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Hobby Weekender 10/05/19 A bit of gaming philosophy this time

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 10/05/19 A bit of gaming philosophy this time

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This topic contains 136 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    ok so I’m gonna wrap up for today

    here’s where I’ve got to







    Final round of basing to add all the greenery and we should be done!


    Cult of Games Member

    Uh, what scary creature lurks there in the back? @warzan take the shiny baldness away… it scares my hairs! XD



    that my friend is a







    Looking good @warzan. Been a productive day for you.

    Realised I have not posted updated Hellboy pictures so here we go.

    Total joy to paint.




    Didn’t get much done in the shed today but I did finish this!


    I had some help but 96.356% of it was done by me, a 40 year old ex-rugby playing, heavy metal fan who couldn’t knit two weeks ago!  I’m a bit chuffed with myself.  I did learn quite a few things if I try and knit anymore bags.  Needs to be bigger, less cord (I learned to crochet today and blew my load so it is a bit long), thinner wool, think about different ways to open and close etc.  I’ll use it to store stuff in the shed like bottle tops or even dice as it is meant to be a dice bag.

    Spent too long cleaning and tidying this up today as well.  It was a fairly decent cast, but I have to make it perfect… I do have issues!


    And I also had some treats today.  Top hats in a foil bun case.  These are the bun cases now.  Trying out a new filler I got for a £1 for 600ml.  Was foamier and more viscous than I had anticipated.  Will see what it looks like dry.




    Page 1 Replies, Part 1:

    @crazyredcoat <20 points>

    Glad you don’t need to remember them or to post first! 10 points! Woo! Gig was great. Met the lead singer, Dick Valentine, after the Gig, got to talk to him briefly, take a pic with him and he signed some merch I bought.

    How did the ‘damn backlog of models’ go? 10 points for the pledge!

    Cnat wait to see some more historicals on here to diversify the thread some more.

    Real life stuff ok?

    @sundancer <30 points>

    (1) I am very inclined to agree with you, 15 points.

    (2) 10 points, solid answer and balanced.

    (3) X-Wing does need a lot of stuff and it can be insane even though the core mechanics are simple, fun and easy to learn. Id hate to play it competitively. 10 points.

    How was work

    @robert <25 points>

    Pledge: 10 points, cannot wait to see pics! PICS!!?!!!!! Ahem, now please.

    Questions: 15 points for agreeing, but you did phone it in a little 😉

    Music: Oooooooo lookie here!

    @wolfch <80 points>

    Again, welcome once more again! Apologies for my absentee hosting for the last couple of days, super busy with my son and girlfriend since Friday. And a gig.

    Chin wagging indeed!

    1) That is a very valid point. I think cmon have a secret crush on using as much tokens as possible. Simplicity does not mean lack of depth. 10 points. 10 for the example.

    2) Let us know how you get on with it, I never played the games. Looks fun though! Sure wasn’t Fallout 3 when the original company was sold and then they did Fallout76 recently? Nuff said. 10 points.

    3) Epic Space Marines was before my time but man did it look shiny. I suppose a game can be a victim of its own success eh? 10 points.

    That is a length, detailed and ambitions pledge, 20 points. Cannot wait to see pics.

    Green day 10 points Jet 10 points.

    10 points for what you have done so far. Was it pizza powered?


    Cult of Games Member

    I guess all your base belong to @warzan 😉

    @dawfydd that link … it definitely is not safe for work, but it is funny …

    Now to watch Superman vs Batman on tv and hope it isn’t as bad as everyone says it is.


    The minis in the (Monolith) Batman game are seriously cool.
    I got the big playmat for Brookcity boardgame and a tracking mail telling me the game itself should arrive in a few days.



    Page 1 Replies, Part 2:

    @limburger < points>

    Was that a Fat Albert or Whats Happenin’ ‘Heyheyhey’

    Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight. WAHTS IN THE BAHOXX!!!!!!?!

    How hard is it? That wasn’t a set up for a joke no? Plagiarism you say? Playgiarism?

    (1) What are the right reasons? Where is the cut off point? 15 points.

    (2) But why does it suffer? Is there a fundamental thing that games designers miss the point of when doing it? Can you give a good example of a developer that plays to the strengths and avoids the weaknesses? 15 points.

