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Hobby Weekender 08/03/19 – Slightly Forward to the 90s

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This topic contains 144 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    @mage I meant to say, I dig the finish you have at the moment on those Minotaurs. Very dark & baroque, fits the sinister undertones of the Minotaurs nicely 🙂

    @sundancer those rebels man. Perfection. Question though – how do the Legion minis clean up? All the pictures I’ve seen make them look like hey are made from the same sort of restic that Privateer Press used to use that could be a sod to work with….

    @robert yeah, as good as Retributor Gold is ai like to try and put down a brown of somesort for the colour to build on 🙂



    @robert <20 points>


    20 points for feedback.


    PM the joke if you want haha but I get by the context what you mean.


    Are you getting hail and snow as per the Met Eireann weather warning too? I got a bit of heavy hail down here for a bit but that’s kinda it. Rained a hella lot last night.


    @dawfydd <10 points>


    10 points for the replies


    Really? Thanks duded that compliment means a lot! J



    1. What do you miss about 90s pop culture? Im trying to make this a tad different to the more 80s themed predecessor thread.

    I was at University in the 90s and got married in the 90s so much happened. Although I believe this period is the golden age of television and films, the 90s weren’t bad at all. The xfiles, adventures of Lois and Clark, friends on TV. The all time great Jurassic Park. Silence of the Lambs. And the music, I was in a grunge band and lived them all, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins etc. Oh and Manchester United.

    2. What was a bad thing about the 90s? Try not to let this one get too political.

    I was struggling to think of anything but was this where GeeDubya sold metal figures with plastic arms? Because that. That is the worst.

    3. Technology Question: What is your opinion on the following mantra with potential dangerous, albeit for the moment mainly theoretical technology: if we can do something, should we do it? Kind of an Isaac Asimov Question.

    Clues in the question. It depends. We can kill all humans! Ooh let’s see what happens!

    4. Technology Question: What piece of technology are you enjoying using or is due to be released soon that you look forward to? This can be anything from an early 90s printer to VR gaming, or anything going off in a tangent.

    My phone. It’s replaced my iPod, my tablet and watch. Plus maps and in some cases it could replace my credit card, torch and laptop.


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd I didn’t have any privateer press models so it’s tough to compare. It’s a relatively hard plastic but not stiff. It cut’s good and the minis always come in parts with no sprues. The only models I could compare them to are Reaper Bones but stiffer and way less bendy. It’s more a hard boardgame miniature then anything soft. And I haven’t removed one mould line on any of my models. There are some there but most of the time they are in places where you don’t notice them.



    Hey all, Sunday night update. Ive skimmed through the last 5 pages… so many posts ?

    Haha, sorry for killing you with words @mage ? I get a little ramble-y sometimes…

    I do have a project for the DA. In fact I wanted to update it tonight and make it public. I put it all together, hit “Publish” and lost the whole thing when BoW timed out during upload. Bah! I’ll try again tomorrow, I can’t be bothered tonight.

    Grunge, like the X-Files, had its time. We enjoyed them while they were around.

    Oh sweet looking Minotaurs!!

    @horati0nosebl0wer that’s a sweet collection of old Epic scale Eldar mechs and vehicles. I’m sure they’ll be awesome when you’re done, despite the difficulty.

    @robert Sabbat? would that be from when GW was “getting into the music business”?? Partnering with bands and giving away singles with White Dwarf?? ??

    I look forward to seeing your take on the DA when you get around to them.


    Cult of Games Member

    Moved my 30 Corp to the workshop today.


    The workshop is opening as a small gaming hall. The grand opening is March 16th at 10am. Anyone near the North somerset area of the UK is welcome to pop down and join us. PM me for more information.

    Going through my collections and moving stuff to the workshop, it amazing what I shoved in a box 10 years ago lol

    Glad I picked this up last year for £5



    Been a tad busy with work guys and gals


    @mage The Minotaurs are coming along well. Let’s see Chaos done just as well in the future since you’re killing it with these guys.

    @sundancer The pain of car repair and the impact its gotta have right now is palpable. We’re here to vent/winge

    @robert Good to get the memory kicked about for BB. I’m playing through the early version before the current developers made the most recent edition. Same game, not as good a graphics, still fun. With the timeframe as it is I think that I won’t have much painted after these Eldar before I move. We’ll see though.

    @woldenspoons Good to have your two cents on the topic. Its a little bit much like Daleks once you got to the technology ethics. Note to self: Don’t give woldenspoons the nuke codes or the Big Red Button.

    @dawfydd I’d say that @sundancer is right about the firmness of plastics. You’re familiar with the capabilities of GW plastic which I think is probably ABS or styrene (likely the former).

    Privateer Press uses, what I think, is a resin/plastic mix in order to get the detail level out of their stuff. The thing is that they have that dreaded plastic/metal mix in some of their kits. It has a little bit of flex but generally more durable that resin if you drop it.

