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Hobby Weekender 10/08/18

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This topic contains 173 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Early this time! Over tired from shift work, staying up and playing Arcworlde. Busy day tomorrow but not too busy for my fellow beasties!



    Welcome to the weekender guys, your one stop shop to hobby and chat til you drop!

    So, the main rule is have fun! Also, no religion or politics discussion. Otherwise I copy and paste our formula as rewriting the spirit of this thread differently over and over is a waste of valuable social/hangout/hobby time! Without further adieu….

    Welcome to the hobby weekender, a place where anyone is welcome. This is a collaborative, chatty thread. Not an exclusive thing or elitist. Please join in and enjoy a friendly welcome. Main rules are don’t be a dick, engage with others, and do not discuss religion or politics. Post your progress, answer questions, chat to people, post up some music, and enjoy the show. Points get awarded and we have a sort of winner at the end.

    Thanks for reading!

    Oh and the questions of course!

    (1) What would you do if you woke up in the morning and found out that the timeline had changed, and only certain other people, if any, had noticed it? What could you do?

    (2) Name something new you tried this week in regards food, takeout, cakes, deserts or a new dish you attempted to cook.

    (3) Do you like pop culture references in your gaming? Be it computer games, board games, wargames or RPGs? If so, why, and if not, why? Also, give one good and bad example of such things.




    These are my Ogres from a few days ago, which have had a lot of work done on their clubs, rope and other bits and pieces since, as well as some touch ups. Next up are the browns (wood, boots, belts, bandages, other wope and wrist bands):


    A unit of six Ogor Bulls and four Ironguts.

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    I also finished the base on Old Grogg for Arcworlde and did some more work on the Joker and my Banshees. My pledge:


    (1) Take photos of what I have done so far and post them (Friday)

    (2) Try finish my ogres (six Bulls and four Ironguts)

    (3) Work on my Arcworlde Orcs from Troll Bridge, Hounds, Travelling Necromander and Grim Goblin.

    (4) Do more if I can.





    The Albionnican Empire troopers heard a rumbling from their camp. Captain Hawthorne was the first to see the Bayourks of the Cayjon Swamp lands at dawn, on his morning constitutional. Their attempt at an early morning drunken raid almost caught the stalwart soldiers off guard. Almost…

    In quick order the Albionnicans were in formation, ready for a scrap!

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    Vigilant, the soliders of the Empire were savvy to the Bayourky treachery and had an eye out on the right flank.

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    The Bayourk Chieftain hurled his Boglin underlings across the battlefield in a vain attempt to slow down the Albionnican counter attack, as well as disrupting their firing lines. However, these somewhat valuable support models did not belong in a combat.

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    In short order the Albionnican Halberdiers shredded them to greenskin mince.

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    After the initial manoeuvres, the Bayourks themselves crashed into the slightly broken formation of humans. The momentum crushed a Halberdier, a man due to get married when he got home. His best man fled behind a wall. It was now McCoy’s duty to inform Benson’s widow of what had transpired. If he survived, that is…

    With the crossbowman and Captain wounded, things had to change…

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    The Boglins decided to storm the hill. The first one that made it up, swiping with exhausted fury, only to take significant damage from a crossbowman as he smashed the diminutive creature’s skull in with a the butt of his namesake weapon. Another strike slew the impish monster. His countryman did likewise, and the right flank was once more secure.

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    A series of orders and fine swordsmanship from Captain Hawthorne made light work of the Bayourk Brute who had initially crashed into the Albionnican lines. Thie Chieftain, sobering up at his losses, badly failed a courage test and ran. Failing to rally for the game.

    <I posted a rules query on the official Arcworlde facebook page. I asked if Generals take Cowardice checks, to which one of the actual games designers said ‘Yes, but it is very rare that they fail.’ Below is my response to him, which is highly tongue in cheek to say the least.>

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    Captain Hawthorne boomed out a challenge to an epic duel to the last Bayourk. They accepted, realising their fate, but also disgusted by their Chieftain’s cowardice. He would win glory for his tribe, and should he survive, usurp leadership.

