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Hobby Weekender 12/15/2018 – An early Giftmas to regular hosts

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This topic contains 50 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 6 years ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu the coffee machine is back online (all praise the Omnissiah) and I am (sort of) well rested… got way less sleep than I planned because I foolishly fell into the “just a quick glance into the game” trap. (Epic Gamelauncher has Subnautica for free at the moment and it is a really good game. Relaxing and yet it pulls you under ;))



    @dawfydd yeah, I checked out HLJ, they ship to Australia too… couldn’t find the Space Marine Heroes, but that’s no problem. Like I said, if they do DA I’m in (trouble, lol)

    @evilstu thanks mate, Christmas carols aren’t too bad. They dilute them with other tedious pop music. ? Not like when I was working for Woolworths nightfill nearly 10 years ago… ?

    Definitely going to have to check out the GSW products. I keep seeing brilliant products and results from them.


    I know it’s not quite the same, but whenever we have a power outage, ie it goes dark, we always joke that someone at the power station tripped over the power cord.

    The only solution to cold coffee is… drink it faster, before it goes cold. Or, like me, drink it cold/tepid/ lukewarm then pull a grimacing disgusted face that lets all within visible range know that you’ve just had to force yourself to consume one of the most heinous substances known to human kind in order to achieve the required mentally altered state (sufficiently caffeinated) and intestinal fortitude to be able to deal with the kind of crap that you know the day is going to through at you.

    5 hours work for nothing?!? Ah man, that sucks, it doubly sucks cause you’re not feeling well! Hope you don’t get hit with a bug!  Loopy technician ?

    @mage for plain wooden platforms… wow! You’ve done a great job!

    Boba Fett is looking great too ? Looks like a great little score from the Kringle. Gonna have to steal that comic ? like, a total rouge!

    @elessar2590 good work on the Romans! What is the inspiration for the colour? We always see red legionaries, but the blue is great!


    A martini and fez you say… this sounds like the beginnings of a party!

    It has been many a year since I have enjoyed Blazing Saddles. I’ve only seen through once or twice, time to revisit it perhaps. ?

    That’s a cool looking Butcher, I considered purchasing him to use as a Festive alternate to the Butcher in Kingdom Death, but couldn’t really justify the spend.

    Hehe, I have painted that version of Lilith before, I’m interested to see how you approach her ?



    Since pictures are evidence, here’s proof of my hobby work ?


    the Phoenix Guard


    The Mantic Dark Elf Assassin WIP, though almost done.




    @horati0nosebl0wer fair point and I salute you calling me out. Pictures of progress is unlikely as I don’t get to see daylight.

    Have you found yourself fond of a particular color and use it wherever you can?  If so, what is it?

    Retributor Gold. I even throw it on the odd gun etc like Van Sant’s pistol.

    Do you feel there is a certain amount of texture on figures that makes or breaks a model?

    I hate figures covered in little bags and things. Really fiddly to pain them without spillage.

    Do detailed resin bases add or subtract from gaming figures?

    Add for sure. My Khorne Bloodbound are all on resin bases and it makes them look stunning. Wish I had the money to put everything on them.

    With tabletop board games that take up quite a bit of room in storage creating spectacularly detailed playing pieces do you see the future becoming more difficult for hobbyists to maintain space for their hobby?

    I like to get things that I can use in multiple formats. I previously posted a walking dead game on the kill team shuttle board for example.


    Cult of Games Member

    I was shopping for a small gift for the annual gift exchange at the office… and then there was this… I was weak… I bought it…

    Now tremble before my imperial might!


    It’s a Star Wars Propel RC drone in the collectors box. They usually go for 150€ but I paid 49€. Brand new. And I’m seriously thinking about getting the X-Wing and Speederbike too because they can to infrared battles! WITH SOUND AND ALL! 8)

    The unboxing alone had me giggle and glee like a little child… see here why:



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu My finished Rebel troopers are in my project at yes I’ve only finished one squad – need to get on with some more.  I do have a speeder and an AT-RT nearing completion as well.


    @evilstu 10 pistooza for the pic of your lazy lizard. A blue tongue skink, you say? Nice. I looked at that and thought about the other lizards that get kept as pets/in captivity in general and bounced about with tegu and monitors. Then thinking about komodo dragons from there I remembered you lot out on the far end of the world have goanna. Looking at the buggers I’m reminded of the lizards in Shadow of the Colossus that have shining tails. You need to collect them to increase stamina for clinging onto the colossi.

    @sundancer and @rayzryr *chuckling to myself with a bit of a snicker* Cold coffee… first world problem I’d say. I’m one of the lowly worker monkeys who’s hopped onto the gravy train and lucked into an office that has coffee machines that function as over the top Kuerigs. Lattes whenever you please. Hot chocolate from the same machine. Just want hot water for tea, you’re covered. Double half-caf decaf with a twist of lime… better check L.A.Story for that.

    @rayzryr 10 pistoozas for … ooooo… shiny…uh… the hobby update in picture form, well done indeed. A bang up job on the blending of the cloaks and hitting the jewel highlights. The only other thing I’d add to the Phoenix Guard is to pull the detail in the feathers. Good to see you knocking up the contrast on the bases too. The details really make the minis look grounded.