    (3) 15 points. Do you think it is a good thing like AoS where a game does not have as many tokens and accessories as say, X-Wing? 15 points

    Develop your point on Guildhall

    @horati0nosebl0wer <60 points>

    10 points for the pledge. Show off a WIP if you want, its no biggie.

    What minis did you get?

    Clan wat, what is that?

    Tell us more about the Dragon Clan you speak of.

    Sounds like you had a profitable and productive day. Sounds like you have a lot of balls in the air.

    1: 10 points for the answer. The reason I thought of it and posted it up is because Massive Darkness was hard and we lost, so it got me going all Phil O’Sophical.

    2: 10 points, yeah, video games are a tough one, this seems to be a general consensus on it.

    3: I happened to love putting down focus tokens, felt awesome. You give a detailed, well thought out answer, 20 points.

    Electric six were so good!

    10 points for responses to others.

    @warzan <85 points>

    I am humbled by your presents good sir!

    *rolls out the red carpet*

    *realises its green*

    That ain’t right… @limburger what did you do to this thing!!! 😉 😀

    Anyway, you really are a sleeping giant with the rebasing project eh? Fair dues! Bit of a sleeping giant no?

    Sounds like you had a good night. You did the walk of shame before anyone woke up to do some warhammmer? That’s awesome 🙂

    Lizard people just sounds more politically correct.

    Thanks for the compliment on the questions! They all stem from being royal pee’d off at just about losing my first game of Massive Darkness, hahahahaha. I love the minis and gameplay mechanic. I dunno about the game yet, its kind of like being in love with someone who treats you like crap, been there haha. Toxic but intoxicating.

    (1) That makes perfect sense. Some of my best games at 40k tournaments are when I have been kicked royally in the butt but by a themed army by a player who did a beautiful job crafting it, was not waac and came very close. 10 points/

    (2) I think if a good game was designed from the ground up and then skinned at the last minute with a game it might work. Kingdom Hearts Talisman is something I have my eye on. Simpler though. 10 points.

    (3) 15 points. I kind of miss the days where everything you needed was in a single codex book. X Wing, a game I love, annoys me with focus, target locks. Etc etc etc. But then again I have a fickle, impatient and mercurial personality at times, lol.

    Anyway, time to get stuck into these bases.

    Lost city style is great. You could do a family like the Dinoaur Puppets TV show as objective markers. Sexy bases. And as for the coins beneath them that’s genius, you have added both weight and value to the models.

    10 points for 3d printing, 10 for the pics on page 1. Schleich figures looking good. That’s a lot of bases. Walls are awesome. 30 points. I look forward to seeing more of your bits 😉

    @limburger <15 points>

    I remember Justin on the weekender ages back saying “This War of Mine” was good. Depressing, but it makes you feel, eh? Movie to video games have always been cursed. But Detective Pikachu does a good job! 15 points

    @limburger @warzan Moba games on tabletop are this, but from a game design perspective:


    Horse at a Merry Go Round…



    Page 2 Replies, Part 1:


    Morning all.

    Just fuelling myself for a day of hobby with some coffee, porridge and prunes. Might also be a day of running to the loo! I may watch the European Cup rugby final later but other than that I plan to have a shed day. Though I might do some more knitting later as I have knit myself a dice bag but it needs sown up and decorated.

    Coffee, porridge and prunes? Stuff be getting serious up in here. Running to the loo? Did you have Indian food last night? Mage Tip 406: The runs can stop impeding your hobby with adult nappies.

    Re Heroquest, assuming it does not rain tomorrow and that the good weather continues

    20 points for responses to others

    @sundancer <20 points>

    20 points for responses to others. You sir are consistently a conversationalist. Bravo!

    @warzan <20 points>

    Hope the choir stuff went well. I did choir when I was in school to get out of class. Then I had to go to events throughout the year on the weekend so it kinda of bit me in the a$$

    20 points for continued progress.

    John was having a slow relaxed day on the van so yeah? You should do an opening to the weekender sometime ripping off the opening of Season 1 of the Flash. ‘My name is John and I am the fastest painter alive…’

    @woldenspoons <50 points>

    Forgive me for not sounding an alarm. Here ya go:

    (1) That is also true. Easy mode and then working my way up through the difficulty levels if it takes my fancy. 10 points. FF13 was the first one I stopped halfway through because of the asinine grinding.

