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Hobby Weekender 10/08/18

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This topic contains 173 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I did some hobby stuff… SUPPLIES!



    Also, just finished downloading for my other hobby 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Found this picture. It still sits in the Argentinian arsenal todayFB_IMG_1533934862764


    Cult of Games Member

    Got loads of cover, crates and barrels for terrain :


    There’s even a bucket … 😀

    This only the first wave with the first two starter sets (Volksgrenadiers vs 101st), rulebook (50 pages) and the basic terrain.
    The book does hint that there will be advanced rules for vehicles, but they’re not in the core set (and they’re not really needed). Volksgrenadiers have a neat piece of terrain featuring a vehicle with a dead driver.

    The rules do feature suppressive fire, but it is limited to certain weapons and you get more options if the weapon is on a stable platform (you can aim and have more range) versus going Rambo and shooting from the hip.

    With only 4 characters per team (all named soldiers btw) and a minimum table size of 60x60cm it does sound like a match can be done in 60 minutes. Lethality is high, because the characters have only three states : alive, wounded and dead/eliminated.


    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany yeah he certainly is jacked. 3000 crunches a day to get a belly like that or you could do 5 crunchies a day to get a belly like mine



    Lots of lovely terrain going on guys.

    @sundancer what is the wooden thing you have your terrain on? is it a miniature holder errrm holder?


    Right sort of had one of those days, in that while I was waiting for ink to dry I added a bit of colour to something else, so got through stuff quite quickly….. and i’ve sort of finished my pledge already.


    Soooo the rest of my weekend will be spent making cheat sheets for Matty and Chris so the have quick references to their characters special rules. Hopefully be ready for our first game next weekend.


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger … regarding South Park, what else can I say but …



    Cult of Games Member

    Thinking of starting a Space Marine chapter called the Death Squirrels… You know, for no reason whatsoever 🙂



    Cult of Games Member

    Okay, as far as what I’ve been up to in hobby …

    First of all, just playing around, created something of a promo video for the Darkstar Project:

    Darkstar – PROMO VIDEO!

    If you like it, please drop a recommendation / comment on the project thread and help it keep going!

    Also driving through some spreadsheet math to help convert more of these Darkstar warships game values into a faster, “shorthand” version of the game for use with a prospective online gaming mode, for very large battles (600+ points), and character building mode (play 4-5 games very quickly, and the “experience” gained therein can help get a player’s commander jump-started to his/her first series of upgrades).



    Cult of Games Member

    @biggabum – 3000 crunches a day to get a belly like that or you could do 5 crunchies a day to get a belly like mine.

    I choose option B.  😐


    Cult of Games Member

    @biggabum yes. all DIY. I used plywood and some 25mm round wood cut into 5cm pieces. But I need to redo it some day because it’s to narrow for larger miniatures. I build it mainly to have means of moving all current painting models at once from a to b to save me some space.



    Ive been a busy bee today and doing Day 1 of a Pokemon Go community day tomorrow.

    Page 1 replies:

    @tuffyears <25 points>

    I like the kitbashing. Assembling went well and its nice to see the Killteam altogether especially with some of the last chancers

    @biggabum <10 points>

    Im sure you wouldn’t even suggest re gassing once a new chair was offered. You make a valid point. I think it would be weird either way: waking up and everyone else has changed and you haven’t (and why?) vs waking up with it and being horrified AND being the only one aware it is not right and never will be ever again.

    @evilstu <80 points>

    Glad to catch you off guard. Have a bannana! You are most certainly welcome for the hosting. The gut plates stand out? Cool! Tell me more. I could try and replicate this across this and other armies depending on what makes them ‘pop’. Mordheim is in the queue, maybe fourth in line, but it is there. I intend to get a campaign rolling leading up to Christmas.

    (1) 5 points.

    (2) So you use it like a cooking oil, only made from avocado? Do go on. 10

    (3) Nicely done. Another case of a GM having something unexpected happen. 15 points.

    25 points for the large pledge.

    10 points for feedback to others.

    15 points, Kill team stuff looks amazing.

    @woldenspoons <35 points>

    Was it enjoyable, and what did you refule with?

    Reaity eh, shes something, right?

    Sigmarines look good. 35 points

    @torros <15 points

    1. Don’t be silly, I wrote the question, so sayeth the Leader! Nananana leader…. 10 points.
    2. Well, post when you do try something new; it is your homework with a reward of points
    3. What is your general opinion about it in games when you do see it?



    Okay guys, I am wrcked tired.

    And as they say ‘chickidy check yoself befo you wreck yoself’

    With that, good night. Ill try tear into the rest of the replies first thing in the morning.


    Good to see you @oriskany


    Damn @biggabum thats some deep philosophical thinking.


