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Hobby Weekender 08/03/19 – Slightly Forward to the 90s

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This topic contains 144 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    @limburger They aren’t finished with the reds yet. They need two more highlights.





    @robert <25 points>

    Im planning to see it tomorrow after work but I might be cutting it tight.

    20 points for responses to others.

    I will come back to the music. I have said this to people a few times but it is easier for me to quickly reply and host and then listen to the music.

    Setting one up might be the way.Ill try Sabbat out. White Dwarf freebies are always good and what a song title. 5 points.

    @woldenspoons <10 points>

    Enjoy! 10 points for the pledge.

    @dawfydd <45 points>

    10 points for the pledge. Nice choice of chapters.

    Female Scions are good, what are the novels about? Can you tell us more about the female scions regiment?

    Woo! Postal loot!

    1) 10 points, quirky, haha.

    2) 5 points.

    3) Valid point on risks. 20 points. Global fireball rolls off the tongue nicely but it is a terrifying phrase. Cascade reaction eh? Awful sounding. Cant blaim anyone for not doing it haha.

    4) Do just make sure to label it as number four lol. Easier for me.



    @limburger <65 points>

    > 1. Yes that Is in and around when that happened. Not really an answer to the question though haha.

    > 2. 10 points, valid all the same.

    > 3. 10 for the quote all the same. 20 points for the subject matter, succint and valid.

    > 4. I would agree with VR, it is a Wii esque fad until the technology improves. Maybe if it gets more widespread use and the tech/size/cost/quality improves for the better it might but it could also go the way of 3d movies. 25 points.

    @horati0nosebl0wer <20 points>

    Is that how they are now before restarting them or the work you have done on them since restarting them? They look great.

    20 points for feedback to others.

    Teedybear skins is a barbaric practice we abandoned last week, for goodness sake! In the grim darkness of the far future there are… teddy bears…

    You do have the bones for an interesting book with the concept though.

    Ill come back to the music.




    Show us ze bawks and contents! Points pending.

    @evilstu <70 points>

    Nice bulidings! When did you make these again? So cool!

    I feel your pain in the black with so many models. 50 points. It’s a lot of actual work to be fair.

    Carousel is back with its owner temporarily, but almost done.

    I get your sentiment on band sharing and human connection.

    20 points for feedback to others.

    Okay then, I will be back later.



    @evilstu oh I’m well aware of Raging Heroes – on top of a good chunk of minis from their 2 Toughest Girls in the Galaxy kickstarters (and it was mighty ironic that I began assembling the Sisters literally the day before GW announced they were revamping the whole SoB range >_< ) I have their original Ashara mini around here somewhere in Fantasy & SF flavours, as well as her standard bearing concubines…… what was I saying? Oh, right, yeah, RH have some lovely Guard stand-in minis 🙂

    Don’t know if the Termie squad will lead to more kill-team projects, but I have been thinking of doing an old-school Crusade-style force of Astartes – in the fluff it’s still accepted that massed engagements by Space Marines are fairly rare (which given how much combat they seem to be involved in is mildly terrifying). More relevantly, it is suppose to be rare for Space Marine chapters to engage en masse with things like the Sabbat Worlds or Macharian Crusades. More likely chapters petitioned by the Crusade high command might send anything from a Company down to a single Space Marine. Building something like a Battalion or Brigade-sized force where each squad is from a different Chapter but have a unified campaign badge on their armour appeals….

    @mage – Anarch is the latest Gaunt’s Ghosts novel and follows on from Warmaster as Gaunt adapts to his new role in the Sabbat Crusades hierarchy, and the Ghost’s engage in one of the most brutal engagements that Abnett has written for them. Also Scout Sergeant Oan-fething-Mkoll proves once again he is the Ghost you don’t frak with….

    Honorbound takes place during a seprate Imperial Crusade and follows Commissar Seveirna Raine (she of the Black Library anniversary model) as she fights enemies within and without and against her own past. Quite good…

    No completely female Scion regiments per-se, more that both books have Scions who just happen to be women show up doing the same work as the boys.



    Cult of Games Member

    @mage show things ? that’s too much like work and it’s supposed to be a hobby 😉

    I was thinking about how to do the bases and wanted to get some grit (or whatever the stuff is called you put at the bottom of bird cages). Except I couldn’t find a shop selling the stuff. I think I’ll try a local pet store next week.

    I may start a project just to keep me inspired and going, because I think a minion-inspired gitz army is kind of fun to do.



