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Hobby Weekender 08/03/19 – Slightly Forward to the 90s

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This topic contains 144 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I’m ahead of the game again! Every released Star Wars Legion mini is painted! Huzza!


    So…. what’s next? Touching up details on the depot? taking a break? Building terrain? Or even *shudder* grabbing something from the pile of shame? oO What to do!



    @sundancer you found us a Virgin! @robert The Simarrillion (presuming you gloss over the family trees) is Tolkien’s best work. Amazing characters, stories and wars. Id play THAT game!

    Also it was the GeeDubya models I was talking about.

    @evilstu the event went ok, got a few demos in. Also got given a humongous stack of old comics. Magical!



    Been flat or painting myself today. Said I’d host better but damn it it was hard to stay away from my Minotaurs lol.


    pics and commentary to follow. Probably in a few hours.


    Great posts and work so far guys. I’ll end this one at some point Wednesday


    Cult of Games Member

    I did a thing :

    Da Boss and his minions

    Now I do have to keep this updated … so *eh* yeah.
    That’s all the hobby for me today. Maybe more tomorrow ? 😀



    Hey all,

    Not much hobby from me yesterday (Monday). An attack of vertigo from out of the blue meant I spent most of the day at the doctors or sitting up in bed. Nothing major, just an ear condition that sneaks up on me occasionally.

    It has hung around to today, so I’m taking a sick day.

    I put some transfers on the Consecrators Squad, and I’ll finish those off today. Then I can clear the deck and go back to the Elves.


    Ah crap. I just took this photo before posting this reply, and I realise something. In my spun-out state yesterday evening I did something silly: I’ve put DA Chapter markings on these guys. You can see the four in this photo. Damn.

    I’ll leave them as they are, in 40k I can say they’ve received honours from working with the DA. Or I could potentially field them as Fallen in 40k. But I’ll finish them as Consecrators.



    @horati0nosebl0wer it’s interesting hearing your experience going to a different scale… I’ve never painted anything Epic scale, but I’ve got a couple of larger scale minis, 54mm scale stuff. I’ve held off, being unsure how to approach them, and mainly coz I prefer stuff I can game with.

    @evilstu disheartening indeed! Oh well, I got through it, thanks to your tip!

    @sundancer nice work mate!

    @blinky465 Ye gods! Metal GW Ogre Ninja! From when you could actually seriously injure your opponent with your army!

    @robert did you ever play the original Space Hulk PC game? The game launched a 10 second grab of a metal track before the menu screen loaded, a search tells me it was D-Rok.

    Oh geez, that ‘93 edition of Space Hulk has not aged well… it’s cringe inducing… Enjoy!!



    Time to put me feet up and chill! Did a good bit of painting today, and the gym. Also got a game of Nightvault in and I love the system, even if I did ‘just’ the tutorial. Onto the thread!


    Also I am busy tomorrow evening and on Wednesday morning, to 20:00 my time tomorrow I will call the thread to a close (a little early since I tend to do it on Thursday) but people can keep posting. I know I will. Everytime I plan to take picture of my Minotaurs batch paint another colour and put it off. The result is a pain in my left bicep (the army I hold my minis up with) but need to add washes before I go to sleep in a couple of hours so they are dry for the morning (some blue glaze on a glow effect and some blue ink very thinned down for a different finish on black armour plates) as well as having done a bunch of work on them all day to day.


    I’ve found with the Minotaurs that once I Got passed the basecaots of gold, red, black (the most time consuming part) and metal (the second most time consuming part) that everything else came together very quickly.


    Right, time to go back through the thread and watch Umbrella Academy on Netflix (its really good!)



    Page 5:

    @sundancer <15 points>

    15 points for the progress on the Star Wars squad.


    25 points for feedback and responses.

    Thanks for the compliment on the Minotaurs? Diesel Punk? Please elaborate 

    Sounds like you could do with a break from the minis like myself. Wrist sore now too…

    @blinky465 <15 points>

    Nice haul! 15 points for sharing



    Page 6:

    @evilstu <40 points>

    15 points for responses in first post

    25 points for responses in second post

    10 points for responses in third post

    Cool! Enjoy the movie, I hope you like it! 

    Pics of the Middenheim infantry?

    @blinky465 <10 points>

    10 points for responses

    @limburger <10 points>

    10 points for links to those interesting penguin themed games

    @woldenspoons <25 points>

    25 points for feedback and responses to others

    @kiranamida <10 points>

    10 points for responses

    @sundancer <10 points>

    10 points for responses

    @robert <35 points>

    35 points for responses (25 for first post, 10 for second)

    Haha, Noah floating in the water, facedown with no boat. It hailed a good bit Sunday and now its just raining a lot.

    Ill check out the music tomorrow 😉

    @dawfydd <10 points>

    10 points for the assembly. Best of luck getting the shoulder pads..

    @horati0nosebl0wer <35 points>

    25 points for responses (1st post)

    10 points for response in second post/

    Page 7:

    @sundancer <50 points>

    Tontauns next? 50 points for the finished squad, I love your Legion stuff dude!

    @woldenspoons <10 points>

    10 points for responses to people 😉

    @limburger <25 points>

    25 points for starting a project log. Now make some content! 😉

    @rayzryr <60 points>

    Tell me about your vertigo if you don’t mind as I felt a dizzy spell today and need to compare notes.

    60 points for the finished squad. Some pity (5) mixed in there for the dizzyness and marking snafu (5), but I like em!

    @rayzryr <25 points>

    25 points for feedback to others and responses



    Those do not look like long posts but daaaaamn it took a while to go through that stuff.




    Also I cannot host this weekend, can anyone host?



    Good night everyone! And for anyone who needs their brain turned to poo I found this




    @mage so the best way I can describe it is that it feels like my brain is spinning around in my head. My body is stable, the world is stable around me, but inside my skull… not so much.

    To me it feels different to being dizzy too. Apparently for some it feels like the world is spinning, it can cause nausea and headaches. I don’t get any of that thankfully.

    If you experience dizzy spells repeatedly without explanation it’s worth getting it checked. For me, I woke up one morning and there it was. I wasn’t even out of bed yet and my brain was spinning. Good times!


    @rayzryr I remember that feeling once when I was in the military and I had apparently developed a buildup of material in one of my ears. I barely had any hearing on one side and the docs put hydrogen peroxide in to loosen the material. Weirdest sensation to have that fizz all the way in and chill, because it was producing gas, before it settled and then started the same kind of spin. Because it was one ear it was one direction and there wasn’t any escape until they drained it. It still didn’t give up the clog and they ended up using a loop to drag it out. Freaked me out and ever since I’ve been careful of wearing headphones for long periods and keeping my ears clean.


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons re “found us a virgin”

    @limburger “did a thing” ….  you caved in? 😉

    @rayzryr if you think that has aged badly look at “Final Liberation: Warhammer® Epic 40,000” XD (Available on GOG.)

    And this one, just because nobody can stop me:


    Now after a shower with cleaned ears and everything else…. and not having a mind full of poo from Tetris… I give you more music

    I think it can be firmly established that I was/am a sucker for a techno beat


    Long ago there was a thing called Love Parade in a place called Germany

    Also from Germany came this young lady


    And then this other one that seemed to have a need for speed

    Now some Kool Keith for the dive into hiphop

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