    Cult of Games Member

    Lots of neat stuff to look over tonight . Evilstu , nice looking town board  , I could see it being used as some town along a canal in Holland for a Bolt Action game . Always good the have scenery and buildings that can be used in more than one game

    Tuffyears , your Guardsmen turned out great , really like the “Red Devils ” squad , they look so bad ass . Nice work on the wounded trooper , was it a kit bash or an option in the kit ?

    Biggabum , I think Batman looks great , but really love Batgirl . Something about her just stands out

    Linburger , very nice looking resin scenery bits , I think the sandbag bunker looks more Nam to me though, check out the movie Platoon . Does the game company have a Viet Nam era game ? Maybe they’re just repurposing the resin bits

    Oriskany , nice pop cultural Mad Max reference

    And Toros , very nice Flak 18 you’ve found there . The Haynes guys didn’t get a picture of that one in their book



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu Go on I dare you 😀 Mind you mate, printing all those little fluffy tails to fix to the back of their helmets would probably drive you mad…. or even better nuts 😀

    @oriskany I think ive done it right (left a comment and clicked on the buttons at the top). Will there be another Bat Rep soon?

    @sundancer Excellent, a really clever idea (I would have said ingenious but I cant spell it). Seeing what other Hobbyists come up with to make life easier really floats my boat.

    @mage To be honest mate it was a bloody good question and required a lot of thought and could produce a lot of interesting dilemma’s. What if the change in the timeline meant that you had taken a massive personal loss, like a loved one having never been born, but the world was a better place, with no War’s or crime, no starvation or homelessnes, and Global Warming never happening?  Would you still want to do something about it? If you had the power to change things back would you have the right to?

    @a27cromwell Thanks. Yeah I was torn between the two versions of Batgirl. I preffered the metal model but couldn’t fit it in my Crew due to the Crew building restrictions. I wasnt as keen on the resin version but she was allowed in my list. So i’m using the Metal Batgirl with the resin versions Stat Card.


    Cult of Games Member

    Coffee, lunch and thread comments – not necessarily in that order 😉

    @tuffyears I like what you’ve done with the IG, and in such a shirt time frame too. great work 🙂 Faces look fine and objectives are a nice thematic and narrative idea.

    @woldenspoons very striking work on the Stormcast. How are you finding applying base colours over the gold undercoat? I would have been nervous about getting a good coverage but you seem to have it all in hand. New toys?…

    @a27cromwell consistency is good – that’s how the world keeps working so don’t go feeling that there is anything wrong with that 🙂 heh, you are making me feel slightly less worried about my ‘to do’ pile 🙂

    @torros yes the timeline change is a bit of an odd thought experiment once you start to unpack it (rather than the nonsense response I gave initially…). if nobody believed you you probably would end up thinking you were wrong (or mistaken, or under some form of mental duress), not sure what it would mean if a few other people agreed with you. I guess you might end up with a scenario like the alien hunters who drive around Nevada at night trying to spot UFO’s – a small group committed to what they do and um, ‘politely tolerated’ by the rest of society? Hrm, well better in an Argentinian arsenal than in my neighbours shed I guess…

    @biggabum well good to hear the newre casts are improved at any rate. Yeah not sure what to do about furnishings for grimdark gothic future buildings… fantasy stuff I can do no problem. 40K, maybe glue pipes onto a whole bunch of skulls and affix to the front of some computer console looking gear? Batman looks AMAZING. really great work on the grey and the black, and making them both distinctive. Great job on Batgirl too, and the rest of your pledge 🙂

    I see what you did there 😛 Well I have rejected a number of other Space Marine chapter ideas… There was the Happy Pandas, the Fuzzy Chipmunks, the Sleepy Kittens and the Baby Otters….

    @sundancer making me feel old again 😛 Supplies look great, should detail up a Legion battlefield nicely.

    @oriskany I think you may have hit the nail on the head with regard to the alternate reality. I personally find South Park very hit and miss and think The Simpsons probably needed to stop a good 20 seasons ago but i did find the older stuff funny at the time. That’s just ‘playing around’? So ‘rolling up your sleeves’ would mean winning six oscars then? 😛

    @limburger all the time is a good time for The Ramones 🙂 yes when watching ‘classic’ tv series like Buck rogers or the original Battlestar Galactica (or even dare I say Star Wars for that matter…) I usually can’t get past the haircuts without giggling… That is some great looking battlefield scatter. Are you thinking of painting it up? Looks like it would take detailing very nicely.

    @mage re the gut plates the brown/tan colour looks like it has a reflective horizon line on it (possibly due to the shading?) that made it look like NMM and it just caught my eye. It’s a nice counterpoint to the blue skin colour too. How are you looking for Mordheim terrain? yeah avocado ois li just like olive oil, coconut oil or macadamia oil in that you can cook with it, fry things in it etc. Apparently it’s really good for making dips and things with but I’m just not that fancy/motivated. Ha, don[‘t go awarding me big points for a pledge  – I still have to actually get some of that stuff done first ;-P


    Cult of Games Member


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