    (2) Someone on here tried it, said it was ok but it was basically grinding before the boss rush. Which sounds hugely disappointing. 10 points. As a computer game it wasn’t designed for the sake of being hard as such. It was minimalist and a challenge. It was aimed at satisfaction once you had learned, adapted and overcame difficulty.

    (3) Any examples of good or bad ones? 10 points

    A break is needed at times dude, but 10 points for the pledge and more if you do it and post pics. Also don’t be a stranger.

    10 points for responses to others.


    Wow, that’s one packed up van. Im hoping to order Shadowspear next payday from the site.

    @wolfch <20 points>

    20 points for the continued progress. And yes, there is a fire. We must contact emergency services.

    @warzan waiting to get a free moment to hobby:

    @limburger <30 points>

    Im confused, where and what is the batman batmobile from? Is it a toy or from a game company? 20 points, its bonkers cool

    What is coming up on season 2.

    10 points for responses to others

    @dawfydd <10 points>

    10 points for the pledge. That already primed or just primed? Looks awesome as hell. I picked up Cutthroat, I think, from Transformers.

    @limburger <10 points>

    That video was hilarious 10 points. Contrast looks exciting.

    @robert What they are saying is one thick coat. It looks interesting.

    @sundancer Were they primed grey and zenith with a chalky white primer from above, maybe?



    Page 3 Replies, Part 1:


    @dawfydd <60 points>

    Holy crap you did those 12 models quick! 60 points

    @wolfch <20 points>

    Solid progress 20 points. I may pick your brain some day about decals because it is NOT something I am good at.

    Adam weeeeest…..


    A few steps ahead with airbrushing it eh? Don’t tell me you have plans to weaponise it already. Glad you got a pass to do some more work. You sure are steamrolling through it all. 50 points for the progress, that’s a lot of work on a lot of bases and some amount of progress. Would a varnish rattle can kill the plant shine?


    Hello stranger! I will translate that: G’day.

    You are welcome! 😉

    Take your time and don’t sweat it.

    Im having a great day, despite 10 minutes of sunlight giving me the mildest of heatstroke (redhead)

    @horati0nosebl0wer <30 points>

    30 points for responses

    10 points for sharing the pic of your hobby material


    Welcome! 20 points for responses and helpful info.



    Page 3 Replies, Part 2:

    @evilstu <95 points>

    1. I will play devils advocagte here: what was the most difficult one you have played and which one do you thinks strikes the best balance at this? 10 points

    2. 10 points, this does seem to be the general consensus.

    3. Re necessity and needing them vs streamlining: How long is a piece of string? 10 points

    40 points for responses to others.

    15 points for posting the armies and pics. 10 for the pledge.

    Cant wait to see your Tzzeentch stuff.

    @robert <20 points>

    Was it a flop or a plop? Hee hee…

    Inconsiderate visitors…

    Nah post your ugly mug away I don’t mind. Do an unboxing! Re-stage it!

    I know plenty of people with a Cork accent. It isnt the most… pleasing one to hear in one’s ears. Im only two counties away, but still.

    20 points for hobby progress.



    @limburger As a hige DC fan it is a little disappointing. A C+. The extended edition is a little better.


    Cult of Games Member

    Gees that was a weekend… got a little bit of hobbying done and all that is left to do is varnish and make proper pictures.




    Also I read this today it was hilarious:


    Yo momma so fat Thanos had to snap his fingers twice.



    Page 4 Replies, Part 1:

    @dawfydd <10 points>

    10 points for the shrewd purchases and cool conversions.

    Oglaf was something that sometimes would have me in stitches and other tines be disgusted hahahaha.

    @robert <30 points>

    30 points for giving me nostalgia and feels. And coffee. I still have that version of the hobbit on a shelf. It has a soft little spot in my heart for reasons other than it being the Hobbit which are a tad personal that I will not go into here, as it is kinda sad.

    The vine fascinates me. Tell me more. You have piqued my curiosity. From the start, if you can or if you don’t feel like it then that is cool too.

    @warzan <20 points>

    Washing yourself with those will not get you clean.

    It does look like soy sauce though! mmmmm

    That looks very cool. 20 points. Sexy AF. Minis then foliage might work, as you know where it will look good and not cluttered then.

    @wolfch <60 points>

    168 decals? 40 points dude! Looking freaking amaing.

    20 points for responses to others.

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