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    Fortunately for the Empire, Captain Hawthorne prevailed. With contempt for the hulking leader’s flight, he deemed his nemesis unworthy of honour or gentlamnanly warfare. With a heavy breath sustained from severe injuries fighting the Chieftain’s subourdinate, he gave out the order to fire.

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    The Chieftain died, pincushioned in the back by a rain of crossbow bolts. When the dust settled, two soldiers of Albionnica had passed on, while not a single greenskin drew breath.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Mornin guys (unless your reading this at some other point in the day or from another time zone then insert whatever time it is where i’ve wrote mornin…. just so’s not to overcomplicate things).

    Oh fudge the gas lift in my computer chair just gave up the ghost, now im looking up at the screen instead of down….arrrgh feels like i’ve shrunk.

    Anyhoo my pleddge this week is tto persuade the wife to buy me a new chair and to paint the final crew (my own crew) for the Batman Miniatures Game.


    I have ordered some Gotham Police so if they arrive today the lineup might change slightly, with the spare model becoming a proxy for Harley Quinn (who is still on her holidays in Spain).

    on to the questions:

    1) Mmmm well I don’t think it would make much difference to me because nobody would still know what the hell I was waffling on about. I suppose a lot of it depends on whether the timeline changed for the better or worse, I mean if it changed so that my wife could walk without aid and Matty and Any were both Autism free and my life wasn’t just constantly having to attend their needs, I wouldnt want it changed. However if things were worse, I’m not sure there would be anything I could do about it apart from hope one of the other people who had noticed the change was in a position that could figure everything out.

    2)  Not quite what you meant, as I haven’t tried anything new (too old, too boring, and too restricted a diet) but I did have a curry a few days ago and discovered I no longer have a tolerance to spicy food. Reflux and the most terrible case of flatulance you have ever smelled…the wife blamed the dog for an hour until my hayfever made me sneeze and then there was no hiding it… even had to make sure there was nobody behind me when I was using the weights at the gym.

    3) In all honesty I don’t really understand much about todays Pop Culture so I wouldnt really know whether references are being made. So based on that, I have no opinion either way really. Saying that though, if I did know more about Pop Culture and a  game is interesting and fun to play and full of Pop Culture references it wouldn’t bother me. I think the only time I would get a bit miffed was if my opponent was from a younger generation and found the in game references Hilarious, while I’m standing there with a blank expression, just not getting why the guy is rolling around on the floor laughing.

    @mage Nice skin tone on the Ogres. I really like the way you have gone darker with them than you usually see, it gives them a unique look.

    Great Battle report too, and a fantasic way to start the thread.



    Morning everyone. I’m off work until Tuesday so nice and relaxed. Should get some painting in today and yes I’ll do pictures. Game of Age of Sigmar tomorrow so hopefully base colours will all be on.

    (1) What would you do if you woke up in the morning and found out that the timeline had changed, and only certain other people, if any, had noticed it? What could you do?

    Go crazy then slowly ignore it I imagine. Unless it was to earlier times then I’d practice sword and bow.

    (2) Name something new you tried this week in regards food, takeout, cakes, deserts or a new dish you attempted to cook.

    Uh I don’t think I’ve tried anything new. How sad.

    (3) Do you like pop culture references in your gaming? Be it computer games, board games, wargames or RPGs? If so, why, and if not, why? Also, give one good and bad example of such things.

    I’m not really bothered by pop culture. Saying that the Front line gaming guys said Bazinga in their latest battle report and I smiled. So that.



    @biggabum <45 points>

    Good morning! Can you regass the chair?

