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This topic contains 80 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by sundancer 6 years, 4 months ago.
November 12, 2018 at 3:03 am #1300260
Okay, Page 1 replies. Also, has anyone seen or heard from @biggabum lately? Im a tad concerned. Haven’t seen him on here for a few weeks. Hope he is ok.
@horati0nosebl0wer (30 Quatloos)
Squirrel you know its true… Couldn’t help it. Milly Vanilly reference…
(1) Suckerpunch had parts that were amazingly beautiful, but at times it made me cringe. I couldn’t watch it through to the end. As for Baron Manchausen, well that was awesome and I remember it fondly. I have not seen the third one. 20 Quatloos, a nice array of unpredictable chocies.
(2) You can come back to this one, yes.
(3) Orks Codex gets 10 Quatloos from me. I wanna buy it. And soon. Tank Girl? Incidentally, I heard Lori Petty is a huge jerk in real life (actress who played her in the movie). She was rude and a super diva at a convention some of my friends went to. Any chance of a pic of the skeletal knight?
@sundancer (45 points… err Quatloos!)
Do not apologise mein herr! Ive been late with the thread myself. Like now, for instance.
(1) 15 points, good recommendations. I guess Indiana Jones is the most archetypical of the ones you list.
(2) IG-88 was a boss in an old N64 Star Wars Game: Shadows of the Empire. He was tough. 20 points.
(3) 10 points. Like a rant comedian?
November 12, 2018 at 3:27 am #1300261Okay, Page 2 replies. Bam! Firing them out! Woo!
@dawfydd (20 Quatloos)
Well, you should more often, it would be great! 20 Quatloos for the music. The Across the Stars violin is haunting, in a good way. And the Hu band is quite interesting too.
@tuffyears (60 Quatloos)
Nice work. That paint is all this weekend? Also some of the photos have bad light angles or are fuzzy. I’d recommend a light box. 60 Quatloos
@limburger (10 Quatloos)
I can get over one episode that world-builds and sets the tone for whats coming. 10 Quatloos for posting and response to others
@rayzryr (60 Quatloos)
How is your daughter doing?
(1) 20 points for your choics
(2) I did not see that text, which is quite interesting. 20 points. I had suspected that myself. Its awesome if true.
(3) 20 Quatloos, very cool. Sounds like you all made some good memories
Elves week/weekend? Lets celebrate in typicially elf-ey fashion with alcohol-free white wine and a salad without meat. Oh, wait
Okay, I shall now work on Page 2, Part 2…
November 12, 2018 at 3:55 am #1300266Hey guys. Got a notification of a mention from @mage so thought I best pop in and let you know I’m Alive and well.
Apologies for my absence but hobby time has been shoved to the back burner for the last few weeks due to the wife being ill (Nothing life threatening and she’s a lot better now but still prone to some really bad days). All this has meant that I’ve not just had to Care for Matty on my own but Amy (also Autistic) and give the wife more time too and do her usual chores. Don’t worry I have done them to my usual Half-Assed standard so I’ve not let you guys down there 😀
All being well should be back within the next week or two so see you all then.
Take care and keep up the excellent work.
November 12, 2018 at 6:50 am #1300335hey @biggabum great to see you back. You’ve just reminded me of something I wanted to share for same time now (maybe even have, can’t remember)
So there is this guy Thomas working with children who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD often misdiagnosed as autism as far as I understand it, please correct me if I’m wrong] and he does this by painting miniatures with them. He received the Games Workshop “Warhammer Hero” award for outstanding service to the Warhammer community. A lot of hobbyists send him their old (and mostly unpainted) miniatures and the kids are loving it. And let me tell you there are some real talents there. You can find more about the things he does on his facebook page and his blog. I’m always stunned with people being able to put so much energy into the hobby help others along the way.
And now: back to work.
November 12, 2018 at 7:05 am #1300338@horati0nosebl0wer Damn that’s a lot of music I have to go through. Later for definite. Quest music is always good.
@dawfydd (5 Quatloos)
Nice little bts box find, 5 Quatloos.
@rayzryr Overlord is this:
10 Quatloos for responses. My eyes are red, this has been a painful nightshift, and I will listen to the music later J
@tuffyears As in Michael Moorcock Stormbringer?
@sundancer Irish (much akin to British) sausages are kinda different to wurst. But I do like a sausage sandwich!
@rayzryr (50 Quatloos)
20 Quatloos for the work so far on the Dark Elves as well as the explanation for their use and skin tone, I like it.
30 Quatloos for the Pyramid.
November 12, 2018 at 7:11 am #1300340Good to hear from you dude!
Do not apologise dude. Real life is always more important. I hope she feels better. Sounds like you need a coffee or red bull.
Us keep up the excellent work? Dude your doing superhero stuff at home with the family. Be good! 🙂
November 12, 2018 at 7:13 am #1300342@sundancer <10 Quatloos)
Wow that is cool. To facebook!
Your at work too? Woo!
Hmmmm…. Tough night shift. Dragged. Hard to stay awake. I want to treat myself on the way home. I have a hankering for a Sausage sandwich… for some reason…
November 12, 2018 at 7:14 am #1300343Back at home and busying myself with stuff and things aside from getting the next car.
@dawfydd Ooooo… a trove of heavy imperial cavalry. Very swanky. I might ask about those later, should my projects actually get completed, if you’d be willing to part with them.