    Fun and games blocking in the Chapter colours for my Band of Battle Brothers:
    2019-03-09 17.22.13


    @limburger Epic Eldar have been an epic pain. The detail photo I show of one of the Wraith Knights has the checkered white that I masked off with scale wire mesh and airbrushed over. You can see it on the grav tank in the group photo. The bad part was that the white gets lost on the yellow.

    @dawfydd female heads with berets and such you can snag from Statuesque minis. They have three sizes to pull from for scale. If I remember right the largest scale works with GW and maybe into the middle range. I got some and had to figure that I needed the middle and smallest for other ranges. More and more the small scale of Kill Team might just push me to build/paint one or a few for fun.

    I think that limburger’s infernal combustion engine is a good idea on that. Perhaps if the technology were used in an oxygen deficient environment out in space (also for temperature being well below Earth’s) that might work.

    @robert I’m glad you enjoy BB as well for this iteration as well. Looking at the progress of the animation for the games has made me a bigger fan and pushing me to the tabletop again. Thanks for the encouragement on the Eldar.

    @evilstu Yikes! I have thought that the small force I’ve been doing was arduous. You’ve got your hands full. Slaanesh centaurs? I dug about and those were a thing for Realms of Chaos. I think that the Bright Stallions for Eldar in Epic were what got mentioned. As far as the Eldar I have going its just a set of figures that one of my fellow game group members had sitting around unpainted that I thought might be interesting. I have learned my lesson on painting armies that I do not play or scale I prefer. I’ll stay at about my 1/56 range thank you (1/10 busts are a different matter).

    @mage Really? You were cutting yourself just to get to the minis? Egad. The photos are current condition of the figures. Now considering teddybear skins I think that yes that might well be a bit barbaric as Justin has received his death dealing bear, “Bob”. As far as the book In think that the concept has been done a few times in things I’ve seen on DriveThruRPG.


    Cult of Games Member

    Pledges – I received a big lump of lead thanks to the mini-swap on the forums, and – following last weekend’s discussion about the 80s – my resin He-Man arrived this morning; so I reckon a priming/base coating session is imminent. Getting both assembled, primed and base-coated should be feasible over the next few days.

    The 90s?
    At the time, I was a bit… meh about them.
    Sure, I had my first job, bought my first house, did the first relationship thing, but culturally, I felt it was all just a bit of a nothing. In hindsight, I look back and see what a fantastic period it was, but at the time, living through it, it just seemed a bit underwhelming.

    1. Whenever I see the video for 4 Non-Blondes “What’s Up” ( I get really melancholy. It’s a great song. For me, the video sums up the idealism of the 90s – people in grungy clothes, coming out of the hair-and-makeup dressing up period of the 80s, facing real issues, not just singing about getting drunk or laid. Dreadlocks and pierced noses were still quite “edgy”. Maybe it’s my own transition from teen-to-adult during the time that makes me look back on it with greater fondness for it that I had at the time!

    Of course the best thing ever to come out of the 90s is the Wildhearts (
    But there were loads of really good bands around at the time – British “indie rock” bands like WH and Terrorvision (, Skin (, Therapy? (, Extreme ( were really good – hell, even bands like Thunder ( and The Little Angels ( andn Soul Asylum ( were half-decent.

    Of course, bands from the 80s dropped the makeup and actually learned to play their instruments, like Poison ( and Motley Crue, while Pantera ( and Metallica ( really came of age in the early 90s.

    Ska-punk crossover bands like Reel Big Fish ( and Bowling For Soup ( were also pretty cool. And while there were a few so-terrible-they’re-good songs (like Betty Boo – who can forget John Barnes rapping on the theme song to the best ever World Cup in 1990? (

    To this day, I refuse to acknowledge the whole Seattle/grunge scene ever happened. I really never understood the appeal of Nirvana (nor Pearl Jam or Soundgarden)….

    In fact, now I’ve listed all these things, I’m pretty sure that the 90s were bloody awesome!


    2. Do we go with the Iraq War? That’s pretty much a given, right? What about “The Rachel”? I never did fully understand the whole Friends and coffee-culture thing. There was a time where everyone in the UK wanted to be American with that statement-as-an-inflection thing and making verbs out of nouns that has never really gone away. Could I be any more cliched? 😉


    3. IF we can, should we? It’s a tricky one. The engineer in me wants to say “yes” if only to prove it can be done, and possibly even to prove that we absolutely shouldn’t ever do it again. There are some things we really shouldn’t have done – internet advertising, for example. As a resource for learning, the internet was amazing. Then it became an entertainment platform. Then we applied old-fashioned monetising techniques, such as flooding web pages with adverts, to generate money – yes, we *could* turn the internet into an entertainment platform – sometimes I wish we hadn’t.

