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Hobby Weekender 10/08/18

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This topic contains 173 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu fortunately theres a very fine definition line between Fantasy and 40k furnishings. I think you’re probably spot on, or you could  try and sci fi up some fantasy terrain see how that works.

    Thanks. Wierdly, I started out with the same grey basecoat (vallejo German Grey) for both the grey and the black just highlighting up the grey bits and shading down the black. I’ve never tried that before but I found it a very quick way of doing it.

    You forgot that ancient and revered 2nd founding chapter, The Scurrying Hamsters. 😀




    ok, so clearly i’m still a bit out of it  as I didn’t notice the capslock  was still on >_<

    anyhoo, glad to see you’re all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and kicking ass with the hobbying so far. For my part i’ll beengaging in more deppth later, but for now i’m trying to squeeze in the last half of Voltron: Legendary Defender before cracking on with sme knights of the Grey and Imperialis varieties, and sorting my Deathwatch into their Killteams 🙂

    lter  dudes 😉



    @evilstu The trick is ‘2 thin Coats tm’.

    @oriskany It’s the Celestant Prime model, story wise he appears in a bolt of lightning so I presume those ‘wings’ just keep him straight. Just looked at his rules and apparently yes they let him fly.

    I originally was surprised you didn’t recognize the model but then I’d imagine you’d be just as surprised when I couldn’t tell you the difference between early and late tanks I guess. Ok for your benefit here is some pictures of the Euro fighter.



    And the frigate that visited too.

    No painting for me today as carrying Wet models doesn’t sound fun. I’ll include pictures of the new toys when I get them. Happy weekend all.


    Cult of Games Member

    Some video i took at dawlish air show 2014


    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany :


    The name ‘Darkstar’ always reminds me of a video game called ‘Darkstar One’ which was one of the last space combat/trading games ever before Elite came back as ‘Elite Dangerous’.

    The images of the spaceships in that trailer look amazing.
    The ships in ‘Space above & beyond’ also had that naval ship in space type of look, which is really cool.
    I wish there were space ship combat simulators with ships like that.

    Something like ‘Cold Waters’ :


    Cult of Games Member

    So got up at 05.30 for work. Got back and finished these three



    Cult of Games Member

    Quick post to report progress before I retire for the evening – base coated some movement trays and poker chips which I am going to be using for trap markers, began priming mdf chips and markers for Sharp Practice before the can of primer gave up on me, so will reattempt tomorrow. kept turning over print jobs, think I have 5 wall sections and 2 columns to go so should have an outside chance of getting all that finished tomorrow. Can then move on to some of the prefabricated type of terrain. Sorted my old Orc army – wasn’t in too bad a shape. I think a touch up of bone on the teeth and a green drybrush on a few of the units and then fixing the bases and I can probably get away with using these as they stand on the tabletop.


    Put a dark tone army painter wash on my redcoats and Bretonnian archers – the ink is beginning to pull back and settle down a little now so not unhappy with the results. Keen to get this lot on the table soon.


    And finally a bit of work putting down base colours on my skirmishing Voltigeurs. Still a lot more to do for the French forces so just going to break it down into smaller components to make it more manageable (or at least a little less threatening…).


    Responses etc when I’m next on 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    Finished the kill team objectives




    @limburger wasn’t Darkstar One the game with Bruce Campbells dulcet tones for the lead character? Sure it was either that one or Starlancer/Freelancer….

    So, here are my current Deathwatch Primaris troopers;

    2018-08-11 11.35.41

    and the balance of The Watch. Still need to finish priming the Leviathan Dreadnaught, get the Ven dread primed as well as Kill-team Cassius’ biker and my near 20-year old DW Kill Team squad built when they first released the bits. This should give me some options though right?

    2018-08-11 11.36.47



    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning, all ~

    @biggabum – Thanks very much for the support on the Darkstar project!  Yes, we hope to have another battle for Darkstar tomorrow, with the revised battleship and heavy cruiser sheets (playtesting is still finding tiny little flaws we are correcting in the new 2.0 system).  Not sure if it will be presented as a “live blog” though.  Who knows?  😀

    @evilstu – “That’s just ‘playing around’?”  Yeah …. kind of.  I mean, it’s just a glorified slide show, really.  😀  Thanks for the kind words, though!