@rayzryr Overlord = Hollywood overhaul of original Wolfenstein 3D with a black Blazkowicz (more or less). I’d like to find where/when I can catch the film Trench 11. As far as the oddity of Australia I can say that my favorite designer toy company happens to have a line of figures that you’d have a chuckle at due to their name… Dunny. Yes, it’s all fun and games until you see that the normally 3 inch figures have a 4 foot tall option (for a metric butt ton of cash). Good work with the youngling on the pyramid. It looks to have recovered well from the damage
As far as music I can say that Australia entertained me with the group Gerling in live performance as an opening act to The Suicide Girls first live tour.
They also shared the stage with Tsu Shi Ma Mi Rae.
Thinking of this… I will toss at you more J-rock with Peelander Z (albeit the video isn’t the best quality)
@limburger Attack the Block huh? Reminds me of the title for a Korean film “Attack the Gas Station”
@mage You mentioned Milly Van Nilly…. I’ve been gently nudged away from sharing material that is probably best left outside the realm of OTT before so I’ll direct you to YouTube and search out the segment of the film “Brüno” where there’s a visit to a psychic.
@biggabum Hooray! It sounds like you need a little humor in this situation and here we might have levity. Bringing up the bum so he is no longer behind… er… well… I think Spaceballs had something about this. Better to try and make bad butt jokes than an ass of one’s self.
November 12, 2018 at 7:18 am #1300345Your at work too? Woo!
@mage yes sir… since 6:00am (now it’s 8:00 am here) and I have coffee!
November 12, 2018 at 8:26 am #1300355Hey All, hope the week has been treating everyone well so far 🙂
@mage thanks for hosting.
@biggabum gad to hear you are OK, hope the missus is feeling better soon.
Question responses:
1. What’s your favourite ‘quest’ movie? Totally not a question inspired by the releases of Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress.
Erm…. I don’t really know… I guess I could shoehorn any movie into a ‘quest’ format (quest for the truth in a whodunnit, quest for happily ever after in a romantic comedy etc). If we are going for more of a conventional ‘quest’ type movie I’d be tempted to go with ‘Labyrinth’ because muppets and David Bowie, but I haven’t watched it in 30+ years and to be honest it probably wouldn’t stand up too well… Can I say ‘Aliens’ as a quest for the way off the planet?
2. Pick a race and character for said adventure!
Erm… Predator Hunter?… OK I may have spent too much time/coins playing the AVP arcade game in the mid-90’s…
3. I was in a rush doing this. Tell me something cool you did or discovered this week
I discovered that 10+ year old decals work a lot better when you soak them in warm/hot water rather than tap temperature. Also the Microset/Microsol may have helped…
Also, I learned that specialty pet shops stock something called ‘reptile sand’ which is superfine and coloured like Mars – looking forward to using this in baseing. It was 8 dollerydoos for a 2 kilogram bag:
Have managed some hobby this weekend – shoulder has been borked so no painting for the back half of last week but I did get my Fireforge minis up to the dip stage – just need to base and matt varnish, so maybe another hour’s work until they are done.
Plus finished off my British Dragoons that I’d been working away at for a few weeks
Also got a cyberpunk building from a recent KS printed up – one day I will get my Cyberpunk table happening…
Finally, had both of these arrive in the post – the one on the left was the first wargaming book I ever read – used to repeatedly borrow it from the local public library as a kid.
And finally, also bought and downloaded the ‘Rangers off Shadow Deep’ game by Joe McCulloch of Frostgrave fame, so have some reading ahead of me.
Just checking in, more responses later 🙂
November 12, 2018 at 11:42 am #1300441I think I’ll start small (pun intended) and try some more terrain. I’m aiming to complete this Shrew house for Burrows and Badgers. It still needs some roofing, chimneys, maybe a window and certainly more paint.
November 12, 2018 at 11:51 am #1300442November 12, 2018 at 12:21 pm #1300466@mage my daughter is well, thanks for asking! How is your son?
Hahaha! No, you don’t make friends with salad. You eat it.
Elves have a bad rap lately, but I still like to think of them in their older style, aligned with the fey realm. Unknowable, alien in their way of thinking and acting. I have visions of a collection of elves that spans the various archetypes, and a lore that suggests that elves embrace different aspects, and no one aspect is “right/good” or “wrong/evil”. But to those outside, eg Humans, they seem cruel or capricious.
Hey @biggabum good to hear from you, and I hope that life sees fit to give you some free time!
Huh, that’s Overlord huh? Could be fun…
@horati0nosebl0wer Trench 11, ok duly noted. Yes, Dunny wouldn’t get very far over here, but looking at those figures… wow! Some of those prices!! I mean, everyone has to have a hobby, but geez! At least our games come with dice that we can roll included in the price ?
@evilstu Labyrinth is totally a quest movie! And I still enjoy watching it occasionally…
Reptile sand eh? Your minis are looki g excellent mate?
Let me know what you think of the Rangers. I’d be interested to try out a Solo skirmish game to see how that works. I just don’t have table space for a war game board… at the moment.
@newbolter hi! That’s an awesome piece of terrain! Other than the green stuff door, what have you used to make it?
November 12, 2018 at 12:30 pm #1300470Working away on the Dark Elves. Not my best work, but really I’m experimenting, so not too fussed. I’ll probably use some glazed to blend the skin tones for each elf. And give the White elf on the right some colour…
Also got some more High Elf archers base coated.
November 12, 2018 at 12:52 pm #1300476 -
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