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Hobby Weekender 05/04/19 Weave me a yarn

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This topic contains 97 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  tuffyears 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    @mage I am so sorry, how will you manage? Should we arrange some sort of care package?

    I’ve tried watching some salute coverage but it’s sketchy at best on YouTube.

    For my Havocs I think I have finalised my squad choices to rotor cannon, Las cannon and 2 missile launchers. Great spread of damage adaptable from hordes to hard targets. Mark of slaanesh of course. Just the unit champion to work out now. Much as I’d love a flamer he’d spent too many turns doing nothing.


    Cult of Games Member


    i’m thinking my next purchase will be ether be some abbots or some rapiers.


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert yes it is Peco. bought from the antix model shop a few years ago



    Page 3 replies:

    @woldenspoons <10 rupees>

    10 rupees for response

    I’ve never used coal black is it good? Always seems greenish to me.

    Are those minis in ABS plastic and on a frame or some sort of unicast thing like Prodos had with some of the newer minis.


    10 rupees for responses

    @dawfydd <10 rupees>

    10 rupees for the info. Hm, took a while for the Decepticons to make their own knockoff Dinobots to fight the war eh? I will have my own deskbot today then. I shall check those links after points are given out. Also a local toyshop has twinferno in stock so I am happy with that.

    Ok I lied I checked those links. Some nice stuff! Twinfernos homies are a little pricey. They don’t look very autobot ey do they? Haha!

    @limburger <50 rupees>

    They have a snow and brown mud one too and a granite as well, check out Astrogranite from GW.

    20 rupees for the minion goodness

    1. I think most gamers get bored with a bad or un-engaging story these days. I know I do too. I wasn’t going for gaming outside tabletop with the question. They did make a board game of that, yes. It sounds depressing to me to be honest but that is just me. 10 rupees/

    2. Tell me more about what attracted you to those with that particular aspect. 10 rupees.

    3. Ah a second recommendation for Hellboy. What is Human Interface: Be a better human? 10 rupees.

    Why would it be so rare as to be a KS exclusive ooc?



    Page 3 replies:

    @blinky465 <10 rupees>

    10 rupees for the write up about salute.

    @dawfydd <10 rupees>

    10 rupees for responses

    @robert <15 rupees>

    I do not quite take that amount of drying time with stuff but admire you sticking to your guns with it.

    15 rupees for responses to others



    Page 4:


    I am not sure how, but I will. It is a hard life, like. Save the package for another day! I might get a pizza later though…

    Im outta the loop, why MoS on the Havocs?


    Okay that is me all caught up. Hobby time!


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage : thanks 🙂 I shall look into those alternate textured paints.  I’m not sure about the colour yet, but it should fit the mushrooms that are on some of the bases already.

    Human Interface is a cyberpunk themed dungeon crawler. The first version of this game had metal/resin miniatures, but this second kickstarter had the option for plastic minis.

    I like the idea that the environment itself is interactive. So it’s not just you vs your opponent.
    I believe that this is what is missing in wargames as well. You rarely see npc’s or animals that have their own agenda in (tabletop) games.
    Zombies are a logical choice for such features ’cause their ‘AI’ can be reduced to ‘move towards nearest noise’.
    The Purge in Core space are a bit like zombies, but the fact that there are civillians kind of pushes it into RPG territory.
    If the game itself were to be boring then you’ve got enough material in-the-box to use it for a Firefly style RPG.

    I saw trailer for Shazam, but it didn’t strike me as a movie I’d want to see because it felt it would be a superhero movie mixed with Karate kid. A bit too predictable

    • kid gets bullied
    • kid stops bully
    • kid gets superpowers from creepy dude
    • kid behaves irresponsible with new powers
    • villain appears
    • kid defeats villain by accident
    • villain strikes back
    • kid learns a lesson that with great power comes great responsibility
    • the end

    But hey … that’s me.
    The recent Captain Marvel (which should have been Captain Mar-Vell … ’cause of reasons ?) movie was a bit of a dissappointment as well. It felt like it was only made to explain her return in the new Avenger movie.
    So much missed potential … OTOH … she has the same ‘fish out of water’ theme that Captain America has already, so maybe that’s why it was ignored ?

    I wonder if this time there will be more toys featuring female superheroes …




    unnamed (2)

    unnamed (3)

    Not an exciting update, the Great Unclean One needs a bit of green stuffing to fill in a few gaps and to fix a few bits and pieces, and I got a few more Forgefathers ready.  I’ll probably go over them again to tidy them up more before priming.



    @mage there is slaanesh strategem that let’s you fire twice. Sounds good on my heavy weapons squad.

