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Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!*

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This topic contains 95 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    @mage is having a bit of RnR, so I will be your substitute teacher for this weekender! Everyone respects substitute teachers, right? I hope… Are we all sitting comfortably? Good. Then let’s begin!

    For all those new folks not in the know, this is an open, welcoming thread about all things hobby! Here you will find friendly banter, fine music, excellent company, and all the incentive we can legally provide to get some hobby done. For this week, I shall be the host, there will be points (hopefully), feedback (definitely), music (guaranteed), and damn silly things (because we can).

    First port of call for everyone is the traditional ‘Pledge’. Let us know what hobby you pledge to work on this weekend (and beyond). It can be anything from recolouring to full paint jobs and even just working your way through that pile of sprues in the corner of your room. We know they’re there. 😛 And if you don’t manage to get the pledge done? No harm! Think of this as your own personal support group for your hobby and just get involved. To get us started on the conversations I will pose a few questions. Feel free to answer all of them, some of them, or none; it’s your choice!

    Obviously for all you veterans out there, you know the code, but for the new chaps we have a few simple rules: be supportive, be kind, be respectful. No dickishness, try to keep clear of politics and religion, oh and keep the language a clean as we can…myself included there (I can be bad at times…).

    So welcome back, or come on in for a first visit! The fire’s warm (…or the sun is…or my laptop…) so pull up a chair and let’s get to it!

    The questions!

    1. How much, if at all, do artworks influence your hobby? Is there a particular piece in a rule book or just online that made you go out and get an army? Something you saw and thought ‘I need THAT in 28mm!’? Even just a paint scheme influence by a painting or even digital art. Share the art, if you can.

    2. What type of hobbyist are you? Collector? Painter? Gamer? We all know the hobby we’re part of is vast with many games and many more minis, so what part is your favourite? Do you like to play casual, competetive, or somewhere in between? Do you spend days getting the paint job just right, or block in colours for a quick battle ready look for the tabletop?

    3. What rule would you like to implement in a game, if you had the chance? Any game is fair game, here, but be specific as not all of us know the same games. Who knows, maybe it’ll get someone interested in that game!

    Let’s get this started with a good party song!

    *99.9% Heresy free is basically the same thing…



    For my pledge, I’m going to try and finish off the Intercessors I’ve been working on. Shouldn’t be too hard as I only have some work on the rifles and then the trim and decorations and maybe a few highlights here and there. Here’s the work, thus far:



    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for running the Weekender @crazyredcoat

    Haven’t done one of these in a while but now that it’s Heresy Free and I’ve got a Project for the weekend I’ll jump back in.

    I’ll be working on some LOTR SBG Corsairs that I painted a LOOOOONG time ago.

    I’m doing them for Battle Companies but if I like them I can easily see them becoming a larger force. Now that I’ve got quite the Bits Box of Swords, Crossbows and Tricorns in scale with the LOTR minis I could really have some fun with them.

    Apologies for the pic quality still trying to dial the new phone camera in and these minis are SUPER DARK since they’re from my early painting days when it was just Basecoat then wash – done.


    Then since I plan to have a Wizard in my Battle Company I made this guy


    What!?! What heresy is this “Heresy Free?”. Its like going to a coffee house and ordering a double half-caff decaf with a twist of lemon (LA Story). I gotta wonder about this but I’ll toss on my two cents.

    1. Artwork that inspired me to buy stuff.. I’d say a pinup fan art piece for the Tau. The figure was done a few times as a scratch build and I was going to try my hand at it before I saw that there was a company that actually had it for sale in their Greater Good section.
    2. I am a painting Collector as I’m not engaged with regular games. I seem to get through my Horde of Shame slowly. I say that as I am more apt to paint to high tabletop standards for others who do play. Others are happy, pay me for the work and I lament my clumsy hands when comparing them to the work of world renowned competitors.
    3. A House rule for Lunch Money, a card game of playing as children on the playground beating each other for the eponymous lunch money, is to describe your attacks as vividly as possible when playing cards and insulting your opponents in similar childish fashion. You quickly find out who has the sharpest tongues among your friends.
    Mixed bag on work but its good by me. I’ve got a three day weekend and just got paid. The downside is that work is likely not going to be doing anything for the next two weeks as there’re issues with mining permits where I am. No renewals means no mining that, in turn, means no need for explosives. So, its likely going to be turning into a trip for me to go on a 10 hr trip north to the middle of nowhere North Dakota for time at a camp. Honestly I’d rather take the time to hobby the hell out of it and punch out more on my painting goals for the year and replay Fallout New Vegas that I picked back up.
    Ok, enough of that real life stuff.. hobby time. I’ve gotten my Bloodbowl team primed and I’m waiting for it to cure. I’ve also pulled out some of my project boxes for the painting goals that I know I can show as the display bases are built and awaiting paint. I’m glad for the Spring Clean completion and getting my new place. I’ll be picking up a second DETOLF from IKEA tomorrow with all the things I’ve got planned to show. Eventhough I’m now only hit and miss with posts, until I get a full computer set up, I’m happy to check in on you all.
    @sundancer Hold fast and keep a pun in the oven while I’m out. Underdone humor is a sad thing though sometimes raw is exactly what is needed.
    @mage make sure to keep an eye on that guy. He’s rather tricksy
    @evilstu Where are you Scooby Doo?


