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Hobby weekender 09/02/2019 – Right Place, Right Year…

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 09/02/2019 – Right Place, Right Year…

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This topic contains 65 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Ok, technology demons seem to have been banished back to from whence they came – or at least they are done with their infernal capering for now…

    @dawfydd sounds like a plan re sub-assemblies. Also makes the job easier to tackle I guess as you can just focus on one component at a time. Good call re the fur brown basecoat – seems to show the top colours nicely. heh, it makes me smile that all of these current GW paint ranges are named after now obsolete Old World Empire provinces and cities 🙂 Nice progress. And yes the metal shift paints seem to be a pest to photograph. From the one practice I have had adding a wash over the top steps down the degree of shifting to the second colour but doesn’t block completely. I was using GSW colour shift paints so your mileage may vary… and yeah, I’m with @sundancer , the weapon on the base like that does look like an awesome sci-fi interstellar comms array 🙂 40 chocolate coated coffee beans for posts and progress.

    @sundancer had forgotten about ewok artillery. And the gliders… suddenly this is starting to sound like a faction that is actually really fun 🙂 Specialists look great! Nice job getting them all turned out so quickly! Oooh! is it a dolls house? A rats maze for stormtrooper training? It’s not a tie-rack, is it? 😉 60 chocolate coated coffee beans for posts, progress and scratchbuilding.

    @horati0nosebl0wer that video was worth watching just for the poor commentator trying to explain what she was seeing from the (clearly) vague press brief she had been handed. Good to know that 40k is a ‘fantasy sci-fi 3d video game’, clears a lot of things up for me 😉 Ah Sith Lord Jar-Jar… The more time that passes the more I find myself buying the plausibility of that theory 🙂 yeah, I think the emu’s keep breaking our internet – They just can’t let go of a grudge 😉 40 chocolate coated coffee beans for detailed posts.

    @rayzryr Heh, had forgotten Officeworks. And any of the $2 shops or places like Daiso. or craft stores like Spotlight… Very nice progress on the Marine squad. Oh no, sorry you lost your post. we had blackouts and internet dropouts yesterday, probably due to the wind and dust storms. Combined with the OTT site maintenance I gave up trying to log on and just painted for a bit (flesh tone basecoat done on 100 Empire minis…). 40 chocolate coated coffee beans for detailed posts and progress.

    @woldenspoons as I understand from last week’s Weekender, it needs to be vampire vs werewolf vs predator to really sell 🙂 Seriously though I need to get caught up on the Underworld series. Only watched the first 2 – 1 was great and 2 was enjoyable so maybe I need to set a day aside and binge-watch them all. When the GF is not about (vampires aren’t her cup of tea…) Yeah, I’m holding out hope for a mercs/bounty hunter faction for Legion – That would be cool. 30 chocolate coated coffee beans for posts.

    @mage unproductive is OK, we won’t tell 😉 Halfling Bards and Tiedling some sort of caster I can’t quite make out… cool nonetheless. I just wish the scaling on the humans was slightly larger, would love to work some of those in as characters in GW armies. Still, they are the right scale for historicals so that can still work 🙂 Nice progress on the dwarves. Immediately recognisable as their cinematic counterparts 🙂 Ugh, ugly rostering – The back and forth between day and graveyards is always a rough gig. re AoS, a lot of the current range are still older WHFB sculpts so I don’t know that they are too far removed. Am really liking some of the newer designs. The Ironjaws look way more brutal than the old Black orcs, the new goblin and Troll sculpts are great and I love the Overlords/steampunk sky dwarves. The sea elves was a great idea but I’m not totally sold on the execution uet, just personal preference. Making Slayers their own faction was, I thought, quire inspired. And the Slaneeesh harp player from the new Wrath and rapture box set is a beautiful piece and perfectly in keeping with the horrific themes of the army. So yeah, there’s a fair bit there that I like. Having said that however, at the moment I’m picking up bulk 2nd hand Ebay forces and restoring them for the same price as a 10 man box set new, and probably having a lot more fun painting as I’m not stressing about the paintjob too much.  usual tropes about GW pricing aside, I do sort of think that they have positioned themselves above my ‘comfort level’ in painting due to the quality of their new sculpts. I don’t know that I would feel happy just painting the new stuff to tabletop as it wouldn’t be doing it justice, and to paint stuff as well as it deserved woud mean never getting a fieldable force. Not sure if that makes sense?.. 40 chocolate coated coffee beans for posts and hobby progress.



    Cult of Games Member

    Finished Barbican – From the front with a 28mm Reaper mini for scale…


    And a pic from the back…



    Cult of Games Member

    @mage @evilstu you’re both wrong. It’s nothing like it 😉 It’s the start of an insert for a boardgame *g* Sadly can’t recall the name right now to save my life… will look it up when I’m back home

    Legends of Andor.  Wrote it on my Instagram XD I forgot. Me stupid and old.