    Also the Star Saga figures are pre assembled off the sprue colour coded. Blue for the heroes including the forge fathers toys, Red for minions. The bosses vary a bit. Havocs and rhino assembled. No time to do the terminators.

    Coal Black does have a ‘faint’ tinge to it but it really does add texture to black so well. I found it watching the Guerilla Miniature Games new year products of the year, decided to try it and never looked back. Example on Rick’s trousers below.




    I dunno @limburger , I wouldn’t consider any film that breaks the $1 billon mark in under a month one that folks ignored 😉

    Your points ref Shazam are not entirely without merit, but it does mix the formula up and the execution is top notch

    @woldenspoons reminds me I do need to pick up some Coal Black. I want to see how it stacks up against Corvus Black and Necromancer Cloak.

    @mage yeah, the Dinoforce are the real comic relief of Victory, and are played as idiots in a way even Season 3 Grimlock wasn’t. The Monsterbots were a bit frustrating – Hasbro did release them both, but Grotesque was an exclusive that got dumped on a limited number of shops after Toys’R’Us folded as they were  supposed to be sold there, and Repugnus was one of three figures sold as special editions to commemorate the conclusion of the Prime Wars trilogy of lines – a US release of the Takara Blast Off mould for Combiner Wars, Repugnus for Titans Return, and the spy Punch/Counterpunch for Prime Wars. Thankfully all three of those were available at reasonable prices via Amazon US (with competitive shipping rates – even got a refund on one as the duty I paid was too much) whilst a good egg in the TF collecting community brought up a load of the Grotesques at her local store and sent them out for what she paid plus shipping. As it is now the Takara set is the only way to get both easily, but you do end up paying for it. Always dug the idea behind the Monsterbots though, that where The Wreckers are the Autobots “public” commando team, and the Dinobots are shock troops, the Monsterbots are the team so brutal in their methods that officially they are disavowed. Only officially mind  you….


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd I saw those too but I don’t a decent enough tablet to read them on. maybe some other time 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd I was referring how the plot/movie itself didn’t really make a huge deal out of the fact that she didn’t even know she was (spoiler alert!)  human … The theatre was pretty empty when I saw that movie, but that’s N=1 so I don’t know the overall sales in the Netherlands for this one.

    Like I said : it feels like they could have made more out of her first movie.

    Another problem (and one they’ll have to explain in the Avengers) is that we now have a hero who can (spoiler alert!)  destroy star ships without even flinching. It makes everyone else (Thor included) look like wimps. I guess it’s why I don’t like superheroes as a genre, because they rarely get to suffer in any signicant manner so I almost tempted to root for the bad guys …

    And with modern special effects Shazam ought to be good from a technical perspective. OTOH … that didn’t prevent ‘Suicide Squad’ from being a disaster.
    There is nothing that speaks to me on this movie.



    @limburger strange, I’ve seen suicide squad a few times and it seems to get better every time.

    Not sure if I’ve pointed this out here before but Marvel’s current movie is Captain Marvel. Meanwhile DC have Shazam. Now what if I told you Shazam was actually called Captain Marvel? He was forced to change his name after both companies agreed there couldn’t be two Captain Marvel. Kind of obvious who the name went to. Oh and I think the movie looks fantastic.



    @woldenspoons oh the Captain Marvel naming shenanigans get worse than that – the Big Red Cheese wasn’t even a DC character to start with. The character was created by Fawcett Comics in the wake of Supermans success and for a time surpassed DC’s creations by an order of magnitude. He was the first character to make it onto cinema screens, and in one year moved over 14 million comics. DC set the lawyers on Fawcett and they won on appeal. Fawcett cceased publication of Captain Marvel and shuttered a few years later. The Fawcett characters hung around in limbo for a few years, during which Marvel decided they should really trademark the character with their own title in the name so launched their take in the late 60’s, but whereas Fawcett’s character was a young boy who gained power by speaking the name of the wizard Shazam, cosmically empowered Kree soldier Mar-Vell found himself bound to teenager Rick Jones, one of the two finding themselves in the Negative Zone until the other struck their Nega-bands together (sorry, I recently listened to the Character Corner podcasts deep dive into the Captain Marvel characters and they revel in the dickery of Marvel & DC). DC eventually resurrected OG Captain Marvel but Marvel Comics told them to loose the name off the title of the book after a couple of issues. DC have spent most of the last few decades trying to get Shazam to stick as a name, and he’s become one of Geoff Johns pet projects (along with Hawkman & Black Adam).




    That’s because he already fixed Green Lantern and Aquaman. Geoff Johns knows what he is doing.

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