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Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!*

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This topic contains 95 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    Sony not going, Bethesda being a bunch of idiots sinking their own ship and Microsoft kinda held back didnt add up to something impressive. I think its more Nintendo’s time and for smaller companies or developers.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’d say E3 has been going downhill for years …

    It is nice to see Cyberpunk being available for preorder on GoG, but I’m still waiting for an actual review of the released version.
    (and I’ve noticed I haven’t actually played ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ since I got it so … maybe big games aren’t my thing anymore ?)

    btw … Holy negative Batreview man :

    I wish I could say they are wrong, but they’re not …
    However I’m not convinced that the ‘Batman miniatures game’ is a good alternative as that is pretty complicated.



    @sundancer is that a kinder egg?


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger I feel the same.. I just don’t invest many hours into video games any more. Last thing I played was A Plague Tale: Innocence ant that was a nice 4 evenings and done.

    @robert two but yes. nearly perfect size for the brewhouse



    I know it’s a bit early, but I am not going to have much time to host for the rest of the week, by the looks of it, so I’m going to call it quits for points and such. Please feel free to carry on the conversation, and I will try and pop in when I can, but things have just gotten in the way. You all know how it is. If I don’t get another chance, thanks for everyone’s participation and I hope I did alright covering this weekender!


    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning everybody.

    I just stumbled upon this KS and wonder if any of you have experience with the manufacturer?



    I saw there is a new Watchdogs game based in London. The first was a surprise treat so very much looking forward to this.



    @sundancer I love when people use everyday items to make terrain!  No idea about that manufacturer, but the Space Goblins are awesome.  Kev Adams has a very distinct style.

    @crazyredcoat thanks for running thread.  You are a natural.  11/10 would buy again!


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons the first one had a rather boring main character with a silly story line that focussed too much on shooting and too little on ‘hacking’. The silly mini games felt out-of-character.
    I had more fun with the sequel.

    And this being Ubisoft it probably will be yet another open world theme park with lots of busywork and minimal story.
    I wonder how many different versions they’re going to do this time.

    Nope … I’m out.



    @limburger I came across Watchdogs relatively recently and it being a playground really hooked me. Plus the impromptu murder tour was unexpected. I’ve not played the 2nd one but if I see it cheap I’m getting it for sure. Especially if it digital trips games again. Spider Robot rocked.

    @crazyredcoat just remember to close the thread on Thursday, give out the awards and make sure @lancors sees it. I elect @sundancer to offer out rewards on your behalf if you need a proxy.



    I second the motion of @sundancer to act as proxy in the event of @crazyredcoat being unable to fulfil his duties.


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons I think the digital trips aren’t in this one, but it’s been a while and I’m not a 100% completionist with these types of games. Horizon:Zero dawn was the only one where I ever came close to ‘almost’ complete.

    The ‘hacking’ mini games are much more fun in the sequel, but you do have to like waterpipe style puzzles.


    Devolver is at it again ( warning : it is a bit bloody )

    If anyone remembers seeing their previous E3 *ahem* presentation :

    2017 :

    2018 :

    This is the 2019 version :


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey Team, just dropping in to say hi 🙂

    @mage thanks again for doing the heavy lifting on hosting duties of late, @crazyredcoat thanks for hosting this week and giving @magge a break 🙂

    Been super-busy with work etc and will remain so for the next few months (Through till mid-September before things normalise a little) so free time has been sporadic at best, Have stolen a bit of time here and there and been putting together a bunch of Perry and Fireforge historicals for a Dogs of War/Bretonnian rank filler/Empire of Mankind force depending on the game system of use. Have also started speedpainting my skaven from the 8th ed WHFB starter box and may also have accidentally a pirate force for WHFB…

    Further to the above, just had a prize land in the post – the new goblin puppy launcher mini for KoW vanguard. Such an awesome sculpt, very full of humour 🙂 Really like the standards that Mantic have been hitting of late. So that will be stashed away for my birthday later in the year.

    Also had my reaper Bones 4 KS land last week. oh my that is a solid chunk of bonesium. The new material seems much denser than the old bonesium. you could do someone serious damage if you were to wield the stygian barge as a blunt instrument (don’t try this at home kids, I’m a professional idiot and am qualified to do all my own stunts). Had picked up 2 of the Roc minis thinking I could convert them into phoenixes for my High Elf army. heh, not sure how that will work, these things are HUGE, easily dwarf a dragon. Wingspan is over a foot – will take photos and post once I get around to assembling one. should be fun to paint though with that big a canvas.

    OK, question response time!

    1. How much, if at all, do artworks influence your hobby? Is there a particular piece in a rule book or just online that made you go out and get an army? Something you saw and thought ‘I need THAT in 28mm!’? Even just a paint scheme influence by a painting or even digital art. Share the art, if you can. – Love good art for art’s sake. It doesn’t necessarily drag me into a game. For example, I think the artwork for Dropzone Commander and Antares is fantastic, but I’m not really interested on jumping in on the games personally. I do find that a simple google search for fantasy images, or checking devaintart for a particular topic, will end up firing ideas for RPG scenarios or wargame missions, ot even scratch built terrain so there is definitely a strong influence of art on the hobby, just not necessarily a ‘marketing’ influence if that makes sense?

    2. What type of hobbyist are you? Collector? Painter? Gamer? We all know the hobby we’re part of is vast with many games and many more minis, so what part is your favourite? Do you like to play casual, competetive, or somewhere in between? Do you spend days getting the paint job just right, or block in colours for a quick battle ready look for the tabletop? – I’m guessing most of us are a mix of the three categories, but I’m probably primarily somewhere between collector (I have a too big pile of shame waiting to be painted – can we add an extra category for ‘acquirer’? Collector sounds sort of more organised, I’m more of a mini hoarder…) and painter (while detail minis are fun I’m at my happiest batch painting 100+ minis at a go). Although I have been getting a few more games in of late now and then – who’d have guessed joining a gaming club would help out on that front?…

    3. What rule would you like to implement in a game, if you had the chance? Any game is fair game, here, but be specific as not all of us know the same games. Who knows, maybe it’ll get someone interested in that game! – Generally happy discussing and implementing things with my gaming opponents (I don’t do tourneys any more so am happy to proceed with common sense or sportsmanship ahead of pure RAW) so we tend to modify thing son the fly or take a pragmatic approach to anything not covered in the rules. I am looking at revisiting and updating the siege rules for WHFB which as far as I can see, were last fully updated circa 2002… There are a few things I think need a little tweaking and some extra rules I’d like to include for sappers, giant monsters etc


    Cult of Games Member

    Quick response runthrough:

    @crazyredcoat Intercessors are looking great!

    @elessar2590 Have just seen my first couple of games of the LOTR SBG played a couple of months ago. really like the look of the rules set, very tactical without being too rules heavy. I can see why people have been playing it unsupported for more than a decade and a half.

    @horati0nosebl0wer maybe read it as ‘Free Heresy (for all)’ instead?

    @sundancer good call on that rule addition 🙂 And nice scratch built terrain piece 🙂

    @robert classic artwork! And I do feel that we need a trigger warning for @warzan whenever someone posts a mushroom terrain piece on the site. With the new GW Gitz and Burrows and Badgers trucking along in the background I do feel that he is a marked man…

    @tuffyears really nice work on your fyreslayers 🙂

    @mage stupid job stealin’ Stormcasts… Great work on the Minotaurs.

    @limburger like your rules additions too 🙂 I sense a common theme…

    @woldenspoons hope you are on the mend by now. Nice progress on the Hellboy stuff.

    Hope everyone’s week is going well!





    And my Hellblasters are finally done. Pain in the butt…



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