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Hobby Weekender 05/04/19 Weave me a yarn

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This topic contains 97 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  tuffyears 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @mage your wish is my command



    Hm still no cereal yet. Gonna see Shazam with a friend tonight. My treat since I missed their birthday with work and this is what they wanted when I asked them what they wanted as a present.

    Hm. The more I think about it the more I realised I did not answer my own questions. Would that be weird?

    @woldenspoons <55 points>


    1) I have the walking dead already. I got it super cheap at Dungeons and Donuts when they did a boardgame sale a couple of years ago. I really need to get off my butt and start playing stuff. Hm. I have absolutely no plans (well nearly absolutely) on Monday. I might just play with myself. I mean with board games. 15 points.

    2) 15 points. Can you go into more detail about Star Saga as it has piqued my interest.

    3) It counts. 15 points. Maybe I should watch some BoW hellboy videos with the movie coming.

    10 points for the pledge.

    Also are you painting Abaddon in all gold armour or doing the classic colours? Spraying him gold might be tough with getting other colours solid back over the gold undercoat. It might be no harm to practice on an old CSM mini if you have one.

    @dawfydd <20 points>

    Good to have you back! Also clarify that the Dreadnought was part of the Random Act of Kindness, last thing I need is accusations of favouritism 😉 hahaha

    What a coincidence! I havent been to salute this year either. Or ever. God I hate quarter one of any year. So many bills and birthdays for friends and family… Meh eh? Everything ok? Primaris look good. 10 points.

    Also feel free to post up on the Random Act of Kindness thread about how awesome I am too if you feel like it 🙂 Nice conversion on the Dread. DREDD! NO! (yep, refernced a bad Stalone movie there, was gonna provide a link to the video then remembered it might not be food since a room gets torn up so, yeah, pass).

    Sounds like you have a lot on the go and planned with your Primaris. Intersting to read the detail and how involved your thinking is with the project. It is great to see hobbyists with passion 10 more points.

    What is an Asset Drop Recovery box again? Also Haribo grosses me out. Is it like a small lootcrate for paints? I wonder if GW did a lootcrate how it would look.

    Explain Deskbot duties. Love soundwave, he is one of my favourites. Since I got back into collecting transformers I picked up Sinnertwin, Thunderwing, Slag (the Dinobot, unfortunately named btw), a small version of Shockwave, and Quake. Wanna pick up Twinferno and maybe Chromedome and Heardhead before they get rarer and rarer. Also there are some Transformers I need you to help me find the name of as my search fu is week.



    Currently typing this from the floor of my living room… my back has decided to seize up on me today for no apparent reason.  I have been enjoying the Salute coverage though.  Black Seas looks interesting!



    @tuffyears This looks interesting! Im starting to dig Sabaton since @robert started posting their music more and more in these threads. Thanks! 🙂 Tanks? That was unintentional.


    @robert Holy crap are you ok? Do you have painkillers or anti inflammatorys or something?





    @tuffyears <25 points>

    ‘Armoured Tanks of Mass Desctruction’ – no awesomer lyrics have been sung. 15 points. I know the next song Ill listen to to psyche myself up before the pub! 10 points for back in control




    Okay my bowl of cereal is gone and I will watch some Deep Space Nine for a while as I paint my Redemptor Dreadnought. Gentlefolks, I shall see you later this afternoon. Adieu.



    @mage Star Saga is a Warpath (deadzone?) universe based Sci fi dungeon crawler. It comes with some cracking figures and probably some of the best terrain in the market. The ai is handled by the deck if you don’t have a player to do it and it really does run smoothly.

    As for painting Abbadon gold, I was thinking classic scheme with gold cloak. For coverage I would be using, wait for it, Abbadon black, which covers gold juuuuuuuussst fine. Just an initial thought though.

    Currently thinking how I want to equip my terminators and Havocs. If I just go combi bolters and chain axes for the terminators they would be as cheap as terminators go but I would miss out on their new toys like twin claws. Or the heavy flamer. Choices choices.

    The Havocs come with 1 of the new awesome chain cannon things and 2 each of autocannon, Las cannon, missile launcher and heavy bolter. I think common wisdom is to take 4 of the same, yeah geedubya, I see what you did, but I think I’d be tempted to go for a spread. So Las cannon, missile launcher, chain cannon and heavy bolter. Then either flamer or plasma gun for the champion. Any ideas @dawfydd?