    Please do not hahahahaha


    Tiefling wizard type and half elf bard. I may do a head swap since I play a Tiefling bard and there is no such model.


    Thanks for the compliment about them being recognisable J


    Tis a rough gig I’ve been doing since 2007 ish.


    Some stuff got removed gradually since it launched. Some last week like the old school orc infantry and chariot along with the newer boarboys, gone. Aside from stuff being removed, I like what they have created and added and done overall.


    Re the minis and advancing, if you like the mini paint how you are happy. Some of the Warmachine models are starting to look overdesigned and I just take shortcuts so I have them on the table to where I am happy with. Ill never be a Golden Daemon winner and I don’t want to: who in their right mind would spend 300 hours on one model when its so well done they can’t even play with it for fear of something happening.


    I will post a pic of Kili later.


    The barbican looks good




    Legends of Andor eh? Lets see. Looks interesting. Minis?


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage no, cardboard standees but a metric sh*tton of cards, enemies and tokens.



    Sounds like a heavy boxed game.



    @mage I’m not opposed to the idea although I won’t be buying anything new for it.

    There are local people who have armies for it and I believe there is the odd campaign but I’ve so far not got involved.

    Hobby wise this week I’ve painted so much walking dead but finished so little! Even done a cute little Atlanta Sherriff’s department with Rick, Shane, their walker counterparts and a few others. With my prisoners walkers I think I like my themed teams.

    Also put my none scenery models from Conquest Sub together. Been looking forward to these last few Deathguard ones.



    Anyone know how many Wolf Helmets are in this kit? Specificall wolf shaped power armour helmets as opposed to regular space marine helmets on space wolves?




    @woldenspoons I’ve no intention either but maybe doing a collaborative paint, post, share and encourage group might be fun is all I was thinking 🙂 8)



    @mage you get two of the wolf-head helms, andthere is a different design on the Space Wolf upgrade sprue


    Cult of Games Member

    OK All, going to close the thread officially at this point but as always feel free to keep posting until the next one’s up. I’ll do a tally up and announce combined awards for this week’s thread and last later, as both threads have been fairly quiet. Is someone able to host next week? In what seemed like a good idea at the time I’m going to be spending my hobby time next week on a paint-a-thon *Shameless plug*:

    A very Silly Idea…

    @sundancer love a well organised card game. Dominion inn particular can get out of control very quickly once you have more than a few expansions…

    @mage sounds cool – don’t recall seeing any serious conversion work on the D&D pre-primed minis line yet, keen to see how it works out. Like the idea of more collaborative community projects, will have to think on that for a bit…

    @woldenspoons don’t stress, I find that that happens to me quite often – you chip away at several things for weeks on end feeling like you are not making any progress then suddenly everything comes together at once and you are swimming in shiny new minis.

    @dawfydd a wealth of knowledge on all things space marine conversion as always- well played 🙂

    Thanks for joining in everybody!


    Cult of Games Member

    This is making my ears happy:

    OK, combined awards for the last 2 threads – overall winner is… @sundancer 🙂

    · Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic) @sundancer
    · Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation) @dawfydd
    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend) @sundancer
    · Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes) @mage
    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun) @biggabum
    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain) @mage
    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music) @horati0nosebl0wer
    · Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports) N/A
    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged) @rayzryr
    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story) N/A

    @lancorz grateful if you could pass out shiny karma accordingly 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    What? Me win? Impossibru!

    VNV Nation…. Hell that’s a throwback to ancient times… was that even me?



    @hoati0nosebl0wer dear old cats!

    @mage getting through a mini quicker than expected is always a nice surprise!

    I’d be partial to participating in a Heresy Army thing. If my damn net connection will let me… grrr ? (more on this later)

    You know, maybe I could play 40k with a 40k-ish army… huh. I’ll have to look into that… lol!

    Eh @evilstu can you banish my tech demons too please?

    Yikes, how did you go with the dust and wind? Up my way, it looked like thick cloud covering the sky all day, but the wrong colour. It had the orange tint of dust or bush fire smoke.

    Good to hear that at least you were able to make some productive headway.

    So yeah, as I’ve hinted above…

    3 times this week I tried to update my (currently private) project. Tonight I split my update in half. The first half actually did upload, when I thought it had failed. The second had no such luck.

    I don’t know if it’s too many photos, the crappy wifi I’m working off air the damn BoW  website. I’m about ready to launch my phone through the nearest wall… ??

    Spent more time updating my Dark Angels spreadsheet instead.

    Any way, good thread this week. Thanks @evilstu for running this one ? Conglaturations (as my daughter says) to @sundancer well done ?


    Cult of Games Member

    @rayzryr when BoW seems to act up (or I write long texts) before I hit “send” I do a “select all & copy”. That way the text is saved.  But when you do that on your smarphone… man, that is hardcore masochism 😉

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