    4. All that said, I love using the internet. For everything. Maybe I’ve shot my own argument. I love creating things with microcontrollers and pretty much all of my learning has been via the ‘net, since I got my first 386 in around 1996 (after keeping my old ZX Spectrum going long after everyone else had given up on it as a gaming platform, I tinkered and poked all kinds of things into the hardware expansion port for years). I’m loving that bluetooth and wifi lets you connect actual hardware and physical devices to your phones and laptop computers – with advances in things like voice recognition coupled with smartphones becoming ever more powerful, the possibilities for integrating technology – hardware and software – into just about anything, are endless. Which brings us back to question three…..


    Cult of Games Member

    (as an aside – how do you guys get the Youtube videos to embed in your posts?)



    @horat0nosebl0wer funnily enough I was looking over the Statuseque Minis stuff last night 🙂

    So I had some heads from Puppets War’s stock clearance that had one that looks perfect for a female Scion, so gave her a Hotshot Volley Gun  (also replaced the pointing troopers Hotshot Lasgun with a powersword to make the squads Sgt, and put together a comms trooper)

    2019-03-09 18.51.50

    And put the work I wanted into the Knight Preceptor and her Armiger Warglaives – mostly getting the Leather Brown base down for the gold trim to go over, and resetting the black base where the Leadbelcher on the endo-skeleton overspilled. Next step (probably next weekend to be fair) will be Necromancer Cloak for the black armour plates, then washing the whole of each Knight with Nuln Oil, getting the gold trim painted, and then getting the coloured armour plates finished off….

    2019-03-09 18.45.13

    2019-03-09 18.46.02

    Also put some Guilleman Blue on the coils of the Las-Impulsor that seem to have made it “pop” a bit more 🙂



    @binky465 when you get a youtube vid go to the share option and copy the embed code and paste that where you want it in your comment here, like this:


    Cult of Games Member

    @blink465 : I never understood that ‘Friends’ comedy either, although that applies to pretty much all American comedy so *meh*.

    Internet ads were the #1 reason I started using ad-blocker type add-ons.
    However as with anything this is an armsrace, because now sites have begun ‘detecting’ the use of ad-blockers to which my response usually is : nope …




    Hey guys. I’m bleary eyed from working on my Minotaurs and my wrist hurts from painting more or less all day. Pics are to follow but they are really coming along. Time to get some food and then update this



    Okay guys, here are my replies for the third page as well as points for music on the previous pages I get around to. Im going to go radio silent until tomorrow as I will be eating, cleaning up, tidying away my paint station and showering before bed before work early. I may still check in and make the odd post but Im clocking off with my hosting duties.

    Page 3 replies

    @blinky465 <95 points>

    Pledge: 10 points. Cant wait to see He-man. What kinda lead did you get?

    Sounds like you had too much going on in the 90s to stop and take in the flowers.

    1. It is an amazing song to be fair. The lead singer went onto be a gestalt in the production side of the recording industry. I really like the picture you paint: 25 points.

    Them links be showing up as text. As for the 90s, they were indeed quite awesome.

    2. As long as it does not get too political than shoot. I think the 90s can be summed up nicely by the meteoric rise of Starbucks. I think it just became trendy, caught on and embedded into the culture. Statement as an inflection gladly disappeared. Cliched but accurate. 20 points.

    3. 20 points, you really are getting into the nuts and bolts of what Im barking at but succinet answers.

    4. Also 20 points, techie.

    @dawfydd <40 points>

    Good knowledge of the Imperium in your response to @evilstu but how rare is rare in an Imperium that spans so much of the Galaxy that has been around for 10,000 years? Also the Indomtus Crusade was huge with marines and Chapters fighting together under Guilliman had thousands of marines deployed.

    Sounds interesting with the books. 10 points.

    10 points for the block colours on the marines.

    10 points for the conversion.

    Two links appear to not be working right.

    10 points for the Hu video.

    @limburger <10 points>

    Yes, show things, procrastinator. It is a hobby weekender after all 😉

    Do a project, it will be fantastic to see.

    Also have you tried Amazon for the materials for basing you describe?

    10 points for conversaiton

    @horati0nosebl0wer <20 points>

    No, haha, no

    So no work done on them yet since you reopened them? 20 points all the same.

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