    Reaper is using a nylon base for their Bones line which is slowly getting changed over to the Reaper Black. The new material seems to be the stuff they make their CAV line from judging from the photos and having seen it creep into the line before the official announcement. It looks durable and feels better than the older stuff. I don’t know exactly what it is but it works better as their company (and likely large warehouse) sits in the high Texas heat of summer.

    @tuffyears Egh! More small scale stuff. I give you the thumbs up on the Tanks purchase. It is a fine game for the scale that allows for little need to be careful with camouflage.



    @woldenspoons <50 points>



    1. 25 points. Fine choices across the board.


    2. Tough times man. 5 points.


    3. 5 points, we can, could but should we… should?


    4. 15 points, very practical that 😉




    @rayzryr <15 points>


    Your grand dude haha. Ramble on! Hee hee music references…


    Link when you get the project up?


    15 points for feedback.


    Thanks for the compliments on the Minotaurs.





    Beautiful tanks when did you do those?



    @woldenspoons <25 points>


    25 points for responses to others.


    Thanks for the compliment on the ‘Taurs. Chaos will be next… ish. But I do have a plan for them!



    @horati0nosebl0wer I wouldn’t trust me with them either.


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage around 2009/2010



    @tuffyears <30 points>


    They look great! 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears that box makes great Pink Panthers 😉

    I finished my Rebel Pathfinder and Jyn Erso (well apart from varnish) just in time.


    “Just in time” meaning I’m at 01:20:00 in the XLBS. Now for the rest of the video. After that Mel’s live on youtube…


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger quite the haul! As you say, those Gitz would make great unit champions or just add some variety to the rest of a mob.

    @mage oh dear! Hope you are OK. Finger injuries inevitably take ages to heal properly as you inevitably keep knocking them and opening them up again. Hope you are OK and it wasn’t too deep. Really like the way the Minotaurs are looking – they have almost a dieselpunk feel to them. Buildings were a couple of weeks ago now. Really keen to get some paint on them as I think the designs will look really good once detailed a little but busy focusing on batch painting armies presently. Might give myself a bit of a break after the Middenheim infantry are finished…

    @dawfydd Heh, yes ironic timing on the Sisters. Still those TGG minis will make nice alts for characters or an elite squad. I guess ‘rare’ is relative in a big enough universe and over a long enough timeline and it doesn’t sound like the the project you are considering is thematic rather than over the top. No doubt there is always a space hulk drifting towards a manufacturing world or a hive fleet somewhere, so I can’t imagine a smaller Crusade style force would be difficult to rationalise fluff-wise… Ordering a copy of Shadowspear is erring? … Did you mean to order two? 😛 Seriously, this was probably a smart move. I can see them running out of stock on this one so best to get in early.

    @horati0nosebl0wer Well the Eldar are looking great so far 🙂 Is it inspiring you to do more at smaller scale? I painted my first 10mm’s last week – approached it the same way as I would 28mm’s and they came out way too dark. Was a good learning experience for me – apparently smaller minis need bolder colours and let the wash do all the shading. who knew? 😛

    @robert Scotland V Wales looks like it would have been a great contest – I only saw the highlights. England V Italy? well to paraphrase a mate of mine it wasn’t all one way traffic – they changed directions at half time… Not a fan of internationals where the score blows out like that – I always feel sorry for the players on the receiving end of the onslaught…

    @sundancer really nice work on the Pathfinders. Love the way the drab camo colours have turned out. Great stuff!

    On the hobby front finished the pass of black over my Middenheim force and got the leatherwork on all but 35 of the infantry. Going to set the character models aside and do in detail later. Plan for today (it is a public holiday here today – I think it’s Weasel Stomping day or something similarly important…) so will finish off the leather, then try and do the hair on all the minis and detail some of the leather armour. If I can get that done I might be close to a varnish…

    Have also been stripping a bunch of cheap Ebay minis but some of them had been varnished so the paint is coming off unevenly. Might require a second go with a more concentrated batch of stripper… Also been printing up some warmachines to use the filament on the end of a few spools. Actually quite pleased with the way they have been turning out – Might need to consider a small Artillery School of Nuln force at some stage…


    Cult of Games Member

    So here’s the Ninja Ogre I was sent by @warhammergrimace as part of the Gift of Giving thread on the forums.



    He doesn’t half land with a thump on the table!

    And here’s He-Man from RNEstudio; yep, a little on the pricey side, but the sculpt is pretty amazing. As it was part of a Blood Bowl theme, I expected to have to just live with the spikey shoulder pad. Luckily, it’s supplied separately – so, once assembled with the sword, rather than the football/helmet, he actually looks like He-Man, not just a “look-a-likie proxy”.



    There’s only a few hours of the weekend left, so I’d better get the windows open and get priming 😉

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