    Batman crew is good. 10 points for having it painted and assembled. Theres a bit of a snowball effect here I am noticing with the game and you guys getting stuff…

    (1) 15 points for a detailed answer. Gonna throw a curve ball at you and ask what if you noticed people had long lizard tongues like the end of that Simpsons Halloween special (03:30).

    (2) Ummmmm…. 5 points….

    (3) Finding it hard to relate to in that context would infuriate me too. Damn hipsters. 15 points.

    Thanks for the compliment, I will hilight it a little. That is just a basecoat.

    @woldenspoons <25 points>

    Good to have you here again, and good morning! Enjoy the days off. Not too bad getting your chillax on.

    Tell me more about the game you have arranged 🙂

    (1) Not earlier times, strictly our timeline having been changed. What would you react well and badly to? 10 points

    (2) Very but 5 points.

    (3) 10 points, nice!

    Can’t wait to see pics.

    *The more detailed a conversation, answers, and music you post, the more points 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Working on some guardsman objectives for kill team



    Had a couple  of nice guardsman for the kill team come out in the process






    Cult of Games Member

    @johnlyons the guardsman sniper you asked about Wednesday was from this box




    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears Liking the Guardsmen objectives you’ve done, great poses. Sadly a skill i’m lacking in, no matter how detailed the kit I always end up with everything looking the same…. except the officer, who  looks the same with a different hat.

    @mage I have no idea if you can regas them, looking at it, I don’t think so. I suppose I could have just bought a replacement but when the wife said she would by me a new chair I did something that I rarely do… Shut up 😀

    Mmmmm Lizard tongues eh? Do I have one too or are we saying everybody else has one and those aware of the timeline change doesn’t. If I have one too, then I don’t stand out so my answer still stands as is. It gets interesting if we, the ones who know about the change, don’t alter in the way that those who don’t realise there’s been a change do. Sort of caught in a bubble outside the changes. Now that is an interesting concept and one I shall have to ponder on for a while.


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey Team, thread is off to an early start, happy surprise, caught me off guard 🙂

    Questions first up:

    (1) What would you do if you woke up in the morning and found out that the timeline had changed, and only certain other people, if any, had noticed it? What could you do?

    Actually this happened to me a few years ago following the great war against the evil garden gnomes. Funnily enough I’m the only one that seems to remember it…

    (2) Name something new you tried this week in regards food, takeout, cakes, deserts or a new dish you attempted to cook.

    Using avocado oil when making quiche. Actually, avocado oil with pretty much anything… It’s expensive but so very tasty..

    (3) Do you like pop culture references in your gaming? Be it computer games, board games, wargames or RPGs? If so, why, and if not, why? Also, give one good and bad example of such things.

    Pop culture references always find a way in, and they are usually entertaining. first example that springs to mind is a game of Pathfinder form a few years ago where the DM set up a trap where there were a horde of baddies and a necromantic gem hidden in a stash at the centre of the room. Idea was that we would kill the baddies, loot the stash and when we disturbed the gem all the baddies would raise up from the dead, have us surrounded and attack once more. My rogue ended up sneaking in, looting the stash, pocketing the gem and sneaking out without engaging the baddies. A few rooms later my character got smashed to bits by a high level monster. I hit the ground at which point the gem I had pocketed, it’s properties unbeknownst to me, activated and resurrected me. My immediate response was naturally “Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine…” which, due mainly to the immense amount of sugar everyone had consumed by then, garnered more than a few giggles 🙂

    @mage Thanks for hosting once again. Love that track 🙂 Ogres are coming along nicely (gut plates are a stand-out in my opinion), and great BatRep. Was good to see you breaking out some Mordheim at  the end of last week’s thread – is that another project to be queued up? or just sorting some stuff from storage for later? Yeah, I’ll never be able to let Mordheim go…


    @biggabum BMG stuff seems to be progressing at a rate of knots – hopefully you are enjoying the minis. Keen to see how the good guys look with a bit of paint on. Sorry to hear about your chair – can you pad it out with cushions and prop yourself up a little? Hope you don’t use the same cahir for painting…

    @woldenspoons welcome back! Enjoy the well-earned days off. Ha, nothing like a deadline (or in this case, a game) to motivate the painting. If it wasn’t for tourneys I don’t think I ever would have finished an army back when I started gaming…

    @tuffyears Kill team stuff is really looking good. Have you had a chance to muck about with the rules set a little? I’ve watched a few BatReps on Youtube but still don’t really have a feel for ot. Hopefully my copy will arrive next week and I can get stuck into pulling the rules apart a little.