    @woldenspoons – great photos of the Eurofighter.  What a beautiful aircraft – everything that is right … and wrong … with NATO.

    From our Team Yankee article series …

    And great work on those armies!  Esepcailly the redcoats and French!


    Regarding Space Above & Beyond …

    complete agreement

    Awesome show, at least for its time, and at least in its earlier episodes.

    Best line was Gunnery Sergeant R. Lee Ermey (actually in that show they made him a Sgt Major for some reason):

    In space, no one can hear you scream … unless it is the battle cry of the United States Marine!

    @tuffyears – great banner!

    @dawfydd – That a lot of priming you’ve got done!



    I’m back from my game. Won so bad my opponent instantly sold his army. True story.


    Pretty much went plan perfect complete with the Celestant Prime executing Lord Kroak with extreme prejudice on turn two. Turn 3 mopping up. The scenario was one where the ball starts in the middle of the board and then bounces around. 2000 points each. I took:

    Astria Soulbright

    Lord Arcanum on Griff charger

    2 invocators

    Celestant Prime

    1 Liberator unit

    2 secutor units


    2 castigators


    Shackles, dais and swirling hammers endless spells.

    Further reinforcements obtained enabling me for a whole lot of options. Group shot.




    Cult of Games Member

    I have an addiction to guardsman




    Three pages to catch up on. Time to roll up the sleeves! Been busy with hobby today too myself. Someone badger me into posting up updates too.



    Page 2 replies (part 1):

    @oriskany <30 points>

    Glad to have you back and a warm welcome complimentary 10 points.

    (1) Playing it safe, 10 points. Valid point on huge historical changes making you look nuts.

    (2) No-carb? That sounds ruff. 5 pity points.

    (3) Into the game itself, not at the table. I played tabletop RPGS with a guy who forced them so badly a deaf person who couldn’t hear it would cringe. The White Wolf books seem very well done, 15 points. It sucks that those people who know you don’t like it keep doing it. If it were something you liked, youd be amused and would relate to it. If someone kept referencing, I dunno, NCIS or some other stuff I don’t like I’d be driven FRIGGINBANNANAS!!!!

    @tuffyears <5 points>

    Texture on bases are good, 5 points

    Best of luck bringing destruction to the enemies of mankind with your game.

    @oriskany <15 points>

    Thanks for the compliments.

    Yeah, they are frost giant inspired, winter ogres that hunt for treasure. The intention is they are ice weapons of some sort. Either made with magical ice or magical weapons generating ice.

    As for the battle @irredeemable and I really got into it and had a laugh, playing a lot more thematically and in character than say Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar or the Batman Miniature game.

    Captain Hawthorne is an Albionnican gentleman and dandy, good sir. I will have you know it was a morning poo, not a ‘shite’. He took his time buckling up his breeches…

    I think the follow up will be the widow being kidnapped by a giant. Poor lass can’t catch a break…

    15 points for feedback to others

    @biggabum <20 points>

    Batgirl is looking good, and yellow is hard. Her ginger hair looks good too. Fair play man.


    15 points for the ramones.

    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan they live takes me back. I remember watching it when I was like ten and thinking ‘what the hell is this movie about’. You see him down on his luck, bad things happening and about a third to half way through the movie it does a complete 720 degree turn. YES I KNOW WHAT I SAID!!!! Such a good movie, it is up there with Big Trouble in Little China. 15 points

    Space Above and Beyond was brilliant.

    Have I seen it lately? No. Or have I…

    (2) A kind of potato salad with meat and mayo? I shall christen it… Manfood. 10 points.

    (3) I prefer they not stay up to date with modern memes. DARN HIPSTERS!


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage :

    It helps there’s a site for us old folks :

    I’m not sure if it is man food, but then I remember not liking it as a kid.
    So maybe it really is for grown ups ? 😉
    There’s also a variant with fish (herring) and beetroot that locals call “hieringslaaj” (herring salad)


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