, and a bunch of conversions I’d like to do plus more minis painted for my ongoing Bretonnian project. Plenty more besides if I have time – will post as I go 🙂

    Just one song but it is insanely good:





    Thanks for hosting @mage and hello everyone to this fine hobby weekender.


    Let’s start with the questions:

    1.) Oh yes, many of them! I started playing those even a bit before tabletop miniature games. And i never stopped. My first two RPGs were Das Schwarze Auge (something like the german D&D) and Shadowrun. Soon after those came Mechwarrior and The World of Darkness. Sometime later D&D and lots and lots more. But my alltime favorite will always be Legend of the Five Rings. Thats why i was so happy to get my beginners box for the newest edition in the mail. I’m really tempted to try and find a way to maybe GM the beginners adventure in some way around here for some of the community.


    2.) Let’s see. For more strategic games i would recommend the new Battletech if you like your mechs and turn based combat. I really like that game. Or maybe rather the “new” editions of X-Com if you like to go alien-hunting with a small squad of soldiers, that could die in any mission if you’re not careful enough. Total War Warhammer 1+2 are also nice, i just wish the combat was turn based and not real time. If you’re looking for something that will eat your time as if it was nothing and if you wish to build your own interstellar empire i would recommend Stellaris. At the moment i’m playing it with a race of sentient robots that want to share their blessings with every other species in the known universe, by converting them to cyborgs. And NO they’re not called the Borg!


    3.) since i’m a total noob with this topic i can’t say if it is or isn’t, sorry.


    4.) at the moment i’m just happy if i manage to get a game in from time to time. But i would prefer them t be narrative or campains, i just love to tell storys.


    5.) so far i haven’t been to one of those, but i hope that i’ll manage to do it some day.


    Allrighty, with those our of the way, let’s listen to some music:

    and to mix it up a little bit:


    Hobby pledges:

    – read more Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) to get ready to GM it for some friends

    – play a bit more of AoS Champions on my so called “smart” phone

    – try to build something with this:


    the end result will hopefully be some kind of giant orcish drum … and yes i’m trying to put my idea into reality.  Hopefully i’ll be able to grab the Warchanter from my local store tomorrow.


    And lust bot not least, a bit of commenting:

    @mage what a way to start the music for this thread, it’s hard to beat those … or rather imposible!


    @a27cromwell wow that was an interesting read and i learned a fair bit thanks to that. So thanks for expaining and sharing!


    @elessar2590 you really should look at the newest edition of L5R, so far i like it a lot. And well the setting is still the same, they just moved their iteration down the timeline a lot, to the point where the first edition of the CCG and the RPG were set too. So you could call it a restart i guess.



    Training in an hour. Coffee shortly, then date night. I will reply when I can, but guys it will be scarce until Im available again.

    So these bad boys arrived today

    Im going to start a separate thread at some point and ask people their thoughts on painting terrain for a particular board.

    Im also painting up some D&D minis for friends, here is some:

    My wizard is almost done too

    My priming:

    The rest of the Albionnicans I will be working on too:


    Cult of Games Member

    Umm…. @mage said I need to pledge… so… I pledge to do a proper pledge on the next weekender? XD

    Also, I did a little paint… (and some more reorganizing my gaming shelves…)

    Screenshot_2018-09-14 Instagram

    Edit: forgot the music!


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