    @mage was grand this morning, then was in the shed after lunch working on the Great Unclean One and got up to bring the sword down to the kitchen to use some hot water to straighten it up and I couldn’t straighten up.  I’m not sore lying or that sore sitting but when I stand up I can’t get straight and am walking about with my torso at an angle!  Have put a bit of cold spray on and will get an ice pack on it as well.


    Also you can’t blame me for people listening to Sabaton, they are a band I don’t know or own anything by 🙂  Though someone has been posting Sabaton tracks but I can’t remember who… I did quite like them… Indeed I didn’t know what a sabaton was until I watched a video about armour the other week.


    Cult of Games Member

    Ok my first time making a pledge on the Hobby Weekender.

    My friend (who’s not a tabletop gamer) has been getting into BloodBowl via the computer game. Now he wants to play a game IRL. So my pledge is to get my Skaven team painted over the weekend so I can have a game with him next week.

    Have the first test piece complete and am now batch painting through the rest. Project link here (  and first LineRat shown below. Wish me luck – this might even be the first project I’ve started on BoW that I get completed!




    @blinky465 Hope you had a good day out at Salute, did the wallet survive?

    @mage is that the paint that drys with a crack?

    @woldenspoons I backed the Star Saga KS, but don’t think I have opened the box yet!  I do like the idea of a gold cloak to add something to Abbandon, I’m really not a fan of the Black Legion colour scheme, it just isn’t chaos enough for me!

    @dawfydd hope you get back to yourself soon.  Let’s us know what you think of the paint and the thinning medium when you use them, please.

    @tuffyears How is the tank painting going?




    @robert working on it dude. You take care of that back though

    @woldenspoons yeah, 4x 1 weapon type (especially those Reaper Chaincannons) tagged to Endless Cacophony to shoot again seems to be flavour of the month. I  think GW tried to mitigate that by only putting 1 of those then 2 of everything else in the kit. On the plus side though it should be possible to mix the Havoc and standard CSM kit  At the moment though all I know is that anyone who makes a half-decent Astartes-sized chaingun is looking at easy money 😀

    @mage , which  TF’s are you trying to id?


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd  Long live Starscream! 😉

    @mage Just the starter? I am talking about the Fallout Board game from FFG, not the miniature game from Modiphius 😉 The Board game has only the “New California” expansion and a playmap 😉 So buy the game and off you go. Also, as I have now have “official confirmation” that the new Battletech boxes will get a German translation… I might be tempted… but they wouldn’t tell when it’ll be released.

    @robert I hope you’ll soon get “back” on track 😉 #scnr


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert ok i think


    Cult of Games Member

    and a couple of artistic photos for you all



    @woldenspoons <40 rupees>

    10 rupees for each piece of music

    What kind of models are they? I mean robots, aliens? And what mateiral? I found some of the older Dreadball team models from a few years ago a bit disappointing in restic. 10 rupees for the info.

    A gold cloak? Interesting. Abadon black? Outrageous! Get out!!! Haha only kidding.

    I see you have a predicament with both the quantity of buying for the appropriate weapons and how to arm them. I see a lower back balance in your not too distant future.


    Sucks with your back. Good luck with fixing the sword. Indeed, I cannot blame you with Sabaton.

    @marcuslamb <40 points>

    Welcome and thanks for taking the plunge. 20 rupees for your first post! 

    Awesome your non gamer friend is taking an interest. 10 points for the pledge.

    10 points for the skaven model, love the smooth natural look to the skin and fur and the green armour is just gorgeous.

    Ooooohh a project link

    First project you complete too? Don’t jinx yourself!



    @robert <20 points>

    20 points for responses to others

    Yeah it is kind of like paint mixed with sand and it dries like a crusty cracked earth. GW do a few of them for like mud and snow and some other stuff. And have a less crusty version with a slightly different name too.

    @dawfydd <10 points>

    10 points for feedback to othrs.

    Trying to ID the crappy looking Decepticon? Dinobot style dudes at the 01:02 and 01:07 marks. The guys running through the water with clubs and stuff too.

    @sundancer <20 points>

    10 points for feedback to others

    Ohhhh that’s right there are two different games arent there? 10 points for clarifying.

    German Battletech? Wunderbar!


    Nice tanks! This weekends work eh? And nice artistic photos!

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