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Hobby Weekender 08/03/19 – Slightly Forward to the 90s

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This topic contains 144 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @mage not quite. I had the blue, yellow and metals done at the start of  the weekend 🙂



    @evilstu <100 points>


    100 points all the same it’s a lot of work on so many models


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage : dubious music is da best music. 😀

    It can be even worse :

    Remember : you’re the one who wanted 90’s music *grin*

    @sundancer : Is that one of everything Legion ?


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger jupp, everything released until today. please don’t make me add it up XD


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer : oh … I know all about not wanting to add up the cost of my hobby bits.

    I trust you have seen the super star destroyer ?
    It makes for a pretty display piece and it won’t break your ‘no new system’ rule if you buy it …
    (although I’m sure other things will be broken ;-))

    // —

    I got Mollog’s mob built :

    Introducing : Mollog’s Mob

    Almost managed to flock up the tiny critters because they had far more parts than an ‘easy build’ kit should have.
    Side note : those tiny mushrooms … they were bits too. It does add to the model, but damn … ‘easy’ this certainly isn’t when you look at this from a total newbie point of view.

    The next kits won’t be done quite so fast, because they’re not ‘easy build’ kits.


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger – I was torn between that and “Set you Free” for “ultimate 90s song”

    Similarly I can’t decide whether video game of the 90s should be Day of the Tentacle

    Or Command and Conquer

    Zig and Zag on the Big Breakfast just about summed up 90s TV in the UK (even the edgier version of the Word on Channel 4 was just Zig and Zag but with Mark Lamaar and Deni Behr)

    After my first post, I was really looking back on the 90s with some fondness.
    After this one, I’m quite glad they’re over 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd – embedding videos: I’m obivously missing something (see last post)…..


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 : I think you clicked ’embed’  in the dialog that appears after clicking ‘share’, am I right ?

    You don’t need to do that. The standard link it gives you after clicking ‘share’ is enough for this forum.

    So this :

    “” becomes this :



    Back at work today, posting from the lunch room.

    @woldenspoons hehehe half day sounds like a plan

    @horati0nosebl0wer that video puts everyone into a WTF? headspace I think ? reading the comments on YouTube. It certainly caught me by surprise when I finished the game back in the day!

    You can probably find the game on GOG if you ever want to try it out. It was much fun.

    @mage yep, that could lead to a similar experience for sure.

    I’ll take a pic of the “exercises” the doc gave me so you can try them out. They’re very low intensity ?

    I hope you enjoy the music! Im thinking I’ll do some 90’s music tonight. You may have already called the thread by then, but no worries.

    Yes I do believe I have received points for them in previous Weekenders.


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger it’s a nice display piece but not worth 200 USD. Not even close! And since I have a complete SW:L and SW:X-Wing collection (complete as in: I bought every release one time) I have more than enough Display pieces 😉 (And SW:Armada would be a new system sooo…. yeah, no. Hard pass)


    Now for the cleansing of everybody’s ear holes!

    Don’t go breakin’ my mind!


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger – nailed it, thanks.

    @everyone-else: so we’re agreed that the 90s were a mix of awesome and terrible then?


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage thanks for the points but you really shouldn’t be encouraging me to persist with this sort of nonsense 😉



    Haha! @horati0nosebl0wer got there before me with the White Zombie, nice! And Tool, excellent!

    @blink465 were they awesomely terrible, or terribly awesome though?!?

    I’m not the biggest fan, but I did enjoy some of this album in the 90’s, and this was definitely my favourite

    More 90’s dammit!

    @evilstu you were talking about GW music, the first time I heard this song was at GW Sydney. Took me years to find out who it was



    How could I not represent 90’s Aussie music?!?



    TISM (This Is Serious Mum)

    A few more, and I’m calling it a night!

    I’d say I’m sorry for the music spam… but I’m not. ?


Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 162 total)

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