    You have survived and returned to tell the tale of holiday horror. Your bravery will be recorded for all time to come, or as long as our pH neutral paper stock and archival ink reserve holds.

    @woldenspoons 10 pistoozas for the responses and adding your own details to how to address problems of space issues. It sucks to hear that you are treated as a mushroom (kept in the dark and fed on feces). Daylight is something everybody needs some amout of. I have a friend in my gaming group that legitimately works daytime hours in an office but was diagnosed by his doc recently to being vitamin D deficient (I assume from his time working on pcs and then coming home to play on Sky-rimjob on Steam).

    @sundancer *eyes the X-wing agog* Its not a wonder why they put the sexy-funtime music in after the movie audio. I just wonder if you are sitting around literally going “Pew pew pew” and humming the Imperial march to yourself until you have an X-wing to fight.

    @jodain You sneaky sneak… I post after writing everything up and you put in a good project piece with great pictures. For this I will award you 15 pistoozas because I do rather like pictures and sneakiness.



    @rayzryr yeah,  the  Space Marine Heroes tend  to come and go from HLJ’s listings – Wave 1 has disappeared at least 4 times over the last year. Should be back at some point though 🙂

    They are really nice mins however  – I particularly dig the reinforced armour on the legs of Brothers Maeklus and Ebellius that calls back to the armoured greaves on Devastators, and the incredibly dynamic posing of Brother Sanyctus (the dude with the lightning claws sprinting forward).  My only quibble would be that the loadouts mean that – unlike Wave 1 – Wave 2 does not permit construction of a legal squad of Terminators. maybe just use them to practice different Chapter schemes?

    2018-12-18 23.21.192018-12-18 23.20.44




    @dawfydd interesting that they don’t make a legal squad. Is there a five man combination that works?




    @woldenspoons irksomely not. The closest you can get is Deathwing or Wolf Guard Terminators where you can mix shooty and CC-focused loadouts, but are still limited to one heavy weapon for every 5 troopers so the Cyclone launcher and Heavy Flamer make it tricky. Worryingly I’m thinking about getting a second box to kit-bash….



    @dawfydd a second box was my theoretical solution. Just not practical? Pfft now you have me talking like an Ultramarine.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer great news – I am glad regular caffeine delivery systems are now back online 🙂 Oooh nice shiny new toy!

    @rayzryr those 4th ed Phoenix Guard minis look great! Really old and static models (I have painted a few of them over the years) but you have really breathed some life and dynamism into them – sterling effort!

    @woldenspoons will have to give Retributor Gold a go – still not happy with the AP or Vallejo golds (wow, I sound really fussy…).

    @jodain looking really good! Solid start to your force, great colour scheme and great paint job to boot, well played.

    @horati0nosebl0wer yeah the goannas have big claws for climbing, and they are a bit more solid and less chilled than our man pictured earlier so I’d personally be giving them a bit of a wider berth.

    @dawfydd @woldenspoons isn’t the obvious answer to start a new company for each of the marines in the box? Or do we just have to wait until Kill Team runs an expansion or add-on for Terminators… seriously though they do look good. Nice dynamic poses, which considering the sculpt is trying to represent a big guy in blocky exoarmour is no mean feat…

    @dawfydd more kitbash goodness for your Wolves? or do you have another project in mind? Could always on-sell the extra heavy weapons mini? Or just split across two squads I guess…

    @woldenspoons I see what you did there 🙂

    Got all my Xmas gifts for work colleagues wrapped tonight so I can give them at the end of the week. Will aim to get the family done tomorrow night so that I have the weekend free for hobby. well at least that’s the current plan, let’s see if the stars align and the fates cooperate 🙂


    Alright everybody… that’s it for the week of wonderment under the care of yours truly. The tally is in only by way of rural route hamster delivery services, which is why it took a little while, and here are the totals of pistoozas that were passed around:

    • Dawfydd 30
    • sundancer 30
    • evilstu 50
    • mage 50
    • rayzryr 40
    • elessar5290 10
    • woldenspoons 10
    • jodain 15

    Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic) @dawfydd … good addition of the pics for addressing the basing question
    · Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation) … Me! Lol
    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend) @ evilstu … good to see the progress from silver primed figures to actual people to fight on the field
    · Meme Lord – @mage … because speling is important
    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun) – @woldenspoons … wookies always win
    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain) @jodain for listing your third entry to your random sci-fi projects
    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music) … I’d say me but I’m bowing out as I’m hosting
    · Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports) … nobody this week. It’s a slow time so no worries
    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged) @mage … throwing out a tool resource of note
    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story) @sundancer … for telling his tale of woe and what bitter tears of sadness were shed which revolved around the tragedy of having to consume cold coffee

    Good job everybody. I hope that our generous regulars are feeling better with the break.


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer thanks again for hosting this week. I’ll roll out a new thread tomorrow evening local time and drop a link below once it’s up 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning lads…. two more days until the year is done (work wise).

    Until then a little bit of music:

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