    Cult of Games Member

    What? Who are you? Do I know you? Guys, do we know him? What is this!? XD 😉 (Just kidding, all is fine)

    1. How much, if at all, do artworks influence your hobby? Is there a particular piece in a rule book or just online that made you go out and get an army? Something you saw and thought ‘I need THAT in 28mm!’? Even just a paint scheme influence by a painting or even digital art. Share the art, if you can.

    that’s a tougher one than I thought… I can’t really think of any art on boxes or rulebooks that brought me to a place in the hobby… either that or my brain just stopped working.

    2. What type of hobbyist are you? Collector? Painter? Gamer? We all know the hobby we’re part of is vast with many games and many more minis, so what part is your favourite? Do you like to play casual, competitive, or somewhere in between? Do you spend days getting the paint job just right, or block in colours for a quick battle ready look for the tabletop?

    In my early phases (20’ish years ago) I was a builder and part-time-gamer. Today I am a gamer but all I play is SW Legion and all my minis there are painted to a “looks good on the table” standard. I do play a tournament with it when it’s not to far away

    3. What rule would you like to implement in a game, if you had the chance? Any game is fair game, here, but be specific as not all of us know the same games. Who knows, maybe it’ll get someone interested in that game!

    One rule I’d like to have in every game (though some already have it) is the following: “It’s a game. You are supposed to have fun. Don’t get stressed. You want to do house rules? You bought the game, do whatever you like but a) have fun, b) be fair and c) remember, it’s just a game.”

    People raging in and about games… nope, don’t want that.

    Good morning to everybody.


    Cult of Games Member

    1. Art is really cool and I like it, I’ve got a real soft spot for the 40K Imperial Guard. I also base almost all my 3D Terrain on artwork for example this Siege Tower from an Osprey Book which you can get for free Here

    2. I’m a bit of everything but I really enjoy the research/fluff and collecting part of the Hobby. All my armies have a few thousand words of fluff about them, my Space Marines have a Parent Chapter, a Traitor Segment of that Successor Chapter, motivation and they’re in the same system as my Imperial Guard Regiment which is also custom. I like to play campaigns especially Sharp Practice Campaigns and LOTR Battle Companies.

    3. I would like to implement Side Plots into pick up points match games like 40K. These are from Muskets and Tomahawks and include thing like “Truce” where your two sides are technically in a truce and you get some VP’s if the Opponent opens the hostilities or Martyrdom where your Leader has to die in Combat.



    Cult of Games Member

    Oh and I forgot… on the topic of the topic, music!



    Still haven’t broken my painting block so that is on the agenda.  Also one of my sister is a Star Trek nerd, she found two Spaceship kits she bought years and years ago, and some Citadel ninjas and Dwarfs.  If she brings them down to me, I’ll probably do some work on the Star Trek kits.  I get to keep the models if I paint and build the kits!

    1. It is paintings like this that have got me interested in collecting Napoleonics. I could go on for hours and hours about artworks that have inspired me to buy stuff or collect, whether it be the artwork on a box of soldiers, rulebook etc.


    2. At the moment, I would describe myself as a builder, collector and thinker.  When i was a teenager it was mostly gaming, every Friday and Saturday nights and loads of massive games during the holidays.  Now I am mostly building models and terrain, and thinking about history and games.  Need to start putting paint onto minis and getting some games in.  At the moment, my favourite aspect of the hobby is coming up with ideas for terrain and how to use everyday items to make it.

    3. To go completely off topic, I’d love for referees properly enforce the offside law in Rugby Union.  In the Northern Hemisphere, it is ruining the game as defences are coming too dominant and a lot of it comes from teams continuously being offside.

    Regarding the most famous heresy in the hobby… It wasn’t a heresy, it was just bad parenting.  Magnus did nothing wrong.



    @crazyredcoat thanks for starting the thread and the good questions.  I went to a couple of gigs with one of the guitarist in Alestorm years and years ago.  I’d pretty sure that it was him and his mate who got very drunk on homemade mead on the bus down to Dublin!  He also played in Waylander who are from close to me, and I remember him being a nice wee guy.

    @elessar2590 good to have you on board again.  What are the bases with the dimples and lip on them?  Look interesting.  Ospreys books have lovely illustrations, big fan of them as a publisher.

    @horati0nosebl0wer defacing Thomas like that is a heresy!  Glad to see you though.  Hopeful they get the permits sorted so you can blow stuff up and hobby at your new place, rather than having to go on the road.

    @sundancer at your age it is no surprise you can’t remember things XD 🙂  Not listened to Falconer in an age.  Their second album, Chapters From A Vale Forlorn is the bees knees!  Absolutely love it.  Debut album was really good as well  but their third album put me off them.  Must check out their later stuff sometime.





    Cult of Games Member

    @robert those are Rubicon 25mm Bases, one side is lots of small dimples and the other is fewer larger dimples. Apparently they help basing material grip the surface. They’re very cheap, I’ve got hundreds of them just from needing to spend an extra $5 to get free shipping 🙂



    Cult of Games Member

    just picked up a second start collecting  box for my fyerslayers … of to sticky stick them to together



    @elessar2590 Perhaps I have been doing basing wrong all these years as I have never needed anything to help grip basing material!  The hubris that comes out of Rubicon is off putting at times, but they do make fantastic kits.  They aren’t as bad as Shieldwolf for it though.

    @tuffyears tune \m/



    Heresy you say? But I created my own meme about Stormcast Eternals…




    Cult of Games Member

    @mage you speeled “jeerbs” wrong 😉



    @sundancer Derka der!

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