    My pledge:

    – Work on historicals for Sharp Practice

    – Fix up my old Orc army a little

    – Prime some counters

    – Work on the Death Guard marines I primed last week

    – Print up more terrain for when Kill Team arrives

    – Paint up some terrain

    – Maybe have a go at playing with pigments

    – Quick Shade on to some Bretonnian archers and British historicals

    – Probably a bunch of other stuff if I get to it…

    Current state of the Kill Team terrain I’m printing. This may end up being a little large (each piece is a 5cm square and the walls are about 8cm high…) but I personally like terrain elements that force you to interact with them rather than just treat them as line of sight blockers. Need to fill in the floor in the middle, print and swap out a few of the wall sections and add a ruined second storey at the front. Well at least that’s the current plan…



    Cult of Games Member

    Final four guardsman assembled



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu not had chance to play yet.

    The full 20 man kill team




    Ah a hard morning painting. Now I’m hungry and tired.

    Sorry, took me too long to work out the timeline thing. Yes isn’t it strange how everyone isn’t shades of grey anymore? If you look around carefully enough you can see that reality trying to creep back in. That’s not the wind on the back of your neck..

    Progress pictures!





    Lots still to go. More layers, highlights and colours. And now I’m off to buy Some new toys for them.


    Cult of Games Member

    Questions , always with hard questions lol .

    1. Timeline changed – probably just get up  and go to work , if work’s still there and I’m still employed there . I’m pretty much a creature of habit , so can’t see any real changes in my life unless there’s aliens involved .

    2. As I said , creature of habit , so nothing new this week , last week , ever … . my life is pretty constant , or as my kids call it , boring .

    3. Pop Culture – Not really up on todays pop culture , I don’t Facebook , or Twitter , or follow any celebriety  on You Tube . Being 60  and having most of my friends in their 50 -60s ,all we talk about is classic 70/80s music and movies of our youth . So references to Terminator , Aliens , Star Wars ( IV , V , VI ) , and bands like Blue Oyster Cult , Foghat and Uriah Heep . To me , the kids at work ( 20 – 30 yr olds ) talk a whole pile of crap  about people who are famous for being famous , not a real  bit oftalent amongst the lot of them , but they sure take a nice selfie showing lots of skin .

    This week I pledge to keep on pledging , lol . Lots of partially finished kits and conversions , as well as half painted figures . I think not actually playing any games to finish figures for sort of let’s me waffle along and drop one project to start another IMG_20180810_062950950

    WIP , knocked out Tiger II , back date Panther to an early D , Winter Russians to Poles in Berlin 1945 , some German Para tank riders , Russian troop / Perry US Civil War Cavalry conversion and a resin Star Wars figure IMG_20180810_062214210

    And these are on the to do pile , some are being built to be given  to  friends as scenery pieces  , and others are just for fun builds , X Wing and the Meng Tu-2 Bomber . Plus I have a 6 foot stack of 1/35 kits , but I haven’t touched  them in a few years , maybe one day I’ll get bitten by the larger scale bug again , but 1/56 is my main interest now


    Cult of Games Member

    Hi guys .Some quick answers while I’m on the bus going home


    1.  How do you know its changed? Maybe your timeline was the wrong one all along
    2. Nothing new tried this week. Well not yet
    3. I’m with @biggabum I don’t think I would recognise the reference if I saw it
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